예제 #1
def test_fix_param_dynamic():
    r = RSTReader()

    # in 'machine' module

    param_in = "(*, trigger, handler=None, wake=machine.IDLE)"
    param_out = "(*, trigger, handler=None, wake=IDLE)"

    # in module
    r.current_module = "machine"
    result = r.fix_parameters(param_in)
    assert result == param_out

    r.current_module = ""
    result = r.fix_parameters(param_in)
    assert result != param_out
    assert result == param_in

    # -----------------------
    param_in = "baudrate=1000000, *, polarity=0, phase=0, bits=8, firstbit=SPI.MSB, sck=None, mosi=None, miso=None)"
    param_out = "baudrate=1000000, *, polarity=0, phase=0, bits=8, firstbit=MSB, sck=None, mosi=None, miso=None)"

    # in class
    r.current_class = "SPI"
    result = r.fix_parameters(param_in)
    assert result == param_out
    # not in class
    r.current_class = ""
    result = r.fix_parameters(param_in)
    assert result != param_out
    assert result == param_in
예제 #2
def load_rst(r: RSTReader, text: Union[str, List[str]]):
    "load a string or list of strings"
    if isinstance(text, List):
        r.rst_text = text
        r.rst_text = text.splitlines()
    r.max_line = len(r.rst_text)
    r.filename = "testmodule"
예제 #3
def test_import_typing():
    "always include typing"
    r = RSTReader()
    lines = r.output
    #    lines =
    for line in TYPING_IMPORT:
        assert line.strip() in [l.rstrip() for l in r.output
                                ], f"did not import typing : '{line}'"
예제 #4
def test_parse_class_modulename(line, module):
    # check if the module name has been removed form the class def
    r = RSTReader()
    load_rst(r, CD_ACCEL)
    r.current_module = module
    # process
    # check
    assert len(r.output) > 1
    assert line in [l.rstrip() for l in r.output]
예제 #5
def test_parse_class_micro_modulename(line):
    # check if the module name has been removed form the class def
    r = RSTReader()
    load_rst(r, CD_HASHLIB)
    # r.current_module = module # 'uhashlib'
    # process
    # check
    assert len(r.output) > 1
    # don't care about indentation,
    # but one of the lines must start with the class def
    assert any([l.strip().startswith(line) for l in r.output])
예제 #6
def test_parse_docstr_quoted():
    # quoted docstrings from module level constants
    r = RSTReader()
    load_rst(r, QUOTED_DOCSTR)
    # check
    assert len(r.output) > 1
    assert len(r.output_dict["constants"]) > 2

    assert not any([l.startswith("# :") for l in r.output_dict["constants"]
                    ]), "Some lines were not unquoted"
    assert not any([l.startswith("# +") for l in r.output_dict["constants"]
                    ]), "Some lines were not unquoted"
예제 #7
def test_sequence_methods():

    r = RSTReader()
    # Plug in test data

    r.rst_text = CLASS_METHOD_SEQ.splitlines(keepends=True)
    r.filename = "re.py"
    r.current_module = "re"
    r.max_line = len(r.rst_text) - 1
    # process

    assert len(r.output) > 1

    # a class
    assert r.output_dict["class regex():"]
    # make sure all 4 methods are seen
    assert r.output_dict["class regex():"][
        "def match"], "first method in sequence not found"
    assert r.output_dict["class regex():"][
        "def search"], "second method in sequence not found"
    assert r.output_dict["class regex():"][
        "def sub"], "third method in sequence not found"
    assert r.output_dict["class regex():"][
        "def split"], "1st method after sequence not found "
예제 #8
def test_parse_docstr_module():
    # check if the module name has been removed form the class def
    r = RSTReader()
    load_rst(r, MODULE_DOCSTR)
    # r.current_module = module # 'uhashlib'
    # process
    # check
    assert len(r.output) > 1
    assert len(r.output_dict["docstr"]) > 20

    # start & end with triple Quote
    assert r.output_dict["docstr"][0] == '"""'
    assert r.output_dict["docstr"][-1] == '"""'
예제 #9
def test_module_constants():
    # test is module level constants can be processed
    r = RSTReader()
    load_rst(r, MACHINE_RST)
    r.current_module = "machine"
    # process
    # check
    assert len(r.output) > 1
    list = r.output_dict["constants"]
    doc_list = [c for c in list if c.startswith("#")]
    const_list = [c for c in list if not c.startswith("#")]
    # should have 11  constants
    assert len(const_list) == 11
    # and 11 single line comments for docstrings
    assert len(doc_list) == 11
예제 #10
def test_rst_parse_function(filename, expected):
    # testcase = FN_1
    r = RSTReader()
    # process
    # check
    assert len(r.output) > 1
    for fn in expected:
        assert fn in [l.rstrip() for l in r.output]
예제 #11
def test_rst_parse_class_10(line: str):
    # testcase = FN_1
    r = RSTReader()
    # process
    r.prepare_output()  # cleanup output
    # check if each expected line appears in the output
    # there can be more

    assert len(r.output) > 1
    assert line in [l.rstrip()
                    for l in r.output], f"did not generate : '{line}'"
예제 #12
def test_class_constants():
    # check if the module name has been removed form the class def
    r = RSTReader()
    load_rst(r, MACHINE_PIN_RST)
    # r.current_module = module # 'uhashlib'
    # process
    # check
    assert len(r.output) > 1
    expected = [
        "class Pin():",
        "    #    Selects the pin mode.",
        "    IN : Any",
        "    OPEN_DRAIN : Any",
        "    #    Test wildcard handling.",
        "    # JOKER_* : Any",
        "    def __init__(self, id, mode=-1, pull=-1, *, value=None, drive=-1, alt=-1) -> None:",
    lines = [l.rstrip() for l in r.output]
    for l in expected:
        assert l in lines
예제 #13
def test_number_sequence():
    testcase = SEQ_NUMBERS
    r = RSTReader()
    # Plug in test data
    # r.rst_text = SEQ_NUMBERS
    r.rst_text = testcase
    r.filename = "testdata.py"
    r.current_module = "testdata"
    r.max_line = len(r.rst_text) - 1
    # process
    # check
    assert len(r.output) > 1
    constants = len(
        [l for l in r.output_dict["constants"] if not l.startswith("# ")])
    assert constants == 8
예제 #14
def test_sequence_3():

    r = RSTReader()
    # Plug in test data
    # r.rst_text = SEQ_NUMBERS
    r.rst_text = SEQ_3.splitlines(keepends=True)
    r.filename = "testdata.py"
    r.current_module = "testdata"
    r.max_line = len(r.rst_text) - 1
    # process

    assert len(r.output) > 1
    c_list = r.output_dict["class framebuf():"]["constants"]
    constants = len([l for l in c_list if not l.lstrip().startswith("# ")])
    assert constants == 7
예제 #15
def test_sequence_functions():

    r = RSTReader()
    # Plug in test data

    r.rst_text = FUNCTION_SEQ.splitlines(keepends=True)
    r.filename = "re.py"
    r.current_module = "re"
    r.max_line = len(r.rst_text) - 1
    # process

    assert len(r.output) > 1
    # three function defs
    assert r.output_dict["def compile"], "first function in sequence not found"
    assert r.output_dict["def match"], "2nd function in sequence not found"
    assert r.output_dict[
        "def search"], "1st function after sequence not found "
예제 #16
def test_comma_sequence():
    SEQ_COMMAS = [
        ".. data:: EEXIST, EAGAIN, etc.\n",
        "     Error codes, based on ANSI C/POSIX standard. All error codes start with\n",
        "     'E'. As mentioned above,\n",

    r = RSTReader()
    # Plug in test data
    # r.rst_text = SEQ_NUMBERS
    r.rst_text = SEQ_COMMAS
    r.filename = "testdata.py"
    r.current_module = "testdata"
    r.max_line = len(r.rst_text) - 1
    # process

    # check that etc is not found
    etc = "etc. : Any\n" in r.output
    eexist = "EEXIST : Any\n" in r.output
    eagain = "EAGAIN : Any\n" in r.output
    assert not etc
    assert eexist
    assert eagain
예제 #17
def test_fix_param(param_in, param_out):
    "validate known parameter typing notation errors"
    r = RSTReader()
    result = r.fix_parameters(param_in)
    assert result == param_out