import requests, json import speech_recognition as sr import re import googlemaps import playsound import pyttsx3 from stt_conversion import voice v = voice() print(v) engine = pyttsx3.init() query = v api_key = 'AIzaSyDevDlcD-iiGG4qOs1OE8ZKsi11HTODjtA' url = "" url2 = "" r = requests.get(url + 'query=' + query + '&key=' + api_key) x = r.json() y = x['results'] # print(x) # Opening Hours pl = str(y[0]["place_id"]) name = str(y[0]["name"]) print("Place Id: ", pl) print("Name :", name) g = requests.get(url2 + 'place_id=' + "{}".format(pl) + '&key=' + api_key) j = g.json()
# pip install stt_conversion from stt_conversion import voice import random import speech_recognition as sr import pyttsx3 import webbrowser import pyowm import requests, json import re engine = pyttsx3.init() Weather_API_KEY = "64f270d8dc07242b28b7cdd3a6080bc0" text = voice() f = str(text) print("You said : {}".format(text)) g = f.split() city_name = g[5] say = ['tell me the weather of {}'.format(city_name)] if f in say: complete_url = '{}&appid=64f270d8dc07242b28b7cdd3a6080bc0&units=metric'.format( city_name) response = requests.get(complete_url) x = response.json() temp = x['main']['temp'] wind_speed = x['wind']['speed']
# SAY -> CONVERT VALUE "ml" to "litres" from stt_conversion import voice m = voice() t = m.lower() op = t.split() print(op) def getConvertfrom(): return op[2] def getConvertto(): return op[4] if "cubic" in op[2] and len(op) <= 6: global fromc,toc k = op[2] + op [3] fromc = k toc = op[5] print(k) num1 = float(op[1]) elif "cubic" in t and len(op) > 6: k = op[2] + op[3] l= op[5] + op[6] fromc = k toc = l print(l) num1 = float(op[1])
# SAY -> CONVERT VALUE "kilomts" to "mtrs" from stt_conversion import voice t = voice() op = t.split() print(op) def getConvertfrom(): return op[2] def getConvertto(): return op[4] num1 = float(op[1]) available_units = ('millimetre', 'centimetre', 'metre', 'kilometre', 'inches', 'feet', 'yards', 'miles') conversions = (1, 10, 1000, 1e6, 25.4, 304.8, 914.4, 1.609344E6) fromc = getConvertfrom() toc = getConvertto() index = 0 for i in range(0, len(available_units)): # print (available_units[i], '==', str(fromc)) if available_units[i] == str(fromc): num_in_mm = num1 * conversions[i] for j in range(0, len(available_units)):