예제 #1
    def search(self, term):
        """All stops and lines that match the search term.

            term: serch term
            list of Stops & Lines

        path = "/v2/search/%s" % urllib.quote(term)

        data = self._api_request(path)

        stop_factory = StopFactory(self)
        line_factory = LineFactory(self)

        out = []
        for result in data:
            if result['type'] == 'stop':
            elif result['type'] == 'line':

        return out
예제 #2
    def transport_pois_by_map(self, poi, location1,
                              location2, griddepth, limit=20):
        """Return a list of points of interest within a map grid defined by
        location1 & location2

            poi: either a transport mode or outlet. A list of poi types can be
                passed in as a comma separated
            location1 & location2:
                - are one of (lat, lon), a Location object, or something that
                  has a location property (which would be a Location object).
                - define the top left corner (location1) and bottom right
                  corner (location2) of a rectangle on a map
            griddepth: number of cell blocks per cluster
            limit: minimum number of POIs required to create a cluster as well
                as the maximum number of POIs returned
            a dictionary in the format, the primary components being in the
            'locations' value
            {'locations': [ Stop or Outlet objects ],

        lat1, lon1 = parse_location(location1)
        lat2, lon2 = parse_location(location2)

        base_path = "/v2/poi/{poi}/lat1/{lat1}/long1/{lon1}/" + \
                    "lat2/{lat2}/long2/{lon2}/" + \

        poi_ids = ','.join([str(self.MODES[p]) for p in poi.split(',')])

        path = base_path.format(poi=poi_ids, lat1=lat1, lon1=lon1,
                                lat2=lat2, lon2=lon2,
                                griddepth=griddepth, limit=limit)

        data = self._api_request(path)

        stop_factory = StopFactory(self)
        outlet_factory = OutletFactory(self)

        out = {}
        for k, v in data.items():
            if k == "locations":
                out['locations'] = []
                for location in v:
                    # either a Stop of an Outlet
                    if 'transport_type' in location:
                        item = stop_factory.create(**location)
                        outlet_type = location.pop('outlet_type')
                        item = outlet_factory.create(transport_type=outlet_type,
                out[k] = v

        return out
예제 #3
    def _process_departures(self, departures):
        """ common reponse parser for handling a list of departures """

        line_factory = LineFactory(self)
        stop_factory = StopFactory(self)
        run_factory = RunFactory(self)

        out = []
        for departure in departures:
            # - platform
            # -- direction
            # --- line
            platform_details = departure['platform']
            direction_details = platform_details.pop('direction')
            line_details = direction_details.pop('line')
            line = line_factory.create(**line_details)
            direction_details['line'] = line
            direction = Direction(**direction_details)
            platform_details['direction'] = direction
            # --- stop
            stop_details = platform_details.pop('stop')
            stop = stop_factory.create(**stop_details)
            platform_details['stop'] = stop
            platform = Platform(**platform_details)
            # - run
            run_details = departure['run']
            run = run_factory.create(**run_details)

            timetable = parse_datetime_tz(departure["time_timetable_utc"])
            if departure["time_realtime_utc"] is not None:
                realtime = parse_datetime_tz(departure["time_realtime_utc"])
                realtime = None

            if departure['flags']:
                flags = ', '.join([self.FLAGS[f] for f
                                   in departure['flags'].split('-')
                                   if f != 'E'])
                flags = None

            out.append({"platform": platform,
                        "run": run,
                        "flags": flags,
                        "time_timetable_utc": timetable,
                        "time_realtime_utc": realtime,
        return out
예제 #4
    def stops_nearby(self, location, mode=None, limit=None,
        """Return stops near a location.

            location: one of (lat, lon), a Location object, or something that
                    has a location property (which would be a Location object)
            mode: (optional) filter results for only this tramsport mode
            limit: (optional) only return this many results
            with_distance: (optional) return tuples of (Stop, distance)
            List of stops or a list of tuples in the form (stop, distance) if
            with_distance is True

        base_path = "/v2/nearme/latitude/{lat}/longitude/{lon}"

        lat, lon = parse_location(location)

        path = base_path.format(lat=lat, lon=lon)

        stops = self._api_request(path)

        stop_factory = StopFactory(self)

        out = [stop_factory.create(**stop['result']) for stop in stops]

        # only provide certain stop types if we are provided with a mode
        if mode is not None:
            out = [stop for stop in out if stop.transport_type == mode]

        # enforce limit if provided
        if limit is not None:
            out = out[:limit]

        # convert into tuple of (Stop, distance)
        if with_distance:
            out = [(stop, location.distance(stop.location)) for stop in out]

        return out
예제 #5
    def stops_on_a_line(self, mode, line):
        """All stops for a particular transport mode on a given line
            mode: transport mode
            line: the line_id of a particular line
            List of stops.

        base_path = "/v2/mode/{mode}/line/{line}/stops-for-line"

        mode_id = self.MODES[mode]

        path = base_path.format(mode=mode_id, line=line)

        data = self._api_request(path)

        stop_factory = StopFactory(self)

        out = []
        for line in data:

        return out