예제 #1
import story2
import story3

print showSplash()
raw_input("Press Enter to Start")

swearCount = [0]

go = True
while go:
    if swearCount[0] >= 3:
        print showLockScreen()
        print showMenu()
        response = getMenuInput()
        if response == "Q":
            go = False
            print "Goodbye and thanks for playing"
        elif response == "1":
            print story1.playMadlibs(swearCount)
            raw_input("Press Enter to Continue")
        elif response == "2":
            print story2.playMadlibs(swearCount)
            raw_input("Press Enter to Continue")
        elif response == "3":
            print story3.playMadlibs(swearCount)
            raw_input("Press Enter to Continue")
            print "OMG Got invalid menu option!!!"
예제 #2
import story1
import story2
import story3
import story4

print showSplash()
raw_input("Press Enter to Start")

go = True
while go:
    print showMenu()
    response = getMenuInput()
    if response == "Q":
        go = False
        print "Thanks for playing"
    elif response == "1":
        print story1.playMadlibs()
        raw_input("Press Enter to Continue")
    elif response == "2":
        print story2.playMadlibs()
        raw_input("Press Enter to Continue")
    elif response == "3":
        print story3.playMadlibs()
        raw_input("Press input to continue")
    elif response == "4":
        print showEasterEggImage()
        print story4.playMadlibs()
        raw_input("Press Enter to Continue")
        print "Please pick a valid option!"