def test_max_mean_photon_deprecated(self, tol):
        """This test verifies that the maximum amount of squeezing used to encode
        the graph is indeed capped by the parameter max_mean_photon"""
        max_mean_photon = 2
        A = np.random.random([6, 6]) + 1j * np.random.random([6, 6])
        A += A.T
        sc, _ = dec.graph_embed_deprecated(A, max_mean_photon=max_mean_photon)
        res_mean_photon = np.sinh(np.max(np.abs(sc)))**2

        assert np.allclose(res_mean_photon, max_mean_photon, atol=tol, rtol=0)
    def test_make_traceless_deprecated(self, monkeypatch, tol):
        """Test that A is properly made traceless"""
        A = np.random.random([6, 6]) + 1j * np.random.random([6, 6])
        A += A.T

        assert not np.allclose(np.trace(A), 0, atol=tol, rtol=0)

        with monkeypatch.context() as m:
            # monkeypatch the takagi function to simply return A,
            # so that we can inspect it and make sure it is now traceless
            m.setattr(dec, "takagi", lambda A, tol: (np.ones([6]), A))
            _, A_out = dec.graph_embed_deprecated(A, make_traceless=True)

        assert np.allclose(np.trace(A_out), 0, atol=tol, rtol=0)