예제 #1
    def __init__(self, lim, bmark_ticker, constituents, n_rand_port, filter_co):
        self.lim = lim
        self.start_date = self.calculate_start_date(lim)
        self.bmark_ticker = bmark_ticker
        self.constituents = constituents
        self.n_rand_port = n_rand_port
        self.stocklist = StocklistParser('data/yahoo_full_stocklist.csv', filter_co)

        self.dir_output = 'output'
        if not os.path.exists(self.dir_output):
        self.f_portfolios = 'portfolios.csv'
예제 #2
class RandomPortfolioReturnStrategy(object):

    def __init__(self, lim, bmark_ticker, constituents, n_rand_port, filter_co):
        self.lim = lim
        self.start_date = self.calculate_start_date(lim)
        self.bmark_ticker = bmark_ticker
        self.constituents = constituents
        self.n_rand_port = n_rand_port
        self.stocklist = StocklistParser('data/yahoo_full_stocklist.csv', filter_co)

        self.dir_output = 'output'
        if not os.path.exists(self.dir_output):
        self.f_portfolios = 'portfolios.csv'

    def calculate_start_date(self, data_point_days):
        weekends = (data_point_days / 7) * 2
        actual_days_delta = data_point_days + (weekends * 2) #Add a buffer of +1 day for every weekend to account for any non-trading days
        start_date = datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(actual_days_delta)
        return start_date

    def get_rand_stock(self):
        tickers = self.stocklist.get_symbols()
        rand_index = randint(0, (len(tickers)-1))
        return (tickers[rand_index], rand_index)

    def fetch_prices(self, ticker):
        today = datetime.date.today()
        priceApi = 'http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/table.csv?s='
        params = '&a=' + str(self.start_date.month-1) + '&b=' + str(self.start_date.day) + '&c=' + str(self.start_date.year) + '&d=' + str(today.month-1) + '&e=' + str(today.day) + '&f=' + str(today.year) + '&g=d&ignore=.csv'
            data = urllib2.urlopen(priceApi + ticker + params).read()
            data = data.replace('\r', '').split('\n')[1:-1][::-1]
            return self.fetch_prices(self.get_rand_stock()[0])

        '''Check data has enough historical data points and first historic price is not 0 [division by zero error]'''
        if ((len(data)-1) < self.lim) or (float(data[0].split(',')[6]) == 0):
            while ((len(data)-1) < self.lim) or (float(data[0].split(',')[6]) == 0):
                next_rand_ticker = self.get_rand_stock()[0]
                    data = urllib2.urlopen(priceApi + next_rand_ticker + params).read()
                    data = data.replace('\r', '').split('\n')[1:-1][::-1]
                    return self.fetch_prices(self.get_rand_stock()[0])

        prices = []
        for d in data:
        prices_pct = self.convert_pct(prices)

        return prices_pct

    def convert_pct(self, prices):
        prices_pct = []
        i = 0
        while len(prices_pct) < (len(prices) - 1):
            chng_pc = ((prices[i + 1] / prices[0]) - 1) * 100
            i += 1
        return prices_pct

    def calculate_portfolio_performance(self, portfolio_prices):
        i = 0
        portfolio_return = []
        while i < self.lim:
            j = 0
            sigma = 0
            while j < len(portfolio_prices):
                sigma += float(portfolio_prices[j][i])
                j += 1
            avg_pc = sigma / j
            i += 1
        return portfolio_return

    def plot_results(self, benchmark, rand_portfolios):
        print "\n>> Plotting results..."
        now = datetime.date.today()
        window_title = ('Performance of ' + str(self.n_rand_port) + ' Random Portfolios vs ' + self.bmark_ticker + ' Benchmark')
        xlab = 'N Days (ending on ' + str(now.day) + '/' + str(now.month) + '/' + str(now.year) + ')'
        ylab = '% Change'
        line_plot = mpl_graph_line(window_title, xlab, ylab, True)

        plot_data = [] #Tuple: ([prices], linewidth)
        for portfolio in rand_portfolios:
            plot_data.append((portfolio, 1))
        plot_data.append((benchmark, 2))

        legend = []
        for i in xrange(len(rand_portfolios)):
            legend.append('Rand Portfolio (' + str(i+1) + ')')
        legend.append('Benchmark (' + self.bmark_ticker + ')')

        line_plot.plot(plot_data, legend)

    def run_simulation(self):
        print "\n>> Running simulation calculations..."
        t_start = time.time()
        benchmark = self.fetch_prices(self.bmark_ticker)[:self.lim]
        rand_portfolios = []
        done_total = self.n_rand_port * self.constituents

        portfolio_stock_names = np.empty([(self.constituents+1), self.n_rand_port], dtype='S24')
        for n in xrange(self.n_rand_port):
            portfolio = []
            for i in xrange(self.constituents):
                rand_stock = self.get_rand_stock()

            portfolio_prices = []
            portfolio_stock_names[0][n] = 'Rand Portfolio (' + str(n+1) + ')'
            for i, stock in enumerate(portfolio):
                price = self.fetch_prices(stock[0])
                portfolio_stock_names[(i+1)][n] = stock[0]

                done_curr = (n * self.constituents) + (i + 1)
                completed = (float(done_curr)/float(done_total)) * 100
                sys.stdout.write("\r%.2f" % completed + "% completed...")

            portfolio_performance = self.calculate_portfolio_performance(portfolio_prices)

        print "\n\n>> Finished simulating random portfolios!"
        np.savetxt((self.dir_output + '/' + self.f_portfolios), portfolio_stock_names, delimiter=',', fmt='%s')
        print ">> Random portfolios constituents saved in:\n", self.f_portfolios
        t_end = time.time()
        t_delta = t_end - t_start
        self.plot_results(benchmark, rand_portfolios)
        return t_delta