def app(): nodes = [] edges = [] nodes.append(Node(id="Spiderman", label="Spid", size=400)) nodes.append(Node(id="Captain_Marvel", label="marvel", size=400)) edges.append( Edge(source="Captain_Marvel", target="Spiderman", label="friend_of")) # nodes = [Node(id=n['id'], label=n['name']) for n in json_nodes] # add value to payload # edges = [Edge(source=e['sourceId'], target=e['targetId']) for e in json_edges] config = Config( width=1600, height=1000, directed=True, nodeHighlightBehavior=True, highlightColor="#F7A7A6", collapsible=True, node={'labelProperty': 'label'}, # config labelProperty link={ 'labelProperty': 'label', 'renderLabel': True }) return_value = agraph(nodes=nodes, edges=edges, config=config)
def app(): footer() st.title("Graph Example") st.sidebar.title("Welcome") filename = file_selector() st.write('You selected `%s`' % filename) # sparql_endpoint = st.sidebar.text_input("SPARQL ENDPOINT: ", "") query_type = st.sidebar.selectbox("Quey Tpye: ", ["Person", "Inspirationals"], key="second") #rdfs:Resource , "Company", "Location" # resource_name = st.sidebar.text_input("Quey Tpye: ", "Barack_Obama" ) config = Config(height=500, width=700, nodeHighlightBehavior=True, highlightColor="#F7A7A6", directed=True, collapsible=True) if query_type == "Person": st.subheader("Person (Date of birth and place)") persons = list(get_people()) st.write(len(persons)) chosen_person = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose a Person: ", persons) nodes, edges = do_query(chosen_person) agraph(nodes, edges, config) if query_type=="FOAF": st.subheader("Inspirationals") with st.spinner("Loading data"): store = get_inspired() st.write(len(store.getNodes())) st.success("Done") agraph(list(store.getNodes()), (store.getEdges() ), config)
def app(): st.subheader("Person (Date of birth and place)") persons = list(get_people()) st.write(len(persons)) chosen_person = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose a Person: ", persons) config = Config(height=500, width=700, nodeHighlightBehavior=True, highlightColor="#F7A7A6", directed=True, collapsible=True) if chosen_person != "": store, abstract = get_people(chosen_person)
def plot_graph2(graph): nodes = [Node(id=i, label=str(i), size=200) for i in range(len(graph.nodes))] edges = [Edge(source=i, target=j, type="CURVE_SMOOTH") for (i, j) in graph.edges] config = Config(width=500, height=500, directed=True, nodeHighlightBehavior=True, highlightColor="#F7A7A6", collapsible=True, node={'labelProperty': 'label'}, link={'labelProperty': 'label', 'renderLabel': True} ) return_value = agraph(nodes=nodes, edges=edges, config=config)
def app(): persState = PersService.state() st.subheader("Person (Date of birth and place)") st.markdown("---") if not persState.loaded: st.write("Please load data in the Data Management Page first.") node_names = [] else: store = algos = persState.algos node_names = persState.node_names persons = list(PersService.get_people()) st.write(len(persons)) chosen_person = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose a Person: ", persons) config = Config(height=500, width=700, nodeHighlightBehavior=True, highlightColor="#F7A7A6", directed=True, collapsible=True) if chosen_person != "": store, abstract = PersService.load_persons(chosen_person)
def app(): footer() st.title("Graph Example") st.sidebar.title("Welcome") query_type = st.sidebar.selectbox( "Query Tpye: ", ["Inspirationals", "Marvel"] ) # could add more stuff here later on or add other endpoints in the sidebar. config = Config(height=600, width=700, nodeHighlightBehavior=True, highlightColor="#F7A7A6", directed=True, collapsible=True) if query_type == "Inspirationals": st.subheader("Inspirationals") with st.spinner("Loading data"): store = get_inspired() st.write("Nodes loaded: " + str(len(store.getNodes()))) st.success("Done") agraph(list(store.getNodes()), (store.getEdges()), config) if query_type == "Marvel": #based on with open("./marvel.json", encoding="utf8") as f: marvel_file = json.loads( marvel_store = TripleStore() for sub_graph in marvel_file["children"]: marvel_store.add_triple(marvel_file["name"], "has_subgroup", sub_graph["name"], picture=marvel_file["img"]) for node in sub_graph["children"]: node1 = node["hero"] link = "blongs_to" node2 = sub_graph["name"] pic = node["img"] marvel_store.add_triple(node1, link, node2, picture=pic) agraph(list(marvel_store.getNodes()), (marvel_store.getEdges()), config)
def app(): df = load_data(path) st.title("Open Knowledge Graph Visualization") heads = st.multiselect('Choose heads', df["head"].unique()) threshold = st.slider('Set confidence threshold', 0., df["confidence"].max(), value=0.0000001) store = subset_data(df, heads, threshold) config = Config(height=600, width=700, nodeHighlightBehavior=True, highlightColor="#F7A7A6", directed=True, collapsible=True, link={"renderLabel": True}) st.write("Nodes loaded: " + str(len(store.getNodes()))) agraph(list(store.getNodes()), (store.getEdges()), config)
graph.replace_filters(triplet_filters=triplet_filters, group_filters=group_filters) return graph # Debug check to see if filters are added correctly if st.button("Print input to terminal"): print(filters.values()) print(group_filters.values()) # Construct the knowledge graph (time consuming part) graph = create_graph_with_filters(list(filters.values()), list(group_filters.values())) # Get the nodes nodes = set([triplet.head for triplet in graph.filtered_triplets]) # Choose nodes to plot st.write("N. nodes loaded: " + str(len(nodes))) heads = st.multiselect("Choose nodes to plot", list(nodes)) # convert selected nodes to streamlit graph store store = beliefgraph_to_triplestore(graph, heads) config = Config(height=600, width=700, nodeHighlightBehavior=True, highlightColor="#F7A7A6", directed=True, collapsible=True, link={"renderLabel": True}) agraph(list(store.getNodes()), (store.getEdges()), config)
edges.append( Edge(source="Captain_Marvel", label="Amiga de ", target="Spiderman", type="CURVE_SMOOTH")) # includes **kwargs edges.append( Edge(source="Captain_Marvel", label="Conhece o", target="Thor", type="CURVE_SMOOTH")) # includes **kwargs edges.append(Edge(source="Thor", label="Inimigo de", target="Thanos")) # includes **kwargs config = Config( width=500, height=500, directed=True, nodeHighlightBehavior=True, highlightColor="#F7A7A6", # or "blue" collapsible=True, node={'labelProperty': 'label'}, link={ 'labelProperty': 'label', 'renderLabel': True } # **kwargs e.g. node_size=1000 or node_color="blue" ) return_value = agraph(nodes=nodes, edges=edges, config=config)
# session_state.checkboxed = True ======= if not inspState.loaded: st.write("Please load data in the Data Management Page first.") node_names = [] >>>>>>> 6f6a9624da414e66674de21213f6c8f387db8519 else: store = algos = inspState.algos node_names = inspState.node_names if len(node_names) > 0: chosen_person_a = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose Person A: ", node_names, key="p1") chosen_person_b = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose Person B: ", node_names, key="p2") algo_type = st.sidebar.selectbox("Algo ", ["", "Shortest Path", "Community", "PageRank"], key="second") <<<<<<< HEAD config = Config(height=500, width=700, nodeHighlightBehavior=True, highlightColor="#F7A7A6", directed=True, collapsible=True) ======= config = Config(height=500, width=700, nodeHighlightBehavior=True, highlightColor="#F7A7A6", directed=True, collapsible=True, link={'labelProperty': 'label', 'renderLabel': True} ) >>>>>>> 6f6a9624da414e66674de21213f6c8f387db8519 if algo_type == "Shortest Path": if chosen_person_a != "" and chosen_person_b != "" and chosen_person_a != chosen_person_b: analysis_results = algos.shortest_path(chosen_person_a, chosen_person_b) sp_store = TripleStore() if len(analysis_results) > 0:
'circo', 'fdp', 'sfdp']) rankdir = st.sidebar.selectbox("rankdir", ['BT', 'TB', 'LR', 'RL']) ranksep = st.sidebar.slider("ranksep",min_value=0, max_value=10) nodesep = st.sidebar.slider("nodesep",min_value=0, max_value=10) config = Config(width=2000, height=1000, graphviz_layout=layout, graphviz_config={"rankdir": rankdir, "ranksep": ranksep, "nodesep": nodesep}, directed=True, nodeHighlightBehavior=True, highlightColor="#F7A7A6", collapsible=True, node={'labelProperty':'label'}, link={'labelProperty': 'label', 'renderLabel': True}, maxZoom=2, minZoom=0.1, staticGraphWithDragAndDrop=False, staticGraph=False, initialZoom=1 ) return_value = agraph(nodes=nodes, edges=edges, config=config)
def main(): """Semi Automated ML App with Streamlit """ activities = ["Matrics Monitored", "Data Visualization"] choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Activities", activities) if choice == 'Matrics Monitored': st.title("Social Media Computing Assignment") df = pd.read_csv('audience_size.csv') # df fig =, x="company", y="count", color="type", title="Audience Size") st.plotly_chart(fig) if choice == 'Data Visualization': activities = [ "Audience Country Spread", "Campaign Categories", "Favourite And Retweet Count", "Frequency Tweets", "Word Map", "Network Graph" ] choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Activities", activities) if choice == 'Audience Country Spread': st.title("Audience Country Spread") brand = ["Omega", "Rolex", "Daniel Wellington", "SwatchUS"] brand_choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Brand", brand) if brand_choice == 'Omega': omega_loc = pd.read_csv('omega_loc.csv') omega_country =, x='Followers(%)', y='Country', title='Omega - Audience country spread', text='Followers(%)', orientation='h') st.plotly_chart(omega_country) if brand_choice == 'Rolex': rolex_loc = pd.read_csv('rolex_loc.csv') rolex_country =, x='Followers(%)', y='Country', title='Rolex - Audience country spread', text='Followers(%)', orientation='h') st.plotly_chart(rolex_country) if brand_choice == 'Daniel Wellington': DanielWellington_loc = pd.read_csv('itisdw_loc.csv') DanielWellington_country = DanielWellington_loc, x='Followers(%)', y='Country', title='Daniel Wellington - Audience country spread', text='Followers(%)', orientation='h') st.plotly_chart(DanielWellington_country) if brand_choice == 'SwatchUS': swatch_loc = pd.read_csv('swatch_loc.csv') swatch_country = swatch_loc, x='Followers(%)', y='Country', title='SwatchUS - Audience country spread', text='Followers(%)', orientation='h') st.plotly_chart(swatch_country) if choice == 'Campaign Categories': st.title("Campaign Categories") brand = ["Omega", "Rolex", "Daniel Wellington", "SwatchUS"] brand_choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Brand", brand) if brand_choice == 'Omega': company = "omega" camp_eng = pd.read_csv('campaign_engagement.csv') camp_eng = camp_eng.query('company == @company') fig =, x="campaign", y="avg", title="Average Campaign Engagement") st.plotly_chart(fig) fig =, x="campaign", y="count", title="Total Tweeted Campaign") st.plotly_chart(fig) fig =, x="campaign", y="rate", title="Total Campaign Engagement Rate") st.plotly_chart(fig) if brand_choice == 'Rolex': company = "rolex" camp_eng = pd.read_csv('campaign_engagement.csv') camp_eng = camp_eng.query('company == @company') fig =, x="campaign", y="avg", title="Average Campaign Engagement") st.plotly_chart(fig) fig =, x="campaign", y="count", title="Total Tweeted Campaign") st.plotly_chart(fig) fig =, x="campaign", y="rate", title="Total Campaign Engagement Rate") st.plotly_chart(fig) if brand_choice == 'Daniel Wellington': company = "itisdw" camp_eng = pd.read_csv('campaign_engagement.csv') camp_eng = camp_eng.query('company == @company') fig =, x="campaign", y="avg", title="Average Campaign Engagement") st.plotly_chart(fig) fig =, x="campaign", y="count", title="Total Tweeted Campaign") st.plotly_chart(fig) fig =, x="campaign", y="rate", title="Total Campaign Engagement Rate") st.plotly_chart(fig) if brand_choice == 'SwatchUS': company = "swatch" camp_eng = pd.read_csv('campaign_engagement.csv') camp_eng = camp_eng.query('company == @company') fig =, x="campaign", y="avg", title="Average Campaign Engagement") st.plotly_chart(fig) fig =, x="campaign", y="count", title="Total Tweeted Campaign") st.plotly_chart(fig) fig =, x="campaign", y="rate", title="Total Campaign Engagement Rate") st.plotly_chart(fig) if choice == 'Favourite And Retweet Count': st.title("Favourite Count") omega_camp = pd.read_csv('omega_camp.csv') omega_camp =, x='campaign', y='likes_sum', title='Omega Favourite Count') st.plotly_chart(omega_camp) rolex_camp = pd.read_csv('rolex_camp.csv') rolex_camp =, x='campaign', y='likes_sum', title='Rolex Favourite Count') st.plotly_chart(rolex_camp) itisdw_camp = pd.read_csv('itisdw_camp.csv') itisdw_camp =, x='campaign', y='likes_sum', title='Daniel Wellington Favourite Count') st.plotly_chart(itisdw_camp) swatch_camp = pd.read_csv('swatch_camp.csv') swatch_camp =, x='campaign', y='likes_sum', title='SwatchUS Favourite Count') st.plotly_chart(swatch_camp) st.title("Retweet Count") omega_camp = pd.read_csv('omega_camp.csv') omega_camp =, x='campaign', y='retweet_sum', title='Omega Retweet Count') st.plotly_chart(omega_camp) rolex_camp = pd.read_csv('rolex_camp.csv') rolex_camp =, x='campaign', y='retweet_sum', title='Rolex Retweet Count') st.plotly_chart(rolex_camp) itisdw_camp = pd.read_csv('itisdw_camp.csv') itisdw_camp =, x='campaign', y='retweet_sum', title='Daniel Wellington Retweet Count') st.plotly_chart(itisdw_camp) swatch_camp = pd.read_csv('swatch_camp.csv') swatch_camp =, x='campaign', y='retweet_sum', title='SwatchUS Retweet Count') st.plotly_chart(swatch_camp) if choice == 'Frequency Tweets': st.title("Frequency Tweet") brand = ["All", "Omega", "Rolex", "Daniel Wellington", "SwatchUS"] brand_choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Brand", brand) if brand_choice == 'Omega': company = "omega" tweet_freq = pd.read_csv('tweet_freq.csv') tweet_freq = tweet_freq.query('company == @company') fig = px.line(tweet_freq, x="week", y="count", title="Tweet Frequency") st.plotly_chart(fig) company = "omega" eng_freq = pd.read_csv('engagement_rate.csv') eng_freq = eng_freq.query('company == @company') fig = px.line(eng_freq, x="week", y="count", title="Engagement rate") st.plotly_chart(fig) if brand_choice == 'Rolex': company = "rolex" tweet_freq = pd.read_csv('tweet_freq.csv') tweet_freq = tweet_freq.query('company == @company') fig = px.line(tweet_freq, x="week", y="count", title="Tweet Frequency") st.plotly_chart(fig) company = "rolex" eng_freq = pd.read_csv('engagement_rate.csv') eng_freq = eng_freq.query('company == @company') fig = px.line(eng_freq, x="week", y="count", title="Engagement rate") st.plotly_chart(fig) if brand_choice == 'Daniel Wellington': company = "itisdw" tweet_freq = pd.read_csv('tweet_freq.csv') tweet_freq = tweet_freq.query('company == @company') fig = px.line(tweet_freq, x="week", y="count", title="Tweet Frequency") st.plotly_chart(fig) company = "itisdw" eng_freq = pd.read_csv('engagement_rate.csv') eng_freq = eng_freq.query('company == @company') fig = px.line(eng_freq, x="week", y="count", title="Engagement rate") st.plotly_chart(fig) if brand_choice == 'SwatchUS': company = "swatch" tweet_freq = pd.read_csv('tweet_freq.csv') tweet_freq = tweet_freq.query('company == @company') fig = px.line(tweet_freq, x="week", y="count", title="Tweet Frequency") st.plotly_chart(fig) company = "swatch" eng_freq = pd.read_csv('engagement_rate.csv') eng_freq = eng_freq.query('company == @company') fig = px.line(eng_freq, x="week", y="count", title="Engagement rate") st.plotly_chart(fig) if brand_choice == 'All': tweet_freq = pd.read_csv('tweet_freq.csv') fig = px.line(tweet_freq, x="week", y="count", color='company', title="Tweet Frequency") st.plotly_chart(fig) eng_freq = pd.read_csv('engagement_rate.csv') fig = px.line(eng_freq, x="week", y="count", color='company', title="Engagement rate") st.plotly_chart(fig) if choice == 'Word Map': image_mask = np.array("watch.jpg")) word_cloud = pd.read_csv('word_cloud.csv') st.title("Word Map") brand = ["Omega", "Rolex", "Daniel Wellington", "SwatchUS"] brand_choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Brand", brand) word = word_cloud.query('(company == @brand_choice)') camp = word.campaign.to_numpy() if brand_choice == 'Omega': camp = [ 'all', 'DeVille', 'ValentinesDay', 'OMEGAOfficialTimekeeper' ] camp_choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Brand", camp) company = 'omega' campaign = "all" word = word_cloud.query( '(company == @company) & (campaign == @camp_choice)' )['word'].values[0] # generate word cloud wc = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=2000, mask=image_mask) wc.generate(word) # plot the word cloud plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=120) plt.imshow(wc, interpolation='bilinear') plt.axis("off") st.pyplot() if brand_choice == 'Rolex': camp = ['all', 'perpetual', 'reloxfamily'] camp_choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Brand", camp) company = 'rolex' campaign = "all" word = word_cloud.query( '(company == @company) & (campaign == @camp_choice)' )['word'].values[0] # generate word cloud wc = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=2000, mask=image_mask) wc.generate(word) # plot the word cloud plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=120) plt.imshow(wc, interpolation='bilinear') plt.axis("off") st.pyplot() if brand_choice == 'Daniel Wellington': camp = ['all', 'dwgiftsoflove', 'danielwellington', 'layzhang'] camp_choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Brand", camp) company = 'itisdw' campaign = "all" word = word_cloud.query( '(company == @company) & (campaign == @camp_choice)' )['word'].values[0] # generate word cloud wc = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=2000, mask=image_mask) wc.generate(word) # plot the word cloud plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=120) plt.imshow(wc, interpolation='bilinear') plt.axis("off") st.pyplot() if brand_choice == 'SwatchUS': camp = [ 'all', 'timeiswhatyoumakeofit', 'swatchwithlove', 'swatchmytime' ] camp_choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Brand", camp) company = 'swatch' campaign = "all" word = word_cloud.query( '(company == @company) & (campaign == @camp_choice)' )['word'].values[0] # generate word cloud wc = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=2000, mask=image_mask) wc.generate(word) # plot the word cloud plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=120) plt.imshow(wc, interpolation='bilinear') plt.axis("off") st.pyplot() if choice == 'Network Graph': st.title("Network Graph") brand = ["Omega", "Rolex", "Daniel Wellington", "SwatchUS"] brand_choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Brand", brand) if brand_choice == 'Omega': st.title("Graph Example") config = Config(height=500, width=700, nodeHighlightBehavior=True, highlightColor="#F7A7A6", directed=True, collapsible=True) if query_type == "Inspirationals": st.subheader("Inspirationals") with st.spinner("Loading data"): store = get_inspired() st.write(len(store.getNodes())) st.success("Done") agraph(list(store.getNodes()), (store.getEdges()), config) if brand_choice == 'Rolex': company = "rolex" camp_eng = pd.read_csv('campaign_engagement.csv') camp_eng = camp_eng.query('company == @company') fig =, x="campaign", y="avg", title="Average Campaign Engagement") st.plotly_chart(fig) fig =, x="campaign", y="count", title="Total Tweeted Campaign") st.plotly_chart(fig) fig =, x="campaign", y="rate", title="Total Campaign Engagement Rate") st.plotly_chart(fig) if brand_choice == 'Daniel Wellington': company = "itisdw" camp_eng = pd.read_csv('campaign_engagement.csv') camp_eng = camp_eng.query('company == @company') fig =, x="campaign", y="avg", title="Average Campaign Engagement") st.plotly_chart(fig) fig =, x="campaign", y="count", title="Total Tweeted Campaign") st.plotly_chart(fig) fig =, x="campaign", y="rate", title="Total Campaign Engagement Rate") st.plotly_chart(fig) if brand_choice == 'SwatchUS': company = "swatch" camp_eng = pd.read_csv('campaign_engagement.csv') camp_eng = camp_eng.query('company == @company') fig =, x="campaign", y="avg", title="Average Campaign Engagement") st.plotly_chart(fig) fig =, x="campaign", y="count", title="Total Tweeted Campaign") st.plotly_chart(fig) fig =, x="campaign", y="rate", title="Total Campaign Engagement Rate") st.plotly_chart(fig)
def app(): # Set title and user input elements st.title("Recipe Recommender Network") sidebar = st.sidebar middle, rsidebar = st.beta_columns([3, 1]) sidebar.title("Choose meal type and ingredients") userIngredients = sidebar.text_input( "Input ingredients that should be included in returned recipes:") userInput = sidebar.text_input("Input recipe to use as cluster seed: ") # create empty lists for holding nodes and edges for network #net = Network() # place holder for transitioning to pyvis nodes = [] edges = [] nodeSize = 500 # Bring in the initial data tmp = pd.read_csv( r'C:\Users\jdnun\OneDrive\Documents\GT\Spring2021\Project\code\cse6242_project-main\src\cluster_test.csv' ) # Here is where we would access the data from the backend print('length before filter: ', len(tmp)) # filter data for only recipes that contain the user inputs if userIngredients != "": ingredients = userIngredients.split(',') ingredients = [i.strip() for i in ingredients] contains = [ tmp["RecipeIngredientParts"].str.contains(i) for i in ingredients ] #print(ingredients) tmp = tmp[np.all(contains, axis=0)] print('length of filtered: ', len(tmp)) if len(tmp) != 0: edgeList = [] ### Used for loading the data directly from the dictionary output from Orion's clustering script # for i in range(0, len(tmp["c1"]["nodes"])): # nodes.extend([Node(id=int(tmp["c1"]["nodes"].iloc[i]['RecipeId']), label=tmp["c1"]["nodes"].iloc[i]["Name"], # size=nodeSize)]) # for j in range(0, len(tmp["c1"]["nodes"])): # if tmp["c1"]["nodes"].iloc[i]['RecipeId'] != tmp["c1"]["nodes"].iloc[j]['RecipeId'] and int(tmp["c1"]["nodes"].iloc[i]["Ingredient Difference"]) == int(tmp["c1"]["nodes"].iloc[j]["Ingredient Difference"]) \ # and [int(tmp["c1"]["nodes"].iloc[j]['RecipeId']),int(tmp["c1"]["nodes"].iloc[i]['RecipeId'])] not in edgeList: # edgeList.append([int(tmp["c1"]["nodes"].iloc[i]['RecipeId']),int(tmp["c1"]["nodes"].iloc[j]['RecipeId'])]) # edges.extend([Edge(source=int(tmp["c1"]["nodes"].iloc[i]['RecipeId']), label=int(tmp["c1"]["nodes"].iloc[j]["Ingredient Difference"]), # target=int(tmp["c1"]["nodes"].iloc[j]["RecipeId"]), type="CURVE_SMOOTH")]) for i in range(0, len(tmp["nodes"])): nodes.extend([ Node(id=int(tmp.iloc[i]['RecipeId']), label=tmp.iloc[i]["Name"], size=nodeSize) ]) #net.add_node(n_id=int(tmp.iloc[i]['RecipeId']), value=nodeSize, label=tmp.iloc[i]["Name"]) # place holder for transitioning to pyvis for j in range(0, len(tmp["nodes"])): if tmp.iloc[i]['RecipeId'] != tmp.iloc[j]['RecipeId'] and int(tmp.iloc[i]["Ingredient Difference"]) == int(tmp.iloc[j]["Ingredient Difference"]) \ and [int(tmp.iloc[j]['RecipeId']),int(tmp.iloc[i]['RecipeId'])] not in edgeList: edgeList.append([ int(tmp.iloc[i]['RecipeId']), int(tmp.iloc[j]['RecipeId']) ]) edges.extend([ Edge(source=int(tmp.iloc[i]['RecipeId']), label=int(tmp.iloc[j]["Ingredient Difference"]), target=int(tmp.iloc[j]["RecipeId"]), type="CURVE_SMOOTH") ]) #net.add_edge(int(tmp.iloc[i]['RecipeId']),int(tmp.iloc[j]["RecipeId"]),title=int(tmp.iloc[j]["Ingredient Difference"])) # # place holder for transitioning to pyvis # diffList = [str(i) for i in set(tmp["c1"]["nodes"]["Ingredient Difference"])] # diffList.append('All') # diffList.sort(reverse=True) # display_category = sidebar.selectbox("Ingredient difference: ",index=0, options = diffList) # could add more stuff here later on or add other endpoints in the sidebar. # if display_category == "all": viewEdges = edges # else: # viewEdges = [edge for edge in edges if edge.label == display_category] #mealType = sidebar.selectbox("Meal Type: ", index=0, options = ["Breakfast", "Lunch", "Dinner"]) # Just a place holder could be 'soup', 'salad', or 'italian', 'indian', etc # set network configuration config = Config(height=500, width=700, nodeHighlightBehavior=True, highlightColor="#F7A7A6", directed=False, collapsible=True, node={'labelProperty': 'label'}, link={ 'labelProperty': 'label', 'renderLabel': False }) # add network to middle column of streamlit canvas with middle: #st.text("Displaying {} cuisine types".format(display_category)) return_value = agraph(nodes=nodes, edges=viewEdges, config=config)'testgraph.html') # place holder for transitioning to pyvis st.text("Showing recipes based on the following ingredients: {}".format( userIngredients))
print(temp_data["@@edgeSet"][0]) nodes = [] edges = [] for val in temp_data["@@edgeSet"]: nodes.append(Node(id=val['from_id'])) nodes.append(Node(id=val['to_id'])) edges.append( Edge(source=val['from_id'], target=val['to_id'], labelProperty=val['e_type'], renderLabel=True)) config = Config(height=500, width=700, nodeHighlightBehavior=True, highlightColor="#F7A7A6", directed=True, collapsible=True) agraph(nodes, edges, config) elif itemSelected == 'Automatic Data Analysis': st.title('Automatic Data Analysis') data = st.file_uploader("Upload a Dataset", type=["csv"]) if data is not None: df = pd.read_csv(data) st.dataframe(df) if st.checkbox("Show Shape"): st.write(df.shape)