def set_make_conf(prefs, property, add='', remove='', replace='', callback=None): """ Sets a variable in make.conf. If remove: removes elements of <remove> from variable string. If add: adds elements of <add> to variable string. If replace: replaces entire variable string with <replace>. if remove contains the variable name, the whole variable is removed. e.g. set_make_conf('USE', add=['gtk', 'gtk2'], remove=['-gtk', '-gtk2']) e.g. set_make_conf('ACCEPT_KEYWORDS', remove='ACCEPT_KEYWORDS') e.g. set_make_conf('PORTAGE_NICENESS', replace='15') """ dprint("PKGCORE_LIB: set_make_conf()") command = '' file = 'make.conf' if isinstance(add, list): add = ' '.join(add) if isinstance(remove, list): remove = ' '.join(remove) if isinstance(replace, list): replace = ' '.join(replace) config_path = portage_const.USER_CONFIG_PATH if not os.access(portage_const.MAKE_CONF_FILE, os.W_OK): command = (''.join([, ' "python ', prefs.DATA_PATH, ' -d -f ', file ])) command = command + '-p ' + property + ' ' if add != '': command = command + "-a '" + add + "' '" if remove != '': command = command + "-r '" + remove + "'" command = command + '"' dprint(" * PKGCORE_LIB: set_make_conf(); command = " + command) if not callback: callback = reload_portage app = SimpleTerminal(command, False, dprint_output='SET_MAKE_CONF CHILD APP: ', callback=Dispatcher(callback)) app._run() else: add = add.split() remove = remove.split() set_config.set_make_conf(property, add, remove, replace) if callback: callback() else: reload_portage() # This is slow, but otherwise portage doesn't notice the change. #reload_portage() # Note: could perhaps just update portage.settings. # portage.settings.pmaskdict, punmaskdict, pkeywordsdict, pusedict # or portage.portdb.mysettings ? return True
def set_user_config(prefs, file, name='', ebuild='', add='', remove='', callback=None): """ Adds <name> or '=' + <ebuild> to <file> with flags <add>. If an existing entry is found, items in <remove> are removed and <add> is added. If <name> and <ebuild> are not given then lines starting with something in remove are removed, and items in <add> are added as new lines. """ dprint("PKGCORE_LIB: set_user_config()") command = '' maskfiles = ['package.mask', 'package.unmask'] otherfiles = ['package.use', 'package.keywords'] package_files = otherfiles + maskfiles if file not in package_files: dprint(" * PKGCORE_LIB: set_user_config(); unsupported config file '" + file + "'") return False if isinstance(add, list): add = ' '.join(add) if isinstance(remove, list): remove = ' '.join(remove) config_path = portage_const.USER_CONFIG_PATH if not os.access(config_path, os.W_OK): commandlist = [, '"python', prefs.DATA_PATH + ' -d -f %s' %file] if name != '': commandlist.append('-n '+ name) if ebuild != '': commandlist.append('-e ' + ebuild) if add != '': items = add.split() for item in items: commandlist.append('-a ' + item) if remove != '': items = remove.split() for item in items: commandlist.append('-r ' + item) command = ' '.join(commandlist) + '"' dprint(" * PKGCORE_LIB: set_user_config(); command = "+ command ) if not callback: callback = reload_portage app = SimpleTerminal(command, False, dprint_output='SET_USER_CONFIG CHILD APP: ', callback=Dispatcher(callback)) app._run() else: add = add.split() remove = remove.split() set_config.set_user_config(file, name, ebuild, add, remove) if callback: callback() else: reload_portage() # This is slow, but otherwise portage doesn't notice the change. #reload_portage() # Note: could perhaps just update portage.settings. # portage.settings.pmaskdict, punmaskdict, pkeywordsdict, pusedict # or portage.portdb.mysettings ? return True
def get_system_list(self, emptytree=False): utils.debug.dprint( "READERS: UpgradableListReader; getting system package list") if emptytree: self.terminal = SimpleTerminal(self.system_cmd, need_output=True, dprint_output='', callback=None) self.terminal._run() utils.debug.dprint( "READERS: UpgradableListReader; waiting for an 'emerge -ep system'..." ) while self.terminal.reader.process_running: time.sleep(0.10) self.categories["System"] = self.make_list( self.terminal.reader.string) else: self.categories["System"] = backends.portage_lib.get_system_pkgs() self.progress = 2 utils.debug.dprint( "READERS: UpgradableListReader; new system pkg list %s" % str(self.categories["System"]))
class UpgradableListReader(CommonReader): """ Read available upgrades and store them in a tuple """ def __init__(self, installed, upgrade_only, view_prefs): """ Initialize """ CommonReader.__init__(self) self.installed_items = installed self.upgrade_only = upgrade_only = [] self.view_prefs = view_prefs # hack for statusbar updates self.progress = 1 # beginnings of multiple listings for packages in priority order # lists could be passed into the function and result in the following # eg self.categories = ["Tool Chain", "System", "User list", "World", "Dependencies"] self.cat_order = [ "Tool Chain", "System", "User list1", "World", "Dependencies" ] self.categories = { "Tool Chain": None, "System": None, "World": "World", "User list1": None, "Dependencies": "Dependencies" } self.upgradables = {} self.pkg_count = {} for key in self.categories: self.upgradables[key] = {} self.pkg_count[key] = 0 self.count = 0 # command lifted fom emwrap and self.system_cmd = "emerge -ep --nocolor --nospinner system | cut -s -f2 -d ']'| cut -f1 -d '[' | sed 's/^[ ]\+//' | sed 's/[ ].*$//'" def run(self): """fill upgrade tree""" utils.debug.dprint( "READERS: UpgradableListReader(); process id = %d *******************" % os.getpid()) self.get_system_list() #upgradeflag = self.upgrade_only and True or False # find upgradable packages for cat, packages in self.installed_items: for name, package in list(packages.items()): self.count += 1 if self.cancelled: self.done = True return upgradable = package.is_upgradable() # if upgradable: # is_upgradable() = 1 for upgrade, -1 for downgrade if upgradable == 1 or (not self.upgrade_only and upgradable == -1): for key in self.cat_order: if package.in_list(self.categories[key]): self.upgradables[key][package.full_name] = package self.pkg_count[key] += 1 break self.upgrade_total = 0 for key in self.pkg_count: self.upgrade_total += self.pkg_count[key] if self.upgradables[key] == {}: pkg = backends.portage_lib.Package(_("None")) self.upgradables[key][_("None")] = pkg # set the thread as finished self.done = True return def get_system_list(self, emptytree=False): utils.debug.dprint( "READERS: UpgradableListReader; getting system package list") if emptytree: self.terminal = SimpleTerminal(self.system_cmd, need_output=True, dprint_output='', callback=None) self.terminal._run() utils.debug.dprint( "READERS: UpgradableListReader; waiting for an 'emerge -ep system'..." ) while self.terminal.reader.process_running: time.sleep(0.10) self.categories["System"] = self.make_list( self.terminal.reader.string) else: self.categories["System"] = backends.portage_lib.get_system_pkgs() self.progress = 2 utils.debug.dprint( "READERS: UpgradableListReader; new system pkg list %s" % str(self.categories["System"])) def make_list(self, from_string): """parse terminal output and return a list""" list1 = from_string.split('\n') list2 = [] for pkg in list1: list2.append(backends.portage_lib.get_full_name(pkg.rstrip("\r"))) return list2 def get_sets(self): """Get any package lists stored in the /etc/portage/sets directory