예제 #1
def create_volume(**attrs):
   Create a Volume.  It will be owned by the calling user, or, if the caller is an admin, the user identified by the given email address.
   Required keyword arguments:
         The email of the user to own this Volume.
         The name of this volume.  It must be unique.
         It is recommend that it be human-readable, so other 
         users can request to join it.
         A human-readable description of the Volume's contents.
         The size of a block in this Volume.  Each block will
         be cached as an HTTP object in the underlying Web 
         caches, so it is probably best to pick block sizes between 
         4KB and 1MB or so.
   Optional keyword arguments:
      private=bool (default: True)
         If True, this volume will not be searchable, and users
         will not be able to request access to it.  This value
         is True by default.
      archive=bool (default: False)
         If True, then there can be exactly one writer gateway for 
         this volume.  It will be read-only to every other Gateway.
      allow_anon=bool (default: false)
         If True, anonymous gateways can read this volume.
      On success, this method returns a Volume.  On failure, it
      raises an exception.
      An administrator can create an unlimited number of volumes.
      A user can only create as many as allowed by its max_volumes value.
      In practice, Syndicate will generate two keyword arguments: 'volume_cert_b64'
      and 'cert_bundle_b64'.  'volume_cert_b64' is a serialized protobuf containing
      the above keywords, in an ms_pb2.ms_volume_metadata structure signed by 
      the user that created the volume.  'cert_bundle_b64' is a serialized protobuf 
      containing the new volume certificate bundle version vector, signed by 
      the same user.
    return storage.create_volume(**attrs)
예제 #2
def create_volume(**attrs):
   Create a Volume.  It will be owned by the calling user, or, if the caller is an admin, the user identified by the given email address.
   Required keyword arguments:
         The email of the user to own this Volume.
         The name of this volume.  It must be unique.
         It is recommend that it be human-readable, so other 
         users can request to join it.
         A human-readable description of the Volume's contents.
         The size of a block in this Volume.  Each block will
         be cached as an HTTP object in the underlying Web 
         caches, so it is probably best to pick block sizes between 
         4KB and 1MB or so.
   Optional keyword arguments:
      private=bool (default: True)
         If True, this volume will not be searchable, and users
         will not be able to request access to it.  This value
         is True by default.
      archive=bool (default: False)
         If True, then there can be exactly one writer gateway for 
         this volume.  It will be read-only to every other Gateway.
      allow_anon=bool (default: false)
         If True, anonymous gateways can read this volume.
      On success, this method returns a Volume.  On failure, it
      raises an exception.
      An administrator can create an unlimited number of volumes.
      A user can only create as many as allowed by its max_volumes value.
      In practice, Syndicate will generate two keyword arguments: 'volume_cert_b64'
      and 'cert_bundle_b64'.  'volume_cert_b64' is a serialized protobuf containing
      the above keywords, in an ms_pb2.ms_volume_metadata structure signed by 
      the user that created the volume.  'cert_bundle_b64' is a serialized protobuf 
      containing the new volume certificate bundle version vector, signed by 
      the same user.
    return storage.create_volume(**attrs)
예제 #3
def createvolume(request):
    session = request.session
    username = session['login_email']
    message = ""

    if request.method == "POST":

        # Validate input forms
        form = forms.CreateVolume(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():

            # attempt to create the volume
            # CREATE VOLUME
            kwargs = {}
            kwargs['name'] = form.cleaned_data['name']
            kwargs['blocksize'] = int(form.cleaned_data['blocksize'])
            kwargs['description'] = form.cleaned_data['description']
            kwargs['volume_secret'] = form.cleaned_data['password']
            kwargs['private'] = form.cleaned_data['private']

                volume_key = db.create_volume(username, **kwargs)
                volume = volume_key.get()
            except Exception, e:
                message = "Unable to create Volume '{}': {}".format(
                    form.cleaned_data['name'], e.message)
                form = forms.CreateVolume()
                t = loader.get_template('createvolume.html')
                c = RequestContext(request, {
                    'username': username,
                    'form': form,
                    'message': message
                return HttpResponse(t.render(c))

            now_sec, now_nsec = clock_gettime()

            rc = db.make_root(volume, volume.owner_id)

            session['new_change'] = "Your new volume is ready."
            session['next_url'] = '/syn/volume/myvolumes/'
            session['next_message'] = "Click here to see your volumes."
            return redirect('/syn/thanks/')


            # Prep returned form values (so they don't have to re-enter stuff)

            if 'name' in form.errors:
                oldname = ""
                oldname = request.POST['name']
            if 'blocksize' in form.errors:
                oldblocksize = ""
                oldblocksize = request.POST['blocksize']
            if 'description' in form.errors:
                olddescription = ""
                olddescription = request.POST['description']

            # Prep error message
            message = "Invalid form entry: "

            for k, v in form.errors.items():
                message = message + "\"" + k + "\"" + " -> "
                for m in v:
                    message = message + m + " "

            # Give then the form again
            form = forms.CreateVolume(
                    'name': oldname,
                    'blocksize': oldblocksize,
                    'description': olddescription
            t = loader.get_template('createvolume.html')
            c = RequestContext(request, {
                'username': username,
                'form': form,
                'message': message
            return HttpResponse(t.render(c))