예제 #1
	def test_job_serializes_to_database(self):
		"""Job_Model: object serializes to database system correctly"""
		# Create the simulated job and serialize it to storage.
		new_job = job.Job()
		# Compare what was stored with the original object.
		stored_row = storage.get_one(job.Job, 'uuid', new_job.get_uuid())
		assert new_job.get_uuid() == stored_row[0]
		assert new_job.get_status() == stored_row[1]
		assert new_job.get_result() == stored_row[2]
		assert new_job.get_destination() == stored_row[3]
예제 #2
    def from_storage(uuid):
        """Build a Job object based on an entry in storage.
		@param[in] uuid UUID of the stored job to reconstruct.
		@return An instance of Job populated by the specified stored contents.
        row = storage.get_one(Job, "uuid", uuid)
        if not row:
            # raise ValueError("UUID '{0}' was not found in storage".format(uuid))
            # Let's be a little more gentle.
            return None
        new_job = Job(uuid)
        for tuple in zip(Job._get_field_definitions(), row):
            # Invoke the 'get_*' method for all keys.
            attribute_name = tuple[0][0]
            attribute_value = tuple[1]
            attribute_setter = getattr(new_job, "set_{0}".format(attribute_name))

        return new_job