예제 #1
def coreanalysis(si, sites, filepath, i, coresinsitelist, textfilename, maxerror, cores, maxangler, EWSUM, NSSUM, UDSUM, CoreDmslist, CoreImslist):
    if sites[si] in filepath[i]:
                datafile = open(filepath[i])  # open is used to put a file into memory so it can be read/written to.
                # Finds total number of lines in file
                linestotal = len(datafile.readlines())  # len() gets the length of a list and file.readlines() returns a list of lines in the file, whose length would be the number of lines
                # Puts relevant lines into a lists. For example, lines2list are all of the lines that are
                # like line 2, which give sample name demag step and date.These would be lines 2, 24,46...22n+2.
                # There is always a separation of 22 lines from one test to another, hopefully, since
                # that is the basis for this script to work
                n = 0  # assigns a variable that I used for counting in loops
                lines2list = []  # creates a list with no elements that we will fill with a loop
                for n in range(1, linestotal):  # this loop fills the list. The first condition here tells it when to start and stop
                    if n == 2:  # The first line of its time
                        lines2list.append(linecache.getline(filepath[i], n))  # file.append() adds an element to the end of a list. linecache.getline() takes the specified line in the specified file. The loop is constructed so n is the same as the line number it is on
                    if ((n - 2) % 22) == 0:  # If the remainder is 0, then write the line.
                        lines2list.append(linecache.getline(filepath[i], n))
                    else:  # adds one to n to test the next line.
                        n = n + 1
                # commented this out because we only need lines 2, 14 and 19 of the txtfile
                lines4list =[]
                for n in range(1,linestotal):
                    if n == 4:
                        print linecache.getline(filepath,n)
                    if ((n-4) % 22) == 0:
                        print linecache.getline(filepath,n)
                lines9list =[]
                for n in range(1,linestotal):
                    if n == 9 :
                        print linecache.getline(filepath,n)
                    if ((n-9) % 22) == 0:
                        print linecache.getline(filepath,n)
                lines10list =[]
                for n in range(1,linestotal):
                    if n == 10:
                        print linecache.getline(filepath,n)
                    if ((n-10) % 22) == 0:
                        print linecache.getline(filepath,n)
                lines11list =[]
                for n in range(1,linestotal):
                    if n == 11:
                        print linecache.getline(filepath,n)
                    if ((n-11) % 22) == 0:
                        print linecache.getline(filepath,n)
                # end commented out
                lines13list = []
                for n in range(1, linestotal):
                    if n == 13:
                        lines13list.append(linecache.getline(filepath[i][i], n))
                    if ((n - 13) % 22) == 0:
                        lines13list.append(linecache.getline(filepath[i], n))
                        n = n + 1
                lines14list = []
                for n in range(1, linestotal):
                        if n == 14:
                            lines14list.append(linecache.getline(filepath[i], n))
                        if ((n - 14) % 22) == 0:
                            lines14list.append(linecache.getline(filepath[i], n))
                            n = n + 1
                lines19list = []
                for n in range(1, linestotal):
                    if n == 19:
                        lines19list.append(linecache.getline(filepath[i], n))
                    if ((n - 19) % 22) == 0:
                        lines19list.append(linecache.getline(filepath[i], n))
                        n = n + 1
                # gets number of data points which is also the number of demagsteps (any of the above looped lists would have worked.)
                numdemagsteps = len(lines2list)
                n = 0
                # This section will split the lists into their needed components
                # and then will write the file line by line in a loop
                writefilename = textfilename[i].rstrip("txt") + "dmg"  # creates our filename. It just replaces the .txt with dmg, which I have kept doing to differentiate the two textfiles.
                outputdmg = open(writefilename, "w")  # opens a file named <samplename>.dmg for writing
                columnlabels = ["Sample_Name", " ", "Demag_Step", " ", "Total_Magnitude", " ", "X_avg", " ", "Y_avg", " ", "Z_avg", " ", "Declination", " ", "Inclination", " ", "Date", ' ', "Error", "\n"]  # a list I made of column labels in order to make things more explanatory
                outputdmg.writelines(columnlabels)  # writes the column lables as the first line of the .dmg file. Put a '#' in front of this line to turn it off. <file>.writelines() writes a line that is the argument, in this case a list
                inclination = []
                declination = []
                magnitude = []
                demagsteps = []
                for n in range(1, numdemagsteps):
                    splitlines14 = lines14list[n].split()
                    # each of the linesXlist are a     list with each element as an entire line of text. This takes an individual element of that list (a line) and breaks it up into its components and puts it in a list, in this case ['Modulus',' '.'2.309E-03',' ','A/m',' ','Prec',' ','1.2',' ','0.7%']
                    splitlines19 = lines19list[n].split()        
                    splitlines2 = lines2list[n].split()
                    splitlines13 = lines13list[n].split() 
                    # file without space on line 14 (old file type)
                    if 'E' in splitlines14[2]:
                        # separates out the two digit and one digit precision problem
                        if len(splitlines14) == 6:
                            oneline = [splitlines2[0], " ", splitlines2[2], " ", splitlines14[1] + splitlines14[2].strip('A/m'), " ", splitlines13[1], " ", splitlines13[2], " ", splitlines13[3], " ", splitlines19[1], " ", splitlines19[2], " ", splitlines2[3], " ", splitlines14[5], "\n"]  # Makes a list that is composed of the wanted elements of each of the lines.
                            if float(splitlines14[5].strip('%')) < maxerror:
                                outputdmg.writelines(oneline)  # writes the lines
                                magnitude.append(splitlines14[1] + splitlines14[2].strip('A/m'))
                        if len(splitlines14) == 5: 
                            oneline = [splitlines2[0], " ", splitlines2[2], " ", splitlines14[1] + splitlines14[2].strip('A/m'), " ", splitlines13[1], " ", splitlines13[2], " ", splitlines13[3], " ", splitlines19[1], " ", splitlines19[2], " ", splitlines2[3], " ", splitlines14[4], "\n"]  # Makes a list that is composed of the wanted elements of each of the lines.
                            if float(splitlines14[4].strip('%')) < maxerror:
                                outputdmg.writelines(oneline)  # writes the lines
                                magnitude.append(splitlines14[1] + splitlines14[2].strip('A/m'))
                    # files with space on line 14 (new file type)
                    if 'E' in splitlines14[1]:
                        if len(splitlines14) == 6:
                            oneline = [splitlines2[0], " ", splitlines2[2], " ", splitlines14[1], " ", splitlines13[1], " ", splitlines13[2], " ", splitlines13[3], " ", splitlines19[1], " ", splitlines19[2], " ", splitlines2[3], " ", splitlines14[5], "\n"]  # Makes a list that is composed of the wanted elements of each of the lines.
                            if float(splitlines14[5].strip("%")) < maxerror:
                                outputdmg.writelines(oneline)  # writes the lines
                        if len(splitlines14) == 5:
                            oneline = [splitlines2[0], " ", splitlines2[2], " ", splitlines14[1], " ", splitlines13[1], " ", splitlines13[2], " ", splitlines13[3], " ", splitlines19[1], " ", splitlines19[2], " ", splitlines2[3], " ", splitlines14[4], "\n"]  # Makes a list that is composed of the wanted elements of each of the lines.
                            if float(splitlines14[4].strip("%")) < maxerror:
                                outputdmg.writelines(oneline)  # writes the lines
                    # outputdmg.writelines(linevar[n-2])
                    n = n + 1
                # This section starts the math for each individual core    
                ns = []  # These lists will hold info specific to a core. After going out of the loop their info will be gone
                ew = []
                ud = []
                magslist = []
                # creates the table for the pdf
                # tableline= [demagsteps[foo]+" "+magnitude[foo]+" "+declination[foo]+" "+inclination[foo] for foo in range(0,len(demagsteps))]
                tablelinelist = [[demagsteps[foo], magnitude[foo], declination[foo], inclination[foo] ] for foo in range(0, len(demagsteps))]
                # tablelinelist.insert(0, ['TR', 'Intensity', 'Dec', 'Inc'])
                tablestring = 'TR, Intensity, Dec, Inc \n'
                for foo in range(0, len(tablelinelist)):
                    tablestring = tablestring + ','.join(tablelinelist[foo]) + '\n'
                img = Image.new('RGB', (600, 600), (255, 255, 255))
                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
                offset = 20
                # font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 15)
                usefont = ImageFont.truetype('arial.ttf', 50)
                for foo in range(0, len(tablestring.splitlines())):
                    text = tablestring.splitlines()[foo]
                    draw.text((0, offset), text, fill=(0, 0, 0), font=usefont)  # string goes here
                    offset += 50
                del draw
                img = mpimg.imread('image.png')
                pylab.subplot(2, 2, 4, frameon=False, xticks=[], yticks=[])

                for n in range (0, len(inclination)):  # loop does the math to take inclinations and declinations and turn them into core ns, ew, ud
                    incrad = math.radians(float(inclination[n]))                
                    decrad = math.radians(float(declination[n]))                 
                    mag = float(magnitude[n]) 
                    ns.append(mag * math.cos(decrad) * math.cos(incrad))
                    ew.append(mag * math.cos(incrad) * math.sin(decrad))
                    ud.append(mag * math.sin(incrad))
                declination = [float(foo) for foo in declination]
                inclination = [float(foo) for foo in inclination]
                pylab.subplot(2, 2, 2)
                stereoplot.stereoplot(declination, inclination, textfilename[i])
                pylab.subplot(2, 2, 3)
                normmagslist = [foo * 1 / magslist[0] for foo in magslist]
                pylab.plot(demagsteps, magslist, "-o")
                pylab.plot(demagsteps, normmagslist, "-o")
                pylab.xlabel('Demag Step (mT)')
                pylab.ylabel('Magnitude (A/m)')
                pylab.axhline(linewidth=1, color='k')
                pylab.axvline(linewidth=1, color='k')
                pylab.subplot(2, 2, 1)
                # makes plots
                negew = []  # zeiderfeld plots use negative axis 
                negud = []
                for n in range(0, len(ew)):
                    negew.append(-1 * ew[n])
                    negud.append(-1 * ud[n])   
                pylab.plot(ns, negew, "-o", label='NS vs -EW') + pylab.plot(ns, negud, "-o", label='NS vs -UD')  # actually does the plotting
                pylab.xlabel('-EW and -UD (A/m)')
                pylab.ylabel('NS (A/m)')
                pylab.title('Zijderveld Plot')
                pylab.axhline(linewidth=1, color='k')
                pylab.axvline(linewidth=1, color='k')
                pylab.savefig(cores[i] + "_pack.png")
                addimagepage.addimagepage(cores[i], "_pack.png")
                pylab.plot(ns, negew, "-o", label='NS vs -EW') + pylab.plot(ns, negud, "-o", label='NS vs -UD')  # actually does the plotting
                pylab.xlabel('-EW and -UD (A/m)')
                pylab.ylabel('NS (A/m)')
                pylab.title('Zijderveld Plot')
                pylab.axhline(linewidth=1, color='k')
                pylab.axvline(linewidth=1, color='k')
                labels = ['{0}'.format(foo) for foo in range(len(ns))]
                for label, x, y in zip(labels, ns, negew):
                        xy=(x, y), xytext=(0, 10),
                        textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom')
                for label, x, y in zip(labels, ns, negud):
                        xy=(x, y), xytext=(0, 10),
                        textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom') 
                # Note: do not use i any more!
                # Regression section for simulated/suggested high coercivity pick.
                thetalistew = []  # will hold angles
                thetalistud = []
                # gets slopes of one ns/ew line
                for n in range(1, len(ns)):
                    m = math.atan2((negew[n] - negew[n - 1]), (ns[n] - ns[n - 1]))        
                for n in range(1, len(ns)):
                    m = math.atan2((negud[n] - negud[n - 1]), (ns[n] - ns[n - 1]))         
                listewcoercpicks = []  # holds the coercivity picks
                listudcoercpicks = []
                n = 0       
                lng = len(thetalistew)   
                ewc = []  # These are lists of lists
                udc = []
                #!!! This is where the CPFACTOR used to be. Moved to front to standardize picking. 
                flow = 1
                while flow == 1:
                    print 'There are ' + str(len(thetalistew)) + ' slope segments steps for this core'
                    print 'Enter the number of the segments you want to use'
                    # pylab.show(block=False)
                    pylab.savefig(cores[i] + "Zijderveld.png")
                    # lng = input()            
                    for n in range(0, lng):  # basically, compares the slopes of the lines to see if they are similar. Puts a 1 if similar and 0 if not 
                        cp = []
                        cp2 = []
                        for m in range(0, lng):
                            if thetalistew[n] - maxangler < thetalistew[m] < maxangler + thetalistew[n]:
                        for m in range(0, lng):
                            if thetalistud[n] - maxangler < thetalistud[m] < maxangler + thetalistud[n]:
                        ewc.append(cp)  # appends the cp (and cp2) lists to another list, making a list of list of slopes
                    udcsum = 0
                    ewcsum = 0
                    for n in range(0, len(udc[-1])):  # counts the number of 1's in each of the coercivity pick lists
                        udcsum = udcsum + udc[-1][n]
                        ewcsum = ewcsum + ewc[-1][n]
                    hcoproto = []
                    if udcsum > ewcsum:  # this if/else picks determines if the ew or ud coercivity pick is better by picking the one with the least 1s in it
                        hcoproto = ewc[-1]
                        hcoproto = udc[-1]
                    hcoproto.reverse()  # flips the list order
                    hcoercepicks = [1]  # This makes the last pick always part of the high coercivity component.
                    for n in range(0, len(hcoproto)):  # This fills the list properly, with 0s and then 1s for the high coercivity part
                        if hcoproto[n] == 1:  # just keeps adding 1's until there are none left in hcoproto
                        else:  # fills in the rest with 0s
                            foo = [0] * (len(hcoproto) - n)
                            for j in range(0, len(foo)):
                    # Creates a graph of the high coercivity park based on the hcoercepicks list, same as above
                    nshcoerce = []
                    negewhcoerce = []
                    negudhcoerce = []
                    n = 0
                    for n in range(0, len(hcoercepicks)):
                        if hcoercepicks[n] == 1:
                    zfp = pylab.plot(ns, negew, "-o", label='ns vs negew') + pylab.plot(ns, negud, "-o", label='ns vs negud')
                    for label, x, y in zip(labels, ns, negew):
                            xy=(x, y), xytext=(0, 10),
                            textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom')
                    for label, x, y in zip(labels, ns, negud):
                            xy=(x, y), xytext=(0, 10),
                            textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom') 
                    zfhcp = pylab.figure()    
                    zfhcp = pylab.plot(nshcoerce, negewhcoerce, "-o", label='ns vs negew') + pylab.plot(nshcoerce, negudhcoerce, "-o", label='ns vs negud')
                    labels = [str(foo + lng - len(nshcoerce) + 1) for foo in range(len(ns))]
                    for label, x, y in zip(labels, nshcoerce, negewhcoerce):
                            xy=(x, y), xytext=(0, 10),
                            textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom')
                    for label, x, y in zip(labels, nshcoerce, negudhcoerce):
                            xy=(x, y), xytext=(0, 10),
                            textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom') 
                    pylab.savefig(textfilename[i].strip(".txt") + 'highcoerc' + ".png")
                    print 'Are you satisfied with this as the high coercivity part?'
                    print 'Close the figures and enter y/n'    
                    # pylab.show(block=False)  # Known bug here where the figure is not renumbered correctly if n is said
                    answer = raw_input()  
                    if answer == 'y':
                        flow = 0
                print 'Would you instead like to enter the part to be used as a list?' #accepts input. If anything other than n is put in it will continue
                print 'Close any figures and enter y/n'
                if answer == 'n':
                    print 'Enter the coercivity picks that you want'
                    print 'The current picks are points'
                    print hcoercepicks
                    hcoercepicks =[]
                    for j in range(0,lng):
                        print 'Enter a 1 if you want the ' +str(j)+ 'th position to be high coercivity, and a 0 if not'
                        hcoercepicks.append(input()) #loops through for the input
                    print 'This is the coercivity pick you have entered:'
                    print hcoercepicks
                if answer =='n': #I'm not sure why I have this here, but I am afraid to take it out. 
                    nshcoerce = []
                    negewhcoerce = []
                    negudhcoerce = []
                    for n in range(0,len(hcoercepicks)):
                        if hcoercepicks[n] == 1:
                    zfhcp = pylab.figure()    
                    zfhcp = pylab.plot(nshcoerce,negewhcoerce,"-o") + pylab.plot(nshcoerce,negudhcoerce,"-o")
                    print 'Here is your new plot'                                
                # Find the high coercivity dec and incl
                # create the high coerce arrays
                # this should pretty much all be math, which takes the inputted/calc'd high coercivity component
                # and finds the dm, im etc. of the core
                ewhcoerce = []
                udhcoerce = []
                for n in range(0, len(negewhcoerce)):
                    ewhcoerce.append(-1 * negewhcoerce[n])
                    udhcoerce.append(-1 * negudhcoerce[n]) 
                nshcc = []
                ewhcc = []
                udhcc = [] 
                lng = len(ewhcoerce)
                for n in range(0, len(ewhcoerce)):
                    nshcc.append(nshcoerce[n] - nshcoerce[len(ewhcoerce) - 1])
                    ewhcc.append(ewhcoerce[n] - ewhcoerce[len(ewhcoerce) - 1])
                    udhcc.append(udhcoerce[n] - udhcoerce[len(ewhcoerce) - 1])
                nssum = 0
                ewsum = 0
                udsum = 0
                for n in range(0, lng):
                    nssum = nssum + nshcc[n]
                    ewsum = ewsum + ewhcc[n]
                    udsum = udsum + udhcc[n]
                NSSUM = NSSUM + nssum
                EWSUM = EWSUM + ewsum
                UDSUM = UDSUM + udsum            
                # R = math.sqrt(nssum*nssum+ewsum*ewsum+udsum*udsum)
                # R = math.sqrt(nshcoerce[len(ewhcoerce)-1]*nshcoerce[len(ewhcoerce)-1]+ewhcoerce[len(ewhcoerce)-1]*ewhcoerce[len(ewhcoerce)-1]+udhcoerce[len(ewhcoerce)-1]*udhcoerce[len(ewhcoerce)-1])
                Rns = nshcoerce[0] - nshcoerce[len(ewhcoerce) - 1]
                Rew = ewhcoerce[0] - ewhcoerce[len(ewhcoerce) - 1]
                Rud = udhcoerce[0] - udhcoerce[len(ewhcoerce) - 1]
                R = math.sqrt(Rns ** 2 + Rew ** 2 + Rud ** 2)
                Dm = math.atan2(ewsum / R, nssum / R)
                Im = math.asin(udsum / R)
예제 #2
import pylab
import addimagepage






addimagepage.addimagepage('pdfpage', '.png')'''
import stereoplot
stereoplot.stereoplot([0], [0], 'bork.png')
예제 #3

# draw ellipses
for n in range(0,len(longslist)):
    xy= m(longslist[n],latslist[n])
    w = haversine.haversine(longslist[n]-dmslist[n],latslist[n],longslist[n]+dmslist[n],latslist[n])
    h = haversine.haversine(longslist[n],latslist[n]-dpslist[n],longslist[n],latslist[n]+dpslist[n])
    e = Ellipse(xy, w,h,longslist[n])

for n in range(0,len(sites)):
pylab.title("North Pole Stereographic Projection of "+ sitesstring)
pylab.savefig("Paleoplot of "+sitesstring+".png")

for files in os.listdir("."):
    if files.endswith("zf.pdf") or files.endswith("magnitudeplot.pdf") or files.endswith("stereonet.pdf") or files.endswith("table.pdf"):
for foo in range(0,len(pdftodelete)):
print 'Done'
예제 #4
파일: pdfcreator.py 프로젝트: darvilp/pmag3
def pdfcreator(si, sites, filepath, i, textfilename, maxerror, cores, maxangler, dirpath):
    if sites[si] in filepath[i]:
                datafile = open(filepath[i])  # open is used to put a file into memory so it can be read/written to.
                # Finds total number of lines in file
                # coresinsitelist.append(filepath[i])
                linestotal = len(datafile.readlines())  # len() gets the length of a list and file.readlines() returns a list of lines in the file, whose length would be the number of lines
                # Puts relevant lines into a lists. For example, lines2list are all of the lines that are
                # like line 2, which give sample name demag step and date.These would be lines 2, 24,46...22n+2.
                # There is always a separation of 22 lines from one test to another, hopefully, since
                # that is the basis for this script to work
                n = 0  # assigns a variable that I used for counting in loops
                lines2list = []  # creates a list with no elements that we will fill with a loop
                for n in range(1, linestotal):  # this loop fills the list. The first condition here tells it when to start and stop
                    if n == 2:  # The first line of its time
                        lines2list.append(linecache.getline(filepath[i], n))  # file.append() adds an element to the end of a list. linecache.getline() takes the specified line in the specified file. The loop is constructed so n is the same as the line number it is on
                    if ((n - 2) % 22) == 0:  # If the remainder is 0, then write the line.
                        lines2list.append(linecache.getline(filepath[i], n))
                    else:  # adds one to n to test the next line.
                        n = n + 1
                # commented this out because we only need lines 2, 14 and 19 of the txtfile
                lines13list = []
                for n in range(1, linestotal):
                    if n == 13:
                        lines13list.append(linecache.getline(filepath[i][i], n))
                    if ((n - 13) % 22) == 0:
                        lines13list.append(linecache.getline(filepath[i], n))
                        n = n + 1
                lines14list = []
                for n in range(1, linestotal):
                        if n == 14:
                            lines14list.append(linecache.getline(filepath[i], n))
                        if ((n - 14) % 22) == 0:
                            lines14list.append(linecache.getline(filepath[i], n))
                            n = n + 1
                lines19list = []
                for n in range(1, linestotal):
                    if n == 19:
                        lines19list.append(linecache.getline(filepath[i], n))
                    if ((n - 19) % 22) == 0:
                        lines19list.append(linecache.getline(filepath[i], n))
                        n = n + 1
                # gets number of data points which is also the number of demagsteps (any of the above looped lists would have worked.)
                numdemagsteps = len(lines2list)
                n = 0
                # This section will split the lists into their needed components
                # and then will write the file line by line in a loop
                writefilename = textfilename[i].rstrip("txt") + "dmg"  # creates our filename. It just replaces the .txt with dmg, which I have kept doing to differentiate the two textfiles.
                outputdmg = open(writefilename, "w")  # opens a file named <samplename>.dmg for writing
                columnlabels = ["Sample_Name", " ", "Demag_Step", " ", "Total_Magnitude", " ", "X_avg", " ", "Y_avg", " ", "Z_avg", " ", "Declination", " ", "Inclination", " ", "Date", ' ', "Error", "\n"]  # a list I made of column labels in order to make things more explanatory
                outputdmg.writelines(columnlabels)  # writes the column lables as the first line of the .dmg file. Put a '#' in front of this line to turn it off. <file>.writelines() writes a line that is the argument, in this case a list
                inclination = []
                declination = []
                magnitude = []
                demagsteps = []
                for n in range(1, numdemagsteps):
                    splitlines14 = lines14list[n].split()
                    # each of the linesXlist are a     list with each element as an entire line of text. This takes an individual element of that list (a line) and breaks it up into its components and puts it in a list, in this case ['Modulus',' '.'2.309E-03',' ','A/m',' ','Prec',' ','1.2',' ','0.7%']
                    splitlines19 = lines19list[n].split()        
                    splitlines2 = lines2list[n].split()
                    splitlines13 = lines13list[n].split() 
                    # file without space on line 14 (old file type)
                    if 'E' in splitlines14[2]:
                        # separates out the two digit and one digit precision problem
                        if len(splitlines14) == 6:
                            oneline = [splitlines2[0], " ", splitlines2[2], " ", splitlines14[1] + splitlines14[2].strip('A/m'), " ", splitlines13[1], " ", splitlines13[2], " ", splitlines13[3], " ", splitlines19[1], " ", splitlines19[2], " ", splitlines2[3], " ", splitlines14[5], "\n"]  # Makes a list that is composed of the wanted elements of each of the lines.
                            if float(splitlines14[5].strip('%')) < maxerror:
                                outputdmg.writelines(oneline)  # writes the lines
                                magnitude.append(splitlines14[1] + splitlines14[2].strip('A/m'))
                        if len(splitlines14) == 5: 
                            oneline = [splitlines2[0], " ", splitlines2[2], " ", splitlines14[1] + splitlines14[2].strip('A/m'), " ", splitlines13[1], " ", splitlines13[2], " ", splitlines13[3], " ", splitlines19[1], " ", splitlines19[2], " ", splitlines2[3], " ", splitlines14[4], "\n"]  # Makes a list that is composed of the wanted elements of each of the lines.
                            if float(splitlines14[4].strip('%')) < maxerror:
                                outputdmg.writelines(oneline)  # writes the lines
                                magnitude.append(splitlines14[1] + splitlines14[2].strip('A/m'))
                    # files with space on line 14 (new file type)
                    if 'E' in splitlines14[1]:
                        if len(splitlines14) == 6:
                            oneline = [splitlines2[0], " ", splitlines2[2], " ", splitlines14[1], " ", splitlines13[1], " ", splitlines13[2], " ", splitlines13[3], " ", splitlines19[1], " ", splitlines19[2], " ", splitlines2[3], " ", splitlines14[5], "\n"]  # Makes a list that is composed of the wanted elements of each of the lines.
                            if float(splitlines14[5].strip("%")) < maxerror:
                                outputdmg.writelines(oneline)  # writes the lines
                        if len(splitlines14) == 5:
                            oneline = [splitlines2[0], " ", splitlines2[2], " ", splitlines14[1], " ", splitlines13[1], " ", splitlines13[2], " ", splitlines13[3], " ", splitlines19[1], " ", splitlines19[2], " ", splitlines2[3], " ", splitlines14[4], "\n"]  # Makes a list that is composed of the wanted elements of each of the lines.
                            if float(splitlines14[4].strip("%")) < maxerror:
                                outputdmg.writelines(oneline)  # writes the lines
                    # outputdmg.writelines(linevar[n-2])
                    n = n + 1
                # This section starts the math for each individual core    
                ns = []  # These lists will hold info specific to a core. After going out of the loop their info will be gone
                ew = []
                ud = []
                magslist = []
                # creates the table for the pdf
                # tableline= [demagsteps[foo]+" "+magnitude[foo]+" "+declination[foo]+" "+inclination[foo] for foo in range(0,len(demagsteps))]
                tablelinelist = [[demagsteps[foo], magnitude[foo], declination[foo], inclination[foo] ] for foo in range(0, len(demagsteps))]
                # tablelinelist.insert(0, ['TR', 'Intensity', 'Dec', 'Inc'])
                tablestring = 'TR, Intensity, Dec, Inc \n'
                for foo in range(0, len(tablelinelist)):
                    tablestring = tablestring + ','.join(tablelinelist[foo]) + '\n'
                img = Image.new('RGB', (600, 600), (255, 255, 255))
                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
                offset = 20
                # font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 15)
                usefont = ImageFont.truetype('arial.ttf', 50)
                for foo in range(0, len(tablestring.splitlines())):
                    text = tablestring.splitlines()[foo]
                    draw.text((0, offset), text, fill=(0, 0, 0), font=usefont)  # string goes here
                    offset += 50
                del draw
                img = mpimg.imread('image.png')
                pylab.subplot(2, 2, 4, frameon=False, xticks=[], yticks=[])
                for n in range (0, len(inclination)):  # loop does the math to take inclinations and declinations and turn them into core ns, ew, ud
                    incrad = math.radians(float(inclination[n]))                
                    decrad = math.radians(float(declination[n]))                 
                    mag = float(magnitude[n]) 
                    ns.append(mag * math.cos(decrad) * math.cos(incrad))
                    ew.append(mag * math.cos(incrad) * math.sin(decrad))
                    ud.append(mag * math.sin(incrad))
                declination = [float(foo) for foo in declination]
                inclination = [float(foo) for foo in inclination]
                pylab.subplot(2, 2, 2)
                stereoplot.stereoplot(declination, inclination, textfilename[i])
                pylab.subplot(2, 2, 3)
                normmagslist = [foo * 1 / magslist[0] for foo in magslist]
                pylab.plot(demagsteps, magslist, "-o")
                pylab.plot(demagsteps, normmagslist, "-o")
                pylab.xlabel('Demag Step (mT)')
                pylab.ylabel('Magnitude (A/m)')
                pylab.axhline(linewidth=1, color='k')
                pylab.axvline(linewidth=1, color='k')
                pylab.subplot(2, 2, 1)
                # makes plots
                negew = []  # zeiderfeld plots use negative axis 
                negud = []
                for n in range(0, len(ew)):
                    negew.append(-1 * ew[n])
                    negud.append(-1 * ud[n])   
                pylab.plot(ns, negew, "-o", label='NS vs -EW') + pylab.plot(ns, negud, "-o", label='NS vs -UD')  # actually does the plotting
                pylab.xlabel('-EW and -UD (A/m)')
                pylab.ylabel('NS (A/m)')
                pylab.title('Zijderveld Plot')
                pylab.axhline(linewidth=1, color='k')
                pylab.axvline(linewidth=1, color='k')
                pylab.savefig(cores[i] + "_pack.png")
                addimagepage.addimagepage(cores[i], "_pack.png")