subjects_dir = os.path.join(scratch_folder, "fs_subjects_dir")
script_dir = proj_folder + "/scripts/"

included_subjects = db.get_subjects()
# just test with first one!

sub_new = []
for sub in [included_subjects[5]]:
    if not os.path.isfile(fs_subjects_dir + "%s/%s_t1.nii.gz" % (sub[:4], sub[:4])):
        # this is an example of getting the DICOM files as a list
        # sequence_name='t1_mprage_3D_sag'
        MR_study = db.get_studies(sub, modality="MR")
        if len(MR_study) > 0:
            # This is a 2D list with [series_name, series_number]
            series = db.get_series(sub, MR_study[0], "MR")
            t1 = series["t1_mpr_sag_weakFS"]
            t2 = series["t2_tse_sag_HighBW"]

            # Change this to be more elegant: check whether any item in series
            # matches sequence_name
            in_t1 = db.get_files(sub, MR_study[0], "MR", t1)
            in_t2 = db.get_files(sub, MR_study[0], "MR", t2)

            subj_fname = sub[:4]
            sub_new += [sub]

            convert_t1 = "mri_convert %s %s_t1.nii.gz" % (in_t1[0], subj_fname)
            convert_t2 = "mri_convert %s %s_t2.nii.gz" % (in_t2[0], subj_fname)
scratch_folder = os.path.join(proj_folder, 'scratch/maxfiltered_data/')

subjects_dir = os.path.join(scratch_folder, 'fs_subjects_dir')
script_dir = proj_folder + '/scripts/'

included_subjects = db.get_subjects()
# just test with first one!
included_subjects = included_subjects[-3:]

for sub in included_subjects:
    # this is an example of getting the DICOM files as a list
    # sequence_name='t1_mprage_3D_sag'
    MEG_study = db.get_studies(sub, modality='MEG')
    if len(MEG_study) > 0:
        # This is a 2D list with [series_name, series_number]
        series = db.get_series(sub, MEG_study[0], 'MEG')
        series = series["data"]  # only use the "data" series for now.

    # Change this to be more elegant: check whether any item in series
    # matches sequence_name
        in_name = db.get_files(sub, MEG_study[0], 'MEG', series)
        out_name = "%s_%s_mc_raw_tsss.fif" % (sub[:4], "data")
        # print(out_name)

        # if len(in_name) > 1:
        for j, in_file in enumerate(in_name):
            if j == 0:
                out_fname = scratch_folder + out_name
                out_fname = scratch_folder\
                            + out_name[:-4] + "-%d.fif" % j