class GraphBuilder(object): LATITUDE = 0 LONGITUDE = 1 def __init__(self, osmfile): # parse the input file and save its contents in memory # initialize street network self.street_network = StreetNetwork() # coord pairs as returned from imposm self.coords = dict() # max and min latitude and longitude self.bounds = dict() self.bounds["min_lat"] = 9999 self.bounds["max_lat"] = -9999 self.bounds["min_lon"] = 9999 self.bounds["max_lon"] = -9999 # active copy of OSM data indexed by OSM id self.all_osm_relations = dict() self.all_osm_ways = dict() self.all_osm_nodes = dict() # nodes with specific landuse tags self.residential_nodes = set() self.industrial_nodes = set() self.commercial_nodes = set() # subset that is also connected to the street network self.connected_residential_nodes = set() self.connected_industrial_nodes = set() self.connected_commercial_nodes = set() # mapping from highway types to max speeds # we do this so there"s always a speed limit for every edge, even if # none is in the OSM data self.max_speed_map = dict() self.max_speed_map["motorway"] = 140 self.max_speed_map["trunk"] = 120 self.max_speed_map["primary"] = 100 self.max_speed_map["secondary"] = 80 self.max_speed_map["tertiary"] = 70 self.max_speed_map["road"] = 50 self.max_speed_map["minor"] = 50 self.max_speed_map["unclassified"] = 50 self.max_speed_map["residential"] = 30 self.max_speed_map["track"] = 30 self.max_speed_map["service"] = 20 self.max_speed_map["path"] = 10 self.max_speed_map["cycleway"] = 1 # >0 to prevent infinite weights self.max_speed_map["bridleway"] = 1 # >0 to prevent infinite weights self.max_speed_map["pedestrian"] = 1 # >0 to prevent infinite weights self.max_speed_map["footway"] = 1 # >0 to prevent infinite weights p = OSMParser(concurrency = 1, coords_callback = self.coords_callback, nodes_callback = self.nodes_callback, ways_callback = self.ways_callback, relations_callback = self.relations_callback) p.parse(osmfile) def build_street_network(self): # add boundaries to street network if 9999 not in self.bounds.values() and -9999 not in self.bounds.values(): self.street_network.set_bounds(self.bounds["min_lat"], self.bounds["max_lat"], self.bounds["min_lon"], self.bounds["max_lon"]) # construct the actual graph structure from the input data for osmid, tags, refs in self.all_osm_ways.values(): if "highway" in tags: if not self.street_network.has_node(refs[0]): coord = self.coords[refs[0]] self.street_network.add_node(refs[0], coord[self.LONGITUDE], coord[self.LATITUDE]) for i in range(0, len(refs)-1): if not self.street_network.has_node(refs[i+1]): coord = self.coords[refs[i+1]] self.street_network.add_node(refs[i+1], coord[self.LONGITUDE], coord[self.LATITUDE]) street = (refs[i], refs[i+1]) # calculate street length length = self.length_haversine(refs[i], refs[i+1]) # determine max speed and number of lanes max_speed = 50 lanes = 2 if tags["highway"] in self.max_speed_map.keys(): max_speed = self.max_speed_map[tags["highway"]] if "maxspeed" in tags: max_speed_tag = tags["maxspeed"] if max_speed_tag.isdigit(): max_speed = int(max_speed_tag) elif max_speed_tag.endswith("mph"): max_speed = int(max_speed_tag.replace("mph", "").strip(" ")) elif max_speed_tag == "none": max_speed = 140 elif "lanes" in tags: lanes_tag = tags["lanes"] if lanes_tag.isdigit(): lanes = int(lanes_tag) elif lanes_tag == "none": lanes = 2 # add street to street network if not self.street_network.has_street(street): self.street_network.add_street(street, length, max_speed,lanes) return self.street_network def find_node_categories(self): # collect relevant categories of nodes in their respective sets # TODO there has to be a better way to do this # TODO do this inside class StreetNetwork? for osmid, tags, members in self.all_osm_relations.values(): if "landuse" in tags: if tags["landuse"] == "residential": self.residential_nodes = self.residential_nodes | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) if tags["landuse"] == "industrial": self.industrial_nodes = self.industrial_nodes | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) if tags["landuse"] == "commercial": self.commercial_nodes = self.commercial_nodes | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) for osmid, tags, refs in self.all_osm_ways.values(): if "landuse" in tags: if tags["landuse"] == "residential": self.residential_nodes = self.residential_nodes | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) if tags["landuse"] == "industrial": self.industrial_nodes = self.industrial_nodes | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) if tags["landuse"] == "commercial": self.commercial_nodes = self.commercial_nodes | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) for osmid, tags, coords in self.all_osm_nodes.values(): if "landuse" in tags: if tags["landuse"] == "residential": self.residential_nodes = self.residential_nodes | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) if tags["landuse"] == "industrial": self.industrial_nodes = self.industrial_nodes | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) if tags["landuse"] == "commercial": self.commercial_nodes = self.commercial_nodes | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) street_network_nodes = set(self.street_network.get_nodes()) self.connected_residential_nodes = self.residential_nodes & street_network_nodes self.connected_industrial_nodes = self.industrial_nodes & street_network_nodes self.connected_commercial_nodes = self.commercial_nodes & street_network_nodes def coords_callback(self, coords): for osmid, lon, lat in coords: self.coords[osmid] = dict([(self.LATITUDE, lat), (self.LONGITUDE, lon)]) self.bounds["min_lat"] = min(self.bounds["min_lat"], lat) self.bounds["min_lon"] = min(self.bounds["min_lon"], lon) self.bounds["max_lat"] = max(self.bounds["max_lat"], lat) self.bounds["max_lon"] = max(self.bounds["max_lon"], lon) def nodes_callback(self, nodes): for node in nodes: self.all_osm_nodes[node[0]] = node def ways_callback(self, ways): for way in ways: self.all_osm_ways[way[0]] = way def relations_callback(self, relations): for relation in relations: self.all_osm_relations[relation[0]] = relation def get_all_child_nodes(self, osmid): # given any OSM id, construct a set of the ids of all descendant nodes if osmid in self.all_osm_nodes.keys(): return set([osmid]) if osmid in self.all_osm_relations.keys(): children = set() for osmid, osmtype, role in self.all_osm_relations[osmid][2]: children = children | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) return children if osmid in self.all_osm_ways.keys(): children = set() for ref in self.all_osm_ways[osmid][2]: children.add(ref) return children return set() def length_euclidean(self, id1, id2): # calculate distance on a 2D plane assuming latitude and longitude # form a planar uniform coordinate system (obviously not 100% accurate) p1 = self.coords[id1] p2 = self.coords[id2] # assuming distance between to degrees of latitude to be approx. # 66.4km as is the case for Hamburg, and distance between two # degrees of longitude is always 111.32km dist = sqrt( ((p2[self.LATITUDE]-p1[self.LATITUDE])*111.32)**2 + ((p2[self.LONGITUDE]-p1[self.LONGITUDE])*66.4)**2 ) return dist*1000 # return distance in m def length_haversine(self, id1, id2): # calculate distance using the haversine formula, which incorporates # earth curvature # see lat1 = self.coords[id1][self.LATITUDE] lon1 = self.coords[id1][self.LONGITUDE] lat2 = self.coords[id2][self.LATITUDE] lon2 = self.coords[id2][self.LONGITUDE] lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 = map(radians, [lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2]) dlon = lon2 - lon1 dlat = lat2 - lat1 a = sin(dlat/2)**2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(dlon/2)**2 c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a)) return 6367000 * c # return distance in m
available_braking_distance * 2) # m/s # cars respect speed limit actual_speed = min(max_speed, potential_speed * 3.6) # km/h return actual_speed if __name__ == "__main__": def out(*output): for o in output: print o, print '' street_network = StreetNetwork() street_network.add_node(1, 0, 0) street_network.add_node(2, 0, 0) street_network.add_node(3, 0, 0) street_network.add_street(( 1, 2, ), 10, 50) street_network.add_street(( 2, 3, ), 100, 140) trips = dict() trips[1] = [3] sim = Simulation(street_network, trips, out)
class GraphBuilder(object): LATITUDE = 0 LONGITUDE = 1 def __init__(self, osmfile): # parse the input file and save its contents in memory # initialize street network self.street_network = StreetNetwork() # coord pairs as returned from imposm self.coords = dict() # max and min latitude and longitude self.bounds = dict() self.bounds["min_lat"] = 9999 self.bounds["max_lat"] = -9999 self.bounds["min_lon"] = 9999 self.bounds["max_lon"] = -9999 # active copy of OSM data indexed by OSM id self.all_osm_relations = dict() self.all_osm_ways = dict() self.all_osm_nodes = dict() # nodes with specific landuse tags self.residential_nodes = set() self.industrial_nodes = set() self.commercial_nodes = set() # subset that is also connected to the street network self.connected_residential_nodes = set() self.connected_industrial_nodes = set() self.connected_commercial_nodes = set() # mapping from highway types to max speeds # we do this so there"s always a speed limit for every edge, even if # none is in the OSM data self.max_speed_map = dict() self.max_speed_map["motorway"] = 140 self.max_speed_map["trunk"] = 120 self.max_speed_map["primary"] = 100 self.max_speed_map["secondary"] = 80 self.max_speed_map["tertiary"] = 70 self.max_speed_map["road"] = 50 self.max_speed_map["minor"] = 50 self.max_speed_map["unclassified"] = 50 self.max_speed_map["residential"] = 30 self.max_speed_map["track"] = 30 self.max_speed_map["service"] = 20 self.max_speed_map["path"] = 10 self.max_speed_map["cycleway"] = 1 # >0 to prevent infinite weights self.max_speed_map["bridleway"] = 1 # >0 to prevent infinite weights self.max_speed_map["pedestrian"] = 1 # >0 to prevent infinite weights self.max_speed_map["footway"] = 1 # >0 to prevent infinite weights p = OSMParser(concurrency = 1, coords_callback = self.coords_callback, nodes_callback = self.nodes_callback, ways_callback = self.ways_callback, relations_callback = self.relations_callback) p.parse(osmfile) def build_street_network(self): # add boundaries to street network if 9999 not in self.bounds.values() and -9999 not in self.bounds.values(): self.street_network.set_bounds(self.bounds["min_lat"], self.bounds["max_lat"], self.bounds["min_lon"], self.bounds["max_lon"]) # construct the actual graph structure from the input data for osmid, tags, refs in self.all_osm_ways.values(): if "highway" in tags: if not self.street_network.has_node(refs[0]): coord = self.coords[refs[0]] self.street_network.add_node(refs[0], coord[self.LONGITUDE], coord[self.LATITUDE]) for i in range(0, len(refs)-1): if not self.street_network.has_node(refs[i+1]): coord = self.coords[refs[i+1]] self.street_network.add_node(refs[i+1], coord[self.LONGITUDE], coord[self.LATITUDE]) street = (refs[i], refs[i+1]) # calculate street length length = self.length_haversine(refs[i], refs[i+1]) # determine max speed max_speed = 50 if tags["highway"] in self.max_speed_map.keys(): max_speed = self.max_speed_map[tags["highway"]] if "maxspeed" in tags: max_speed_tag = tags["maxspeed"] if max_speed_tag.isdigit(): max_speed = int(max_speed_tag) elif max_speed_tag.endswith("mph"): max_speed = int(max_speed_tag.replace("mph", "").strip(" ")) elif max_speed_tag == "none": max_speed = 140 # add street to street network if not self.street_network.has_street(street): self.street_network.add_street(street, length, max_speed) return self.street_network def find_node_categories(self): # collect relevant categories of nodes in their respective sets # TODO there has to be a better way to do this # TODO do this inside class StreetNetwork? for osmid, tags, members in self.all_osm_relations.values(): if "landuse" in tags: if tags["landuse"] == "residential": self.residential_nodes = self.residential_nodes | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) if tags["landuse"] == "industrial": self.industrial_nodes = self.industrial_nodes | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) if tags["landuse"] == "commercial": self.commercial_nodes = self.commercial_nodes | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) for osmid, tags, refs in self.all_osm_ways.values(): if "landuse" in tags: if tags["landuse"] == "residential": self.residential_nodes = self.residential_nodes | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) if tags["landuse"] == "industrial": self.industrial_nodes = self.industrial_nodes | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) if tags["landuse"] == "commercial": self.commercial_nodes = self.commercial_nodes | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) for osmid, tags, coords in self.all_osm_nodes.values(): if "landuse" in tags: if tags["landuse"] == "residential": self.residential_nodes = self.residential_nodes | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) if tags["landuse"] == "industrial": self.industrial_nodes = self.industrial_nodes | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) if tags["landuse"] == "commercial": self.commercial_nodes = self.commercial_nodes | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) street_network_nodes = set(self.street_network.get_nodes()) self.connected_residential_nodes = self.residential_nodes & street_network_nodes self.connected_industrial_nodes = self.industrial_nodes & street_network_nodes self.connected_commercial_nodes = self.commercial_nodes & street_network_nodes def coords_callback(self, coords): for osmid, lon, lat in coords: self.coords[osmid] = dict([(self.LATITUDE, lat), (self.LONGITUDE, lon)]) self.bounds["min_lat"] = min(self.bounds["min_lat"], lat) self.bounds["min_lon"] = min(self.bounds["min_lon"], lon) self.bounds["max_lat"] = max(self.bounds["max_lat"], lat) self.bounds["max_lon"] = max(self.bounds["max_lon"], lon) def nodes_callback(self, nodes): for node in nodes: self.all_osm_nodes[node[0]] = node def ways_callback(self, ways): for way in ways: self.all_osm_ways[way[0]] = way def relations_callback(self, relations): for relation in relations: self.all_osm_relations[relation[0]] = relation def get_all_child_nodes(self, osmid): # given any OSM id, construct a set of the ids of all descendant nodes if osmid in self.all_osm_nodes.keys(): return set([osmid]) if osmid in self.all_osm_relations.keys(): children = set() for osmid, osmtype, role in self.all_osm_relations[osmid][2]: children = children | self.get_all_child_nodes(osmid) return children if osmid in self.all_osm_ways.keys(): children = set() for ref in self.all_osm_ways[osmid][2]: children.add(ref) return children return set() def length_euclidean(self, id1, id2): # calculate distance on a 2D plane assuming latitude and longitude # form a planar uniform coordinate system (obviously not 100% accurate) p1 = self.coords[id1] p2 = self.coords[id2] # assuming distance between to degrees of latitude to be approx. # 66.4km as is the case for Hamburg, and distance between two # degrees of longitude is always 111.32km dist = sqrt( ((p2[self.LATITUDE]-p1[self.LATITUDE])*111.32)**2 + ((p2[self.LONGITUDE]-p1[self.LONGITUDE])*66.4)**2 ) return dist*1000 # return distance in m def length_haversine(self, id1, id2): # calculate distance using the haversine formula, which incorporates # earth curvature # see lat1 = self.coords[id1][self.LATITUDE] lon1 = self.coords[id1][self.LONGITUDE] lat2 = self.coords[id2][self.LATITUDE] lon2 = self.coords[id2][self.LONGITUDE] lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 = map(radians, [lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2]) dlon = lon2 - lon1 dlat = lat2 - lat1 a = sin(dlat/2)**2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(dlon/2)**2 c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a)) return 6367000 * c # return distance in m
# how fast can a car drive to ensure the calculated breaking distance? potential_speed = sqrt(settings["braking_deceleration"] * available_braking_distance * 2) # m/s # cars respect speed limit actual_speed = min(max_speed, potential_speed * 3.6) # km/h return actual_speed if __name__ == "__main__": def out(*output): for o in output: print o, print '' street_network = StreetNetwork() street_network.add_node(1, 0, 0) street_network.add_node(2, 0, 0) street_network.add_node(3, 0, 0) street_network.add_street((1, 2,), 10, 50) street_network.add_street((2, 3,), 100, 140) trips = dict() trips[1] = [3] sim = Simulation(street_network, trips, out) for step in range(10): print "Running simulation step", step + 1, "of 10..." sim.step() # done