def run_benchmarks(files, dark_sample, num_runs): """Run benchmarks using the files given in the arguments Example: "python -d darksample.dat /path/to/data/data*.dat" """ if len(files) == 0: sys.exit('No files found') times = [] for i in range(num_runs): # You can use a command like this to clear the caches, where # `clearcaches` should be a bash script. # subprocess.Popen('clearcaches').wait() start = time.time() reader = io.reader(dark_sample, version=io.FileVersion.VERSION2) dark = image.calculate_average(reader) reader = io.reader(files, version=io.FileVersion.VERSION2) frame_events = image.electron_count(reader, dark, scan_width=40, scan_height=40) end = time.time() times.append(end - start) print('Run ' + str(len(times)) + ': {:0.2f} seconds'.format(times[-1])) print('Number of runs was:', num_runs) print('Average time: {:0.2f} seconds'.format(sum(times) / num_runs))
def main(input_path, output_path, scan_num, threshold): if input_path is None: input_path = Path(f'/mnt/nvmedata1/temp/data_scan{scan_num}.h5') if output_path is None: output_path = Path(f'/mnt/hdd1/data_scan{scan_num}_th{threshold}_electrons.h5') print(output_path) dark0 = np.zeros((576,576)) print('Opening: {}'.format(input_path)) with h5py.File(input_path, 'r') as f0: sReader = stio.reader(f0) print('start counting') t0 = time.time() ee = stim.electron_count(sReader, dark0, number_of_samples=1200, verbose=True, xray_threshold_n_sigma=175, background_threshold_n_sigma=threshold) t1 = time.time() print('total time = {}'.format(t1-t0)) ii = 0 while output_path.exists(): ii += 1 output_path = Path(output_path.stem + '_{:03d}'.format(ii)) print('Saving to {}'.format(output_path)) stio.save_electron_counts(str(output_path), ee)
def main(output_path, scan_num, threshold): if output_path is None: output_path = Path(f'/mnt/hdd1/data_scan{scan_num}_th{threshold}_electrons.h5') scanName = f'data_scan{scan_num}_' # Setup the data drives drives = [] for ii in range(1,5): drives.append( (Path('/mnt/nvmedata{}/'.format(ii)))) print('Looking for files in:') for d in drives: print(d) dark0 = np.zeros((576,576)) iFiles = [] for drive in drives: files = drive.glob(scanName + '*.data') for f in files: iFiles.append(str(f)) iFiles = sorted(iFiles) # Electron count the data sReader = stio.reader(iFiles,stio.FileVersion.VERSION5, backend='thread') print('start counting') t0 = time.time() ee = stim.electron_count(sReader,dark0,number_of_samples=1200, verbose=False,threshold_num_blocks=20, xray_threshold_n_sigma=175, background_threshold_n_sigma=threshold) t1 = time.time() print('total time = {}'.format(t1-t0)) ii = 0 while output_path.exists(): ii += 1 output_path = Path(output_path.stem + '_{:03d}'.format(ii)) print('Saving to {}'.format(output_path)) stio.save_electron_counts(str(output_path), ee)
if args.verbose: print('Number of files = {}'.format(len(iFiles))) # Electron count the data if args.verbose: #print('NOTE: Using file version 4') print(f'backend = {backend}') sReader = stio.reader(iFiles, stio.FileVersion.VERSION5, backend=backend) if args.verbose: print('start counting') t0 = time.time() ee = stim.electron_count(sReader, dark0, gain=gain0, number_of_samples=1200, verbose=args.verbose, threshold_num_blocks=20, xray_threshold_n_sigma=175, background_threshold_n_sigma=threshold) t1 = time.time() full_time = t1 - t0 if args.verbose: print('total time = {}'.format(full_time)) outPath = out_dir / Path('data_scan{}_id0000_electrons.h5'.format(scanNum)) ii = 0 # Test for existence of the file and change name instead of overwriting if outPath.exists(): outPath2 = outPath
def make_stem_hdf5(files, dark_sample, width, height, inner_radius, outer_radius, reader_version, dark_reader_version, save_raw, zip_raw, output): """Make an HDF5 file containing a STEM image Example: "python -d darksample.dat /path/to/data/data*.dat" """ if len(files) == 0: sys.exit('No files found') if reader_version == 1: reader_version = io.FileVersion.VERSION1 elif reader_version == 2: reader_version = io.FileVersion.VERSION2 else: sys.exit('Unknown reader version:', reader_version) if dark_reader_version == 1: dark_reader_version = io.FileVersion.VERSION1 elif dark_reader_version == 2: dark_reader_version = io.FileVersion.VERSION2 else: sys.exit('Unknown dark reader version:', dark_reader_version) scan_dimensions = (width, height) if dark_sample: reader = io.reader(dark_sample, version=dark_reader_version) dark = image.calculate_average(reader) else: # Get the frame dimensions from a block header, and use zeros # for the dark sample. reader = io.reader(files, version=reader_version) frame_dimensions = dark = np.zeros(frame_dimensions) reader = io.reader(files, version=reader_version) data = image.electron_count(reader, dark, scan_dimensions=scan_dimensions) frame_dimensions = data.frame_dimensions inner_radii = [0, inner_radius] outer_radii = [outer_radius, outer_radius] names = ['bright', 'dark'] reader.reset() imgs = image.create_stem_images(reader, inner_radii, outer_radii, scan_dimensions=scan_dimensions) io.save_electron_counts(output, data) io.save_stem_images(output, imgs, names) if save_raw: reader.reset() # In order to avoid two copies of the data, we must allocate # space for the large numpy array first. raw_data = np.zeros((, frame_dimensions[1], frame_dimensions[0]), dtype=np.uint16) # Make sure the frames are sorted in order for block in reader: for i in range(len(block.header.image_numbers)): num = block.header.image_numbers[i] raw_data[num] =[i] io.save_raw_data(output, raw_data, zip_data=zip_raw)
def make_stem_hdf5(files, dark_sample, width, height, inner_radius, outer_radius, reader_version, dark_reader_version, save_raw, zip_raw, output): """Make an HDF5 file containing a STEM image Example: "python -d darksample.dat /path/to/data/data*.dat" """ if len(files) == 0: sys.exit('No files found') if reader_version == 1: reader_version = io.FileVersion.VERSION1 elif reader_version == 2: reader_version = io.FileVersion.VERSION2 else: sys.exit('Unknown reader version:', reader_version) if dark_reader_version == 1: dark_reader_version = io.FileVersion.VERSION1 elif dark_reader_version == 2: dark_reader_version = io.FileVersion.VERSION2 else: sys.exit('Unknown dark reader version:', dark_reader_version) reader = io.reader(dark_sample, version=dark_reader_version) dark = image.calculate_average(reader) reader = io.reader(files, version=reader_version) frame_events = image.electron_count(reader, dark, scan_width=width, scan_height=height) # Read one block in to get the detector frames reader.reset() block = detector_nx = block.header.frame_width detector_ny = block.header.frame_height inner_radii = [0, inner_radius] outer_radii = [outer_radius, outer_radius] names = ['bright', 'dark'] reader.reset() imgs = image.create_stem_images(reader, inner_radii, outer_radii, width=width, height=height) io.save_electron_counts(output, frame_events, width, height, detector_nx, detector_ny) io.save_stem_images(output, imgs, names) if save_raw: reader.reset() blocks = [block for block in reader] raw_data = np.concatenate([ for block in blocks]) io.save_raw_data(output, raw_data, zip_raw)
def main(files, dark_file, center, inner_radii, outer_radii, output_file, generate_sparse): center = center.split(',') if len(center) != 2: msg = 'Center must be of the form: center_x,center_y.' raise click.ClickException(msg) center = tuple(int(x) for x in center) inner_radii = inner_radii.split(',') outer_radii = outer_radii.split(',') if len(inner_radii) != len(outer_radii): msg = 'Number of inner and outer radii must match' raise click.ClickException(msg) inner_radii = [int(x) for x in inner_radii] outer_radii = [int(x) for x in outer_radii] comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() world_size = comm.Get_size() if (world_size > len(files)): if rank == 0: print('Error: number of MPI processes,', world_size, ', exceeds', 'the number of files:', len(files)) return comm.Barrier() start = MPI.Wtime() if dark_file is not None: # Every process will do the dark field reference average for now reader = io.reader(dark_file, version=io.FileVersion.VERSION3) dark = image.calculate_average(reader) else: dark = np.zeros((576, 576)) # Split up the files among processes files = get_files(files) # Create local electron count reader = io.reader(files, version=io.FileVersion.VERSION3) electron_counted_data = image.electron_count(reader, dark, verbose=True) local_frame_events = # Now reduce to root global_frame_events = reduce_to_root_method1(local_frame_events) # global_frame_events = reduce_to_root_method2(local_frame_events) comm.Barrier() end = MPI.Wtime() if rank == 0: print('time: %s' % (end - start)) if rank == 0: # Create new electron counted data with the global frame events data = namedtuple('ElectronCountedData', ['data', 'scan_dimensions', 'frame_dimensions']) = global_frame_events data.scan_dimensions = electron_counted_data.scan_dimensions data.frame_dimensions = electron_counted_data.frame_dimensions # Write out the HDF5 file io.save_electron_counts(output_file, data) if generate_sparse: # Save out the sparse image stem_imgs = image.create_stem_images(data, inner_radii, outer_radii, center=center) for i, img in enumerate(stem_imgs): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 12)) ax.matshow(img) name = 'sparse_stem_image_' + str(i) + '.png' plt.savefig(name, dpi=300)