예제 #1
    def update_config(options, config, properties, output, service):
        """Update the local config files

            options (argparse.Namespace): Basically a namedtuple with the service setting
            config (StreamAlert.config): The configuration of StreamAlert
            properties (OrderedDict): Contains various OutputProperty items
            output (StreamAlert.OutputDispatcher): The output to update
            service (str): The name of the service the output belongs too
        output_config = config['outputs']
        descriptor = properties['descriptor'].value

        if options.update and output_exists(
                output_config, properties, service, log_message=False):
            # Don't update the config if the output already existed, this will prevent duplicates
                'Output already exists, don\'t update the config for descriptor %s and service %s',
                descriptor, service)
            updated_config = output.format_output_config(
                output_config, properties)
            output_config[service] = updated_config

                'Successfully saved \'%s\' output configuration for service \'%s\'',
                descriptor, service)
예제 #2
    def handler(cls, options, config):
        """Configure multiple outputs for multiple services
            options (argparse.Namespace): Basically a namedtuple with the service setting
            config (StreamAlert.config): The configuration of StreamAlert
            bool: False if errors occurred, True otherwise
            with open(options.file, 'r') as json_file_fp:
                file_contents = json.load(json_file_fp)
        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            LOGGER.error("Error opening file %s", options.file)
            return False

        if not file_contents:
            LOGGER.error('File %s is empty', options.file)
            return False

        for service, configurations in file_contents.items():
            LOGGER.debug('Setting outputs for service %s', service)
            # Retrieve the proper service class to handle dispatching the alerts of this service
            output = StreamAlertOutput.get_dispatcher(service)

            for configuration in configurations:
                properties = cls.convert_configuration_to_properties(
                    configuration, output)
                if not properties:
                    # Configuration was not valid
                    return False

                if not options.update and output_exists(
                        config['outputs'], properties, service):
                    # If the output already exists and update is not set
                    # return early
                    return False

                # For each configuration for this service, save the creds and update the config
                if not cls.save_credentials(service, config, properties):
                    return False
                cls.update_config(options, config, properties, output, service)

            LOGGER.info('Saved %s configurations for service: %s',
                        len(configurations), service)

        LOGGER.info('Finished setting all configurations for services: %s',
        return True
예제 #3
    def handler(cls, options, config):
        """Configure a new output for this service
            options (argparse.Namespace): Basically a namedtuple with the service setting
            config (StreamAlert.config): The configuration of StreamAlert
            bool: False if errors occurred, True otherwise
        # Retrieve the proper service class to handle dispatching the alerts of this services
        output = StreamAlertOutput.get_dispatcher(options.service)

        # If an output for this service has not been defined, the error is logged
        # prior to this
        if not output:
            return False

        # get dictionary of OutputProperty items to be used for user prompting
        properties = output.get_user_defined_properties()

        for name, prop in properties.items():
            # pylint: disable=protected-access
            properties[name] = prop._replace(value=user_input(
                prop.description, prop.mask_input, prop.input_restrictions))

        service = output.__service__

        if not options.update and output_exists(config['outputs'], properties,
            # If the output already exists and update is not set
            # ask for user input again for a unique configuration
            return cls.handler(options, config)

        if not cls.save_credentials(service, config, properties):
            # Error message is already logged so no need to log a new one
            return False

        cls.update_config(options, config, properties, output, service)

            'Successfully saved \'%s\' output configuration for service \'%s\'',
            properties['descriptor'].value, service)
        return True