def draw(self, context): ''' Draw self using context. Return bounds in DCS for later use to invalidate. !!! This is the primitive draw. See also composite.draw(). !!! Transform and style must already be in the context CTM. My parent transforms and styles me. ''' self.put_path_to(context) # recursive, except this should be terminal!!! # Self is glyph. Parent morph holds style. # Alters transform, so save style.set_line_width(context, self.bounds = self.get_stroke_bounds(context) # Cache drawn bounds # !!! Parent knows whether my style filled if context.fill() # Filled, up to path else: context.stroke() # Outline, with line width context.restore() # Assert fill or stroke clears paths from context # NOT assert context.restore() follows soon: may be one of siblings. return self.bounds.copy() # Return reference to copy, not self
def draw(self, context): ''' Draw self using context. Return bounds in DCS for later use to invalidate. !!! This is the primitive draw. See also composite.draw(). !!! Transform and style must already be in the context CTM. My parent transforms and styles me. ''' self.put_path_to( context) # recursive, except this should be terminal!!! # Self is glyph. Parent morph holds style. # Alters transform, so save style.set_line_width(context, self.bounds = self.get_stroke_bounds(context) # Cache drawn bounds # !!! Parent knows whether my style filled if context.fill() # Filled, up to path else: context.stroke() # Outline, with line width context.restore() # Assert fill or stroke clears paths from context # NOT assert context.restore() follows soon: may be one of siblings. return self.bounds.copy() # Return reference to copy, not self
def in_path(self, context, coords): ''' Does coords hit *ideal* edge of this drawable? Contrast to in_stroke. ''' # !!! pen_width approaching zero style.set_line_width(context, 1) # !!! After path # Cairo does not have in_path() return context.in_stroke(coords.x, coords.y)
def pick(self, context, point): self.put_path_to(context) # Pick width is user preference or constant. # Does NOT depend on style of the object. WAS style.set_line_width(context, PENSOOL_PICK_PEN_WIDTH) # !!! After path if context.in_stroke(*context.device_to_user(point.x, point.y)): return self.parent # !!! Don't return a glyph, return glyph's parent morph else: return None
def in_stroke(self, coords): ''' Does coords hit edge of this drawable? Stroke: hit on inked, visible. Edge: not including possible interior features, just the hittable boundary. Distinguish from a bounding box, which is a rectangle in DCS. ''' context, point = self._prepare_for_picking(coords) # Assert cairo holds the path in DCS, point is in UCS # Use actual pen width. This alters the context, BUT NOT the path. style.set_line_width(context, # !!! After path #print "Line width", context.get_line_width(), "Stroke extents", context.stroke_extents(), "Coords ", point, "Parent ", self.parent # context.get_line_width() # April 2011 lkk This cruft is here because there was flakiness: # Manifests itself as not picking on scroll in the Move handle item. # Not reliably reproducible: depends on what seemingly irrelevant code (like @dump_return) # or the above context.get_line_width() is in place. # I installed the latest cairo and pixmand (but not the latest pycairo) and now it MIGHT be working. value = context.in_stroke(point.x, point.y) return value