def Assign(alert): """ params: Var Var, . . . """ params = (alert.param, ) if isinstance(alert.param, str) else alert.param val = -99999 for p in params: item = p.split('=') # noinspection PyBroadException try: val = float(item[1].strip()) except: try: val = valuestore.GetVal(item[1].strip()) except BaseException as e: logsupport.Logs.Log( "Error setting var in AssignVar alert: ", str(item[1]), ' to ', repr(val), severity=ConsoleWarning) logsupport.Logs.Log("Exception was: ", repr(e), severity=ConsoleWarning) valuestore.SetVal(item[0].strip(), val) logsupport.Logs.Log("Var ", item[0], ' set to value of ', item[1], ' (', val, ')', severity=ConsoleDetail)
def Command(alert): if not isinstance(alert.trigger, alerttasks.VarChangeTrigger): logsupport.Logs.Log('Net Command not triggered by variable', severity=ConsoleWarning) varval = valuestore.GetVal(alert.trigger.var) valuestore.SetVal(alert.trigger.var, 0) if varval == 1: logsupport.Logs.Log('Remote restart') exitutils.Exit_Screen_Message('Remote restart requested', 'Remote Restart') config.terminationreason = 'remote restart' exitutils.Exit(exitutils.REMOTERESTART) elif varval == 2: logsupport.Logs.Log('Remote reboot') exitutils.Exit_Screen_Message('Remote reboot requested', 'Remote Reboot') config.terminationreason = 'remote reboot' exitutils.Exit(exitutils.REMOTEREBOOT) elif varval == 3: logsupport.Logs.Log('Remote download stable') maintscreen.fetch_stable() elif varval == 4: logsupport.Logs.Log('Remote download beta') maintscreen.fetch_beta() elif varval == 5: logsupport.Logs.Log('Remote set stable') subprocess.Popen('sudo rm /home/pi/usebeta', shell=True) elif varval == 6: logsupport.Logs.Log('Remote set beta') subprocess.Popen('sudo touch /home/pi/usebeta', shell=True) elif varval == 7: logsupport.Logs.Log('Remote history buffer dump') entrytime = time.strftime('%m-%d-%y %H:%M:%S') historybuffer.DumpAll('Command Dump', entrytime) elif varval == 8: logsupport.Logs.Log('Remote error indicator cleared') config.sysStore.ErrorNotice = -1 elif varval in range(100, 100 + len(debug.DbgFlags)): flg = debug.DbgFlags[varval - 100] valuestore.SetVal(('Debug', flg), True) logsupport.Logs.Log('Remote set debug ', flg) elif varval in range(200, 200 + len(debug.DbgFlags)): flg = debug.DbgFlags[varval - 200] valuestore.SetVal(('Debug', flg), False) logsupport.Logs.Log('Remote clear debug ', flg) elif varval in range(300, 310): valuestore.SetVal(('Debug', 'LogLevel'), varval - 300) logsupport.Logs.Log('Remote set LogLevel to ', varval - 300) else: logsupport.Logs.Log('Unknown remote command: ', varval)
def IsTrue(self): val = -99999 try: val = valuestore.GetVal(self.var) if self.test == 'EQ': return int(val) == int(self.value) elif self.test == 'NE': return int(val) != int(self.value) else: logsupport.Logs.Log('Bad test in IsTrue', self.test, severity=ConsoleError) return False # shouldn't happen except Exception as E: logsupport.Logs.Log( 'Exception in IsTrue: {} Test: {} Val: {} Compare Val: {}'. format(repr(E), self.test, val, self.value), severity=ConsoleError) return False
def PaintKey(self, ForceDisplay=False, DisplayState=True): # create the images here dynamically then let lower methods do display, blink etc. val = valuestore.GetVal(self.Var) if self.oldval != val: self.oldval = val oncolor = wc(self.KeyColorOn) offcolor = wc(self.KeyColorOff) lab = [] for i in self.displayoptions: if i.Chooser[0] <= val <= i.Chooser[1]: lab = i.Label[:] oncolor = tint(i.Color) offcolor = wc(i.Color) break if not lab: lab = self.KeyLabelOn[:] lab2 = [] for line in lab: lab2.append(line.replace('$', str(val))) self.BuildKey(oncolor, offcolor) self.SetKeyImages(lab2, lab2, 0, True) self.ScheduleBlinkKey(self.Blink) super(VarKey, self).PaintKey(ForceDisplay, DisplayState)
def InitDisplay(self): debug.debugPrint("Screen", "SetVarValue Key.InitDisplay ",, self.Value = valuestore.GetVal(self.Var) super(SetVarValueKey, self).InitDisplay()
def VarKeyPressed(self): try: i = self.ValueSeq.index(valuestore.GetVal(self.Var)) except ValueError: i = len(self.ValueSeq) - 1 valuestore.SetVal(self.Var, self.ValueSeq[(i + 1) % len(self.ValueSeq)])
def ShowScreen(self, conditions): # todo given the useable vert space change should check for overflow or auto size font vert_off = self.startvertspace if not renderedlines = [ fonts.fonts.Font(45, "").render(x, 0, wc(self.CharColor)) for x in ] for l in renderedlines: hw.screen.blit( l, ((hw.screenwidth - l.get_width()) / 2, vert_off)) vert_off = vert_off + 60 # todo use useable space stuff and vert start else: renderedlines = [] if self.LocationSize != 0: locblk = fonts.fonts.Font(self.LocationSize, "").render( self.fmt.format("{d}",'Cond', 'Location'))), 0, wc(self.CharColor)) hw.screen.blit( locblk, ((hw.screenwidth - locblk.get_width()) / 2, vert_off)) vert_off = vert_off + locblk.get_height( ) + 10 # todo gap of 10 pixels is arbitrary h = vert_off if conditions: renderedlines.append( CreateWeathBlock(self.condformat, self.condfields, "", [45, 25, 35], self.CharColor, (self.location, 'Cond', 'Icon'), False)) h = h + renderedlines[-1].get_height() renderedlines.append( CreateWeathBlock(self.dayformat, self.dayfields, "", [30], self.CharColor, None, True)) h = h + renderedlines[-1].get_height() renderedlines.append( CreateWeathBlock(self.footformat, self.footfields, "", [25], self.CharColor, None, True)) h = h + renderedlines[-1].get_height() s = (self.useablevertspace - h) / ( len(renderedlines) - 1) if len(renderedlines) > 1 else 0 for l in renderedlines: hw.screen.blit( l, ((hw.screenwidth - l.get_width()) / 2, vert_off)) vert_off = vert_off + l.get_height() + s else: fcstlines = 0 fcstdays = valuestore.GetVal((self.location, 'FcstDays')) maxfcstwidth = 0 if fcstdays > 0: for i in range(fcstdays): renderedlines.append( CreateWeathBlock( self.fcstformat, self.fcstfields, "", [25], self.CharColor, # todo compute font size based on useable (self.location, 'Fcst', 'Icon'), False, day=i)) if renderedlines[-1].get_width() > maxfcstwidth: maxfcstwidth = renderedlines[-1].get_width() fcstlines += 1 else: renderedlines.append( fonts.fonts.Font(35, "").render("No Forecast Available", 0, wc(self.CharColor))) if hw.screenwidth > 350: h = h + renderedlines[-1].get_height() * 5 fcstlines = 2 + (fcstlines + 1) / 2 usewidth = hw.screenwidth / 2 else: h = h + renderedlines[-1].get_height() * 5 fcstlines = 5 usewidth = hw.screenwidth s = (self.useablevertspace - h) / (fcstlines + 1) startvert = vert_off horiz_off = (usewidth - maxfcstwidth) / 2 for dy, fcst in enumerate(renderedlines): hw.screen.blit(fcst, (horiz_off, vert_off)) vert_off = vert_off + s + fcst.get_height() if (dy == 4) and (hw.screenwidth > 350): horiz_off = horiz_off + usewidth vert_off = startvert pygame.display.update()
""" maintscreen.SetUpMaintScreens() logsupport.Logs.Log("Built Maintenance Screen") LogBadParams(ParsedConfigFile, "Globals") LogBadParams(alertspec, "Alerts") """ Dump documentation if development version """ # if config.sysStore.versionname == 'development': # utilities.DumpDocumentation() """ Run the main console loop """ for n in alerttasks.monitoredvars: # make sure vars used in alerts are updated to starting values valuestore.GetVal(n) config.sysStore.ErrorNotice = -1 gui = threading.Thread(name='GUI', target=screens.DS.MainControlLoop, args=(screens.HomeScreen, )) config.ecode = 99 gui.start() gui.join() logsupport.Logs.Log("Main line exit: ", config.ecode) timers.ShutTimers(config.terminationreason) logsupport.Logs.Log('Console exiting') hw.GoBright(100) pygame.quit() logsupport.DevPrint('Exit handling done')
def CreateWeathBlock(Format, Fields, WeathFont, FontSize, WeathColor, icon, centered, day=-1, useicon=True, maxiconsize=0): rf = [] fh = 0 fw = 0 FS = FontSize[:] if isinstance(FontSize, list) else [FontSize] fsize = int(FS.pop(0)) usefont = fonts.fonts.Font(fsize, WeathFont) fcstdays = 0 fld = '' vals = [] try: for fld in Fields: if day == -1: t = valuestore.GetVal(fld) if callable(t): vals.append(t()) else: vals.append(t) else: fcstdays = valuestore.GetVal((fld[0], 'FcstDays')) if day < fcstdays: t = valuestore.GetVal(fld + (day,)) if callable(t): vals.append(t()) else: vals.append(t) else: vals.append(None) logsupport.Logs.Log( "Attempt to forecast(day " + str(day) + ") beyond " + str(fcstdays) + " returned", severity=ConsoleDetailHigh) except Exception as e: logsupport.Logs.Log('Weather Block field access error: ' + str(fld) + ' Exc: ' + str(e)) try: for f in Format: rf.append(usefont.render(WFormatter().format(f, d=vals), 0, wc(WeathColor))) fh += rf[-1].get_height() if rf[-1].get_width() > fw: fw = rf[-1].get_width() if FS: fsize = int(FS.pop(0)) usefont = fonts.fonts.Font(fsize, WeathFont) except Exception as e: logsupport.Logs.Log('TimeTemp Weather Formatting Error: ', repr(e), severity=ConsoleWarning) if isinstance(e, KeyError): logsupport.Logs.Log(' No such weather field: ', e.args, severity=ConsoleWarning) rf.append(usefont.render('Weather N/A', 0, wc(WeathColor))) fh = rf[-1].get_height() * len(Format) # force the height to always be equal even if error if rf[-1].get_width() > fw: fw = rf[-1].get_width() if icon is not None: iconsize = fh if maxiconsize == 0 else min(fh, maxiconsize) totw = fw + iconsize + ICONSPACE hoff = iconsize + ICONSPACE if day == -1: iconref = icon[1:] else: if day < fcstdays: iconref = icon[1:] + (day,) else: iconref = None logsupport.Logs.Log( "Attempt to forecast(day " + str(day) + ") beyond " + str(fcstdays) + " returned by provider", severity=ConsoleDetailHigh) else: iconref = None iconsize = 0 totw = fw hoff = 0 fsfc = pygame.Surface((totw, fh)) fsfc.set_colorkey(wc('black')) v = 0 # noinspection PyBroadException try: if iconref is not None: tmp = pygame.transform.smoothscale(valuestore.ValueStores[icon[0]].GetVal(iconref), (iconsize, iconsize)) # R = pygame.Rect((0, 0), (tmp.get_height(), tmp.get_width())) # pygame.draw.rect(fsfc, (128, 128, 128), R, 3) # print('Scale: '+str(tmp.get_height())+ ' ' + str(valuestore.ValueStores[icon[0]].GetVal(iconref)) ) fsfc.blit(tmp, (0, (fh - iconsize) // 2)) except: if useicon: logsupport.Logs.Log("Internal error - missing icon for: ", str(icon[0]), str(iconref), severity=ConsoleWarning) # logsupport.Logs.Log("Temp msg: ", valuestore.ValueStores([icon[0], ('Cond', 'IconURL')])) for l in rf: if centered: fsfc.blit(l, (hoff + (fw - l.get_width()) / 2, v)) else: fsfc.blit(l, (hoff, v)) v += l.get_height() return fsfc