예제 #1
def testZStackSendRecvHugeDataUnderLimit(set_info_log_level, tdir, looper, tconf):
    names = ['Alpha', 'Beta']
    genKeys(tdir, names)

    # we use json serializer now, so final form will be {'k':'vvv...vvv'}
    # so here we try to prepare exactly tconf.MSG_LEN_LIMIT bytes after serialization
    msg = {'k': 'v' * (tconf.MSG_LEN_LIMIT - len("{'k':''}"))}

    betaHandler = [False]

    def recvHandlerAlpha(wrpMsg):

    def recvHandlerBeta(wrpMsg):
        rmsg, frm = wrpMsg
        betaHandler[0] = True
        assert frm == 'Alpha'
        assert rmsg == msg

    alpha = ZStack(names[0], ha=genHa(), basedirpath=tdir, msgHandler=recvHandlerAlpha, restricted=True,
                   config=adict(**tconf.__dict__), msgRejectHandler=None)

    beta = ZStack(names[1], ha=genHa(), basedirpath=tdir, msgHandler=recvHandlerBeta, restricted=True,
                  config=adict(**tconf.__dict__), msgRejectHandler=None)

    assert len(alpha.serializeMsg(msg)) == tconf.MSG_LEN_LIMIT

    prepStacks(looper, *(alpha, beta), connect=True, useKeys=True)

    stat = alpha.send(msg, beta.name)
    assert stat[0] is True


    assert betaHandler[0] is True
예제 #2
def testZStackSendRecvHugeDataUnderLimit(set_info_log_level, tdir, looper, tconf):
    names = ['Alpha', 'Beta']
    genKeys(tdir, names)

    # we use json serializer now, so final form will be {'k':'vvv...vvv'}
    # so here we try to prepare exactly tconf.MSG_LEN_LIMIT bytes after serialization
    msg = {'k': 'v' * (tconf.MSG_LEN_LIMIT - len("{'k':''}"))}

    betaHandler = [False]

    def recvHandlerAlpha(wrpMsg):

    def recvHandlerBeta(wrpMsg):
        rmsg, frm = wrpMsg
        betaHandler[0] = True
        assert frm == 'Alpha'
        assert rmsg == msg

    alpha = ZStack(names[0], ha=genHa(), basedirpath=tdir, msgHandler=recvHandlerAlpha, restricted=True,
                   config=adict(**tconf.__dict__), msgRejectHandler=None)

    beta = ZStack(names[1], ha=genHa(), basedirpath=tdir, msgHandler=recvHandlerBeta, restricted=True,
                  config=adict(**tconf.__dict__), msgRejectHandler=None)

    assert len(alpha.serializeMsg(msg)) == tconf.MSG_LEN_LIMIT

    prepStacks(looper, *(alpha, beta), connect=True, useKeys=True)

    stat = alpha.send(msg, beta.name)
    assert stat[0] is True


    assert betaHandler[0] is True
예제 #3
def testZStackRecvHugeDataOverLimit(set_info_log_level, tdir, looper, tconf):
    names = ['Alpha', 'Beta']
    genKeys(tdir, names)

    # we use json serializer now, so final form will be {'k':'vvv...vvv'}
    # so here we try to prepare exactly tconf.MSG_LEN_LIMIT + 1 bytes after serialization
    msg = {'k': 'v' * (tconf.MSG_LEN_LIMIT - len("{'k':''}") + 1)}

    betaHandlers = [False, False]

    def recvHandlerAlpha(wrpMsg):

    def recvHandlerBeta(wrpMsg):
        rmsg, frm = wrpMsg
        betaHandlers[0] = True
        assert frm is not None
        assert rmsg is not None

    def rejectHandlerBeta(reason, frm):
        betaHandlers[1] = True
        assert 'exceeded allowed limit of {}'.format(
            tconf.MSG_LEN_LIMIT) in reason
        assert frm == 'Alpha'

    alpha = ZStack(names[0],

    beta = ZStack(names[1],

    bytemsg = alpha.serializeMsg(msg)
    assert len(bytemsg) == (tconf.MSG_LEN_LIMIT + 1)

    prepStacks(looper, *(alpha, beta), connect=True, useKeys=True)

    stat = alpha._remotes['Beta'].socket.send(bytemsg, copy=False, track=True)
    assert stat


    assert betaHandlers[0] is False
    assert betaHandlers[1] is True
예제 #4
def nodeRegsForCLI(nodeNames):
    nodeNames = ['Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 'Delta']
    has = [genHa(2) for _ in nodeNames]
    nodeNamesC = [n + 'C' for n in nodeNames]
    nodeReg = OrderedDict((n, has[i][0]) for i, n in enumerate(nodeNames))
    cliNodeReg = OrderedDict((n, has[i][1]) for i, n in enumerate(nodeNamesC))
    return adict(nodeReg=nodeReg, cliNodeReg=cliNodeReg)
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    primaryRep, nonPrimaryReps = getPrimaryReplica(txnPoolNodeSet, 0), \
                                 getNonPrimaryReplicas(txnPoolNodeSet, 0)

    faultyRep = nonPrimaryReps[0]
        partial(sendDuplicate3PhaseMsg, msgType=Commit, count=3, instId=0))

    # The node of the primary replica above should not be blacklisted by any
    # other node since we are simulating multiple COMMIT messages and
    # want to check for a particular suspicion

                  [node for node in txnPoolNodeSet if node != faultyRep.node],

    # If the request is ordered then COMMIT will be rejected much earlier
    for r in [primaryRep, *nonPrimaryReps]:

        def do_nothing(self, commit):

        r._ordering_service._do_order = types.MethodType(do_nothing, r)

    return adict(primaryRep=primaryRep,
def setup(looper, tconf, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_wallet_client, sdk_pool_handle):
    sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet,
                              sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client, 5)
    P = getPrimaryReplica(txnPoolNodeSet)

    # set LAMBDA smaller than the production config to make the test faster
    testLambda = 30
    delay_by = testLambda + 5

    for node in txnPoolNodeSet:
        # Make `Delta` small enough so throughput check passes.
        node.monitor.Delta = .001
        node.monitor.Lambda = testLambda
        for r in node.replicas:
            r.config.ACCEPTABLE_DEVIATION_PREPREPARE_SECS += delay_by

    slowed_request = False

    # make P (primary replica on master) faulty, i.e., slow to send
    # PRE-PREPARE for a specific client request only
    def specificPrePrepare(msg):
        nonlocal slowed_request
        if isinstance(msg, PrePrepare) and slowed_request is False:
            slowed_request = True
            return delay_by  # just more that LAMBDA

    # TODO select or create a timeout for this case in 'waits'
    sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet,
                              sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client, 5,

    return adict(nodes=txnPoolNodeSet)
예제 #7
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    # Making nodes faulty such that no primary is chosen
    G = txnPoolNodeSet[-2]
    Z = txnPoolNodeSet[-1]
    for node in G, Z:
        makeNodeFaulty(node, changesRequest)
    return adict(faulties=(G, Z))
예제 #8
def setup(startedNodes):
    # Making nodes faulty such that no primary is chosen
    G = startedNodes.Gamma
    # Delaying nomination to avoid becoming primary
    # G.delaySelfNomination(10)
    makeNodeFaulty(G, partial(delaysPrePrepareProcessing, delay=60))
    return adict(faulty=G)
def setup(looper, tconf, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_wallet_client, sdk_pool_handle):
    sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet,
                              sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client, 5)
    P = getPrimaryReplica(txnPoolNodeSet)

    # set LAMBDA smaller than the production config to make the test faster
    testLambda = 10
    delay_by = 2 * testLambda

    old_view_nos = set([n.viewNo for n in txnPoolNodeSet])
    assert len(old_view_nos) == 1
    old_view_no = old_view_nos.pop()

    for node in txnPoolNodeSet:
        # Make `Delta` small enough so throughput check passes.
        node.monitor.Delta = .001
        node.monitor.Lambda = testLambda
        for r in node.replicas.values():
            r.config.ACCEPTABLE_DEVIATION_PREPREPARE_SECS += delay_by

    # make P (primary replica on master) faulty, i.e., slow to send
    # PRE-PREPARE the next
    def specificPrePrepare(msg):
        if isinstance(msg, PrePrepare):
            return delay_by  # just more that LAMBDA

    # TODO select or create a timeout for this case in 'waits'
    sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet,
                              sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client, 5,

    return adict(nodes=txnPoolNodeSet, old_view_no=old_view_no)
예제 #10
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    # Making nodes faulty such that no primary is chosen
    G = txnPoolNodeSet[-1]
    # Delaying nomination to avoid becoming primary
    # G.delaySelfNomination(10)
    makeNodeFaulty(G, partial(delaysPrePrepareProcessing, delay=60))
    return adict(faulty=G)
    def gen_defs(cls, ips, node_count, node_names, node_ports, client_ports):
        Generates some default steward and node definitions for tests
        :param ips: array of ip addresses
        :param node_count: number of stewards/nodes
        :return: duple of steward and node definitions

        steward_defs = []
        node_defs = []
        for i in range(1, node_count + 1):
            d = adict()
            d.name = "Steward" + str(i)
            d.sigseed = cls.get_signing_seed()
            s_signer = DidSigner(seed=d.sigseed)
            d.nym = s_signer.identifier
            d.verkey = s_signer.verkey

            name = node_names[i - 1]
            sigseed = cls.get_signing_seed()
                        ip=ips[i - 1],
                        port=node_ports[i - 1],
                        client_port=client_ports[i - 1],
        return steward_defs, node_defs
예제 #12
def setup(looper, tconf, startedNodes, up, wallet1, client1):
    # Get the master replica of the master protocol instance
    P = getPrimaryReplica(startedNodes)

    # Make `Delta` small enough so throughput check passes.
    for node in startedNodes:
        node.monitor.Delta = .001

    # set LAMBDA not so huge like it set in the production config
    testLambda = 30
    for node in startedNodes:
        node.monitor.Lambda = testLambda

    slowed_request = False

    # make P (primary replica on master) faulty, i.e., slow to send
    # PRE-PREPARE for a specific client request only
    def specificPrePrepare(msg):
        nonlocal slowed_request
        if isinstance(msg, PrePrepare) and slowed_request is False:
            slowed_request = True
            return testLambda + 5  # just more that LAMBDA

    # TODO select or create a timeout for this case in 'waits'

    return adict(nodes=startedNodes)
def setup(startedNodes):
    A = startedNodes.Gamma
    B = startedNodes.Zeta
    for node in A, B:
        makeNodeFaulty(node, partial(delaysPrePrepareProcessing, delay=60))
        # node.delaySelfNomination(10)
    return adict(faulties=(A, B))
예제 #14
 def gen_client_def(cls, idx):
     d = adict()
     d.name = "Client" + str(idx)
     d.sigseed = cls.getSigningSeed(d.name)
     d.verkey = Signer(d.sigseed).verhex
     d.nym = cls.getNymFromVerkey(d.verkey)
     return d
예제 #15
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    A = txnPoolNodeSet[-2]
    B = txnPoolNodeSet[-1]
    for node in A, B:
        makeNodeFaulty(node, partial(delaysPrePrepareProcessing, delay=60))
        # node.delaySelfNomination(10)
    return adict(faulties=(A, B))
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    primaryRep, nonPrimaryReps = getPrimaryReplica(txnPoolNodeSet, 0), \
                                 getNonPrimaryReplicas(txnPoolNodeSet, 0)

    faultyRep = nonPrimaryReps[0]
    makeNodeFaulty(faultyRep.node, partial(sendDuplicate3PhaseMsg,
                                           msgType=Commit, count=3,

    # The node of the primary replica above should not be blacklisted by any
    # other node since we are simulating multiple COMMIT messages and
    # want to check for a particular suspicion

                  [node for node in txnPoolNodeSet if node != faultyRep.node],

    # If the request is ordered then COMMIT will be rejected much earlier
    for r in [primaryRep, *nonPrimaryReps]:
        def do_nothing(self, commit):

        r.doOrder = types.MethodType(do_nothing, r)

    return adict(primaryRep=primaryRep, nonPrimaryReps=nonPrimaryReps,
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    E = txnPoolNodeSet[-3]
    G = txnPoolNodeSet[-2]
    Z = txnPoolNodeSet[-1]
    for node in E, G, Z:
        makeNodeFaulty(node, changesRequest)
    return adict(faulties=(E, G, Z))
예제 #18
 def gen_trustee_def(cls, idx):
     d = adict()
     d.name = 'Trustee' + str(idx)
     d.sigseed = cls.getSigningSeed(d.name)
     d.verkey = Signer(d.sigseed).verhex
     d.nym = cls.getNymFromVerkey(d.verkey)
     return d
예제 #19
def setup(nodeSet):
    gn = [v for k, v in nodeSet.nodes.items() if k != 'Alpha']
    # delay incoming client messages for good nodes by 250 milliseconds
    # this gives Alpha a chance to send a propagate message
    for n in gn:  # type: TestNode
        n.clientIbStasher.delay(lambda _: 1)
    return adict(goodNodes=gn)
def setup(startedNodes):
    # Making nodes faulty such that no primary is chosen
    G = startedNodes.Gamma
    Z = startedNodes.Zeta
    for node in G, Z:
        makeNodeFaulty(node, changesRequest)
        # node.delaySelfNomination(10)
    return adict(faulties=(G, Z))
예제 #21
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    pool_without_alpha = list(txnPoolNodeSet)
    # delay incoming client messages for good nodes by 250 milliseconds
    # this gives Alpha a chance to send a propagate message
    for n in pool_without_alpha:  # type: TestNode
        n.clientIbStasher.delay(lambda _: 1)
    return adict(goodNodes=pool_without_alpha)
예제 #22
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    # A = startedNodes.Alpha
    # B = startedNodes.Beta
    A, B = nodes_by_rank(txnPoolNodeSet)[-2:]
    for node in A, B:
        makeNodeFaulty(node, changesRequest,
                       partial(delaysPrePrepareProcessing, delay=90))
    return adict(faulties=(A, B))
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    # Making nodes faulty such that no primary is chosen
    G = txnPoolNodeSet[-2]
    Z = txnPoolNodeSet[-1]
    for node in G, Z:
        makeNodeFaulty(node, changesRequest)
        # node.delaySelfNomination(10)
    return adict(faulties=(G, Z))
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    A = txnPoolNodeSet[-2]
    B = txnPoolNodeSet[-1]
    for node in A, B:
                       partial(delaysPrePrepareProcessing, delay=60))
        # node.delaySelfNomination(10)
    return adict(faulties=(A, B))
예제 #25
 def gen_client_def(cls, idx):
     d = adict()
     d.name = "Client" + str(idx)
     d.sigseed = cls.getSigningSeed(d.name)
     c_signer = DidSigner(seed=d.sigseed)
     d.nym = c_signer.identifier
     d.verkey = c_signer.verkey
     return d
예제 #26
 def gen_trustee_def(cls, idx):
     d = adict()
     d.name = 'Trustee' + str(idx)
     d.sigseed = cls.getSigningSeed(d.name)
     t_signer = DidSigner(seed=d.sigseed)
     d.nym = t_signer.identifier
     d.verkey = t_signer.verkey
     return d
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    G = txnPoolNodeSet[-2]
    Z = txnPoolNodeSet[-1]
    for node in G, Z:
        makeNodeFaulty(node, partial(delaysPrePrepareProcessing, delay=60))
        # Delaying nomination to avoid becoming primary
        # node.delaySelfNomination(10)
    return adict(faulties=(G, Z))
def setup(startedNodes):
    G = startedNodes.Gamma
    Z = startedNodes.Zeta
    for node in G, Z:
        makeNodeFaulty(node, partial(delaysPrePrepareProcessing, delay=60))
        # Delaying nomination to avoid becoming primary
        # node.delaySelfNomination(10)
    return adict(faulties=(G, Z))
예제 #29
def setup(startedNodes):
    E = startedNodes.Eta
    Z = startedNodes.Gamma
    Z = startedNodes.Zeta
    for node in E, Z, Z:
        makeNodeFaulty(node, changesRequest)
        # Delaying nomination to avoid becoming primary
        # node.delaySelfNomination(10)
    return adict(faulties=(E, Z, Z))
예제 #30
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    # Making nodes faulty such that no primary is chosen
    A = txnPoolNodeSet[-2]
    B = txnPoolNodeSet[-1]
    # Delay processing of PRE-PREPARE messages by Alpha and Beta for 90
    # seconds since the timeout for checking sufficient commits is 60 seconds
    makeNodeFaulty(A, partial(delaysPrePrepareProcessing, delay=90))
    makeNodeFaulty(B, partial(delaysPrePrepareProcessing, delay=90))
    return adict(faulties=(A, B))
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    primaryRep, nonPrimaryReps = getPrimaryReplica(txnPoolNodeSet, 0), \
                                 getNonPrimaryReplicas(txnPoolNodeSet, 0)

    # The primary replica would send PRE-PREPARE messages with incorrect digest
    makeNodeFaulty(primaryRep.node, partial(send3PhaseMsgWithIncorrectDigest,

    return adict(primaryRep=primaryRep, nonPrimaryReps=nonPrimaryReps)
예제 #32
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    E = txnPoolNodeSet[-3]
    G = txnPoolNodeSet[-2]
    Z = txnPoolNodeSet[-1]
    for node in E, G, Z:
        makeNodeFaulty(node, changesRequest)
        # Delaying nomination to avoid becoming primary
        # node.delaySelfNomination(10)
    return adict(faulties=(E, G, Z))
예제 #33
def setup(startedNodes):
    # A = startedNodes.Alpha
    # B = startedNodes.Beta
    A, B = startedNodes.nodes_by_rank[-2:]
    for node in A, B:
        makeNodeFaulty(node, changesRequest,
                       partial(delaysPrePrepareProcessing, delay=90))
        # node.delaySelfNomination(10)
    return adict(faulties=(A, B))
def stop_nodes(looper, nodeSet):
    faulties = nodeSet.nodes_by_rank[-faultyNodes:]
    for node in faulties:
        for r in node.replicas:
            assert not r.isPrimary
            looper, nodeSet, node, stopNode=False)
    return adict(faulties=faulties)
예제 #35
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    # A = startedNodes.Alpha
    # B = startedNodes.Beta
    A, B = nodes_by_rank(txnPoolNodeSet)[-2:]
    for node in A, B:
        makeNodeFaulty(node, changesRequest,
                       partial(delaysPrePrepareProcessing, delay=90))
        # node.delaySelfNomination(10)
    return adict(faulties=(A, B))
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    G = txnPoolNodeSet[-2]
    Z = txnPoolNodeSet[-1]
    for node in G, Z:
                       partial(delaysPrePrepareProcessing, delay=60))
        # Delaying nomination to avoid becoming primary
        # node.delaySelfNomination(10)
    return adict(faulties=(G, Z))
예제 #37
def testZStackRecvHugeDataOverLimit(set_info_log_level, tdir, looper, tconf):
    names = ['Alpha', 'Beta']
    genKeys(tdir, names)

    # we use json serializer now, so final form will be {'k':'vvv...vvv'}
    # so here we try to prepare exactly tconf.MSG_LEN_LIMIT + 1 bytes after serialization
    msg = {'k': 'v' * (tconf.MSG_LEN_LIMIT - len("{'k':''}") + 1)}

    betaHandlers = [False, False]

    def recvHandlerAlpha(wrpMsg):

    def recvHandlerBeta(wrpMsg):
        rmsg, frm = wrpMsg
        betaHandlers[0] = True
        assert frm is not None
        assert rmsg is not None

    def rejectHandlerBeta(reason, frm):
        betaHandlers[1] = True
        assert 'exceeded allowed limit of {}'.format(
            tconf.MSG_LEN_LIMIT) in reason
        assert frm == 'Alpha'

    alpha = ZStack(names[0], ha=genHa(), basedirpath=tdir, msgHandler=recvHandlerAlpha, restricted=True,
                   config=adict(**tconf.__dict__), msgRejectHandler=None)

    beta = ZStack(names[1], ha=genHa(), basedirpath=tdir, msgHandler=recvHandlerBeta, restricted=True,
                  config=adict(**tconf.__dict__), msgRejectHandler=rejectHandlerBeta)

    bytemsg = alpha.serializeMsg(msg)
    assert len(bytemsg) == (tconf.MSG_LEN_LIMIT + 1)

    prepStacks(looper, *(alpha, beta), connect=True, useKeys=True)

    stat = alpha._remotes['Beta'].socket.send(bytemsg, copy=False, track=True)
    assert stat


    assert betaHandlers[0] is False
    assert betaHandlers[1] is True
예제 #38
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    primaryRep, nonPrimaryReps = getPrimaryReplica(txnPoolNodeSet, 0), \
                                 getNonPrimaryReplicas(txnPoolNodeSet, 0)

    # The primary replica would send PRE-PREPARE messages with incorrect digest
        partial(send3PhaseMsgWithIncorrectDigest, msgType=PrePrepare))

    return adict(primaryRep=primaryRep, nonPrimaryReps=nonPrimaryReps)
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    # Making nodes faulty such that no primary is chosen
    E = txnPoolNodeSet[-3]
    G = txnPoolNodeSet[-2]
    Z = txnPoolNodeSet[-1]
    for node in E, G, Z:
            node, changesRequest,
            partial(delaysPrePrepareProcessing, delay=delayPrePrepareSec))
    return adict(faulties=(E, G, Z))
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    # Making nodes faulty such that no primary is chosen
    E = txnPoolNodeSet[-3]
    G = txnPoolNodeSet[-2]
    Z = txnPoolNodeSet[-1]
    for node in E, G, Z:
                       changesRequest, partial(delaysPrePrepareProcessing,
        # Delaying nomination to avoid becoming primary
        # node.delaySelfNomination(10)
    return adict(faulties=(E, G, Z))
def step1(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client):
    startedNodes = txnPoolNodeSet
    stand up a pool of nodes and send 5 requests to client
    # the master instance has a primary replica, call it P
    P = getPrimaryReplica(startedNodes)

    sdk_send_random_and_check(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, sdk_pool_handle, sdk_wallet_client, 5)
    # profile_this(sendReqsToNodesAndVerifySuffReplies, looper, client1, 5)

    return adict(P=P,
예제 #42
    def run(self, coro, nodecount=4):
        assert self.is_run == False

        self.is_run = True
        tmpdir = self.tmpdir if self.tmpdir is not None else self.fresh_tdir()
        with self.testNodeSetClass(self.config, count=nodecount, tmpdir=tmpdir) as nodeset:
            with Looper(nodeset) as looper:
                # for n in nodeset:
                #     n.startKeySharing()
                ctx = adict(looper=looper, nodeset=nodeset, tmpdir=tmpdir)
def setup(txnPoolNodeSet):
    A = txnPoolNodeSet[-1]
                   partial(delaysPrePrepareProcessing, delay=60))
    # A.delaySelfNomination(10)
    return adict(faulties=A)