예제 #1
 def _setup_eng(num_subsystems, **kwargs):
     """Factory function"""
     prog = Program(num_subsystems)
     backend, backend_options = setup_backend_pars
     backend_options.update(kwargs)  # override defaults with kwargs
     eng = LocalEngine(backend=backend, backend_options=backend_options)
     return eng, prog
예제 #2
def extract_channel(
    prog, cutoff_dim: int, representation: str = "choi", vectorize_modes: bool = False
    r"""Numerical array representation of the channel corresponding to a quantum circuit.

    The representation choices include the Choi state representation, the Liouville representation, and
    the Kraus representation.

    .. note:: Channel extraction can currently only be performed using the ``'fock'`` backend.

    **Tensor shapes**

    * If ``vectorize_modes=True``:

      - ``representation='choi'`` and ``representation='liouville'`` return an array
        with 4 indices
      - ``representation='kraus'`` returns an array of Kraus operators in matrix form

    * If ``vectorize_modes=False``:

      - ``representation='choi'`` and ``representation='liouville'`` return an array
        with :math:`4N` indices
      - ``representation='kraus'`` returns an array of Kraus operators with :math:`2N` indices each,
        where :math:`N` is the number of modes that the Program is created with

    Note that the Kraus representation automatically returns only the non-zero Kraus operators.
    One can reduce the number of operators by discarding Kraus operators with small norm (thus approximating the channel).

    **Choi representation**

    Mathematically, the Choi representation of a channel is a bipartite state :math:`\Lambda_{AB}`
    which contains a complete description of the channel. The way we use it to compute the action
    of the channel :math:`\mathcal{C}` on an input state :math:`\mathcal{\rho}` is as follows:

    .. math::

            \mathcal{C}(\rho) = \mathrm{Tr}[(\rho_A^T\otimes\mathbb{1}_B)\Lambda_{AB}]

    The indices of the non-vectorized Choi operator match exactly those of the state, so that the action
    of the channel can be computed as (e.g., for one mode or for ``vectorize_modes=True``):

    >>> rho_out = np.einsum('ab,abcd', rho_in, choi)

    Notice that this respects the transpose operation.

    For two modes:

    >>> rho_out = np.einsum('abcd,abcdefgh', rho_in, choi)

    Combining consecutive channels (in the order :math:`1,2,3,\dots`) is also straightforward with the Choi operator:

    >>> choi_combined = np.einsum('abcd,cdef,efgh', choi_1, choi_2, choi_3)

    **Liouville operator**

    The Liouville operator is a partial transpose of the Choi operator, such that the first half of
    consecutive index pairs are the output-input right modes (i.e., acting on the "bra" part of the state)
    and the second half are the output-input left modes (i.e., acting on the "ket" part of the state).

    Therefore, the action of the Liouville operator (e.g., for one mode or for ``vectorize_modes=True``) is

    .. math::

            \mathcal{C}(\rho) = \mathrm{unvec}[\mathcal{L}\mathrm{vec}(\rho)]

    where vec() and unvec() are the operations that stack the columns of a matrix to form
    a vector and vice versa.
    In code:

    >>> rho_out = np.einsum('abcd,bd->ca', liouville, rho_in)

    Notice that the state contracts with the second index of each pair and that we output the ket
    on the left (``c``) and the bra on the right (``a``).

    For two modes we have:

    >>> rho_out = np.einsum('abcdefgh,fbhd->eagc', liouville, rho_in)

    The Liouville representation has the property that if the channel is unitary, the operator is separable.
    On the other hand, even if the channel were the identity, the Choi operator would correspond to a maximally entangled state.

    The choi and liouville operators in matrix form (i.e., with two indices) can be found as follows, where
    ``D`` is the dimension of each vectorized index (i.e., for :math:`N` modes, ``D=cutoff_dim**N``):

    >>> choi_matrix = liouville.reshape(D**2, D**2).T
    >>> liouville_matrix = choi.reshape(D**2, D**2).T

    **Kraus representation**

    The Kraus representation is perhaps the most well known:

    .. math::

            \mathcal{C}(\rho) = \sum_k A_k\rho A_k^\dagger

    So to define a channel in the Kraus representation one needs to supply a list of Kraus operators :math:`\{A_k\}`.
    In fact, the result of ``extract_channel`` in the Kraus representation is a rank-3 tensor, where the first
    index is the one indexing the list of operators.

    Adjacent indices of each Kraus operator correspond to output-input pairs of the same mode, so the action
    of the channel can be written as (here for one mode or for ``vectorize_modes=True``):

    >>> rho_out = np.einsum('abc,cd,aed->be', kraus, rho_in, np.conj(kraus))

    Notice the transpose on the third index string (``aed`` rather than ``ade``), as the last operator should be the
    conjugate transpose of the first, and we cannot just do ``np.conj(kraus).T`` because ``kraus`` has 3 indices and we
    just need to transpose the last two.

        Here we show that the Choi operator of the identity channel is proportional to
        a maximally entangled Bell :math:`\ket{\phi^+}` state:

    >>> prog = sf.Program(num_subsystems=1)
    >>> C = extract_channel(prog, cutoff_dim=2, representation='choi')
    >>> print(abs(C).reshape((4,4)))
    [[1. 0. 0. 1.]
     [0. 0. 0. 0.]
     [0. 0. 0. 0.]
     [1. 0. 0. 1.]]

        prog (Program): program containing the circuit
        cutoff_dim (int): dimension of each index
        representation (str): choice between ``'choi'``, ``'liouville'`` or ``'kraus'``
        vectorize_modes (bool): if True, reshapes the result into rank-4 tensor,
            otherwise it returns a rank-4N tensor, where N is the number of modes

        array: channel, according to the specified options

        TypeError: if the gates used to construct the circuit are not all unitary or channels
    if not is_channel(prog):
        raise TypeError(
            "The circuit definition contains elements that are neither of type Gate nor of type Channel"

    N = prog.init_num_subsystems
    p = _program_in_CJ_rep(prog, cutoff_dim)

    eng = LocalEngine("fock", backend_options={"cutoff_dim": cutoff_dim, "pure": True})
    choi = eng.run(p).state.dm()
    choi = np.einsum("abcd->cdab", _vectorize(choi))

    if representation.lower() == "choi":
        result = choi
        if not vectorize_modes:
            result = _unvectorize(result, N)

    elif representation.lower() == "liouville":
        result = np.einsum("abcd -> dbca", choi)
        if not vectorize_modes:
            result = _unvectorize(result, N)

    elif representation.lower() == "kraus":
        # The liouville operator is the sum of a bipartite product of kraus matrices, so if we vectorize them we obtain
        # a matrix whose eigenvectors are proportional to the vectorized kraus operators
        vectorized_liouville = np.einsum("abcd -> cadb", choi).reshape(
            [cutoff_dim ** (2 * N), cutoff_dim ** (2 * N)]
        eigvals, eigvecs = np.linalg.eig(vectorized_liouville)

        # We keep only those eigenvectors that correspond to non-zero eigenvalues
        eigvecs = eigvecs[:, ~np.isclose(abs(eigvals), 0)]
        eigvals = eigvals[~np.isclose(abs(eigvals), 0)]

        # We rescale the eigenvectors with the sqrt of the eigenvalues (the other sqrt would rescale the right eigenvectors)
        rescaled_eigenvectors = np.einsum("b,ab->ab", np.sqrt(eigvals), eigvecs)

        # Finally we reshape the eigenvectors to form matrices, i.e., the Kraus operators and we make the first index
        # be the one that indexes the list of Kraus operators.
        result = np.einsum(
            "abc->cab", rescaled_eigenvectors.reshape([cutoff_dim ** N, cutoff_dim ** N, -1])

        if not vectorize_modes:
            result = np.einsum(
                np.reshape(result, [-1] + [cutoff_dim] * (2 * N)),
                range(1 + 2 * N),
                [0] + [2 * n + 1 for n in range(N)] + [2 * n + 2 for n in range(N)],
        raise ValueError("representation {} not supported".format(representation))

    return result
예제 #3
def extract_unitary(prog, cutoff_dim: int, vectorize_modes: bool = False, backend: str = "fock"):
    r"""Numerical array representation of a unitary quantum circuit.

    Note that the circuit must only include operations of the :class:`strawberryfields.ops.Gate` class.

    * If ``vectorize_modes=True``, it returns a matrix.
    * If ``vectorize_modes=False``, it returns an operator with :math:`2N` indices,
      where N is the number of modes that the Program is created with. Adjacent
      indices correspond to output-input pairs of the same mode.


    This shows the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect by extracting the unitary of a 50/50 beamsplitter, and then
    computing the output given by one photon at each input (notice the order of the indices: :math:`[out_1, in_1, out_2, in_2,\dots]`).
    The result tells us that the two photons always emerge together from a random output port and never one per port.

    >>> prog = sf.Program(num_subsystems=2)
    >>> with prog.context as q:
    >>>     BSgate(np.pi/4) | q
    >>> U = extract_unitary(prog, cutoff_dim=3)
    >>> print(abs(U[:,1,:,1])**2)
    [[0.  0.  0.5]
     [0.  0.  0. ]
     [0.5 0.  0. ]])

        prog (Program): quantum program
        cutoff_dim (int): dimension of each index
        vectorize_modes (bool): If True, reshape input and output modes in order to return a matrix.
        backend (str): the backend to build the unitary; ``'fock'`` (default) and ``'tf'`` are supported

        array, tf.Tensor: numerical array of the unitary circuit
            as a NumPy ndarray (``'fock'`` backend) or as a TensorFlow Tensor (``'tf'`` backend)

        TypeError: if the operations used to construct the circuit are not all unitary

    if not is_unitary(prog):
        raise TypeError("The circuit definition contains elements that are not of type Gate")

    if backend not in ("fock", "tf"):
        raise ValueError("Only 'fock' and 'tf' backends are supported")

    N = prog.init_num_subsystems
    # extract the unitary matrix by running a modified version of the Program
    p = _program_in_CJ_rep(prog, cutoff_dim)
    eng = LocalEngine(backend, backend_options={"cutoff_dim": cutoff_dim, "pure": True})
    result = eng.run(p).state.ket()

    if vectorize_modes:
        if backend == "fock":
            reshape = np.reshape
            reshape = tf.reshape
        return reshape(result, [cutoff_dim ** N, cutoff_dim ** N])

    # here we rearrange the indices to go back to the order [in1, out1, in2, out2, etc...]
    if backend == "fock":
        tp = np.transpose
        tp = tf.transpose
    return tp(result, [int(n) for n in np.arange(2 * N).reshape((2, N)).T.reshape([-1])])