예제 #1
 def _check_raises(self, expected_exception, fmt, *args, **kwargs):
     fmt = self._prepare(fmt)
         f(fmt).format(*args, **kwargs)
     except expected_exception:
         raise self.failureException('%s not raised' %
예제 #2
파일: tests.py 프로젝트: igg/stringformat
        def test_format_subclass(self):
            # from Python 2.7 test suite
            class U(unicode):
                def __unicode__(self):
                    return u'__unicode__ overridden'
            u = U(u'xxx')

            self.assertEqual("%s" % u, u'__unicode__ overridden')
            self.assertEqual(f("{}").format(u), '__unicode__ overridden')
예제 #3
        def test_format_subclass(self):
            # from Python 2.7 test suite
            class U(unicode):
                if python_3:
                    def __str__(self):
                        return '__unicode__ overridden'
                    def __unicode__(self):
                        return u('__unicode__ overridden')
            s = U('xxx')

            self.assertEqual(f("{}").format(s), '__unicode__ overridden')
            self.assertEqual("%s" % s, u('__unicode__ overridden'))
예제 #4
    def _test_format(string, *args, **kwargs):
        """Compare with standard implementation.

        Return a pair (tuple) of results (standard_result, actual_result).

        # Monkey patch the _format_field to skip builtin method __format__
        def _format_field(value, parts, conv, spec, want_bytes=False):
            for k, part, _ in parts:
                if k:
                    if part.isdigit():
                        value = value[int(part)]
                        value = value[part]
                    value = getattr(value, part)
            if conv:
                value = ((conv == 'r') and '%r' or '%s') % (value,)
            format_value = getattr(value, '__format__', None)
            if format_value and (hasattr(value, 'strftime') or
                    not isinstance(format_value, builtin_function_or_method)):
                value = format_value(spec)
                # Skip the __format__ method for builtin types
                value = _strformat(value, spec)
            if want_bytes and isinstance(value, unicode):
                return str(value)
            return value

        # Monkey patch the _format_field to skip builtin method __format__
        import stringformat as mod
        original_format_field = mod._format_field
        mod._format_field = _format_field
            s1 = repr(string.format(*args, **kwargs))
        except Exception:
            s1 = repr_exc()
                s2 = repr(f(string).format(*args, **kwargs))
            except Exception:
                s2 = repr_exc()
            mod._format_field = original_format_field
        return s1, s2
예제 #5
파일: tests.py 프로젝트: igg/stringformat
    def test_mixed_unicode_str(self):
        # from Python 2.7 test suite

        def test(expected, fmt, *args, **kwargs):
            self.assertEqual(f(fmt).format(*args, **kwargs), expected)

        # test mixing unicode and str
        self.assertEqual(_strformat(u'abc', 's'), u'abc')
        self.assertEqual(_strformat(u'abc', '->10s'), u'-------abc')

        # test combining string and unicode
        test(u'foobar', u"foo{0}", 'bar')

        # This will try to convert the argument from unicode to str, which
        #  will succeed
        test('foobar', "foo{0}", u'bar')
        # This will try to convert the argument from unicode to str, which
        #  will fail
        self.assertRaises(UnicodeEncodeError, f("foo{0}").format, u'\u1000bar')
예제 #6
    def test_format(self):
        # from Python 2.7 test suite
        test = self._check_format

        # Safety check
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(f(''), 'format'))

        # def test(expected, fmt, *args, **kwargs):
        #     assert f(fmt).format(*args, **kwargs) == expected
        test('', '')
        test('a', 'a')
        test('ab', 'ab')
        test('a{', 'a{{')
        test('a}', 'a}}')
        test('{b', '{{b')
        test('}b', '}}b')
        test('a{b', 'a{{b')

        # examples from the PEP:
        test("My name is Fred", "My name is {0}", "Fred")
        test("My name is Fred", "My name is {0[name]}", dict(name="Fred"))
        test("My name is Fred :-{}", "My name is {0} :-{{}}", "Fred")

        import datetime
        d = datetime.date(2007, 8, 18)
        test("The year is 2007", "The year is {0.year}", d)

        # classes we'll use for testing
        class C:
            def __init__(self, x=100):
                self._x = x

            def __format__(self, spec):
                return spec

        class D:
            def __init__(self, x):
                self.x = x

            def __format__(self, spec):
                return str(self.x)

        # class with __str__, but no __format__
        class E:
            def __init__(self, x):
                self.x = x

            def __str__(self):
                return 'E(' + self.x + ')'

        # class with __repr__, but no __format__ or __str__
        class F:
            def __init__(self, x):
                self.x = x

            def __repr__(self):
                return 'F(' + self.x + ')'

        # class with __format__ that forwards to string, for some format_spec's
        class G:
            def __init__(self, x):
                self.x = x

            def __str__(self):
                return "string is " + self.x

            def __format__(self, format_spec):
                if format_spec == 'd':
                    return 'G(' + self.x + ')'
                return object.__format__(self, format_spec)

        # class that returns a bad type from __format__
        class H:
            def __format__(self, format_spec):
                return 1.0

        class I(datetime.date):
            def __format__(self, format_spec):
                return self.strftime(str(format_spec))

        class J(int):
            def __format__(self, format_spec):
                return int.__format__(self * 2, format_spec)

        test('abc', 'abc')
        test('abc', '{0}', 'abc')
        test('abc', '{0:}', 'abc')
        test('Xabc', 'X{0}', 'abc')
        test('abcX', '{0}X', 'abc')
        test('XabcY', 'X{0}Y', 'abc')
        test('abc', '{1}', 1, 'abc')
        test('Xabc', 'X{1}', 1, 'abc')
        test('abcX', '{1}X', 1, 'abc')
        test('XabcY', 'X{1}Y', 1, 'abc')
        test('-15', '{0}', -15)
        test('-15abc', '{0}{1}', -15, 'abc')
        test('-15Xabc', '{0}X{1}', -15, 'abc')
        test('{', '{{')
        test('}', '}}')
        test('{}', '{{}}')
        test('{x}', '{{x}}')
        test('{123}', '{{{0}}}', 123)
        test('{{0}}', '{{{{0}}}}')
        test('}{', '}}{{')
        test('}x{', '}}x{{')

        # weird field names
        test('baz', '{0[foo-bar]}', {'foo-bar': 'baz'})
        test('baz', '{0[foo bar]}', {'foo bar': 'baz'})
        test('3', '{0[ ]}', {' ': 3})

        test('20', '{foo._x}', foo=C(20))
        test('2010', '{1}{0}', D(10), D(20))
        test('abc', '{0._x.x}', C(D('abc')))
        test('abc', '{0[0]}', ['abc', 'def'])
        test('def', '{0[1]}', ['abc', 'def'])
        test('def', '{0[1][0]}', ['abc', ['def']])
        test('def', '{0[1][0].x}', ['abc', [D('def')]])

        # strings
        test('abc', '{0:.3s}', 'abc')
        test('ab', '{0:.3s}', 'ab')
        test('abc', '{0:.3s}', 'abcdef')
        test('', '{0:.0s}', 'abcdef')
        test('abc', '{0:3.3s}', 'abc')
        test('abc', '{0:2.3s}', 'abc')
        test('ab ', '{0:3.2s}', 'abc')
        test('result', '{0:x<0s}', 'result')
        test('result', '{0:x<5s}', 'result')
        test('result', '{0:x<6s}', 'result')
        test('resultx', '{0:x<7s}', 'result')
        test('resultxx', '{0:x<8s}', 'result')
        test('result ', '{0: <7s}', 'result')
        test('result ', '{0:<7s}', 'result')
        test(' result', '{0:>7s}', 'result')
        test('  result', '{0:>8s}', 'result')
        test(' result ', '{0:^8s}', 'result')
        test(' result  ', '{0:^9s}', 'result')
        test('  result  ', '{0:^10s}', 'result')
        test('a' + ' ' * 9999, '{0:10000}', 'a')
        test(' ' * 10000, '{0:10000}', '')
        test(' ' * 10000000, '{0:10000000}', '')

        # format specifiers for user defined type
        test('abc', '{0:abc}', C())

        # !r and !s coercions
        test('Hello', '{0!s}', 'Hello')
        test('Hello', '{0!s}', 'Hello')
        test('Hello          ', '{0!s:15}', 'Hello')
        test('Hello          ', '{0!s:15s}', 'Hello')
        test("'Hello'", '{0!r}', 'Hello')
        test("'Hello'", '{0!r:}', 'Hello')
        test('F(Hello)', '{0!r}', F('Hello'))

        # test fallback to object.__format__
        test('{}', '{0}', {})
        test('[]', '{0}', [])
        test('[1]', '{0}', [1])
        test('E(data)', '{0}', E('data'))

        # XXX pending deprecation
        #  * object.__format__ with a non-empty format string is deprecated
        test(' E(data)  ', '{0:^10}', E('data'))
        test(' E(data)  ', '{0:^10s}', E('data'))
        if has_object_format:
            test(' string is data', '{0:>15s}', G('data'))

        test('G(data)', '{0:d}', G('data'))
        test('string is data', '{0!s}', G('data'))

        test('date: 2007-08-27', '{0:date: %Y-%m-%d}',
             I(year=2007, month=8, day=27))

        if has_object_format:
            # test deriving from a builtin type and overriding __format__
            test('20', '{0}', J(10))

        # string format specifiers
        test('a', '{0:}', 'a')

        # computed format specifiers
        test('hello', '{0:.{1}}', 'hello world', 5)
        test('hello', '{0:.{1}s}', 'hello world', 5)
        test('hello', '{0:.{precision}s}', 'hello world', precision=5)
        test('hello     ', '{0:{width}.{precision}s}',
             'hello world', width=10, precision=5)
        test('hello     ', '{0:{width}.{precision}s}',
             'hello world', width='10', precision='5')
예제 #7
 def test(expected, fmt, *args, **kwargs):
     self.assertEqual(f(fmt).format(*args, **kwargs), expected)
예제 #8
 def _check_format(self, expected, fmt, *args, **kwargs):
     fmt, expected = self._prepare(fmt, expected)
     self.assertEqual(f(fmt).format(*args, **kwargs), expected)
예제 #9
파일: tests.py 프로젝트: igg/stringformat
                value = _strformat(value, spec)
            if want_bytes and isinstance(value, unicode):
                return str(value)
            return value

        # Monkey patch the _format_field to skip builtin method __format__
        import stringformat as mod
        original_format_field = mod._format_field
        mod._format_field = _format_field
            s1 = repr(string.format(*args, **kwargs))
        except Exception, exc:
            s1 = repr(exc)
                s2 = repr(f(string).format(*args, **kwargs))
            except Exception, exc:
                s2 = repr(exc)
            mod._format_field = original_format_field
        return s1, s2

    _BaseFormatterTest25 = BaseFormatterTest

    class BaseFormatterTest(_BaseFormatterTest25):

        def _check_strformat(self, expected, fmt, value):
            check_strformat = super(BaseFormatterTest, self)._check_strformat
            check_strformat(expected, fmt, value)

            value, expected = self._prepare(value, expected)