예제 #1
def create_saaper_header(im1,im2,saaper):
    # User the header from the first SAA image as the template
    hdr = pyfits.Header()
    # Update keywords to make final combined header
    # By default, use the value from 'im1'
    pkeys = ['filename','targname','imagetyp','date-obs','time-obs',
            'exptime','expstart','expend', 'saa_exit','saa_time',

    # Build up header from list of keywords
    for k in pkeys:
        # Find out index of card with this keyword from im1 header
        kindx = im1.h.index(k)
        # copy entire card from im1 header to new header for this keyword
        # this preserves the comment as well as the value

    #Now for those keywords which need special attention...
    hdr['imagetyp'] = 'SAAPER'
    hdr['expend'] = im2.h['expend']
    hdr['exptime'] = im1.h['exptime'] + im2.h['exptime']
    hdr['bunit'] = 'COUNTS'  # based on input value from im1
    hdr['datamin'] = saaper.min()
    hdr['datamax'] = saaper.max()
    hdr['date'] = (fileutil.getDate(), 'Date this file was written')

    return hdr
예제 #2
def create_WCSname(wcsname):
    """ Verify that a valid WCSNAME has been provided, and if not, create a
        default WCSNAME based on current date.
    if util.is_blank(wcsname):
        ptime = fileutil.getDate()
        wcsname = "User_"+ptime

    return wcsname
예제 #3
def create_WCSname(wcsname):
    """ Verify that a valid WCSNAME has been provided, and if not, create a
        default WCSNAME based on current date.
    if util.is_blank(wcsname):
        ptime = fileutil.getDate()
        wcsname = "User_" + ptime

    return wcsname
예제 #4
def dxy(dgeofile, filter=None, colcorr=None, corrext='DX', minsize=32,
    """Build subsampled CDBS _dxy files from full-frame (Jay's)
    DXM and DYM images.

    If there is a column/row correction provided, it will be removed
    before resampling the full DXM,DYM images. In that case, the
    'corrext' parameter specifies the extension from the full-sized
    image that needs to have this column/row correction removed.

    from stsci.tools import fileutil

    wheel1 = ['F475W', 'F555W', 'F606W', 'F850LP', 'F625W',
              'F658N', 'F775W', 'F502N', 'F550M']
    wheel2 = ['F435W', 'F814W', 'F660N']

    odgeofile = dgeofile
    # Interpret input filename, expanding any variables used for path to file
    dgeofile = fileutil.osfn(dgeofile)
    dgeoroot = os.path.split(dgeofile)[1]
    if not os.path.exists(dgeofile):
        print(' Input: ',dgeofile)
        raise InputError("No valid input found! ")

    # If column/row correction image is specified, open it for removal from
    # DGEOFILE...
    if colcorr is not None:
        if not os.path.exists(colcorr):
            raise InputError('No valid column/row correction image found!')

        # User specified a column/row correction image to be subtracted from
        # full DGEOFILE before resampling
        corrimg = pyfits.open(colcorr,'readonly')
        print('No column/row correction removed from DGEOFILE before resampling.')

    # Open file for processing
    #dxyfile = pyfits.open('qbu16424j_dxy.fits','readonly')         # Model _DXY file
    dxyfile = pyfits.open(dgeofile,'readonly')         # Model _DXY file
    detector = dxyfile[0].header['detector']
    print('DETECTOR', detector)

    # Read in filter name from DGEOFILE directly, if not specified by user
    filter1 = None
    filter2 = None
    if filter is None:
        if 'FILTER1' in dxyfile[0].header:
            filter1 = dxyfile[0].header['FILTER1']
            filter2 = dxyfile[0].header['FILTER2']
            if filter2 == 'N/A': filter2 = 'CLEAR2S'
            if filter2.find('CLEAR') > -1: filter = filter1
            else: filter = filter2
            # Error case, filter name not provided in file or by user
            print('ERROR: Filter name not found in DGEOFILE! Please specify...')
            raise InputError

    filter = filter.upper()     # On input, case can be upper or lower
    print('Filter', filter)

    # Get the shape of each chip from the first DGEOFILE array
    dxy_shape = dxyfile[1].data.shape

    # compute step size needed to create DXY file no smaller than 32x32
    stepsize = min(dxy_shape[1]/minsize, dxy_shape[0]/minsize)
    # create the grid in such a way that it contains the idices of the
    # first and last element of the full size array (0-4096) inclusive
    xpts = np.array(list(range(0,grid[0]+1,grid[2])),np.float32)
    ypts = np.array(list(range(0,grid[1]+1,grid[3])),np.float32)
    xygrid = np.meshgrid(xpts,ypts)
    # this padding is necessary so that the end points in the small npol file
    # match the end point of the large dgeo file.
    if xygrid[0][:,-1][-1] >= dxy_shape[1]: xygrid[0][:,-1] = [dxy_shape[1]-1]*len(xygrid[0][:,-1])
    if xygrid[1][-1][-1] >= dxy_shape[0]: xygrid[1][-1] = [dxy_shape[0]-1]*len(xygrid[1][-1])

    # count the number of chips in DGEOFILE
    numchips = 0
    extname = dxyfile[1].header['EXTNAME']

    for extn in dxyfile:
        if 'extname' in extn.header and extn.header['extname'] == extname:
            numchips += 1

    # process each chip
    for chip in range(1,numchips+1):
        # Process DX and DY for each chip
        for xy in ['DX','DY']:
            print('Processing chip from extension: ',xy,',',chip)
            onaxis1 = dxyfile[xy,chip].header['NAXIS1']
            onaxis2 = dxyfile[xy,chip].header['NAXIS2']
            if 'CCDCHIP' not in dxyfile[xy,chip].header:
                ccdchip = 1
                ccdchip = dxyfile[xy,chip].header['CCDCHIP']
            cdelt1 = grid[2]
            cdelt2 = grid[3]

            dxy = dxyfile[xy,chip].data.copy()
            if colcorr is not None and xy == corrext:
                # Remove column/row correction from this extension
                xycorr = corrimg[0].data
                xycorr = None

            # define default chipname for debug results; None indicates no debugging
            cname = None
            if debug:
                cname = 'full_68corr_'+xy+str(chip)+'_dxy.fits'

            # CDELT1/2 are the stepsize used to create the npl files.
            # It's best to write cdelt in the headers of the npl files instead of try
            # to calculate cdelt from naxis and onaxis. Keep onaxis for reference.
            dxyfile[xy,chip].data = resample_chip(dxy,xygrid,corrxy=xycorr,chipname=cname)
            dxyfile[xy,chip].header.update('ONAXIS1', onaxis1, "NAXIS1 of full size dgeo file")
            dxyfile[xy,chip].header.update('ONAXIS2', onaxis2, "NAXIS2 of full size dgeo file")
            dxyfile[xy,chip].header.update('CCDCHIP', ccdchip, "CCDCHIP from full size dgeo file")
            dxyfile[xy,chip].header.update('CDELT1',  cdelt1,  "Coordinate increment along axis")
            dxyfile[xy,chip].header.update('CDELT2',  cdelt2,  "Coordinate increment along axis")
    # Get filter info ready for use in updating output image header

    if filter1 is None:
        if filter in wheel1:
            filter1 = filter
            filter2 = 'CLEAR2L'

        if filter in wheel2:
            filter2 = filter
            filter1 = 'CLEAR1L'

    print(filter1, filter2)

    # Update keywords
    #newname = detector.lower()+'_'+str(stepsize)+'_' + filter.lower() + '_npl.fits'
    newname = dgeoroot[:dgeoroot.find('_dxy.fits')] + '_npl.fits'
    if os.path.exists(newname): os.remove(newname)
    dxyfile[0].header['filename'] = newname
    dxyfile[0].header['filter1'] = filter1
    dxyfile[0].header['filter2'] = filter2
    dxyfile[0].header.update('pedigree','INFLIGHT 01/03/2002 01/10/2005')
    dxyfile[0].header.add_history('File generated from DGEOFILE: %s'%odgeofile,after='pedigree')

    # close open file handles
    if colcorr is not None:

    # finish by cleaning up output image header by removing unnecessary keywords
    print('Cleaning up header')
    fixheader(filter,newname, odgeofile)
    print('Finished creating new file: ',newname)