def mockup(cls): cls.mockup_attachment1 = join(STUFF_DIR, 'test-image-1.jpg') cls.mockup_attachment2 = join(STUFF_DIR, 'test-image-2.png') admin1 = Admin() = '*****@*****.**' admin1.password = '******' admin1.is_active = True cls.session.add(admin1) client1 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client1.password = '******' client1.is_active = True cls.session.add(client1) client2 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client2.password = '******' client2.is_active = True client2.is_email_verified = True cls.session.add(client2) department1 = TicketDepartment(title='department-1') department2 = TicketDepartment(title='department-2') cls.session.add(department1) cls.session.add(department2) cls.session.commit() cls.mockup_department1_id = cls.mockup_admin1_id = cls.mockup_client1_id = cls.mockup_client2_id =
def mockup(cls): client1 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client1.password = '******' client1.is_active = True cls.session.add(client1) client2 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client2.password = '******' client2.is_active = True cls.session.add(client2) cls.session.commit()
def mockup(cls): cls.mockup_id_card = join(STUFF_DIR, 'test-image-1.jpg') cls.mockup_id_card_secondary = join(STUFF_DIR, 'test-image-2.png') iran = Country(name='Iran', code='ir', phone_prefix=98) tehran_state = State(name='Tehran', country=iran) tehran_city = City(name='Tehran', state=tehran_state) cls.session.add(tehran_city) admin1 = Admin() = '*****@*****.**' admin1.password = '******' admin1.is_active = True cls.session.add(admin1) client1 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client1.password = '******' client1.is_active = True client1.is_email_verified = True client1.evidence.mobile_phone = '+77777777777' client1.evidence.fixed_phone = '+888888888' cls.session.add(client1) cls.session.commit() cls.city1_id = cls.client1_id =
def register(self): email = context.form.get('email') password = context.form.get('password') invitation_code = context.form.get('invitationCode', None) client = Client() if invitation_code is None and settings.membership.invitation_code_required is True: raise HttpBadRequest('Bad invitation code', 'bad-invitation-code') if invitation_code is not None: invitation = Invitation.query.filter(Invitation.code == invitation_code).with_for_update().one_or_none() if invitation is None or invitation.is_active is False: raise HttpBadRequest('Bad invitation code', 'bad-invitation-code') if invitation.unfilled_sits <= 0: raise HttpBadRequest('Fully filled invitation code', 'fully-filled-invitation-code') invitation.filled_sits += 1 client.invitation_code = invitation_code = email client.password = password client.is_active = True DBSession.add(client) return client
def mockup(cls): client1 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client1.password = '******' client1.is_active = True client1.has_second_factor = False cls.session.add(client1) cls.session.commit()
def mockup(cls): client1 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client1.password = '******' client1.is_active = True cls.session.add(client1) client2 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client2.password = '******' client2.is_active = True client2.is_email_verified = True cls.session.add(client2) client3 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client3.password = '******' client3.is_active = True cls.session.add(client3) cls.session.commit() cls.client1_id =
def mockup(cls): admin1 = Admin() = '*****@*****.**' admin1.password = '******' admin1.is_active = True cls.session.add(admin1) client1 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client1.password = '******' client1.is_active = True cls.session.add(client1) cls.session.commit() cls.client1_id =
def mockup(cls): client1 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client1.password = '******' client1.is_active = True client1.is_email_verified = True cls.session.add(client1) cls.session.commit() cls.client1_id = cls.mockup_mobile_phone = '+119954395345' cls.valid_mobile_verification_code = '168875' cls.bad_mobile_verification_code = '101010' cls.mockup_fixed_phone = '+112159409435' cls.valid_fixed_verification_code = '200666' cls.bad_fixed_verification_code = '101010'
def mockup(cls): admin1 = Admin() = '*****@*****.**' admin1.password = '******' admin1.is_active = True cls.session.add(admin1) client1 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client1.password = '******' client1.is_active = True cls.session.add(client1) testnet = Cryptocurrency(symbol='TESTNET3', name='TESTNET3', wallet_id='TESTNET3') rinkeby = Cryptocurrency(symbol='RINKEBY', name='RINKEBY', wallet_id='RINKEBY') cls.session.add(testnet) cls.session.add(rinkeby) cls.session.commit() class MockStexchangeClient(StexchangeClient): def __init__(self, headers=None): super().__init__("", headers) def asset_list(self): return ujson.loads( '[{"name": "RINKEBY", "prec": 8}, {"name": "TESTNET3", "prec": 8}]' ) def balance_query(self, *args, **kwargs): return ujson.loads( '{"TESTNET3": {"available": "9137.8", "freeze": "0"}, "RINKEBY": {"available": "100.65", ' '"freeze": "10.01"}}') stexchange_client._set_instance(MockStexchangeClient())
def mockup(cls): admin1 = Admin() = '*****@*****.**' admin1.password = '******' admin1.is_active = True client1 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client1.password = '******' client1.is_active = True client1.is_email_verified = True client1.is_evidence_verified = True cls.session.add(admin1) cls.session.add(client1) usd = Fiat(symbol='USD', name='USA Dollar') cls.session.add(usd) cls.session.commit() cls.client1_id =
def mockup(cls): client1 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client1.password = '******' client1.is_active = True client1.is_email_verified = True client1.is_evidence_verified = True cls.session.add(client1) irr = Fiat( symbol='IRR', name='Iran Rial', normalization_scale=-5, smallest_unit_scale=-3, ) cls.session.add(irr) # Adding a payment gateway shaparak = PaymentGateway() = "shaparak" shaparak.fiat_symbol = "IRR" shaparak.cashin_min = cashin_min shaparak.cashin_max = cashin_max shaparak.cashin_static_commission = cashin_static_commission shaparak.cashin_commission_rate = cashin_commission_rate shaparak.cashin_max_commission = cashin_max_commission cls.session.add(shaparak) shetab_address_1 = BankCard() shetab_address_1.pan = mockup_card_address shetab_address_1.holder = "Test Tester" shetab_address_1.client = client1 shetab_address_1.fiat_symbol = "IRR" shetab_address_1.is_verified = True cls.session.add(shetab_address_1) cls.session.commit() cls.mockup_client_1_id = cls.mockup_shetab_address_1_id = cls.mockup_payment_gateway_name = class MockStexchangeClient(StexchangeClient): def __init__(self, headers=None): super().__init__("", headers) self.mock_balance = ["0", "0"] def asset_list(self): return ujson.loads('[{"name": "IRR", "prec": 2}]') def balance_update(self, user_id, asset, business, business_id, change, detail): if user_id == cls.mockup_client_1_id and business == 'cashin' and asset == 'IRR': self.mock_balance[0] = '{:.8f}'.format(Decimal(self.mock_balance[0]) + Decimal(change)) return ujson.loads( '{"IRR": {"available": "' + self.mock_balance[0] + '", "freeze": "' + self.mock_balance[1] + '"}}' ) def balance_query(self, *args, **kwargs): return ujson.loads( '{"IRR": {"available": "' + self.mock_balance[0] + '", "freeze": "' + self.mock_balance[1] + '"}}' ) stexchange_client._set_instance(MockStexchangeClient())
with DatabaseManager() as m: m.drop_database() m.create_database() engine = create_engine() session = session_factory(bind=engine, expire_on_commit=True) setup_schema(session) session.commit() session.close() session0 = session_factory(bind=engine, expire_on_commit=True) client1 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client1.password = '******' client1.is_active = True session0.add(client1) fund1 = Fund(currency=Cryptocurrency(name='a', code='b'), client=client1) fund2 = Fund(currency=Cryptocurrency(name='c', code='d'), client=client1) session0.add(fund1) session0.add(fund2) session0.commit() print(fund1) print(fund2) session1 = session_factory(bind=engine, expire_on_commit=True) session2 = session_factory(bind=engine, expire_on_commit=True)
def mockup(cls): client1 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client1.password = '******' client1.is_active = True client1.is_evidence_verified = True cls.session.add(client1) usd = Fiat(symbol='USD', name='USA Dollar', smallest_unit_scale=-1, normalization_scale=0) btc = Cryptocurrency(symbol='BTC', name='Bitcoin', wallet_id='BTC', smallest_unit_scale=-4, normalization_scale=0) btc_usd = Market( name="BTC_USD", base_currency=btc, quote_currency=usd, buy_amount_min=10, buy_amount_max=10000, sell_amount_min=0, sell_amount_max=0, taker_commission_rate="0.4", maker_commission_rate="0.1", ) cls.session.add(btc_usd) cls.session.commit() cls.market1_name = cls.mockup_client_1_id = class MockStexchangeClient(StexchangeClient): def __init__(self, headers=None): super().__init__("", headers) self.mock_balance_btc = ['0', '0'] self.mock_balance_usd = ['15500', '0'] def asset_list(self): return ujson.loads( '[{"name": "BTC", "prec": 8}, {"name": "USD", "prec": 2}]') def market_last(self, market): if market == 'BTC_USD': return '1000.00000000' def balance_update(self, user_id, asset, business, business_id, change, detail): if user_id == cls.mockup_client_1_id and business in [ 'deposit', 'withdraw' ]: (self.mock_balance_btc if asset == 'BTC' else self.mock_balance_usd)[0] += int(change) return ujson.loads('{"btc": {"available": "' + self.mock_balance_btc[0] + '", "freeze": "' + self.mock_balance_btc[1] + '"}, {usd": {"available": "' + self.mock_balance_usd[0] + '", "freeze": "' + self.mock_balance_usd[1] + '"}}') else: raise StexchangeUnknownException("Error updateing balance") def balance_query(self, *args, **kwargs): return ujson.loads('{"btc": {"available": "' + self.mock_balance_btc[0] + '", "freeze": "' + self.mock_balance_btc[1] + '"}, {usd": {"available": "' + self.mock_balance_usd[0] + '", "freeze": "' + self.mock_balance_usd[1] + '"}}') def order_put_limit(self, user_id, market, side, amount, price, taker_fee_rate, maker_fee_rate, source): if Decimal(amount) == Decimal('120'): raise BalanceNotEnoughException(0) return ujson.loads( """{"price": "2", "id": 62, "side": 2, "market": "BTC_USD", "taker_fee": "0.1", "type": 1, "deal_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "0", "maker_fee": "0.1", "source": "abc", "user": 1, "left": "100", "ctime": 1547419213.026914, "mtime": 1547419213.026914, "amount": "100", "deal_money": "0"} """) def order_put_market(self, user_id, market, side, amount, taker_fee_rate, source): if Decimal(amount) == Decimal('120'): raise BalanceNotEnoughException(0) return ujson.loads( """{"price": "0", "id": 63, "side": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "taker_fee": "0.1", "type": 2, "deal_fee": "0.6", "deal_stock": "3", "maker_fee": "0", "source": "cbd", "user": 1, "left": "0e-8", "ctime": 1547419213.029479, "mtime": 1547419213.029483, "amount": "3", "deal_money": "6"}""") def order_pending(self, user_id, market, offset, limit): return ujson.loads( """{"limit": 10, "offset": 0, "total": 1, "records": [{"price": "2", "id": 62, "side": 2, "market": "BTC_USD", "taker_fee": "0.1", "type": 1, "deal_fee": "0.3", "deal_stock": "3", "maker_fee": "0.1", "source": "abc", "user": 1, "left": "97", "ctime": 1547419213.026914, "mtime": 1547419213.029483, "amount": "100", "deal_money": "6"}]}""" ) def order_pending_detail(self, market, order_id): return ujson.loads( """{"price": "2", "id": 62, "side": 2, "market": "BTC_USD", "taker_fee": "0.1", "type": 1, "deal_fee": "0.3", "deal_stock": "3", "maker_fee": "0.1", "source": "abc", "user": 1, "left": "97", "ctime": 1547419213.026914, "mtime": 1547419213.029483, "amount": "100", "deal_money": "6"}""") def order_finished(self, user_id, market, start_time, end_time, offset, limit, side): if market == 'BTC_USD' and user_id == cls.mockup_client_1_id and offset < 18: return ujson.loads( """{"offset": 0, "limit": 20, "records": [{"id": 61, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "6", "ctime": 1547419172.446086, "ftime": 1547419172.446089, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "3", "deal_fee": "0.6"}, {"id": 59, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "6", "ctime": 1547419117.217955, "ftime": 1547419117.217958, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "3", "deal_fee": "0.6"}, {"id": 57, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "6", "ctime": 1547419093.255911, "ftime": 1547419093.255915, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "3", "deal_fee": "0.6"}, {"id": 55, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "6", "ctime": 1547419090.1647, "ftime": 1547419090.164703, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "3", "deal_fee": "0.6"}, {"id": 53, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "6", "ctime": 1547419079.117208, "ftime": 1547419079.117212, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "3", "deal_fee": "0.6"}, {"id": 51, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "2", "ctime": 1547419050.312686, "ftime": 1547419050.312692, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "1", "deal_fee": "0.2"}, {"id": 49, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "2", "ctime": 1547419045.695398, "ftime": 1547419045.695404, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "1", "deal_fee": "0.2"}, {"id": 47, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "2", "ctime": 1547419044.574593, "ftime": 1547419044.574597, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "1", "deal_fee": "0.2"}, {"id": 45, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "2", "ctime": 1547419043.018587, "ftime": 1547419043.018591, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "1", "deal_fee": "0.2"}, {"id": 43, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "88", "ctime": 1547419014.449556, "ftime": 1547419014.44956, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "1", "deal_fee": "8.8"}, {"id": 41, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "88", "ctime": 1547419005.914382, "ftime": 1547419005.914387, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "1", "deal_fee": "8.8"}, {"id": 39, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "88", "ctime": 1547418994.681865, "ftime": 1547418994.681873, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "1", "deal_fee": "8.8"}, {"id": 37, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "88", "ctime": 1547418971.478641, "ftime": 1547418971.478644, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "1", "deal_fee": "8.8"}, {"id": 35, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "176", "ctime": 1547418955.745287, "ftime": 1547418955.745518, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "2", "deal_fee": "17.6"}, {"id": 33, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "264", "ctime": 1547418943.696649, "ftime": 1547418943.697126, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "3", "deal_fee": "26.4"}, {"id": 31, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "264", "ctime": 1547418864.639109, "ftime": 1547418864.639465, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "3", "deal_fee": "26.4"}, {"id": 29, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "264", "ctime": 1547418683.910061, "ftime": 1547418683.910436, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "3", "deal_fee": "26.4"}, {"id": 27, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "264", "ctime": 1547418339.31098, "ftime": 1547418339.311348, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "3", "deal_fee": "26.4"}]}""") raise StexchangeUnknownException() def order_finished_detail(self, order_id): if order_id == 57: return ujson.loads( """{"id": 57, "source": "cbd", "side": 1, "type": 2, "deal_money": "6", "ctime": 1547419093.255911, "ftime": 1547419093.255915, "user": 1, "market": "BTC_USD", "price": "0", "amount": "3", "taker_fee": "0.1", "maker_fee": "0", "deal_stock": "3", "deal_fee": "0.6"}""") raise StexchangeUnknownException() def order_deals(self, order_id, offset, limit): if order_id == 1 and offset == 0: return ujson.loads( """{"offset": 0, "limit": 10, "records": []}""") raise StexchangeUnknownException() def order_cancel(self, user_id, market, order_id): if user_id == cls.mockup_client_1_id and market == 'BTC_USD' and order_id == 1: return ujson.loads( """{"price": "2", "id": 62, "side": 2, "market": "BTC_USD", "taker_fee": "0.1", "type": 1, "deal_fee": "0.3", "deal_stock": "3", "maker_fee": "0.1", "source": "abc", "user": 1, "left": "97", "ctime": 1547419213.026914, "mtime": 1547419213.029483, "amount": "100", "deal_money": "6"}""") raise StexchangeUnknownException() stexchange_client._set_instance(MockStexchangeClient())
def mockup(cls): client1 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client1.password = '******' client1.is_active = True cls.session.add(client1) testnet = Cryptocurrency(symbol='TESTNET3', name='TESTNET3', wallet_id='TESTNET3') rinkeby = Cryptocurrency(symbol='RINKEBY', name='RINKEBY', wallet_id='RINKEBY') rinkeby_testnet = Market( name="TESTNET3_RINKEBY", base_currency=rinkeby, quote_currency=testnet, buy_amount_min=10, buy_amount_max=10000, sell_amount_min=0, sell_amount_max=0, taker_commission_rate="0.4", maker_commission_rate="0.1", ) cls.session.add(rinkeby_testnet) cls.session.commit() cls.mock_client1 = client1 class MockStexchangeClient(StexchangeClient): def __init__(self, headers=None): super().__init__("", headers) def market_last(self, market): return '2.00000000' def market_list(self): return ujson.loads( '[{"name": "TESTNET3_RINKEBY", "stock": "rinkeby", "stock_prec": 8, "money": "testnet3", ' '"fee_prec": 4, "min_amount": "0.00001", "money_prec": 8}] ' ) def market_summary(self, market): return ujson.loads( '[{"name": "TESTNET3_RINKEBY", "bid_amount": "0", "bid_count": 0, "ask_count": 0, ' '"ask_amount":"0"}] ') def market_status(self, market, period): return ujson.loads( '{"low": "2", "period": 86400, "deal": "1622", "high": "88", "last": "2", "open": "88", "close": ' '"2", "volume": "37"} ') def market_status_today(self, market): return ujson.loads( '{"open": "88", "deal": "1622", "high": "88", "last": "2", "low": "2", "volume": "37"}' ) def market_kline(self, market, start, end, interval): return ujson.loads( '[[1547337600, "88", "2", "88", "2", "37", "1622", "TESTNET3RINKEBY"]]' ) def market_deals(self, market, limit, last_id): if market == 'TESTNET3_RINKEBY' and limit == 10 and last_id < 18: return ujson.loads( '[{"id": 27, "time": 1547419172.446089, "price": "2", "amount": "3", "type": "sell"},{"id": 26,' '"time": 1547419117.217958, "price": "2", "amount": "3", "type": "sell"}, {"id": 25, ' '"time": 1547419093.255915, "price": "2", "amount": "3", "type": "sell"}, {"id": 24, ' '"time": 1547419090.164703, "price": "2", "amount": "3", "type": "sell"}, {"id": 23, ' '"time": 1547419079.117212, "price": "2", "amount": "3", "type": "sell"}, {"id": 22, ' '"time": 1547419050.312692, "price": "2", "amount": "1", "type": "sell"}, {"id": 21, ' '"time": 1547419045.695404, "price": "2", "amount": "1", "type": "sell"}, {"id": 20, ' '"time": 1547419044.574597, "price": "2", "amount": "1", "type": "sell"}, {"id": 19, ' '"time": 1547419043.018591, "price": "2", "amount": "1", "type": "sell"}, {"id": 18, ' '"time": 1547419014.44956, "price": "88", "amount": "1", "type": "sell"}]' ) raise StexchangeUnknownException() def market_user_deals(self, user_id, market, offset, limit): if user_id == and market == 'TESTNET3_RINKEBY' and offset == 0 and limit == 10: return ujson.loads( '{"offset": 0, "limit": 10, "records": [{"time": 1547419172.446089, "id": 27, "side": 2, ' '"price": "2", "user": 1, "fee": "0.3", "role": 1, "amount": "3", "deal": "6", ' '"deal_order_id": 61}, {"time": 1547419172.446089, "id": 27, "side": 1, "price": "2", ' '"user": 1, "fee": "0.6", "role": 2, "amount": "3", "deal": "6", "deal_order_id": 60}, ' '{"time": 1547419117.217958, "id": 26, "side": 2, "price": "2", "user": 1, "fee": "0.3", ' '"role": 1, "amount": "3", "deal": "6", "deal_order_id": 59}, {"time": 1547419117.217958, ' '"id": 26, "side": 1, "price": "2", "user": 1, "fee": "0.6", "role": 2, "amount": "3", ' '"deal": "6", "deal_order_id": 58}, {"time": 1547419093.255915, "id": 25, "side": 2, ' '"price": "2", "user": 1, "fee": "0.3", "role": 1, "amount": "3", "deal": "6", ' '"deal_order_id": 57}, {"time": 1547419093.255915, "id": 25, "side": 1, "price": "2", ' '"user": 1, "fee": "0.6", "role": 2, "amount": "3", "deal": "6", "deal_order_id": 56}, ' '{"time": 1547419090.164703, "id": 24, "side": 2, "price": "2", "user": 1, "fee": "0.3", ' '"role": 1, "amount": "3", "deal": "6", "deal_order_id": 55}, {"time": 1547419090.164703, ' '"id": 24, "side": 1, "price": "2", "user": 1, "fee": "0.6", "role": 2, "amount": "3", ' '"deal": "6", "deal_order_id": 54}, {"time": 1547419079.117212, "id": 23, "side": 2, ' '"price": "2", "user": 1, "fee": "0.3", "role": 1, "amount": "3", "deal": "6", ' '"deal_order_id": 53}, {"time": 1547419079.117212, "id": 23, "side": 1, "price": "2", ' '"user": 1, "fee": "0.6", "role": 2, "amount": "3", "deal": "6", "deal_order_id": 52}]} ' ) raise StexchangeUnknownException() def order_book(self, market, side, offset, limit): return ujson.loads( """{"offset": 0, "orders": [], "limit": 10, "total": 0}""") def order_depth(self, market, limit, interval): if market == 'TESTNET3_RINKEBY' and interval == 0: return ujson.loads( """{"asks": [], "bids": [["2", "97"]]}""") raise StexchangeUnknownException() stexchange_client._set_instance(MockStexchangeClient())
def mockup(cls): admin1 = Admin() = '*****@*****.**' admin1.password = '******' admin1.is_active = True cls.session.add(admin1) client1 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client1.password = '******' client1.is_active = True client1.is_email_verified = True client1.is_evidence_verified = True cls.session.add(client1) client2 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client2.password = '******' client2.is_active = True client2.is_email_verified = True client2.is_evidence_verified = True cls.session.add(client2) irr = Fiat( symbol='IRR', name='Iran Rial', ) cls.session.add(irr) # Adding a payment gateway shaparak = PaymentGateway() = "shaparak" shaparak.fiat_symbol = "IRR" shaparak.cashout_min = cashout_min shaparak.cashout_max = cashout_max shaparak.cashout_static_commission = cashout_static_commission shaparak.cashout_commission_rate = cashout_commission_rate shaparak.cashout_max_commission = cashout_max_commission cls.session.add(shaparak) # Mine, verified: sheba_address_1 = BankAccount() sheba_address_1.iban = 'IR123456789123456789123456' sheba_address_1.owner = "Client One" sheba_address_1.client = client1 sheba_address_1.fiat_symbol = "IRR" sheba_address_1.is_verified = True # Mine, unverified: sheba_address_2 = BankAccount() sheba_address_2.iban = 'IR837498056254698443242343' sheba_address_2.owner = "Client One" sheba_address_2.client = client1 sheba_address_2.fiat_symbol = "IRR" sheba_address_2.is_verified = False # Other's, verified: sheba_address_3 = BankAccount() sheba_address_3.iban = 'IR837498056254698443242343' sheba_address_3.owner = "Client Two" sheba_address_3.client = client2 sheba_address_3.fiat_symbol = "IRR" sheba_address_3.is_verified = True for address in [sheba_address_1, sheba_address_2, sheba_address_3]: cls.session.add(address) cls.session.commit() cls.mockup_client_1_id = cls.mockup_sheba_address_verified_id = cls.mockup_sheba_address_unverified_id = cls.mockup_sheba_address_others_id = cls.mockup_payment_gateway_name = class MockStexchangeClient(StexchangeClient): def __init__(self, headers=None): super().__init__("", headers) self.mock_balance = ["3001", "0"] def asset_list(self): return ujson.loads('[{"name": "IRR", "prec": 2}]') def balance_update(self, user_id, asset, business, business_id, change, detail): if user_id == cls.mockup_client_1_id and business in ['cashout', 'cashback'] and asset == 'IRR': self.mock_balance[0] = '{:.8f}'.format(Decimal(change) + Decimal(self.mock_balance[0])) return ujson.loads( '{"IRR": {"available": "' + self.mock_balance[0] + '", "freeze": "' + self.mock_balance[1] + '"}}' ) def balance_query(self, *args, **kwargs): return ujson.loads( '{"IRR": {"available": "' + self.mock_balance[0] + '", "freeze": "' + self.mock_balance[1] + '"}}' ) stexchange_client._set_instance(MockStexchangeClient())
def mockup(cls): client1 = Client() = '*****@*****.**' client1.password = '******' client1.is_active = True client1.is_email_verified = True cls.session.add(client1) cls.session.flush() btc = Cryptocurrency( symbol='BTC', name='Bitcoin', wallet_id='BTC', withdraw_min=withdraw_min, withdraw_max=withdraw_max, withdraw_static_commission=withdraw_static_commission, withdraw_commission_rate=withdraw_commission_rate, withdraw_max_commission=withdraw_max_commission, ) cls.session.add(btc) cls.session.commit() cls.mockup_client_1_id = class MockStexchangeClient(StexchangeClient): def __init__(self, headers=None): super().__init__("", headers) self.mock_balance = ["2200", "0"] def asset_list(self): return ujson.loads('[{"name": "BTC", "prec": 8}]') def balance_update(self, user_id, asset, business, business_id, change, detail): if Decimal(change) < Decimal(0) and Decimal( self.mock_balance[0]) + Decimal(change) < Decimal(0): raise BalanceNotEnoughException(1) if user_id == cls.mockup_client_1_id and business == 'withdraw' and asset == 'BTC': self.mock_balance[0] = '{:.8f}'.format( Decimal(change) + Decimal(self.mock_balance[0])) return ujson.loads('{"BTC": {"available": "' + self.mock_balance[0] + '", "freeze": "' + self.mock_balance[1] + '"}}') def balance_query(self, *args, **kwargs): return ujson.loads('{"BTC": {"available": "' + self.mock_balance[0] + '", "freeze": "' + self.mock_balance[1] + '"}}') stexchange_client._set_instance(MockStexchangeClient()) class MockStawalletClient(StawalletClient): def __init__(self, headers=None): super().__init__("", headers) self.mock_balance = ["0", "0"] # def get_wallets(self): # return [{ # 'id': '1', # 'balance': '1', # 'secret': '1', # 'onchainStatus': '1', # }] def get_invoice(self, wallet_id, invoice_id): if wallet_id == 'BTC' and invoice_id == 1: return ujson.loads(""" { "id" : 1, "wallet" : "BTC", "extra" : null, "user" : "1", "creation" : "2019-03-19T12:11:10.337+03:00", "expiration" : null, "address" : { "id" : 2, "wallet" : "BTC", "address" : "1D6CqUvHtQRXU4TZrrj5j1iofo8f4oXyLj", "active" : true } } """) def get_invoices(self, wallet_id, user_id): if wallet_id == 'BTC' and user_id == 1: return ujson.loads(""" [ { "id" : 1, "wallet" : "BTC", "extra" : null, "user" : "1", "creation" : "2019-03-19T12:11:10.337+03:00", "expiration" : null, "address" : { "id" : 2, "wallet" : "BTC", "address" : "1D6CqUvHtQRXU4TZrrj5j1iofo8f4oXyLj", "active" : true } } ] """) def post_invoice(self, wallet_id, user_id, force=False): if wallet_id == 'BTC' and user_id == 1: if mock_address_usage[ '1D6CqUvHtQRXU4TZrrj5j1iofo8f4oXyLj']: return ujson.loads(""" [ { "id" : 2, "wallet" : "BTC", "extra" : null, "user" : "1", "creation" : "2019-03-19T12:11:10.337+03:00", "expiration" : null, "address" : { "id" : 2, "wallet" : "BTC", "address" : "1AJbsFZ64EpEfS5UAjAfcUG8pH8Jn3rn1F", "active" : true } } ] """) else: raise StawalletHttpException(409, {}) def get_deposits(self, wallet_id, user_id, page=0): if wallet_id == 'BTC' and user_id == 1: if mock_address_usage[ '1D6CqUvHtQRXU4TZrrj5j1iofo8f4oXyLj']: return ujson.loads(""" [{ "id" : 1, "invoice" : { "id" : 1, "wallet" : "BTC", "extra" : null, "user" : "1", "creation" : "2019-03-19T12:38:11.310+03:00", "expiration" : null, "address" : { "id" : 2, "wallet" : "BTC", "address" : "1D6CqUvHtQRXU4TZrrj5j1iofo8f4oXyLj", "active" : true } }, "grossAmount" : 198763, "netAmount" : 198000, "proof" : { "txHash" : "5061556f857e118aae8d948496f61f645e12cf7ca2a107f8e4ae78b535e86dfb", "blockHash" : "000000000000000000188252ee9277e8f60482a91b7f3cc9a4a7fb75ded482a8", "blockHeight" : 562456, "confirmationsLeft" : 0, "confirmationsTrace" : [ ], "link" : "", "extra" : null, "error" : null }, "status" : "ACCEPTED", "extra" : null, "confirmed" : true }]""") else: return ujson.loads("[]") def get_deposit(self, wallet_id, deposit_id): if wallet_id == 'BTC' and deposit_id == 1: if mock_address_usage[ '1D6CqUvHtQRXU4TZrrj5j1iofo8f4oXyLj']: return ujson.loads(""" { "id" : 1, "invoice" : { "id" : 1, "wallet" : "BTC", "extra" : null, "user" : "1", "creation" : "2019-03-19T12:38:11.310+03:00", "expiration" : null, "address" : { "id" : 2, "wallet" : "BTC", "address" : "1D6CqUvHtQRXU4TZrrj5j1iofo8f4oXyLj", "active" : true } }, "grossAmount" : 198763, "netAmount" : 198000, "proof" : { "txHash" : "5061556f857e118aae8d948496f61f645e12cf7ca2a107f8e4ae78b535e86dfb", "blockHash" : "000000000000000000188252ee9277e8f60482a91b7f3cc9a4a7fb75ded482a8", "blockHeight" : 562456, "confirmationsLeft" : 0, "confirmationsTrace" : [ ], "link" : "", "extra" : null, "error" : null }, "status" : "ACCEPTED", "extra" : null, "confirmed" : true }""") def get_withdraws(self, wallet_id, user_id, page=0): if wallet_id == 'BTC' and user_id == 1: return ujson.loads(""" [ { "id" : 1, "businessUid" : "abc-def-gh", "wallet" : "test-btc-wallet", "user" : "1", "target" : "1Mwz1i3MK7AruNFwF3X84FK4qMmpooLtZG", "netAmount" : 65020000, "grossAmount" : 65740000, "estimatedNetworkFee" : 50000, "finalNetworkFee" : null, "type" : "withdraw", "status" : "queued", "txid" : null, "proof" : null, "issuedAt" : "2019-03-20T12:55:46.390+03:00", "paidAt" : null, "trace" : null, "manual" : true } ]""") def get_withdraw(self, wallet_id, withdraw_id): return ujson.loads(""" { "id" : 1, "businessUid" : "abc-def-gh", "wallet" : "test-btc-wallet", "user" : "1", "target" : "2N2sn7skY9ZcDph2ougMdKn9a7tFj9ADhNV", "netAmount" : 65020000, "grossAmount" : 65740000, "estimatedNetworkFee" : 50000, "finalNetworkFee" : null, "type" : "withdraw", "status" : "queued", "txid" : null, "proof" : null, "issuedAt" : "2019-03-20T12:54:44.009+03:00", "paidAt" : null, "trace" : null, "manual" : true }""") def schedule_withdraw(self, wallet_id, user_id, business_uid, is_manual: bool, destination_address, amount_to_be_withdrawed, withdrawal_fee, estimated_network_fee, is_decharge=False): mock_business_uid_usage['abc-def-gh'] = True return ujson.loads("""{ "id" : 2, "businessUid" : "abc-def-gh", "wallet" : "test-btc-wallet", "user" : "1", "target" : "2N2sn7skY9ZcDph2ougMdKn9a7tFj9ADhNV", "netAmount" : 2000, "grossAmount" : 2175, "estimatedNetworkFee" : 0, "finalNetworkFee" : null, "type" : "withdraw", "status" : "queued", "txid" : null, "proof" : null, "issuedAt" : "2019-03-20T12:52:26.948+03:00", "paidAt" : null, "trace" : "2019-03-20T12:52:38.228+03:00 : Issued (automatic)", "manual" : true }""") def edit_withdraw(self, wallet_id, withdraw_id, is_manual: bool): return ujson.loads(""" { "id" : 2, "businessUid" : "abc-def-gh", "wallet" : "test-btc-wallet", "user" : "1", "target" : "2N2sn7skY9ZcDph2ougMdKn9a7tFj9ADhNV", "netAmount" : 93511223, "grossAmount" : 93583223, "estimatedNetworkFee" : 485385, "finalNetworkFee" : null, "type" : "withdraw", "status" : "waiting_manual", "txid" : null, "proof" : null, "issuedAt" : "2019-03-20T12:52:26.948+03:00", "paidAt" : null, "trace" : "2019-03-20T12:52:38.228+03:00 : Issued (automatic)\n2019-03-20T12:53:28.001+03:00 : Change to manual", "manual" : true }""") def resolve_withdraw(self, wallet_id, withdraw_id, final_network_fee, transaction_hash: str): return ujson.loads(""" { "id" : 2, "businessUid" : "abc-def-gh", "wallet" : "test-btc-wallet", "user" : "1", "target" : "2N2sn7skY9ZcDph2ougMdKn9a7tFj9ADhNV", "netAmount" : 93511223, "grossAmount" : 93583223, "estimatedNetworkFee" : 485385, "finalNetworkFee" : 485385, "type" : "withdraw", "status" : "pushed", "txid" : "b6f6991d03df0e2e04dafffcd6bc418aac66049e2cd74b80f14ac86db1e3f0da", "proof" : null, "issuedAt" : "2019-03-20T12:52:26.948+03:00", "paidAt" : "2019-03-20T12:54:08.547+03:00", "trace" : "2019-03-20T12:52:38.228+03:00 : Issued (automatic)\n2019-03-20T12:53:28.001+03:00 : Change to manual\n2019-03-20T12:54:08.547+03:00 : Submit manual withdrawal info", "manual" : null }""") def quote_withdraw(self, wallet_id, user_id, business_uid, destination_address, amount): return ujson.loads( """ { "estimatedNetworkFee" : 0, "hasSufficientWalletBalance" : true, "estimatedSendingTime" : 0, "estimatedReceivingTime" : 0, "errors" : [ ], "addressValid" : """ + str(len(destination_address) >= 30).lower() + """, "networkUp" : true, "sendingManually" : false, "userEligible" : true, "businessUidDuplicated" : """ + str(mock_business_uid_usage['abc-def-gh']).lower() + """, "businessUidValid" : true, "amountValid" : true }""") stawallet_client._set_instance(MockStawalletClient())