def parse(self, response): if response.text != '': # 有資料才跑,不然會遇到假日全都沒資料 df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(response.text), header=7).dropna(how='all', axis=1).dropna(how='any') try: r = 0 for index, row in df.iterrows(): if len(clean(row['股票代號'])) == 4: if r == 0: #有資料才刪除 db = database() sql = "delete from financing" db.execute_sql(sql) item = FinancingItem() item['data_date'] = self.data_date item['stock_no'] = clean(row['股票代號']).zfill(6) # 證券代號 item['stock_name'] = clean(row['股票名稱']) # 股票名稱 item['today_borrow_money'] = float(clean(str( row[6]))) # 融資今日餘額 item['today_borrow_stock'] = float( clean(str(row[12]))) # 融券今日餘額 yield item r += 1 except: pass
def open_spider(self, spider): db = database() self.conn = db.create_connection() self.cur = self.conn.cursor() # 建立cursor對資料庫做操作 self.cur.execute( 'CREATE TABLE if not exists taiex (data_date varchar(10) NOT NULL,open_index double NOT NULL,high_index double NOT NULL,low_index double NOT NULL,close_index double NOT NULL,created_date TimeStamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)' )
def parse(self, response): if response.text != '\r\n': # 有資料才跑,不然會遇到假日全都沒資料 db = database() sql = "delete from legalperson" db.execute_sql(sql) # 製作三大法人的DataFrame try: df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(response.text), header=1).dropna(how='all', axis=1).dropna(how='any') for index, row in df.iterrows(): if len(clean(row['證券代號'])) == 4: item = LegalPersonItem() item['data_date'] = self.data_date item['stock_no'] = clean(row['證券代號']).zfill(6) item['stock_name'] = clean(row['證券名稱']) item['china_buy'] = float(clean(str(row['外陸資買進股數(不含外資自營商)']))) item['china_sell'] = float(clean(str(row['外陸資賣出股數(不含外資自營商)']))) item['china_sum'] = float(clean(str(row['外陸資買賣超股數(不含外資自營商)']))) item['foreign_buy'] = float(clean(str(row['外資自營商買進股數']))) item['foreign_sell'] = float(clean(str(row['外資自營商賣出股數']))) item['foreign_sum'] = float(clean(str(row['外資自營商買賣超股數']))) item['invest_buy'] = float(clean(str(row['投信買進股數']))) item['invest_sell'] = float(clean(str(row['投信賣出股數']))) item['invest_sum'] = float(clean(str(row['投信買賣超股數']))) item['com_sum'] = float(clean(str(row['自營商買賣超股數']))) item['hedge_buy'] = float(clean(str(row['自營商買進股數(避險)']))) item['hedge_sell'] = float(clean(str(row['自營商賣出股數(避險)']))) item['hedge_sum'] = float(clean(str(row['自營商買賣超股數(避險)']))) item['legalperson'] = float(clean(str(row['三大法人買賣超股數']))) yield item except: pass
def parse(self, response): if response.text != '': # 有資料才跑,不然會遇到假日全都沒資料 db = database() sql = "delete from stockprice where batch_no = '" + self.data_date + "'" db.execute_sql(sql) df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(response.text.replace("=", "")), header=["證券代號" in l for l in response.text.split("\n")].index(True)-1) for index, row in df.iterrows(): if len(clean(row['證券代號'])) == 4: item = StockPriceItem() item['batch_no'] = self.data_date item['stock_no'] = clean(row['證券代號']).zfill(6) item['stock_name'] = clean(row['證券名稱']) item['stock_buy'] = clean(row['成交股數']) item['stock_num'] = clean(row['成交筆數']) item['stock_amount'] = clean(row['成交金額']) item['stock_sprice'] = clean(row['開盤價']) item['stock_hprice'] = clean(row['最高價']) item['stock_lprice'] = clean(row['最低價']) item['stock_eprice'] = clean(row['收盤價']) item['stock_status'] = clean(row['漲跌(+/-)']) item['stock_gap'] = row['漲跌價差'] item['stock_last_buy'] = clean(row['最後揭示買價']) item['stock_last_bnum'] = clean(row['最後揭示買量']) item['stock_last_sell'] = clean(row['最後揭示賣價']) item['stock_last_snum'] = clean(row['最後揭示賣量']) item['stock_value'] = clean(row['本益比']) yield item
def count_legalperson_price(self, data_date): db = database() # 準備好要做累加的資料 self.prepare_count_data() current_date = data_date # 本次日期 self.conn = db.create_connection() self.cur = self.conn.cursor() # 建立cursor對資料庫做操作 sql = "select stock_no,percent from legalperson_price where batch_no = '{current_date}' " sql = sql.format(current_date=current_date) self.cur.execute(sql) rows = self.cur.fetchall() for row in rows: percent = float(row[1]) if percent > -0.01: #若賣超不多,則不中斷連續計算 sql = "update legalperson_daily set increase=increase+1, decrease = 0, de_gap_count=0, in_gap_count=IFNULL(in_gap_count,0)+{percent}, updated_date = now() where stock_no = '{stock_no}'" sql = sql.format(stock_no=row[0], percent=percent) db.execute_sql(sql) else: sql = "update legalperson_daily set increase=0, in_gap_count=0, decrease = decrease+1, de_gap_count=IFNULL(de_gap_count,0)+{percent}, updated_date = now() where stock_no = '{stock_no}'" sql = sql.format(stock_no=row[0], percent=percent) db.execute_sql(sql) # 完成後更新狀態 sql = "update legalperson_date set flag = 'Y' where data_date='{data_date}'" sql = sql.format(data_date=data_date) db.execute_sql(sql)
def foundout(self): db = database() self.conn = db.create_connection() sql = "select a.stock_no, c.stock_name,b.increase,b.decrease,b.in_gap_count,b.de_gap_count,b.stock_num_gap,b.updated_date from robert_stock_list a, stockholder_sum_count b, stockcode c " \ "where a.stock_no = c.stock_no and a.stock_no = b.stock_no " \ " and increase > 2 and in_gap_count>2 " \ " and a.stock_no not in (select stock_no from (select stock_no,count(*) from stockholder e where level = 17 group by stock_no having count(*) > 1) a)" self.cur = self.conn.cursor() self.cur.execute(sql) rows = self.cur.fetchall() token = "zoQSmKALUqpEt9E7Yod14K9MmozBC4dvrW1sRCRUMOU" for row in rows: stock_no = row[0] stock_name = row[1] in_gap_count = row[4] de_gap_count = row[5] stock_num_gap = row[6] updated_date = row[7] if int(row[2]) > 0: times = row[2] msg = "Stock No :{stock_no}({stock_name})\nCount Gap:{in_gap_count}%\nrise continuously {times} weeks\nStock Amount Changed Gap : {stock_num_gap}\nUpdated Date : {updated_date}" msg = msg.format(stock_no=stock_no, stock_name=stock_name, in_gap_count=in_gap_count, times=times, stock_num_gap=stock_num_gap, updated_date=updated_date) self.update_stock_flag(stock_no, in_gap_count) #use percent of legalholder to calculate the up and down of stock else: times = row[3] msg = "Stock No :{stock_no}({stock_name})\nCount Gap:-{de_gap_count}%\nfall continuously {times} weeks\nStock Amount Changed Gap : {stock_num_gap}\nUpdated Date : {updated_date}" msg = msg.format(stock_no=row[0], stock_name=row[1], de_gap_count=de_gap_count, times=times, stock_num_gap=stock_num_gap, updated_date=updated_date) self.close_stock_flag(stock_no) #close flag date lineNotifyMessage(token, msg)
def saveFlagDate(self, data_date, stock_no): self.create_stock_flag_table() db = database() sql = "insert into stockflag(data_date,stock_no,stock_name,stock_lprice,close_index) " \ " (select batch_no,stock_no,stock_name,stock_lprice,close_index from stockprice a, taiex b where a.stock_no = '{stock_no}' and batch_no = '{data_date}' and a.batch_no = b.data_date)" sql = sql.format(stock_no=stock_no, data_date=data_date) db.execute_sql(sql)
def open_spider(self, spider): db = database() self.conn = db.create_connection() self.cur = self.conn.cursor() # 建立cursor對資料庫做操作 self.cur.execute( 'CREATE TABLE if not exists legalperson (data_date varchar(10) NOT NULL,stock_no varchar(10) NOT NULL,stock_name varchar(60) NOT NULL,china_buy double NULL,china_sell double NULL,china_sum double NULL, foreign_buy double NULL,foreign_sell double NULL,foreign_sum double NULL,invest_buy double NULL,invest_sell double NULL,invest_sum double NULL,com_sum double NULL,legalperson double NULL,created_date TimeStamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)' )
def open_spider(self, spider): db = database() self.conn = db.create_connection() self.cur = self.conn.cursor() # 建立cursor對資料庫做操作 self.cur.execute( 'CREATE TABLE if not exists financing (data_date varchar(10) NOT NULL,stock_no varchar(10) NOT NULL,stock_name varchar(60) NOT NULL,today_borrow_money double NULL,today_borrow_stock double NULL)' )
def prepare_stock_list_count(self): sql = self.CREATE_SUM_COUNT_TABLE db = database() db.execute_sql(sql) sql = "insert into stockholder_sum_count(stock_no) " \ " (select stock_no from stockcode a where not exists (select * from stockholder_sum_count b where a.stock_no = b.stock_no))" db.execute_sql(sql)
def open_spider(self, spider): db = database() self.conn = db.create_connection() self.cur = self.conn.cursor() # 建立cursor對資料庫做操作 self.cur.execute( 'create table if not exists moneyreport(myear varchar(4), season varchar(2), stock_no varchar(10), revenue bigint, ' ' grossprofit float, operprofit float, netprofit float, aftertaxprofit float, ' 'created_date TimeStamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)')
def insert_data(self, year, stock): sql = """insert into EPS_2021(year,stock_no,stock_name,eps) Values('{year}', '{stock_no}', '{stock_name}', {eps})""" sql = sql.format(year=self.year, stock_no=stock.stock_no, stock_name=stock.stock_name, eps=stock.stock_eps) db = database() db.execute_sql(sql)
def combine_legalperson_price(self,data_date): db = database() sql = "insert into legalperson_price (" \ "select '{data_date}' nowdate,a.stock_no,a.stock_name,a.china_buy,a.china_sell,a.china_sum," \ "a.foreign_buy,a.foreign_sell,a.foreign_sum,a.invest_buy,a.invest_sell,a.invest_sum,a.com_sum,a.hedge_buy,a.hedge_sell,a.hedge_sum,a.legalperson,b.stock_last_buy,now(),d.stock_num,round((legalperson/d.stock_num*100),2) percent " \ "from legalperson a, stockprice b, robert_stock_list c, stockholder d " \ "where a.stock_no = b.stock_no and a.stock_no = c.stock_no and b.batch_no = a.data_date and d.level=17 and d.stock_no = a.stock_no and a.data_date='{data_date}')" sql = sql.format(data_date=data_date) db.execute_sql(sql)
def open_spider(self, spider): db = database() self.conn = db.create_connection() self.cur = self.conn.cursor() # 建立cursor對資料庫做操作 self.cur.execute( 'create table if not exists stockprice(batch_no varchar(10) NOT NULL,stock_no varchar(10), stock_name varchar(100), ' ' stock_buy bigint, stock_num bigint, stock_amount float, stock_sprice float, stock_hprice float, ' ' stock_lprice float, stock_eprice float, stock_status varchar(10), stock_gap float, ' ' stock_last_buy float, stock_last_bnum bigint, stock_last_sell float, stock_last_snum bigint, stock_value int,' 'created_date TimeStamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)')
def save_legalperson_date(self, data_date): db = database() # 執行前先清除Table,該次的日期去刪除,所以先前的資料都還在 sql = "delete from legalperson_date where data_date = '{data_date}'" sql = sql.format(data_date=data_date) db.execute_sql(sql) # 將本次整理的資料塞進去 insert_sql = "insert into legalperson_date(data_date) values('{data_date}')" insert_sql = insert_sql.format(data_date=data_date) db.execute_sql(insert_sql)
def open_spider(self, spider): db = database() self.conn = db.create_connection() self.cur = self.conn.cursor() # 建立cursor對資料庫做操作 self.cur.execute( 'create table if not exists stockcode(stock_no varchar(10), stock_name varchar(60), ' 'stock_isin varchar(14), stock_createdate varchar(10), stock_type varchar(10),' 'stock_industry varchar(14), stock_cficode varchar(10),' 'created_date TimeStamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)') sql = "delete from stockcode" db.execute_sql(sql)
def execute(self): bResult = False data_date ='%Y%m%d') #data_date = "20191224" db = database() self.conn = db.create_connection() self.cur = self.conn.cursor() token = "zoQSmKALUqpEt9E7Yod14K9MmozBC4dvrW1sRCRUMOU" msg = "【Daily Monitor】" if self.validate(data_date): self.cur.execute("SELECT data_date FROM financing where data_date ='" + data_date + "'") if self.cur.rowcount == 0: msg_tmp = "\nfinancing{data_date}資料,只會影響每日融資融券異常警訊不會發出" msg += msg_tmp.format(data_date=data_date) bResult = True self.cur.execute("SELECT data_date FROM legalperson where data_date ='" + data_date + "'") if self.cur.rowcount == 0: msg_tmp = "\nlegalperson無{data_date}資料,影響legalperson_price也會沒資料" msg += msg_tmp.format(data_date=data_date) bResult = True self.cur.execute("SELECT batch_no FROM stockprice where batch_no ='" + data_date + "'") if self.cur.rowcount == 0: msg_tmp = "\nstockprice無{data_date}資料,影響legalperson_price也會沒資料" msg += msg_tmp.format(data_date=data_date) bResult = True self.cur.execute("SELECT batch_no FROM legalperson_price where batch_no ='" + data_date + "'") if self.cur.rowcount == 0: msg_tmp = "\nlegalperson_price無{data_date}資料,影響legalperson_daily也會沒資料" msg += msg_tmp.format(data_date = data_date) bResult = True self.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM legalperson_date where flag is null") if self.cur.rowcount > 0: msg_tmp = "\nlegalperson_daily沒有跑完,影響legalperson_daily沒有累加資料" msg += msg_tmp.format(data_date=data_date) bResult = True self.cur.execute("SELECT * from (SELECT a.data_date,b.batch_no FROM taiex a LEFT outer JOIN stockprice b ON a.data_date = b.batch_no AND b.stock_no = '000050') a WHERE a.batch_no IS null") if self.cur.rowcount > 0: msg_tmp = "\n用taiex比對stockprice發現資料有少" msg += msg_tmp bResult = True if bResult: lineNotifyMessage(token, msg)
def stockholder_sum_count(self, data_date): db = database() # get stock list self.prepare_stock_list_count() current_date = data_date # get this time date self.conn = db.create_connection() self.cur = self.conn.cursor() #get last date sql = "select * from stockholder_date where data_date < '{data_date}' order by data_date desc limit 1" sql = sql.format(data_date = data_date) self.cur.execute(sql) rows = self.cur.fetchall() if rows: last_date = rows[0][0] # last data date sql = "select c.stock_no,c.percent co,l.percent lo,c.stock_num_total ct,l.stock_num_total lt from " \ " (select * from stockholder_sum where data_date = '{current_date}') c, " \ " (select * from stockholder_sum where data_date = '{last_date}') l " \ " where c.stock_no = l.stock_no " sql = sql.format(current_date=current_date, last_date=last_date) self.cur.execute(sql) rows = self.cur.fetchall() for row in rows: current_percent = float(row[1]) last_percent = float(row[2]) current_total = 0 if row[3] is not None: current_total = float(row[3]) last_total = 0 if row[4] is not None: last_total = float(row[4]) stock_num_gap = current_total - last_total if current_percent > last_percent: gap = current_percent - last_percent sql = "update stockholder_sum_count set increase=increase+1, decrease = 0, de_gap_count=0, in_gap_count=IFNULL(in_gap_count,0)+{gap}, stock_num_gap = {stock_num_gap}, updated_date = now() where stock_no = '{stock_no}'" sql = sql.format(stock_no=row[0], gap=gap, stock_num_gap=stock_num_gap) db.execute_sql(sql) else: gap = last_percent - current_percent sql = "update stockholder_sum_count set increase=0, in_gap_count=0, decrease = decrease+1, de_gap_count=IFNULL(de_gap_count,0)+{gap}, stock_num_gap = {stock_num_gap}, updated_date = now() where stock_no = '{stock_no}'" sql = sql.format(stock_no=row[0], gap=gap, stock_num_gap=stock_num_gap) db.execute_sql(sql) # update status when finish sql = "update stockholder_date set flag = 'Y' where data_date='{data_date}'" sql = sql.format(data_date=data_date) db.execute_sql(sql)
def save_stockholder_date(self, data_date): db = database() # clear table before execute sql = "delete from stockholder_date where data_date = '{data_date}'" sql = sql.format(data_date=data_date) db.execute_sql(sql) # put this time result to table insert_sql = "insert into stockholder_date(data_date) values('{data_date}')" insert_sql = insert_sql.format(data_date=data_date) db.execute_sql(insert_sql)
def open_spider(self, spider): db = database() self.conn = db.create_connection() self.cur = self.conn.cursor() # 建立cursor對資料庫做操作 self.cur.execute( 'create table if not exists stockholder(stock_no varchar(10), level int, ' 'stock_num bigint, holder_num bigint, percent float, data_date date, ' 'created_date TimeStamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)') self.cur.execute( 'create table if not exists stockholder_hist(stock_no varchar(10), level int, ' 'stock_num bigint, holder_num bigint, percent float, data_date date, ' 'created_date TimeStamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)')
def save_dividend_data(self): db = database() self.conn = db.create_connection() self.cur = self.conn.cursor() # 建立cursor對資料庫做操作 sql = "select stock_no from stockcode a where stock_cficode = 'ESVUFR' and not exists (select * from dividend b where a.stock_no = b.stock_no)" self.cur.execute(sql) rows = self.cur.fetchall() for row in rows: stock_no = row[0][2:6] self.get_stock_dividend(stock_no) # 右取四碼
def insert_dividend(self, stock_no, col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6): sql = "insert into dividend(stock_no,year,cash,stock_earn,stock_capital,stock,total) " \ "values('{stock_no}',{year},{cash},{stock_earn},{stock_capital},{stock},{total})" sql = sql.format(stock_no=stock_no.zfill(6), year=col1, cash=col2, stock_earn=col3, stock_capital=col4, stock=col5, total=col6) db = database() db.execute_sql(sql)
def getBorkerList(self): db = database() self.conn = db.create_connection() cur = self.conn.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) sql = "select broker_head,broker_no,broker_name from broker_list a where enable ='Y' " \ "and broker_no not in(select distinct broker_no from broker_data where data_date = {data_date})" sql = sql.format(data_date=self.data_date) cur.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() return rows
def validate(self, data_date): db = database() conn = db.create_connection() cur = conn.cursor() sql = "SELECT * FROM stockholder_sum where data_date = '{data_date}' " sql = sql.format(data_date = data_date) cur.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0: return False else: return True
def validate(self, data_date): db = database() conn = db.create_connection() cur = conn.cursor() sql = "SELECT * FROM legalperson_date where data_date = '{data_date}' and flag ='Y'" sql = sql.format(data_date=data_date) cur.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0: return False else: return True
def put_into_list(self): db = database() self.conn = db.create_connection() sql = ('select stock_no from stockholder a where level > 11 and level < 16' ' group by stock_no having sum(percent) > {percent} and sum(stock_num) > {stock_num} and sum(holder_num)>{holder_num} and not exists (select * from robert_stock_list where stock_no = a.stock_no)') sql = sql.format(stock_num = self.CONFIG['stock_num'], percent = self.CONFIG['percent'], holder_num = self.CONFIG['holder_num']) self.cur = self.conn.cursor() self.cur.execute(sql) rows = self.cur.fetchall() for row in rows: insert_sql = "insert into {stock_table}(stock_no) values('{stock_no}')" insert_sql = insert_sql.format(stock_table = self.CONFIG['stock_table'], stock_no = row[0]) db.execute_sql(insert_sql)
def countAvgDividend(stock_no): sql = "select round(avg(total),2) from dividend where stock_no = '{stock_no}'" sql = sql.format(stock_no=stock_no) db = database() conn = db.create_connection() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() dividend_avg = 0 if cur.rowcount > 0: if rows[0][0] > 0: dividend_avg = rows[0][0] return dividend_avg
def getTodayPrice(data_date, stock_no): sql = "select stock_eprice from stockprice where stock_no = '{stock_no}' and batch_no = '{data_date}'" sql = sql.format(data_date=data_date, stock_no=stock_no) db = database() conn = db.create_connection() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() price = 0 if cur.rowcount > 0: if rows[0][0] > 0: price = rows[0][0] return price
def update_stock_flag(self,stock_no,in_gap_count): times = 0 if in_gap_count <=1 : times = 15 elif in_gap_count > 1 and in_gap_count <= 3: times = 9 elif in_gap_count > 3 and in_gap_count <= 5: times = 8 elif in_gap_count > 5 and in_gap_count <= 10: times = 6 elif in_gap_count > 10 and in_gap_count <= 20: times = 5 elif in_gap_count > 20: times = 4 percent = in_gap_count * times percent50 = percent+5 percent80 = percent-5 percent90 = percent-10 db = database() conn = db.create_connection() cur = conn.cursor() sql = "SELECT stock_lprice FROM stockflag where stock_no ='{stock_no}' and enable is null" sql = sql.format(stock_no=stock_no) cur.execute(sql) if cur.rowcount > 0: rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: stock_lprice = row[0] percent_price70 = round(stock_lprice * (1 + (percent / 100)), 1) percent_price50 = round(stock_lprice * (1 + (percent50 / 100)), 1) percent_price80 = round(stock_lprice * (1 + (percent80 / 100)), 1) percent_price90 = round(stock_lprice * (1 + (percent90 / 100)), 1) sql = "update stockflag set price90 ={percent_price90},price80={percent_price80},price70={percent_price70},price50={percent_price50} where stock_no ='{stock_no}' and enable is null" sql = sql.format(percent_price90=percent_price90,percent_price80=percent_price80,percent_price70=percent_price70,percent_price50=percent_price50,stock_no=stock_no) db.execute_sql(sql)
def getOffer6YearDividend(stock_no): sql = "select total from dividend where stock_no = '{stock_no}' order by stock_no" sql = sql.format(stock_no=stock_no) db = database() conn = db.create_connection() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() count = 0 for row in rows: if row[0] > 0: count += 1 else: break return count #x = getOffer6YearDividend('001101') #y = countAvgDividend('001101')