def compute(myVelfield, MyParams): print("Computing strain via delaunay method.") z = np.array([myVelfield.elon, myVelfield.nlat]) z = z.T tri = Delaunay(z) triangle_vertices = z[tri.simplices] trishape = np.shape(triangle_vertices) # 516 x 3 x 2, for example print(trishape[0]) # We are going to solve for the velocity gradient tensor at the centroid of each triangle. centroids = [] for i in range(trishape[0]): xcor_mean = np.mean([ triangle_vertices[i, 0, 0], triangle_vertices[i, 1, 0], triangle_vertices[i, 2, 0] ]) ycor_mean = np.mean([ triangle_vertices[i, 0, 1], triangle_vertices[i, 1, 1], triangle_vertices[i, 2, 1] ]) centroids.append([xcor_mean, ycor_mean]) xcentroid = [x[0] for x in centroids] ycentroid = [x[1] for x in centroids] # Initialize arrays. I2nd = [] rot = [] max_shear = [] e1 = [] # eigenvalues e2 = [] v00 = [] # eigenvectors v01 = [] v10 = [] v11 = [] dilatation = [] # for each triangle: for i in range(trishape[0]): # Get the velocities of each vertex (VE1, VN1, VE2, VN2, VE3, VN3) # Get velocities for Vertex 1 (triangle_vertices[i,0,0] and triangle_vertices[i,0,1]) xindex1 = np.where(myVelfield.elon == triangle_vertices[i, 0, 0]) yindex1 = np.where(myVelfield.nlat == triangle_vertices[i, 0, 1]) index1 = np.intersect1d(xindex1, yindex1) xindex2 = np.where(myVelfield.elon == triangle_vertices[i, 1, 0]) yindex2 = np.where(myVelfield.nlat == triangle_vertices[i, 1, 1]) index2 = np.intersect1d(xindex2, yindex2) xindex3 = np.where(myVelfield.elon == triangle_vertices[i, 2, 0]) yindex3 = np.where(myVelfield.nlat == triangle_vertices[i, 2, 1]) index3 = np.intersect1d(xindex3, yindex3) VE1 = myVelfield.e[index1[0]] VN1 = myVelfield.n[index1[0]] VE2 = myVelfield.e[index2[0]] VN2 = myVelfield.n[index2[0]] VE3 = myVelfield.e[index3[0]] VN3 = myVelfield.n[index3[0]] obs_vel = np.array([[VE1], [VN1], [VE2], [VN2], [VE3], [VN3]]) # Get the distance between centroid and vertex (in km) dE1 = (triangle_vertices[i, 0, 0] - xcentroid[i]) * 111.0 * np.cos( np.deg2rad(ycentroid[i])) dE2 = (triangle_vertices[i, 1, 0] - xcentroid[i]) * 111.0 * np.cos( np.deg2rad(ycentroid[i])) dE3 = (triangle_vertices[i, 2, 0] - xcentroid[i]) * 111.0 * np.cos( np.deg2rad(ycentroid[i])) dN1 = (triangle_vertices[i, 0, 1] - ycentroid[i]) * 111.0 dN2 = (triangle_vertices[i, 1, 1] - ycentroid[i]) * 111.0 dN3 = (triangle_vertices[i, 2, 1] - ycentroid[i]) * 111.0 Design_Matrix = np.array([[1, 0, dE1, dN1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, dE1, dN1], [1, 0, dE2, dN2, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, dE2, dN2], [1, 0, dE3, dN3, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, dE3, dN3]]) # Invert to get the components of the velocity gradient tensor. DMinv = inv(Design_Matrix) vel_grad =, obs_vel) # this is the money step. VE_centroid = vel_grad[0][0] VN_centroid = vel_grad[1][0] dVEdE = vel_grad[2][0] dVEdN = vel_grad[3][0] dVNdE = vel_grad[4][0] dVNdN = vel_grad[5][0] # The components that are easily computed [exx, exy, eyy, rotation] = strain_tensor_toolbox.compute_strain_components_from_dx( dVEdE, dVNdE, dVEdN, dVNdN) # # Compute a number of values based on tensor properties. I2nd_tri = np.log10( np.abs(strain_tensor_toolbox.second_invariant(exx, exy, eyy))) I2nd.append(I2nd_tri) [e11, e22, v] = strain_tensor_toolbox.eigenvector_eigenvalue(exx, exy, eyy) e1.append(e11) e2.append(e22) rot.append(abs(rotation)) max_shear.append((e11 - e22) / 2) v00.append(v[0][0]) v10.append(v[1][0]) v01.append(v[0][1]) v11.append(v[1][1]) dilatation.append(e11 + e22) return [ xcentroid, ycentroid, triangle_vertices, I2nd, max_shear, rot, e1, e2, v00, v01, v10, v11, dilatation ]
def compute(myVelfield, MyParams): print("Computing strain via Numpy Spline method."); interp_kind='linear'; # Scipy returns a function that you can use on a new set of x,y pairs. f_east = interpolate.interp2d(myVelfield.elon, myVelfield.nlat, myVelfield.e, kind=interp_kind); f_north = interpolate.interp2d(myVelfield.elon, myVelfield.nlat, myVelfield.n, kind=interp_kind); # The new interpolation grid: a new set of points with some chosen spacing xarray=np.arange(MyParams.coord_box[0],MyParams.coord_box[1],MyParams.grid_inc); yarray=np.arange(MyParams.coord_box[2],MyParams.coord_box[3],MyParams.grid_inc); [X,Y]=np.meshgrid(xarray,yarray); # Evaluate the linear or cubic interpolation function at new points new_east=np.zeros(np.shape(X)); new_north=np.zeros(np.shape(X)); for i in range(len(yarray)): for j in range(len(xarray)): new_east[i][j]=f_east(xarray[j],yarray[i]); # only want to give the functions one point at a time. new_north[i][j]=f_north(xarray[j],yarray[i]); # Grid increments typical_lat=float(MyParams.map_range[2]); xinc = MyParams.grid_inc * 111.000 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(typical_lat)); # in km (not degrees) yinc = MyParams.grid_inc * 111.000; # in km (not degrees) # Computing the elements of the strain tensor from the rot=np.zeros(np.shape(X)); # 2nd invariant of rotation rate tensor I2nd=np.zeros(np.shape(X)); # 2nd invariant of strain rate tensor max_shear=np.zeros(np.shape(X)); # max shear of strain rate tensor e1=np.zeros(np.shape(X)); # maximum principal strain (array of float) e2=np.zeros(np.shape(X)); # minimum principal strain (array of float) v00=np.zeros(np.shape(X)); # more complicated: eigenvectors (array of matrix 2x2) v01=np.zeros(np.shape(X)); # more complicated: eigenvectors (array of matrix 2x2) v10=np.zeros(np.shape(X)); # more complicated: eigenvectors (array of matrix 2x2) v11=np.zeros(np.shape(X)); # more complicated: eigenvectors (array of matrix 2x2) dilatation=np.zeros(np.shape(X)); # the strain calculation for j in range(len(yarray)-1): for i in range(len(xarray)-1): up=new_east[j][i]; vp=new_north[j][i]; uq=new_east[j][i+1]; vq=new_north[j][i+1]; ur=new_east[j+1][i]; vr=new_north[j+1][i]; [dudx, dvdx, dudy, dvdy] = strain_tensor_toolbox.compute_displacement_gradients(up, vp, ur, vr, uq, vq, xinc, yinc); # The components that are easily computed # Units: nanostrain per year. [exx, exy, eyy, rotation] = strain_tensor_toolbox.compute_strain_components_from_dx(dudx, dvdx, dudy, dvdy); rot[j][i]=abs(rotation); # Compute a number of values based on tensor properties. I2nd[j][i] = np.log10(np.abs(strain_tensor_toolbox.second_invariant(exx, exy, eyy))); [e11, e22, v1] = strain_tensor_toolbox.eigenvector_eigenvalue(exx, exy, eyy); e1[j][i]= e11; e2[j][i]= e22; v00[j][i]=v1[0][0]; v10[j][i]=v1[1][0]; v01[j][i]=v1[0][1]; v11[j][i]=v1[1][1]; max_shear[j][i] = (e11 - e22)/2; dilatation[j][i]= e11+e22; print("Success computing strain via Numpy Spline method.\n"); return [xarray, yarray, I2nd, max_shear, rot, e1, e2, v00, v01, v10, v11, dilatation];
def compute(myVelfield, MyParams): print("Computing strain via gpsgridder method.") outfile = open("tempgps.txt", 'w') for i in range(len(myVelfield.n)): outfile.write("%f %f %f %f %f %f 0.0\n" % (myVelfield.elon[i], myVelfield.nlat[i], myVelfield.e[i], myVelfield.n[i],[i],[i])) outfile.close() "gmt gpsgridder tempgps.txt -R" + MyParams.map_range + " -I" + str(MyParams.grid_inc) + " -S0.5 -Fd0.01 -C0.0005 -Emisfitfile.txt -fg -r", shell=True) # makes a netcdf grid file # -R = range. -I = interval. -E prints the model and data fits at the input stations (very useful). # -S = poisson's ratio. -Fd = fudge factor. -C = eigenvalues below this value will be ignored. # -fg = flat earth approximation. -G = output netcdf files (x and y displacements). # You should experiment with Fd and C values to find something that you like (good fit without overfitting). # For Northern California, I like -Fd0.01 -C0.005. -R-125/-121/38/42.2 # I had Ff0.1 -C0.005 -fg # For large domains, GMT netcdf4 files instead of netcdf3. We must turn them all into netcdf3 for python to read them.'nccopy -k classic', shell=True)'nccopy -k classic', shell=True)['rm', 'tempgps.txt'], shell=False)['rm', 'gmt.history'], shell=False)['mv', 'misfitfile.txt', MyParams.outdir], shell=False)['mv', '', MyParams.outdir], shell=False)['mv', '', MyParams.outdir], shell=False)['mv', '', MyParams.outdir], shell=False)['mv', '', MyParams.outdir], shell=False) # Get ready to do strain calculation. file1 = MyParams.outdir + "" file2 = MyParams.outdir + "" [xdata, ydata, udata] = netcdf_io_functions.read_grd_xyz(file1, 'lon', 'lat', 'z') [vdata] = netcdf_io_functions.read_grd_z(file2, 'z') xinc = float( subprocess.check_output('gmt grdinfo -M -C ' + file1 + ' | awk \'{print $8}\'', shell=True)) # the x-increment yinc = float( subprocess.check_output('gmt grdinfo -M -C ' + file1 + ' | awk \'{print $9}\'', shell=True)) # the y-increment typical_lat = float(MyParams.map_range[2]) xinc = xinc * 111.000 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(typical_lat)) # in km (not degrees) yinc = yinc * 111.000 # in km (not degrees) xdata = np.flipud(xdata) ydata = np.flipud(ydata) udata = np.flipud(udata) vdata = np.flipud(vdata) [ydim, xdim] = np.shape(udata) rot = np.zeros(np.shape(vdata)) # 2nd invariant of rotation rate tensor I2nd = np.zeros(np.shape(vdata)) # 2nd invariant of strain rate tensor max_shear = np.zeros(np.shape(vdata)) # max shear of strain rate tensor e1 = np.zeros(np.shape(vdata)) # maximum principal strain (array of float) e2 = np.zeros(np.shape(vdata)) # minimum principal strain (array of float) v00 = np.zeros(np.shape(vdata)) # more complicated: eigenvectors (array of matrix 2x2) v01 = np.zeros(np.shape(vdata)) # more complicated: eigenvectors (array of matrix 2x2) v10 = np.zeros(np.shape(vdata)) # more complicated: eigenvectors (array of matrix 2x2) v11 = np.zeros(np.shape(vdata)) # more complicated: eigenvectors (array of matrix 2x2) dilatation = np.zeros(np.shape(vdata)) # dilatation # the strain calculation for j in range(ydim - 1): for i in range(xdim - 1): up = udata[j][i] vp = vdata[j][i] uq = udata[j][i + 1] vq = vdata[j][i + 1] ur = udata[j + 1][i] vr = vdata[j + 1][i] [dudx, dvdx, dudy, dvdy] = strain_tensor_toolbox.compute_displacement_gradients( up, vp, ur, vr, uq, vq, xinc, yinc) # The components that are easily computed # Units: nanostrain per year. [exx, exy, eyy, rotation ] = strain_tensor_toolbox.compute_strain_components_from_dx( dudx, dvdx, dudy, dvdy) rot[j][i] = abs(rotation) # Compute a number of values based on tensor properties. I2nd[j][i] = np.log10( np.abs(strain_tensor_toolbox.second_invariant(exx, exy, eyy))) [e11, e22, v1] = strain_tensor_toolbox.eigenvector_eigenvalue(exx, exy, eyy) e1[j][i] = e11 e2[j][i] = e22 v00[j][i] = v1[0][0] v10[j][i] = v1[1][0] v01[j][i] = v1[0][1] v11[j][i] = v1[1][1] max_shear[j][i] = (e11 - e22) / 2 dilatation[j][i] = e11 + e22 return [ xdata, ydata, I2nd, max_shear, rot, e1, e2, v00, v01, v10, v11, dilatation ]
def make_output_grids_from_strain_out(infile): ifile = open(infile, 'r') x = [] y = [] rotation = [] exx = [] exy = [] eyy = [] for line in ifile: temp = line.split() if 'index' in temp or 'longitude' in temp or 'deg' in temp: continue else: x.append(float(temp[0])) y.append(float(temp[1])) rotation.append(float(temp[7])) exx.append(float(temp[9])) exy.append(float(temp[11])) eyy.append(float(temp[13])) ifile.close() ax1 = set(x) ax2 = set(y) xlen = len(ax1) ylen = len(ax2) xaxis = sorted(ax1) yaxis = sorted(ax2) if xlen == 0 and ylen == 0: print("ERROR! No valid strains have been computed. Try again.") sys.exit(0) # Loop through x and y lists, find the index of the coordinates in the xaxis and yaxis sets, # Then place them into the 2d arrays. # Then go compute I2nd, eigenvectors and eigenvalues. I2nd = np.zeros((ylen, xlen)) max_shear = np.zeros((ylen, xlen)) rot = np.zeros((ylen, xlen)) e1 = np.zeros((ylen, xlen)) e2 = np.zeros((ylen, xlen)) dilatation = np.zeros((ylen, xlen)) v00 = np.zeros((ylen, xlen)) v01 = np.zeros((ylen, xlen)) v10 = np.zeros((ylen, xlen)) v11 = np.zeros((ylen, xlen)) print(np.shape(xaxis)) print(np.shape(I2nd)) for i in range(len(x)): xindex = xaxis.index(x[i]) yindex = yaxis.index(y[i]) rot[yindex][xindex] = rotation[i] I2nd[yindex][xindex] = np.log10( np.abs( strain_tensor_toolbox.second_invariant(exx[i], exy[i], eyy[i]))) [e11, e22, v1] = strain_tensor_toolbox.eigenvector_eigenvalue( exx[i], exy[i], eyy[i]) e1[yindex][xindex] = e11 e2[yindex][xindex] = e22 v00[yindex][xindex] = v1[0][0] v10[yindex][xindex] = v1[1][0] v01[yindex][xindex] = v1[0][1] v11[yindex][xindex] = v1[1][1] dilatation[yindex][xindex] = e11 + e22 max_shear[yindex][xindex] = (e11 - e22) / 2 return [ xaxis, yaxis, I2nd, max_shear, rot, e1, e2, v00, v01, v10, v11, dilatation ]
def compute(myVelfield, MyParams): print("Computing strain via Hammond method.") z = np.array([myVelfield.elon, myVelfield.nlat]) z = z.T tri = Delaunay(z) triangle_vertices = z[tri.simplices] trishape = np.shape(triangle_vertices) # 516 x 3 x 2, for example print("Number of triangle elements: %d" % (trishape[0])) # We are going to solve for the velocity gradient tensor at the centroid of each triangle. centroids = [] for i in range(trishape[0]): xcor_mean = np.mean([ triangle_vertices[i, 0, 0], triangle_vertices[i, 1, 0], triangle_vertices[i, 2, 0] ]) ycor_mean = np.mean([ triangle_vertices[i, 0, 1], triangle_vertices[i, 1, 1], triangle_vertices[i, 2, 1] ]) centroids.append([xcor_mean, ycor_mean]) xcentroid = [x[0] for x in centroids] ycentroid = [x[1] for x in centroids] # Initialize arrays. I2nd = [] rot = [] max_shear = [] e1 = [] # eigenvalues e2 = [] v00 = [] # eigenvectors v01 = [] v10 = [] v11 = [] dilatation = [] # dilatation = e1+e2 # for each triangle: for i in range(trishape[0]): # Get the velocities of each vertex (VE1, VN1, VE2, VN2, VE3, VN3) # Get velocities for Vertex 1 (triangle_vertices[i,0,0] and triangle_vertices[i,0,1]) xindex1 = np.where(myVelfield.elon == triangle_vertices[i, 0, 0]) yindex1 = np.where(myVelfield.nlat == triangle_vertices[i, 0, 1]) index1 = int(np.intersect1d(xindex1, yindex1)[0]) xindex2 = np.where(myVelfield.elon == triangle_vertices[i, 1, 0]) yindex2 = np.where(myVelfield.nlat == triangle_vertices[i, 1, 1]) index2 = int(np.intersect1d(xindex2, yindex2)[0]) xindex3 = np.where(myVelfield.elon == triangle_vertices[i, 2, 0]) yindex3 = np.where(myVelfield.nlat == triangle_vertices[i, 2, 1]) index3 = int(np.intersect1d(xindex3, yindex3)[0]) phi = np.array([ triangle_vertices[i, 0, 0], triangle_vertices[i, 1, 0], triangle_vertices[i, 2, 0] ]) theta = np.array([ triangle_vertices[i, 0, 1], triangle_vertices[i, 1, 1], triangle_vertices[i, 2, 1] ]) theta = [i - 90 for i in theta] u_phi = np.array( [myVelfield.e[index1], myVelfield.e[index2], myVelfield.e[index3]]) u_theta = np.array( [myVelfield.n[index1], myVelfield.n[index2], myVelfield.n[index3]]) u_theta = np.array([-i for i in u_theta]) # colatitude needs negative theta values. s_phi = np.array([[index1],[index2],[index3] ]) s_theta = np.array([[index1],[index2],[index3] ]) # HERE WE PLUG IN BILL'S CODE! weight = 1 paramsel = 0 [ e_phiphi, e_thetaphi, e_thetatheta, omega_r, U_theta, U_phi, s_omega_r, s_e_phiphi, s_e_thetaphi, s_e_thetatheta, s_U_theta, s_U_phi, chi2, OMEGA, THETA_p, PHI_p, s_OMEGA, s_THETA_p, s_PHI_p, r_PHITHETA, u_phi_p, u_theta_p ] = strain_sphere(phi, theta, u_phi, u_theta, s_phi, s_theta, weight, paramsel) # print_all_values(e_phiphi,e_thetaphi,e_thetatheta,omega_r,U_theta,U_phi,s_omega_r,s_e_phiphi,s_e_thetaphi,s_e_thetatheta,s_U_theta,s_U_phi,chi2,OMEGA,THETA_p,PHI_p,s_OMEGA,s_THETA_p,s_PHI_p,r_PHITHETA,u_phi_p,u_theta_p); # The components that are easily computed # Units: nanostrain per year. exx = e_phiphi * 1e6 exy = -e_thetaphi * 1e6 eyy = e_thetatheta * 1e6 # # Compute a number of values based on tensor properties. I2nd_tri = np.log10( np.abs(strain_tensor_toolbox.second_invariant(exx, exy, eyy))) I2nd.append(I2nd_tri) rot.append(OMEGA * 1000 * 1000) [e11, e22, v] = strain_tensor_toolbox.eigenvector_eigenvalue(exx, exy, eyy) e1.append(-e11) # the convention of this code returns negative eigenvalues compared to my other codes. e2.append(-e22) max_shear.append((e11 - e22) / 2) v00.append(v[0][0]) v10.append(v[1][0]) v01.append(v[0][1]) v11.append(v[1][1]) dilatation.append(-e11 + -e22) # # the convention of this code returns negative eigenvalues compared to my other codes. print("Success computing strain via Hammond method.\n") return [ xcentroid, ycentroid, triangle_vertices, I2nd, max_shear, rot, e1, e2, v00, v01, v10, v11, dilatation ]