def announce(prefix, chan, params): for ch in bot.chans: bot.say(ch, '%s: %s' % (style.color('Ann', style.RED), ' '.join(params)))
def parse_loop(self): while self.connected: msg = self.iqueue.get() if msg == StopIteration: self.connect() continue if self.debug and msg: print(msg) regex = re.compile( r'(?::(([^@! ]+)!?([^@ ]+)?@?([^ ]+)?))? ?([^ ]+) ?([^: ]*) :?(.*)?' ) try: prefix, nick, ident, host, type, chan, message = re.findall( regex, msg)[0] except: continue message = style.remove(message) params = re.findall(r'(?<=")\w[^"]+(?=")|[^" ]+', message) # do response waiting for waiting in self.waiting: if type in waiting['keys']: if waiting['prefix'] and not self.match( waiting['prefix'], prefix): continue if waiting['chan'] and not self.match( waiting['chan'], chan): continue if waiting['message'] and not self.match( waiting['message'], message): continue waiting['values'].append([(nick, ident, host), chan, params]) if type not in waiting['end']: break if type in waiting['end'] and waiting['values']: self.waiting.remove(waiting) break # do events if type in for func in[type]: # must be performed in specific channel if hasattr(func, '_channel'): if getattr(func, '_channel') != chan: continue self.thread(func, ((nick, ident, host), chan, params)) # do commands if type == 'PRIVMSG' and params and params[0].startswith( self.config.get('prefix', '$')): command = params[0][1:] params.pop(0) ignore = self.config.get('ignore', []) if command in self.commands and not self.match(ignore, prefix): if chan != self.config.get('log'): self.log('%s %s called by %s in %s (%s)' % (style.color('Command:', style.GREEN), command, nick, chan, ', '.join(params))) if chan == self.nick: chan = nick for func in self.commands[command]: self.thread( self.command, (func, chan, prefix, nick, ident, host, params)) print('Exited parse loop.')
#--------------------------------------------------# import sys import json import optparse import urllib2 from json import loads from urllib2 import (Request, urlopen, URLError, HTTPError, unquote) from pprint import pprint sys.path.append("app/") from settings import option from style import color (folder, thumb, tag, team, announce, tmdb_api_key, tag_thumb) = option() (BLUE, RED, YELLOW, GREEN, END) = color() def main(): #___ HELP ___# usage = "./ LANGUAGE QUALITY CODECS SUBS SIZE ID_IMDB" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage = usage) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if (len(args) != 6): parser.print_help() parser.exit(1) #___ VALUES ___# lang = sys.argv[1] qualite = sys.argv[2] format = sys.argv[3]
def parse_loop(self): while self.connected: msg = self.iqueue.get() if msg == StopIteration: self.connect() continue if self.debug and msg: print(msg) regex = re.compile(r'(?::(([^@! ]+)!?([^@ ]+)?@?([^ ]+)?))? ?([^ ]+) ?([^: ]*) :?(.*)?') try: prefix, nick, ident, host, type, chan, message = re.findall(regex, msg)[0] except: continue message = style.remove(message) params = re.findall(r'(?<=")\w[^"]+(?=")|[^" ]+', message) # do events if type in for func in[type]: # must be performed in specific channel if hasattr(func, '_channel'): if getattr(func, '_channel') != chan: continue self.thread(func, ((nick, ident, host), chan, params)) # do commands if type == 'PRIVMSG' and params and params[0].startswith(self.config.get('prefix', '$')): command = params[0][1:] params.pop(0) ignore = self.config.get('ignore', []) if command in self.commands and not self.match(ignore, prefix): if chan != self.config.get('log'): self.log('%s %s called by %s in %s (%s)' % ( style.color('Command:', style.GREEN), command, nick, chan, ', '.join(params) )) if chan == self.nick: chan = nick for func in self.commands[command]: # must or must not be a PM if hasattr(func, '_pm'): if getattr(func, '_pm'): if chan.startswith('#'): continue elif not chan.startswith('#'): continue # must be performed in specific channel if hasattr(func, '_channel'): if getattr(func, '_channel') != chan: continue # command can or must be diverted where = chan divert = self.config.get('divert', {}) if hasattr(func, '_divert'): if chan in divert: where = divert[chan] if where not in self.chans: continue if hasattr(func, '_control'): if not chan in divert or where not in self.chans: continue # admin perm overrides all admin = self.config['perms'].get('admin', {}) if self.match(admin, prefix): pass # user must have permission, overrides flags elif hasattr(func, '_perm'): perm = getattr(func, '_perm') if perm not in self.config['perms']: continue if not self.match(self.config['perms'][perm], prefix): continue # user must have specific flag(s) elif hasattr(func, '_flags'): self.perms_check.append({ 'nick': nick, 'func': func, 'perm': getattr(func, '_flags'), 'chan': where, 'args': ((nick, ident, host), where, params) })'WHO', where) continue self.thread(func, args=((nick, ident, host), where, params)) print('Exited parse loop.')
# Made with love by grm34 (FRIPOUILLEJACK) # # [email protected] ....... # # Greetz: thibs, Rockweb, c0da, Hydrog3n, Speedy76 # #--------------------------------------------------# import sys import optparse import urllib import urllib2 import base64 import BeautifulSoup from urllib2 import (urlopen, URLError, HTTPError) sys.path.append("app/") from style import color (BLUE, RED, YELLOW, GREEN, END) = color() usage = "./ /path/to/image.png" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if (len(args) < 1 or len(args) > 2): parser.print_help() parser.exit(1) try: img_file = open(sys.argv[1], "rb") img = base64.b64encode( url = '' key = {'key': '02b62fd8f1d5e78321e62bb42ced459e', 'image': img} data = urllib.urlencode(key) req = urllib2.Request(url, data)
def get_submissions(num): global subs global resize r = praw.Reddit(user_agent='IRC SubWatch by /u/Dissimulate') try: r.refresh_access_information() except: print('Failed to refresh access information, exiting thread %s.' % num) return if r.user == None: print('Failed to auth, exiting thread %s.' % num) return print('Watch thread %s started.' % num) start = bot.load_time while not bot.connected and start == bot.load_time: time.sleep(3) while bot.connected and start == bot.load_time: try: shrink.get_nowait() break except: pass names = [] tocheck = {} while len(tocheck) < min( subs.qsize(), 25) and bot.connected and start == bot.load_time: sub = subs.get() if sub['name'] in todel: continue elapsed = time.time() - sub['checked'] if elapsed < 30: subs.put(sub) time.sleep(2) continue elif elapsed > 60 and elapsed < 1400000000: print('DELAY: %s' % elapsed) names.append(sub['name']) tocheck[sub['name']] = sub if not len(tocheck): time.sleep(5) continue try: new_threads = [] multisub = r.get_subreddit('+'.join(tocheck.keys())) for sub in tocheck: tocheck[sub]['checked'] = time.time() for thread in reversed( list(multisub.get_new(limit=len(tocheck) * 4))): sub = thread.subreddit.display_name if thread.created_utc > tocheck[sub.lower()]['thread']: new_threads.append(thread) tocheck[sub.lower()]['thread'] = thread.created_utc for thread in new_threads: sub = thread.subreddit.display_name prefix = 'Self post:' if thread.is_self else 'Link post:' message = '%s "%s" posted in /r/%s by %s. %s%s' % ( style.color(prefix, style.GREEN), thread.title, sub,, thread.short_link, style.color(' NSFW', style.RED) if thread.over_18 else '') for chan in bot.config['watch'][sub.lower()]: if chan in bot.config['stopped']: continue # channel has keywords set if len(bot.config['watch'][sub.lower()][chan]): words = bot.config['watch'][sub.lower()][chan] minus = [ x.lstrip('-') for x in words if x.startswith('-') ] if minus: regex = re.compile(r'\b(%s)\b' % '|'.join(minus), re.I) if, thread.title): bot.say(chan, thread.title) continue plus = [ x.lstrip('+') for x in words if x.startswith('+') ] if plus: regex = re.compile(r'\b(%s)\b' % '|'.join(plus), re.I) if, thread.title): def repl(match): return style.bold( new_title = re.sub(regex, repl, thread.title) bot.say( chan, message.replace(thread.title, new_title)) else: bot.say(chan, message) except: traceback.print_exc() print('Failed to fetch new posts. %s' % time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) for sub in tocheck: subs.put(tocheck[sub]) time.sleep(2)
def parse_loop(self): while self.connected: msg = self.iqueue.get() if msg == StopIteration: self.connect() continue if self.debug and msg: print(msg) regex = re.compile(r'(?::(([^@! ]+)!?([^@ ]+)?@?([^ ]+)?))? ?([^ ]+) ?([^: ]*) :?(.*)?') try: prefix, nick, ident, host, type, chan, message = re.findall(regex, msg)[0] except: continue message = style.remove(message) params = re.findall(r'(?<=")\w[^"]+(?=")|[^" ]+', message) # do response waiting for waiting in self.waiting: if type in waiting['keys']: if waiting['prefix'] and not self.match(waiting['prefix'], prefix): continue if waiting['chan'] and not self.match(waiting['chan'], chan): continue if waiting['message'] and not self.match(waiting['message'], message): continue waiting['values'].append([(nick, ident, host), chan, params]) if type not in waiting['end']: break if type in waiting['end'] and waiting['values']: self.waiting.remove(waiting) break # do events if type in for func in[type]: # must be performed in specific channel if hasattr(func, '_channel'): if getattr(func, '_channel') != chan: continue self.thread(func, ((nick, ident, host), chan, params)) # do commands if type == 'PRIVMSG' and params and params[0].startswith(self.config.get('prefix', '$')): command = params[0][1:] params.pop(0) ignore = self.config.get('ignore', []) if command in self.commands and not self.match(ignore, prefix): if chan != self.config.get('log'): self.log('%s %s called by %s in %s (%s)' % ( style.color('Command:', style.GREEN), command, nick, chan, ', '.join(params) )) if chan == self.nick: chan = nick for func in self.commands[command]: self.thread(self.command, (func, chan, prefix, nick, ident, host, params)) print('Exited parse loop.')
def get_submissions(num): global subs global resize r = praw.Reddit(user_agent = 'IRC SubWatch by /u/Dissimulate') try: r.refresh_access_information() except: print('Failed to refresh access information, exiting thread %s.' % num) return if r.user == None: print('Failed to auth, exiting thread %s.' % num) return print('Watch thread %s started.' % num) start = bot.load_time while not bot.connected and start == bot.load_time: time.sleep(3) while bot.connected and start == bot.load_time: try: shrink.get_nowait() break except: pass names = [] tocheck = {} while len(tocheck) < min(subs.qsize(), 25) and bot.connected and start == bot.load_time: sub = subs.get() if sub['name'] in todel: continue elapsed = time.time() - sub['checked'] if elapsed < 30: subs.put(sub) time.sleep(2) continue elif elapsed > 60 and elapsed < 1400000000: print('DELAY: %s' % elapsed) names.append(sub['name']) tocheck[sub['name']] = sub if not len(tocheck): time.sleep(5) continue try: new_threads = [] multisub = r.get_subreddit('+'.join(tocheck.keys())) for sub in tocheck: tocheck[sub]['checked'] = time.time() for thread in reversed(list(multisub.get_new(limit = len(tocheck) * 4))): sub = thread.subreddit.display_name if thread.created_utc > tocheck[sub.lower()]['thread']: new_threads.append(thread) tocheck[sub.lower()]['thread'] = thread.created_utc for thread in new_threads: sub = thread.subreddit.display_name prefix = 'Self post:' if thread.is_self else 'Link post:' message = '%s "%s" posted in /r/%s by %s. ( %s )%s%s' % ( style.color(prefix, style.GREEN), thread.title, sub,, thread.short_link, '' if thread.is_self else (' [ %s ]' % thread.url), style.color(' NSFW', style.RED) if thread.over_18 else '' ) for chan in bot.config['watch'][sub.lower()]: if chan in bot.config['stopped']: continue # channel has keywords set if len(bot.config['watch'][sub.lower()][chan]): words = bot.config['watch'][sub.lower()][chan] minus = [x.lstrip('-') for x in words if x.startswith('-')] if minus: regex = re.compile(r'\b(%s)\b' % '|'.join(minus), re.I) if, thread.title): bot.say(chan, thread.title) continue plus = [x.lstrip('+') for x in words if x.startswith('+')] if plus: regex = re.compile(r'\b(%s)\b' % '|'.join(plus), re.I) if, thread.title): def repl(match): return style.bold( new_title = re.sub(regex, repl, thread.title) bot.say(chan, message.replace(thread.title, new_title)) else: bot.say(chan, message) except: traceback.print_exc() print('Failed to fetch new posts. %s' % time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) for sub in tocheck: subs.put(tocheck[sub]) time.sleep(2)
import requests import style from os import * print(style.square("ip tracker", "red")) print(" ") print(style.line()) print(style.color("green")) p = input("ip :") system("clear") print(style.color("green")) print(style.big("made by")) print(style.big("Tricker")) i = str(p) ip = requests.get(""+i+"/ip") city = requests.get(""+i+"/city") region = requests.get(""+i+"/region") country = requests.get(""+i+"/country") loc = requests.get(""+i+"/loc") time = requests.get(""+i+"/timezone") print(style.color("blue")) print("ip :",ip.text) print("city :",city.text) print("region :", region.text) print("country :",country.text) print("loc :",loc.text)