예제 #1
def test_fix_xmldecl():
    # Slow compared to the other tests, but still only a few seconds.
    for encoding in encodings.aliases.aliases.values():
        if encoding in (
        except LookupError:  # not trying to handle unknown encodings yet
        xmldecl = fix_xmldecl(six.u("  <?xml>").encode(encoding), encoding, add_encoding=True)
        if encoding.lower().startswith("utf"):
            if "16" in encoding:
                if "le" in encoding.lower():
                    assert xmldecl.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE)
                if "be" in encoding.lower():
                    assert xmldecl.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE)
        sniffed = sniff_encoding(xmldecl)
        assert sniffed == encoding, (xmldecl, encoding, sniffed)
        xmldecl = fix_xmldecl(six.u("  <?xml>").encode(encoding), encoding, add_encoding=True)
        if encoding.lower().startswith("utf"):
            if "16" in encoding:
                if "le" in encoding.lower():
                    assert xmldecl.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE)
                if "be" in encoding.lower():
                    assert xmldecl.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE)
        sniffed = sniff_encoding(xmldecl)
        assert sniffed == encoding, (xmldecl, encoding, sniffed)
예제 #2
def test_formfeed_in_xmldecl():
    xmldecl = fix_xmldecl(" \f\t\f\n\f\r\f<?xml>".encode("utf16"))
    assert xmldecl.decode("utf16") == "<?xml version='1.0'?>", xmldecl
    xmldecl = fix_xmldecl((' \f\t\f\n\f\r\f<?xml\fversion="1.0"' "\f\fstandalone=no\f\f?>").encode("utf16"))
    assert xmldecl.decode("utf16") == ("""<?xml version="1.0"  standalone='no'  ?>"""), xmldecl