예제 #1
class WorkOrderCategory(Domain):
    """A |workorder|'s category

    Used to categorize a |workorder|. It can be differentiate
    mainly by the :attr:`.name`, but one can use :obj:`color`
    in a gui to make the differentiation better.

    See also:
    `schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/work_order_category.html>`__

    __storm_table__ = 'work_order_category'


    #: category's name
    name = UnicodeCol()

    #: category's color (e.g. #ff0000 for red)
    color = UnicodeCol()

    #  IDescribable

    def get_description(self):
        return self.name
예제 #2
파일: invoice.py 프로젝트: 5l1v3r1/stoq-1
class InvoiceField(Domain):
    """Represents a field in an InvoiceLayout.

    __storm_table__ = 'invoice_field'

    #: x position of the upper left corner of the field
    x = IntCol()

    #: y position of the upper left corner of the field
    y = IntCol()

    #: the width of the field, must be larger than 0
    width = IntCol()

    #: the height of the field, must be larger than 0
    height = IntCol()

    #: the name of the field, this is used to identify
    #: and fetch the data when printing the invoice
    field_name = UnicodeCol()

    #: the free text of the field
    content = UnicodeCol(default=u'')

    #: the layout this field belongs to
    layout_id = IdCol()
    layout = Reference(layout_id, 'InvoiceLayout.id')
예제 #3
class UIForm(Domain):
    """This describes a form which has a number of fields"""
    __storm_table__ = 'ui_form'

    form_name = UnicodeCol()
    description = UnicodeCol()

    _field_cache = {}

    def _build_field_cache(self):
        # Instead of making one query for each field, let's build a cache for
        # all fields at once. If there's no cache built yet, builds it.
        if self._field_cache:
        default_store = get_default_store()
        for field in default_store.find(UIField):
            self._field_cache[(field.ui_form_id, field.field_name)] = field

    def get_field(self, field_name):
        """Returns a |uifield| from |uiform|

        :param field_name: name of a UIField
        :returns: the |uifield| of that field_name
        return self._field_cache.get((self.id, field_name))
예제 #4
class CityLocation(ORMObject):
    __storm_table__ = 'city_location'

    id = IntCol(primary=True)
    country = UnicodeCol(default=u"")
    city = UnicodeCol(default=u"")
    state = UnicodeCol(default=u"")
예제 #5
class BankAccount(Domain):
    """Information specific to a bank

    See also:
    `schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/bank_account.html>`__

    __storm_table__ = 'bank_account'

    account_id = IdCol()

    #: the |account| for this bank account
    account = Reference(account_id, 'Account.id')

    # FIXME: This is brazil specific, should probably be replaced by a
    #        bank reference to a separate class with name in addition to
    #        the bank number
    #: an identify for the bank type of this account,
    bank_number = IntCol(default=0)

    #: an identifier for the bank branch/agency which is responsible
    #: for this
    bank_branch = UnicodeCol(default=None)

    #: an identifier for this bank account
    bank_account = UnicodeCol(default=None)

    def options(self):
        """Get the bill options for this bank account
        :returns: a list of :class:`BillOption`
        return self.store.find(BillOption, bank_account=self)
예제 #6
파일: overrides.py 프로젝트: 5l1v3r1/stoq-1
class ProductBranchOverride(Domain):
    __storm_table__ = 'product_branch_override'

    location = UnicodeCol()

    icms_template_id = IdCol()
    icms_template = Reference(icms_template_id, 'ProductIcmsTemplate.id')

    ipi_template_id = IdCol()
    ipi_template = Reference(ipi_template_id, 'ProductIpiTemplate.id')

    pis_template_id = IdCol()
    pis_template = Reference(pis_template_id, 'ProductPisTemplate.id')

    cofins_template_id = IdCol()
    cofins_template = Reference(cofins_template_id, 'ProductCofinsTemplate.id')

    branch_id = IdCol()
    branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')

    product_id = IdCol()
    product = Reference(product_id, 'Product.id')

    #: Brazil specific. NFE. Código Benefício Fiscal
    c_benef = UnicodeCol(default=None)

    def find_product(cls, branch: Branch, product):
        return product.store.find(cls, product=product, branch=branch).one()
예제 #7
class ParameterData(Domain):
    """ Class to store system parameters.

    See also:
    `schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/parameter_data.html>`__
    __storm_table__ = 'parameter_data'

    #: name of the parameter we want to query on
    field_name = UnicodeCol()

    #: current result(or value) of this parameter
    field_value = UnicodeCol()

    #: the item can't be edited through an editor.
    is_editable = BoolCol()

    def get_group(self):
        from stoqlib.lib.parameters import sysparam
        return sysparam.get_detail_by_name(self.field_name).group

    def get_short_description(self):
        from stoqlib.lib.parameters import sysparam
        return sysparam.get_detail_by_name(self.field_name).short_desc

    def get_field_value(self):
        # FIXME: This is a workaround to handle some parameters which are
        #       locale specific.
        if self.field_value:
            return _(self.field_value)
        return self.field_value
예제 #8
파일: plugin.py 프로젝트: leandrodax/stoq
class PluginEgg(Domain):
    """A cache for plugins eggs"""

    __storm_table__ = 'plugin_egg'

    plugin_name = UnicodeCol()
    egg_content = BLOBCol(default=None)
    egg_md5sum = UnicodeCol(default=None)
예제 #9
class CreditProvider(Domain):
    """A credit provider

    This is the institution that provides the credit to the client, for
    instance: American Express, Visanet, Redecard, etc...
    __storm_table__ = 'credit_provider'

    #: A short description of this provider
    short_name = UnicodeCol()

    #: An identification for this provider
    provider_id = UnicodeCol(default=u'')

    #: the maximum number of installments for a |sale| using this credit provider.
    max_installments = IntCol(default=1)

    default_device_id = IdCol()
    #: The default device for this credit provider. This will be suggested to
    #: the user when he selects this provider in the checkout dialog
    default_device = Reference(default_device_id, 'CardPaymentDevice.id')

    #: The date when we start working with this provider
    open_contract_date = DateTimeCol()

    # IDescribable

    def get_description(self):
        return self.short_name

    # Public API

    def get_provider_by_provider_id(cls, provider_id, store):
        """Get a provider given a provider id string
        :param provider_id: a string representing the provider
        :param store: a database store
        return store.find(cls, provider_id=provider_id)

    def get_card_providers(cls, store):
        """Get a list of all credit card providers.
        :param store: a database store
        return store.find(cls)

    def has_card_provider(cls, store):
        """Find out if there is a card provider
        :param store: a database store
        :returns: if there is a card provider
        return bool(store.find(cls).count())
예제 #10
class UIField(Domain):
    __storm_table__ = 'ui_field'

    ui_form_id = IntCol()
    ui_form = Reference(ui_form_id, UIForm.id)
    field_name = UnicodeCol()
    description = UnicodeCol()
    visible = BoolCol()
    mandatory = BoolCol()
예제 #11
class UIForm(Domain):
    __storm_table__ = 'ui_form'

    form_name = UnicodeCol()
    description = UnicodeCol()

    def get_field(self, field_name):
        store = self.store
        return store.find(UIField, field_name=field_name, ui_form=self).one()
예제 #12
파일: nfe.py 프로젝트: pauloscarin1972/stoq
class NFeSupplier(Domain):
    __storm_table__ = 'nfe_supplier'

    #: The CNPJ of the supplier
    cnpj = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: The real name of the supplier
    name = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: The fancy name of the supplier
    fancy_name = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: Postal code
    postal_code = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: Address commplement (ex: ap 22)
    complement = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: The supplier district
    district = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: The street/avenue name
    street = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: Primary phone
    phone_number = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: Street number
    street_number = IntCol()

    #: Municipal registry if have both product and service in the same invoice
    municipal_registry = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: IBGE's State Code is national 2 digit registry (ex: 29 = Bahia)
    state_registry = UnicodeCol(default=u"")

    #: IBGE's City Code is national 7 digit registry (ex: 2927408 = Salvador)
    city_code = IntCol()

    #: Stoq supplier id
    supplier_id = IdCol()

    #: Stoq supplier reference
    supplier = Reference(supplier_id, "Supplier.id")

    def state(self):
        city_location = self.store.find(CityLocation,
        return city_location.state

    def country(self):
        city_location = self.store.find(CityLocation,
        return city_location.country
예제 #13
class OpticalPatientVisualAcuity(Domain):
    __storm_table__ = 'optical_patient_visual_acuity'

    create_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=StatementTimestamp)

    client_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)
    #: The related client
    client = Reference(client_id, 'Client.id')

    responsible_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)
    #: The user that registred this information
    responsible = Reference(responsible_id, 'LoginUser.id')

    be_distance_glasses = UnicodeCol()
    le_distance_glasses = UnicodeCol()
    re_distance_glasses = UnicodeCol()

    be_distance_lenses = UnicodeCol()
    le_distance_lenses = UnicodeCol()
    re_distance_lenses = UnicodeCol()

    be_near_glasses = UnicodeCol()
    be_near_lenses = UnicodeCol()

    #: Free notes
    notes = UnicodeCol()

    def responsible_name(self):
        return self.responsible.get_description()
예제 #14
파일: uiform.py 프로젝트: rosalin/stoq
class UIForm(Domain):
    """This describes a form which has a number of fields"""
    __storm_table__ = 'ui_form'

    form_name = UnicodeCol()
    description = UnicodeCol()
    fields = Reference('id', 'UIField.ui_form_id', on_remote=True)

    def get_field(self, field_name):
        store = self.store
        return store.find(UIField, field_name=field_name, ui_form=self).one()
예제 #15
class PaymentMethod(Domain):
    __storm_table__ = 'payment_method'
    method_name = UnicodeCol()
    is_active = BoolCol(default=True)
    description = UnicodeCol()
    daily_penalty = PercentCol(default=0)
    interest = PercentCol(default=0)
    payment_day = IntCol(default=None)
    closing_day = IntCol(default=None)
    max_installments = IntCol(default=1)
    destination_account_id = IntCol()
예제 #16
파일: uiform.py 프로젝트: rosalin/stoq
class UIField(Domain):
    """This describes a field in form a.
    Can be used makae fields mandatory or hide them completely.
    __storm_table__ = 'ui_field'

    ui_form_id = IdCol()
    ui_form = Reference(ui_form_id, 'UIForm.id')
    field_name = UnicodeCol()
    description = UnicodeCol()
    visible = BoolCol()
    mandatory = BoolCol()
예제 #17
파일: overrides.py 프로젝트: metrorede/stak
class ServiceBranchOverride(Domain):
    __storm_table__ = 'service_branch_override'

    city_taxation_code = UnicodeCol()
    service_list_item_code = UnicodeCol()
    p_iss = PercentCol()

    branch_id = IdCol()
    branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')

    service_id = IdCol()
    service = Reference(service_id, 'Service.id')
예제 #18
파일: card.py 프로젝트: tmaxter/stoq
class CreditProvider(Domain):
    """A credit provider

    This is the institution that provides the credit to the client, for
    instance: American Express, Visanet, Redecard, etc...
    __storm_table__ = 'credit_provider'


    #: A short description of this provider
    short_name = UnicodeCol()

    #: An identification for this provider
    provider_id = UnicodeCol(default=u'')

    #: The date when we start working with this provider
    open_contract_date = DateTimeCol()

    # IDescribable

    def get_description(self):
        return self.short_name

    # Public API

    def get_provider_by_provider_id(cls, provider_id, store):
        """Get a provider given a provider id string
        :param provider_id: a string representing the provider
        :param store: a database store
        return store.find(cls, provider_id=provider_id)

    def get_card_providers(cls, store):
        """Get a list of all credit card providers.
        :param store: a database store
        return store.find(cls)

    def has_card_provider(cls, store):
        """Find out if there is a card provider
        :param store: a database store
        :returns: if there is a card provider
        return bool(store.find(cls).count())
예제 #19
class Address(Domain):
    __storm_table__ = 'address'

    street = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    streetnumber = IntCol(default=None)
    district = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    postal_code = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    complement = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    is_main_address = BoolCol(default=False)
    person_id = IntCol()
    person = Reference(person_id, Person.id)
    city_location_id = IntCol()
    city_location = Reference(city_location_id, CityLocation.id)
예제 #20
class StorableBatch(Domain):
    """Batch information for storables.

    A batch is a colection of products (storable) that were produced at the same
    time and thus they have some common information, such as expiration date.

    This information is useful since sometimes its necessary to make decisions
    based on the batch like a special promotion for older batches (if it is
    close to the expiration date, for instance) or if a batch is somehow
    defective and we need to contact the clients that purchased items from this

    __storm_table__ = 'storable_batch'

    #: The sequence number for this batch. Should be unique for a given
    #: storable
    batch_number = UnicodeCol(allow_none=False)

    #: The date this batch was created
    create_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow)

    #: An expiration date, specially for perishable products, like milk and food in
    #: general
    expire_date = DateTimeCol()

    #: Some space for the users to add notes to this batch.
    notes = UnicodeCol()

    storable_id = IdCol(allow_none=False)

    #: The storable that is in this batch
    storable = Reference(storable_id, 'Storable.id')

    def get_balance_for_branch(self, branch):
        """Return the stock balance for this |batch| in a |branch|.

        :param branch: the |branch| to get the stock balance for
        :returns: the amount of stock available in the |branch|
        store = self.store
        stock_items = store.find(ProductStockItem, storable=self.storable,
                                 batch=self, branch=branch)
        return stock_items.sum(ProductStockItem.quantity) or Decimal(0)

    #  IDescribable

    def get_description(self):
        return self.batch_number
예제 #21
파일: taxes.py 프로젝트: tmaxter/stoq
class BaseIPI(BaseTax):

    cl_enq = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    cnpj_prod = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    c_selo = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    q_selo = IntCol(default=None)
    c_enq = UnicodeCol(default=u'')

    cst = IntCol(default=None)
    p_ipi = PercentCol(default=None)

    q_unid = QuantityCol(default=None)

    calculo = IntCol(default=CALC_ALIQUOTA)
예제 #22
파일: sellable.py 프로젝트: tmaxter/stoq
class SellableTaxConstant(Domain):
    """A tax constant tied to a sellable

    __storm_table__ = 'sellable_tax_constant'

    description = UnicodeCol()
    tax_type = IntCol()
    tax_value = PercentCol(default=None)

    _mapping = {
        int(TaxType.NONE): u'TAX_NONE',  # Não tributado - ICMS
        int(TaxType.EXEMPTION): u'TAX_EXEMPTION',  # Isento - ICMS
        u'TAX_SUBSTITUTION',  # Substituição tributária - ICMS
        int(TaxType.SERVICE): u'TAX_SERVICE',  # ISS

    def get_value(self):
        return SellableTaxConstant._mapping.get(self.tax_type, self.tax_value)

    def get_by_type(cls, tax_type, store):
        """Fetch the tax constant for tax_type
        :param tax_type: the tax constant to fetch
        :param store: a store
        :returns: a |sellabletaxconstant| or ``None`` if none is found
        return store.find(SellableTaxConstant, tax_type=int(tax_type)).one()

    # IDescribable

    def get_description(self):
        return self.description
예제 #23
class _TestModel(Domain):
    __storm_table__ = '_test_model'

    unicode_var = UnicodeCol()

    def get_description(self):
        return self.unicode_var
예제 #24
파일: taxes.py 프로젝트: metrorede/stak
class ProductTaxTemplate(Domain):
    TYPE_ICMS = u'icms'
    TYPE_IPI = u'ipi'
    TYPE_PIS = u'pis'
    TYPE_COFINS = u'cofins'

    __storm_table__ = 'product_tax_template'

    types = collections.OrderedDict([
        (TYPE_ICMS, u"ICMS"),
        (TYPE_IPI, u"IPI"),
        (TYPE_PIS, u"PIS"),
        (TYPE_COFINS, u"COFINS"),

    type_map = {TYPE_ICMS: ProductIcmsTemplate,
                TYPE_IPI: ProductIpiTemplate,
                TYPE_PIS: ProductPisTemplate,
                TYPE_COFINS: ProductCofinsTemplate}

    name = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    tax_type = EnumCol(default=TYPE_ICMS, allow_none=False)

    def get_tax_model(self):
        klass = self.type_map[self.tax_type]
        store = self.store
        return store.find(klass, product_tax_template=self).one()

    def get_tax_type_str(self):
        return self.types[self.tax_type]
예제 #25
파일: taxes.py 프로젝트: metrorede/stak
class BaseIPI(BaseTax):
    CALC_ALIQUOTA = u'aliquot'
    CALC_UNIDADE = u'unit'

    cl_enq = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    cnpj_prod = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    c_selo = UnicodeCol(default=u'')
    q_selo = IntCol(default=None)
    c_enq = UnicodeCol(default=u'')

    cst = IntCol(default=None)
    p_ipi = PercentCol(default=None)

    q_unid = QuantityCol(default=None)

    calculo = EnumCol(default=CALC_ALIQUOTA, allow_none=False)
예제 #26
class ProductManufacturer(Domain):
    """Product manufacturer.

    See also:
    `schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/product_manufacturer.html>`__

    __storm_table__ = 'product_manufacturer'

    #: manufacturer's name
    name = UnicodeCol()

    # IDescribable

    def get_description(self):
        return self.name

    def can_remove(self):
        """ Check if the manufacturer is used in some product."""
        return not self.store.find(Product, manufacturer=self).count()

    def remove(self):
        """Remove this registry from the database."""
예제 #27
파일: payment.py 프로젝트: 5l1v3r1/stoq-1
class PaymentChangeHistory(Domain):
    """ A class to hold information about changes to a payment.

    Only one tuple (last_due_date, new_due_date) or (last_status, new_status)
    should be non-null at a time.

    See also:
    `schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/payment_change_history.html>`__

    __storm_table__ = 'payment_change_history'

    payment_id = IdCol()

    #: the changed |payment|
    payment = Reference(payment_id, 'Payment.id')

    #: the reason of the change
    change_reason = UnicodeCol(default=None)

    #: when the changed happened
    change_date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow)

    #: the due date that was set before the changed
    last_due_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)

    #: the due date that was set after changed
    new_due_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)

    #: status before the change
    last_status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=Payment.STATUS_PREVIEW)

    #: status after change
    new_status = EnumCol(allow_none=False, default=Payment.STATUS_PREVIEW)
예제 #28
class ProductBranchOverride(Domain):
    __storm_table__ = 'product_branch_override'

    location = UnicodeCol()

    icms_template_id = IdCol()
    icms_template = Reference(icms_template_id, 'ProductIcmsTemplate.id')

    ipi_template_id = IdCol()
    ipi_template = Reference(ipi_template_id, 'ProductIpiTemplate.id')

    pis_template_id = IdCol()
    pis_template = Reference(pis_template_id, 'ProductPisTemplate.id')

    cofins_template_id = IdCol()
    cofins_template = Reference(cofins_template_id, 'ProductCofinsTemplate.id')

    branch_id = IdCol()
    branch = Reference(branch_id, 'Branch.id')

    product_id = IdCol()
    product = Reference(product_id, 'Product.id')

    def find_product(cls, product):
        branch = get_current_branch(product.store)
        return product.store.find(cls, product=product, branch=branch).one()
예제 #29
class SaleComment(Domain):
    __storm_table__ = 'sale_comment'

    date = DateTimeCol(default_factory=localnow)
    comment = UnicodeCol()
    author_id = IdCol()
    sale_id = IdCol()
예제 #30
class ParameterData(Domain):
    """ Class to store system parameters.

    See also:
    `schema <http://doc.stoq.com.br/schema/tables/parameter_data.html>`__
    __storm_table__ = 'parameter_data'

    #: name of the parameter we want to query on
    field_name = UnicodeCol()

    #: current result(or value) of this parameter
    field_value = UnicodeCol()

    #: the item can't be edited through an editor.
    is_editable = BoolCol()