class TestSimulator(object): @classmethod def setup_class(self): self.N = 1024 self.mean = 0.5 self.dt = 0.125 self.rms = 1.0 self.simulator = Simulator(N=self.N, mean=self.mean, dt=self.dt, rms=self.rms) self.simulator_odd = Simulator(N=self.N + 1, mean=self.mean, dt=self.dt, rms=self.rms) def calculate_lag(self, lc, h, delay): """ Class method to calculate lag between two light curves. """ s = lc.counts output = self.simulator.simulate(s, h, 'same')[delay:] s = s[delay:] time = lc.time[delay:] output = output.counts lc1 = Lightcurve(time, s) lc2 = Lightcurve(time, output) cross = Crossspectrum(lc1, lc2) cross = cross.rebin(0.0075) return np.angle(cross.power) / (2 * np.pi * cross.freq) def test_simulate_with_seed(self): """ Simulate with a random seed value. """ self.simulator = Simulator(N=self.N, mean=self.mean, dt=self.dt, rms=self.rms, random_state=12) assert len(self.simulator.simulate(2).counts), self.N def test_simulate_with_tstart(self): """ Simulate with a random seed value. """ tstart = 10.0 self.simulator = Simulator(N=self.N, mean=self.mean, dt=self.dt, rms=self.rms, tstart=tstart) assert self.simulator.time[0] == tstart def test_simulate_with_random_state(self): self.simulator = Simulator(N=self.N, mean=self.mean, dt=self.dt, rms=self.rms, random_state=np.random.RandomState(12)) def test_simulate_with_incorrect_arguments(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): self.simulator.simulate(1, 2, 3, 4) def test_simulate_channel(self): """ Simulate an energy channel. """ self.simulator.simulate_channel('3.5-4.5', 'generalized_lorentzian', [1, 2, 3, 4]) self.simulator.delete_channel('3.5-4.5') def test_simulate_channel_odd(self): """ Simulate an energy channel. """ self.simulator_odd.simulate_channel('3.5-4.5', 'generalized_lorentzian', [1, 2, 3, 4]) self.simulator_odd.delete_channel('3.5-4.5') def test_incorrect_simulate_channel(self): """Test simulating a channel that already exists.""" self.simulator.simulate_channel('3.5-4.5', 2) with pytest.raises(KeyError): self.simulator.simulate_channel('3.5-4.5', 2) self.simulator.delete_channel('3.5-4.5') def test_get_channel(self): """ Retrieve an energy channel after it has been simulated. """ self.simulator.simulate_channel('3.5-4.5', 2) lc = self.simulator.get_channel('3.5-4.5') self.simulator.delete_channel('3.5-4.5') def test_get_channels(self): """ Retrieve multiple energy channel after it has been simulated. """ self.simulator.simulate_channel('3.5-4.5', 2) self.simulator.simulate_channel('4.5-5.5', 'smoothbknpo', [1, 2, 3, 4]) lc = self.simulator.get_channels(['3.5-4.5', '4.5-5.5']) self.simulator.delete_channels(['3.5-4.5', '4.5-5.5']) def test_get_all_channels(self): """ Retrieve all energy channels. """ self.simulator.simulate_channel('3.5-4.5', 2) self.simulator.simulate_channel('4.5-5.5', 1) lc = self.simulator.get_all_channels() self.simulator.delete_channels(['3.5-4.5', '4.5-5.5']) def test_count_channels(self): """ Count energy channels after they have been simulated. """ self.simulator.simulate_channel('3.5-4.5', 2) self.simulator.simulate_channel('4.5-5.5', 1) assert self.simulator.count_channels() == 2 self.simulator.delete_channels(['3.5-4.5', '4.5-5.5']) def test_delete_incorrect_channel(self): """ Test if deleting incorrect channel raises a keyerror exception. """ with pytest.raises(KeyError): self.simulator.delete_channel('3.5-4.5') def test_delete_incorrect_channels(self): """ Test if deleting incorrect channels raises a keyerror exception. """ with pytest.raises(KeyError): self.simulator.delete_channels(['3.5-4.5', '4.5-5.5']) def test_init_failure_with_noninteger_N(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): simulator = Simulator(N=1024.5, mean=self.mean, rms=self.rms, dt=self.dt) def test_init_fails_if_arguments_missing(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError): simulator = Simulator() @pytest.mark.parametrize("model_kind", ["astropy", "array", "float"]) def test_rms_and_mean(self, model_kind): np.random.seed(103442357) nbins = 8192 dt = 1 / 128 mean = 100 rms = 0.2 nsim = 128 astropy_model = astropy.modeling.models.PowerLaw1D(alpha=2) if model_kind == "astropy": model = astropy_model elif model_kind == "array": freq_fine = np.fft.rfftfreq(nbins, d=dt)[1:] model = astropy_model(freq_fine) elif model_kind == "float": model = 2.0 lc_all = [self.simulator.simulate(model) for i in range(nsim)] mean_all = np.mean([np.mean(lc.counts) for lc in lc_all]) std_all = np.mean([np.std(lc.counts) for lc in lc_all]) assert np.isclose(mean_all, self.mean, rtol=0.001) assert np.isclose(std_all / mean_all, self.rms, rtol=0.001) pds_all = [Powerspectrum(lc_all[i]) for i in range(nsim)] pds = pds_all[0] model_compare = (mc := astropy_model( pds.freq)) / (np.sum(mc) * pds.df) * rms**2 ratios = [pds.power / model_compare for pds in pds_all] assert np.all([np.mean(rat) / (np.std(rat) * 3) < 1 for rat in ratios]) def test_rms_zero_mean(self): nsim = 1000 mean = 0.0 sim = Simulator(dt=self.dt, N=self.N, rms=self.rms, mean=mean) lc_all = [sim.simulate(-2.0) for i in range(nsim)] mean_all = np.mean([np.mean(lc.counts) for lc in lc_all]) std_all = np.mean([np.std(lc.counts) for lc in lc_all]) assert np.isclose(mean_all, mean, rtol=0.1) assert np.isclose(std_all, self.rms, rtol=0.1) def test_simulate_powerlaw(self): """ Simulate light curve from power law spectrum. """ assert len(self.simulator.simulate(2).counts), 1024 def test_simulate_powerlaw_odd(self): """ Simulate light curve from power law spectrum. """ assert len(self.simulator_odd.simulate(2).counts), 2039 def test_compare_powerlaw(self): """ Compare simulated power spectrum with actual one. """ B, N, red_noise, dt = 2, 1024, 10, 1 self.simulator = Simulator(N=N, dt=dt, mean=5, rms=1, red_noise=red_noise) lc = [self.simulator.simulate(B) for i in range(1, 30)] simulated = self.simulator.powerspectrum(lc, lc[0].tseg) w = np.fft.rfftfreq(N, d=dt)[1:] actual = np.power((1 / w), B / 2)[:-1] actual_prob = actual / float(sum(actual)) simulated_prob = simulated / float(sum(simulated)) assert np.all( np.abs(actual_prob - simulated_prob) < 3 * np.sqrt(actual_prob)) def test_simulate_powerspectrum(self): """ Simulate light curve from any power spectrum. """ s = np.random.rand(1024) assert len(self.simulator.simulate(s)), self.N def test_simulate_model_pars_not_list_or_dict(self): """ Simulate light curve using lorentzian model. """ with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: self.simulator.simulate('generalized_lorentzian', 12345) assert "Params should be list or dictionary!" in str(excinfo.value) def test_simulate_lorentzian(self): """ Simulate light curve using lorentzian model. """ assert len( self.simulator.simulate('generalized_lorentzian', [1, 2, 3, 4])), 1024 def test_simulate_lorentzian_odd(self): """ Simulate light curve using lorentzian model. """ assert len( self.simulator_odd.simulate('generalized_lorentzian', [1, 2, 3, 4])), 1024 def test_compare_lorentzian(self): """ Compare simulated lorentzian spectrum with original spectrum. """ N, red_noise, dt = 1024, 10, 1 self.simulator = Simulator(N=N, dt=dt, mean=0.1, rms=0.4, red_noise=red_noise) lc = [ self.simulator.simulate('generalized_lorentzian', [0.3, 0.9, 0.6, 0.5]) for i in range(1, 30) ] simulated = self.simulator.powerspectrum(lc, lc[0].tseg) w = np.fft.rfftfreq(N, d=dt)[1:] actual = models.generalized_lorentzian(w, [0.3, 0.9, 0.6, 0.5])[:-1] actual_prob = actual / float(sum(actual)) simulated_prob = simulated / float(sum(simulated)) assert np.all( np.abs(actual_prob - simulated_prob) < 3 * np.sqrt(actual_prob)) def test_simulate_smoothbknpo(self): """ Simulate light curve using smooth broken power law model. """ assert len(self.simulator.simulate('smoothbknpo', [1, 2, 3, 4])), 1024 def test_compare_smoothbknpo(self): """ Compare simulated smooth broken power law spectrum with original spectrum. """ N, red_noise, dt = 1024, 10, 1 self.simulator = Simulator(N=N, dt=dt, mean=0.1, rms=0.7, red_noise=red_noise) lc = [ self.simulator.simulate('smoothbknpo', [0.6, 0.2, 0.6, 0.5]) for i in range(1, 30) ] simulated = self.simulator.powerspectrum(lc, lc[0].tseg) w = np.fft.rfftfreq(N, d=dt)[1:] actual = models.smoothbknpo(w, [0.6, 0.2, 0.6, 0.5])[:-1] actual_prob = actual / float(sum(actual)) simulated_prob = simulated / float(sum(simulated)) assert np.all( np.abs(actual_prob - simulated_prob) < 3 * np.sqrt(actual_prob)) def test_simulate_GeneralizedLorentz1D_str(self): """ Simulate a light curve using the GeneralizedLorentz1D model called as a string """ assert len( self.simulator.simulate('GeneralizedLorentz1D', { 'x_0': 10, 'fwhm': 1., 'value': 10., 'power_coeff': 2 })), 1024 def test_simulate_GeneralizedLorentz1D_odd_str(self): """ Simulate a light curve using the GeneralizedLorentz1D model called as a string """ assert len( self.simulator_odd.simulate('GeneralizedLorentz1D', { 'x_0': 10, 'fwhm': 1., 'value': 10., 'power_coeff': 2 })), 2039 def test_simulate_GeneralizedLorentz1D(self): """ Simulate a light curve using the GeneralizedLorentz1D model called as a astropy.modeling.Model class """ mod = models.GeneralizedLorentz1D(x_0=10, fwhm=1., value=10., power_coeff=2) assert len(self.simulator.simulate(mod)), 1024 def test_simulate_SmoothBrokenPowerLaw_str(self): """ Simulate a light curve using SmoothBrokenPowerLaw model called as a string """ assert len( self.simulator.simulate('SmoothBrokenPowerLaw', { 'norm': 1., 'gamma_low': 1., 'gamma_high': 2., 'break_freq': 1. })), 1024 def test_simulate_SmoothBrokenPowerLaw(self): """ Simulate a light curve using SmoothBrokenPowerLaw model called as a astropy.modeling.Model class """ mod = models.SmoothBrokenPowerLaw(norm=1., gamma_low=1., gamma_high=2., break_freq=1.) assert len(self.simulator.simulate(mod)), 1024 def test_simulate_generic_model(self): """ Simulate a light curve using a generic model called as a astropy.modeling.Model class """ mod = astropy.modeling.models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=10., mean=1., stddev=2.) assert len(self.simulator.simulate(mod)), 1024 def test_simulate_generic_model_odd(self): """ Simulate a light curve using a generic model called as a astropy.modeling.Model class """ mod = astropy.modeling.models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=10., mean=1., stddev=2.) assert len(self.simulator_odd.simulate(mod)), 2039 @pytest.mark.parametrize("poisson", [True, False]) def test_compare_composite(self, poisson): """ Compare the PSD of a light curve simulated using a composite model (using SmoothBrokenPowerLaw plus GeneralizedLorentz1D) with the actual model """ N = 50000 dt = 0.01 m = 30000. self.simulator = Simulator(N=N, mean=m, dt=dt, rms=self.rms, poisson=poisson) smoothbknpo = \ models.SmoothBrokenPowerLaw(norm=1., gamma_low=1., gamma_high=2., break_freq=1.) lorentzian = models.GeneralizedLorentz1D(x_0=10, fwhm=1., value=10., power_coeff=2.) myModel = smoothbknpo + lorentzian lc = [self.simulator.simulate(myModel) for i in range(1, 50)] simulated = self.simulator.powerspectrum(lc, lc[0].tseg) w = np.fft.rfftfreq(N, d=dt)[1:] actual = myModel(w)[:-1] actual_prob = actual / float(sum(actual)) simulated_prob = simulated / float(sum(simulated)) assert np.all( np.abs(actual_prob - simulated_prob) < 3 * np.sqrt(actual_prob)) def test_simulate_wrong_model(self): """ Simulate with a model that does not exist. """ with pytest.raises(ValueError): self.simulator.simulate('unsupported', [0.6, 0.2, 0.6, 0.5]) def test_construct_simple_ir(self): """ Construct simple impulse response. """ t0, w = 100, 500 assert len(self.simulator.simple_ir(t0, w)) == \ (t0+w)/self.simulator.dt def test_construct_simple_ir_odd(self): """ Construct simple impulse response. """ t0, w = 100, 500 assert len(self.simulator_odd.simple_ir(t0, w)) == \ (t0+w)/self.simulator.dt def test_construct_relativistic_ir(self): """ Construct relativistic impulse response. """ t1, t3 = 3, 10 ir = self.simulator.relativistic_ir(t1=t1, t3=t3) assert np.allclose(ir[:int(t1 / self.simulator.dt)], 0) assert ir[int(t1 / self.simulator.dt)] == 1 def test_construct_relativistic_ir_odd(self): """ Construct relativistic impulse response. """ t1, t3 = 3, 10 ir = self.simulator_odd.relativistic_ir(t1=t1, t3=t3) assert np.allclose(ir[:int(t1 / self.simulator_odd.dt)], 0) assert ir[int(t1 / self.simulator_odd.dt)] == 1 def test_simulate_simple_impulse(self): """ Simulate light curve from simple impulse response. """ lc = sampledata.sample_data() s = lc.counts h = self.simulator.simple_ir(10, 1, 1) _ = self.simulator.simulate(s, h) def test_simulate_simple_impulse_odd(self): """ Simulate light curve from simple impulse response. """ lc = sampledata.sample_data() s = lc.counts h = self.simulator_odd.simple_ir(10, 1, 1) _ = self.simulator_odd.simulate(s, h) def test_powerspectrum(self): """ Create a power spectrum from light curve. """ lc = self.simulator.simulate(2) self.simulator.powerspectrum(lc) def test_powerspectrum_odd(self): """ Create a power spectrum from light curve. """ lc = self.simulator_odd.simulate(2) self.simulator_odd.powerspectrum(lc) def test_simulate_relativistic_impulse(self): """ Simulate light curve from relativistic impulse response. """ lc = sampledata.sample_data() s = lc.counts h = self.simulator.relativistic_ir() output = self.simulator.simulate(s, h) def test_filtered_simulate(self): """ Simulate light curve using 'filtered' mode. """ lc = sampledata.sample_data() s = lc.counts h = self.simulator.simple_ir() output = self.simulator.simulate(s, h, 'filtered') def test_filtered_simulate_odd(self): """ Simulate light curve using 'filtered' mode. """ lc = sampledata.sample_data() s = lc.counts h = self.simulator_odd.simple_ir() output = self.simulator_odd.simulate(s, h, 'filtered') def test_simple_lag_spectrum(self): """ Simulate light curve from simple impulse response and compute lag spectrum. """ lc = sampledata.sample_data() h = self.simulator.simple_ir(start=14, width=1) delay = int(15 / lc.dt) lag = self.calculate_lag(lc, h, delay) bins = np.arange(lag.size) v_cutoff = 1.0 / (2 * 15.0) dist = (v_cutoff - 0.0075) / 0.0075 spec_fun = interp1d(bins, lag) h_cutoff = spec_fun(dist) assert np.abs(15 - h_cutoff) < np.sqrt(15) def test_relativistic_lag_spectrum(self): """ Simulate light curve from relativistic impulse response and compute lag spectrum. """ lc = sampledata.sample_data() h = self.simulator.relativistic_ir(t1=3, t2=4, t3=10) delay = int(4 / lc.dt) lag = self.calculate_lag(lc, h, delay) v_cutoff = 1.0 / (2 * 4) h_cutoff = lag[int((v_cutoff - 0.0075) * 1 / 0.0075)] assert np.abs(4 - h_cutoff) < np.sqrt(4) def test_position_varying_channels(self): """ Tests lags for multiple energy channels with each channel having same intensity and varying position. """ lc = sampledata.sample_data() s = lc.counts h = [] h.append(self.simulator.simple_ir(start=4, width=1)) h.append(self.simulator.simple_ir(start=9, width=1)) delays = [int(5 / lc.dt), int(10 / lc.dt)] outputs = [] for i in h: lc2 = self.simulator.simulate(s, i) lc2 = lc2.shift(-lc2.time[0] + lc.time[0]) outputs.append(lc2) cross = [Crossspectrum(lc, lc2).rebin(0.0075) for lc2 in outputs] lags = [np.angle(c.power) / (2 * np.pi * c.freq) for c in cross] v_cutoffs = [1.0 / (2.0 * 5), 1.0 / (2.0 * 10)] h_cutoffs = [ lag[int((v - 0.0075) * 1 / 0.0075)] for lag, v in zip(lags, v_cutoffs) ] assert np.abs(5 - h_cutoffs[0]) < np.sqrt(5) assert np.abs(10 - h_cutoffs[1]) < np.sqrt(10) def test_intensity_varying_channels(self): """ Tests lags for multiple energy channels with each channel having same position and varying intensity. """ lc = sampledata.sample_data() s = lc.counts h = [] h.append(self.simulator.simple_ir(start=4, width=1, intensity=10)) h.append(self.simulator.simple_ir(start=4, width=1, intensity=20)) delay = int(5 / lc.dt) outputs = [] for i in h: lc2 = self.simulator.simulate(s, i) lc2 = lc2.shift(-lc2.time[0] + lc.time[0]) outputs.append(lc2) cross = [Crossspectrum(lc, lc2).rebin(0.0075) for lc2 in outputs] lags = [np.angle(c.power) / (2 * np.pi * c.freq) for c in cross] v_cutoff = 1.0 / (2.0 * 5) h_cutoffs = [ lag[int((v_cutoff - 0.0075) * 1 / 0.0075)] for lag in lags ] assert np.abs(5 - h_cutoffs[0]) < np.sqrt(5) assert np.abs(5 - h_cutoffs[1]) < np.sqrt(5) def test_io(self): sim = Simulator(N=self.N, dt=self.dt, rms=self.rms, mean=self.mean) sim.write('sim.pickle') sim ='sim.pickle') assert sim.N == self.N os.remove('sim.pickle') def test_io_with_unsupported_format(self): sim = Simulator(N=self.N, dt=self.dt, rms=self.rms, mean=self.mean) with pytest.raises(KeyError): # Also use the deprecated format_, just because sim.write('sim.hdf5', format_='hdf5') sim.write('sim.pickle', fmt='pickle') with pytest.raises(KeyError):'sim.pickle', format_='hdf5') os.remove('sim.pickle')
class TestSimulator(object): @classmethod def setup_class(self): self.simulator = Simulator(N=1024, mean=0.5, dt=0.125) self.simulator_odd = Simulator(N=2039, mean=0.5, dt=0.125) def calculate_lag(self, lc, h, delay): """ Class method to calculate lag between two light curves. """ s = lc.counts output = self.simulator.simulate(s, h, 'same')[delay:] s = s[delay:] time = lc.time[delay:] lc1 = Lightcurve(time, s) lc2 = Lightcurve(time, output) cross = Crossspectrum(lc1, lc2) cross = cross.rebin(0.0075) return np.angle(cross.power) / (2 * np.pi * cross.freq) def test_simulate_with_seed(self): """ Simulate with a random seed value. """ self.simulator = Simulator(N=1024, random_state=12) assert len(self.simulator.simulate(2).counts), 1024 def test_simulate_with_tstart(self): """ Simulate with a random seed value. """ tstart = 10.0 self.simulator = Simulator(N=1024, tstart=tstart) assert self.simulator.time[0] == tstart def test_simulate_with_random_state(self): self.simulator = Simulator(N=1024, random_state=np.random.RandomState(12)) def test_simulate_with_incorrect_arguments(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): self.simulator.simulate(1, 2, 3, 4) def test_simulate_channel(self): """ Simulate an energy channel. """ self.simulator.simulate_channel('3.5-4.5', 'generalized_lorentzian', [1, 2, 3, 4]) self.simulator.delete_channel('3.5-4.5') def test_simulate_channel_odd(self): """ Simulate an energy channel. """ self.simulator_odd.simulate_channel('3.5-4.5', 'generalized_lorentzian', [1, 2, 3, 4]) self.simulator_odd.delete_channel('3.5-4.5') def test_incorrect_simulate_channel(self): """Test simulating a channel that already exists.""" self.simulator.simulate_channel('3.5-4.5', 2) with pytest.raises(KeyError): self.simulator.simulate_channel('3.5-4.5', 2) self.simulator.delete_channel('3.5-4.5') def test_get_channel(self): """ Retrieve an energy channel after it has been simulated. """ self.simulator.simulate_channel('3.5-4.5', 2) lc = self.simulator.get_channel('3.5-4.5') self.simulator.delete_channel('3.5-4.5') def test_get_channels(self): """ Retrieve multiple energy channel after it has been simulated. """ self.simulator.simulate_channel('3.5-4.5', 2) self.simulator.simulate_channel('4.5-5.5', 'smoothbknpo', [1, 2, 3, 4]) lc = self.simulator.get_channels(['3.5-4.5', '4.5-5.5']) self.simulator.delete_channels(['3.5-4.5', '4.5-5.5']) def test_get_all_channels(self): """ Retrieve all energy channels. """ self.simulator.simulate_channel('3.5-4.5', 2) self.simulator.simulate_channel('4.5-5.5', 1) lc = self.simulator.get_all_channels() self.simulator.delete_channels(['3.5-4.5', '4.5-5.5']) def test_count_channels(self): """ Count energy channels after they have been simulated. """ self.simulator.simulate_channel('3.5-4.5', 2) self.simulator.simulate_channel('4.5-5.5', 1) assert self.simulator.count_channels() == 2 self.simulator.delete_channels(['3.5-4.5', '4.5-5.5']) def test_delete_incorrect_channel(self): """ Test if deleting incorrect channel raises a keyerror exception. """ with pytest.raises(KeyError): self.simulator.delete_channel('3.5-4.5') def test_delete_incorrect_channels(self): """ Test if deleting incorrect channels raises a keyerror exception. """ with pytest.raises(KeyError): self.simulator.delete_channels(['3.5-4.5', '4.5-5.5']) def test_simulate_powerlaw(self): """ Simulate light curve from power law spectrum. """ assert len(self.simulator.simulate(2).counts), 1024 def test_simulate_powerlaw_odd(self): """ Simulate light curve from power law spectrum. """ assert len(self.simulator_odd.simulate(2).counts), 2039 def test_compare_powerlaw(self): """ Compare simulated power spectrum with actual one. """ B, N, red_noise, dt = 2, 1024, 10, 1 self.simulator = Simulator(N=N, dt=dt, mean=5, rms=1, red_noise=red_noise) lc = [self.simulator.simulate(B) for i in range(1, 30)] simulated = self.simulator.powerspectrum(lc, lc[0].tseg) w = np.fft.rfftfreq(N, d=dt)[1:] actual = np.power((1 / w), B / 2)[:-1] actual_prob = actual / float(sum(actual)) simulated_prob = simulated / float(sum(simulated)) assert np.all( np.abs(actual_prob - simulated_prob) < 3 * np.sqrt(actual_prob)) def test_simulate_powerspectrum(self): """ Simulate light curve from any power spectrum. """ s = np.random.rand(1024) assert len(self.simulator.simulate(s)), 1024 def test_simulate_lorentzian(self): """ Simulate light curve using lorentzian model. """ assert len( self.simulator.simulate('generalized_lorentzian', [1, 2, 3, 4])), 1024 def test_simulate_lorentzian_odd(self): """ Simulate light curve using lorentzian model. """ assert len( self.simulator_odd.simulate('generalized_lorentzian', [1, 2, 3, 4])), 1024 def test_compare_lorentzian(self): """ Compare simulated lorentzian spectrum with original spectrum. """ N, red_noise, dt = 1024, 10, 1 self.simulator = Simulator(N=N, dt=dt, mean=0.1, rms=0.4, red_noise=red_noise) lc = [ self.simulator.simulate('generalized_lorentzian', [0.3, 0.9, 0.6, 0.5]) for i in range(1, 30) ] simulated = self.simulator.powerspectrum(lc, lc[0].tseg) w = np.fft.rfftfreq(N, d=dt)[1:] actual = models.generalized_lorentzian(w, [0.3, 0.9, 0.6, 0.5])[:-1] actual_prob = actual / float(sum(actual)) simulated_prob = simulated / float(sum(simulated)) assert np.all( np.abs(actual_prob - simulated_prob) < 3 * np.sqrt(actual_prob)) def test_simulate_smoothbknpo(self): """ Simulate light curve using smooth broken power law model. """ assert len(self.simulator.simulate('smoothbknpo', [1, 2, 3, 4])), 1024 def test_compare_smoothbknpo(self): """ Compare simulated smooth broken power law spectrum with original spectrum. """ N, red_noise, dt = 1024, 10, 1 self.simulator = Simulator(N=N, dt=dt, mean=0.1, rms=0.7, red_noise=red_noise) lc = [ self.simulator.simulate('smoothbknpo', [0.6, 0.2, 0.6, 0.5]) for i in range(1, 30) ] simulated = self.simulator.powerspectrum(lc, lc[0].tseg) w = np.fft.rfftfreq(N, d=dt)[1:] actual = models.smoothbknpo(w, [0.6, 0.2, 0.6, 0.5])[:-1] actual_prob = actual / float(sum(actual)) simulated_prob = simulated / float(sum(simulated)) assert np.all( np.abs(actual_prob - simulated_prob) < 3 * np.sqrt(actual_prob)) def test_simulate_GeneralizedLorentz1D_str(self): """ Simulate a light curve using the GeneralizedLorentz1D model called as a string """ assert len( self.simulator.simulate('GeneralizedLorentz1D', { 'x_0': 10, 'fwhm': 1., 'value': 10., 'power_coeff': 2 })), 1024 def test_simulate_GeneralizedLorentz1D_odd_str(self): """ Simulate a light curve using the GeneralizedLorentz1D model called as a string """ assert len( self.simulator_odd.simulate('GeneralizedLorentz1D', { 'x_0': 10, 'fwhm': 1., 'value': 10., 'power_coeff': 2 })), 2039 def test_simulate_GeneralizedLorentz1D(self): """ Simulate a light curve using the GeneralizedLorentz1D model called as a astropy.modeling.Model class """ mod = models.GeneralizedLorentz1D(x_0=10, fwhm=1., value=10., power_coeff=2) assert len(self.simulator.simulate(mod)), 1024 def test_simulate_SmoothBrokenPowerLaw_str(self): """ Simulate a light curve using SmoothBrokenPowerLaw model called as a string """ assert len( self.simulator.simulate('SmoothBrokenPowerLaw', { 'norm': 1., 'gamma_low': 1., 'gamma_high': 2., 'break_freq': 1. })), 1024 def test_simulate_SmoothBrokenPowerLaw(self): """ Simulate a light curve using SmoothBrokenPowerLaw model called as a astropy.modeling.Model class """ mod = models.SmoothBrokenPowerLaw(norm=1., gamma_low=1., gamma_high=2., break_freq=1.) assert len(self.simulator.simulate(mod)), 1024 def test_simulate_generic_model(self): """ Simulate a light curve using a generic model called as a astropy.modeling.Model class """ mod = astropy.modeling.models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=10., mean=1., stddev=2.) assert len(self.simulator.simulate(mod)), 1024 def test_simulate_generic_model_odd(self): """ Simulate a light curve using a generic model called as a astropy.modeling.Model class """ mod = astropy.modeling.models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=10., mean=1., stddev=2.) assert len(self.simulator_odd.simulate(mod)), 2039 def test_compare_composite(self): """ Compare the PSD of a light curve simulated using a composite model (using SmoothBrokenPowerLaw plus GeneralizedLorentz1D) with the actual model """ N = 50000 dt = 0.01 m = 30000. self.simulator = Simulator(N=N, mean=m, dt=dt) smoothbknpo = \ models.SmoothBrokenPowerLaw(norm=1., gamma_low=1., gamma_high=2., break_freq=1.) lorentzian = models.GeneralizedLorentz1D(x_0=10, fwhm=1., value=10., power_coeff=2.) myModel = smoothbknpo + lorentzian lc = [self.simulator.simulate(myModel) for i in range(1, 50)] simulated = self.simulator.powerspectrum(lc, lc[0].tseg) w = np.fft.rfftfreq(N, d=dt)[1:] actual = myModel(w)[:-1] actual_prob = actual / float(sum(actual)) simulated_prob = simulated / float(sum(simulated)) assert np.all( np.abs(actual_prob - simulated_prob) < 3 * np.sqrt(actual_prob)) def test_simulate_wrong_model(self): """ Simulate with a model that does not exist. """ with pytest.raises(ValueError): self.simulator.simulate('unsupported', [0.6, 0.2, 0.6, 0.5]) def test_construct_simple_ir(self): """ Construct simple impulse response. """ t0, w = 100, 500 assert len(self.simulator.simple_ir(t0, w)) == \ (t0+w)/self.simulator.dt def test_construct_simple_ir_odd(self): """ Construct simple impulse response. """ t0, w = 100, 500 assert len(self.simulator_odd.simple_ir(t0, w)) == \ (t0+w)/self.simulator.dt def test_construct_relativistic_ir(self): """ Construct relativistic impulse response. """ t1, t3 = 3, 10 ir = self.simulator.relativistic_ir(t1=t1, t3=t3) assert np.allclose(ir[:int(t1 / self.simulator.dt)], 0) assert ir[int(t1 / self.simulator.dt)] == 1 def test_construct_relativistic_ir_odd(self): """ Construct relativistic impulse response. """ t1, t3 = 3, 10 ir = self.simulator_odd.relativistic_ir(t1=t1, t3=t3) assert np.allclose(ir[:int(t1 / self.simulator_odd.dt)], 0) assert ir[int(t1 / self.simulator_odd.dt)] == 1 def test_simulate_simple_impulse(self): """ Simulate light curve from simple impulse response. """ lc = sampledata.sample_data() s = lc.counts h = self.simulator.simple_ir(10, 1, 1) _ = self.simulator.simulate(s, h) def test_simulate_simple_impulse_odd(self): """ Simulate light curve from simple impulse response. """ lc = sampledata.sample_data() s = lc.counts h = self.simulator_odd.simple_ir(10, 1, 1) _ = self.simulator_odd.simulate(s, h) def test_powerspectrum(self): """ Create a power spectrum from light curve. """ lc = self.simulator.simulate(2) self.simulator.powerspectrum(lc) def test_powerspectrum_odd(self): """ Create a power spectrum from light curve. """ lc = self.simulator_odd.simulate(2) self.simulator_odd.powerspectrum(lc) def test_simulate_relativistic_impulse(self): """ Simulate light curve from relativistic impulse response. """ lc = sampledata.sample_data() s = lc.counts h = self.simulator.relativistic_ir() output = self.simulator.simulate(s, h) def test_filtered_simulate(self): """ Simulate light curve using 'filtered' mode. """ lc = sampledata.sample_data() s = lc.counts h = self.simulator.simple_ir() output = self.simulator.simulate(s, h, 'filtered') def test_filtered_simulate_odd(self): """ Simulate light curve using 'filtered' mode. """ lc = sampledata.sample_data() s = lc.counts h = self.simulator_odd.simple_ir() output = self.simulator_odd.simulate(s, h, 'filtered') def test_simple_lag_spectrum(self): """ Simulate light curve from simple impulse response and compute lag spectrum. """ lc = sampledata.sample_data() h = self.simulator.simple_ir(start=14, width=1) delay = int(15 / lc.dt) lag = self.calculate_lag(lc, h, delay) v_cutoff = 1.0 / (2 * 15.0) h_cutoff = lag[int((v_cutoff - 0.0075) * 1 / 0.0075)] assert np.abs(15 - h_cutoff) < np.sqrt(15) def test_relativistic_lag_spectrum(self): """ Simulate light curve from relativistic impulse response and compute lag spectrum. """ lc = sampledata.sample_data() h = self.simulator.relativistic_ir(t1=3, t2=4, t3=10) delay = int(4 / lc.dt) lag = self.calculate_lag(lc, h, delay) v_cutoff = 1.0 / (2 * 4) h_cutoff = lag[int((v_cutoff - 0.0075) * 1 / 0.0075)] assert np.abs(4 - h_cutoff) < np.sqrt(4) def test_position_varying_channels(self): """ Tests lags for multiple energy channels with each channel having same intensity and varying position. """ lc = sampledata.sample_data() s = lc.counts h = [] h.append(self.simulator.simple_ir(start=4, width=1)) h.append(self.simulator.simple_ir(start=9, width=1)) delays = [int(5 / lc.dt), int(10 / lc.dt)] outputs = [] for i in h: lc2 = self.simulator.simulate(s, i) lc2 = lc2.shift(-lc2.time[0] + lc.time[0]) outputs.append(lc2) cross = [Crossspectrum(lc, lc2).rebin(0.0075) for lc2 in outputs] lags = [np.angle(c.power) / (2 * np.pi * c.freq) for c in cross] v_cutoffs = [1.0 / (2.0 * 5), 1.0 / (2.0 * 10)] h_cutoffs = [ lag[int((v - 0.0075) * 1 / 0.0075)] for lag, v in zip(lags, v_cutoffs) ] assert np.abs(5 - h_cutoffs[0]) < np.sqrt(5) assert np.abs(10 - h_cutoffs[1]) < np.sqrt(10) def test_intensity_varying_channels(self): """ Tests lags for multiple energy channels with each channel having same position and varying intensity. """ lc = sampledata.sample_data() s = lc.counts h = [] h.append(self.simulator.simple_ir(start=4, width=1, intensity=10)) h.append(self.simulator.simple_ir(start=4, width=1, intensity=20)) delay = int(5 / lc.dt) outputs = [] for i in h: lc2 = self.simulator.simulate(s, i) lc2 = lc2.shift(-lc2.time[0] + lc.time[0]) outputs.append(lc2) cross = [Crossspectrum(lc, lc2).rebin(0.0075) for lc2 in outputs] lags = [np.angle(c.power) / (2 * np.pi * c.freq) for c in cross] v_cutoff = 1.0 / (2.0 * 5) h_cutoffs = [ lag[int((v_cutoff - 0.0075) * 1 / 0.0075)] for lag in lags ] assert np.abs(5 - h_cutoffs[0]) < np.sqrt(5) assert np.abs(5 - h_cutoffs[1]) < np.sqrt(5) def test_io(self): sim = Simulator(N=1024) sim.write('sim.pickle') sim ='sim.pickle') assert sim.N == 1024 os.remove('sim.pickle') def test_io_with_unsupported_format(self): sim = Simulator(N=1024) with pytest.raises(KeyError): sim.write('sim.hdf5', format_='hdf5') with pytest.raises(KeyError): sim.write('sim.pickle', format_='pickle')'sim.pickle', format_='hdf5') os.remove('sim.pickle')