예제 #1
파일: views.py 프로젝트: qinmaye/eoj3
 def get(self, request, pk, sid):
   submission = get_object_or_404(Submission, problem_id=pk, author=self.request.user, pk=sid)
   if submission.is_judged:
     if is_case_download_available(self.request.user, pk):
       submission.allow_case_download = True
     if SubmissionStatus.is_accepted(submission.status):
       recommended_problems = recommendation.coming_up_magic_problems(submission.author_id)
       if recommended_problems:
         submission.next_problem = recommended_problems[0]
   return HttpResponse(render_submission(submission,
                                         permission=get_permission_for_submission(request.user, submission),
예제 #2
def calculate_problems(contest: Contest, problems: list, snapshot: timedelta=None):

    :param contest:
    :param problems: list of ContestProblems
    :param snapshot:
        <problem_id>: {
            user_ac: int,
            user_tot: int,
            ac: int,
            tot: int,
            first_yes: None/int
    problem_ids = list(map(lambda p: p.problem_id, problems))
    ans = {problem_id: dict(user_ac=set(), user_tot=dict(), ac=0, tot=0, first_yes_time=None, first_yes_by=None)
           for problem_id in problem_ids}
    for submission in get_submission_filter(contest, snapshot, problem_id__in=problem_ids):
        pstat = ans[submission.problem_id]
        status = submission.status
        if SubmissionStatus.is_accepted(status):
            pstat["ac"] += 1
            if submission.contest_time is not None and pstat["first_yes_time"] is None:
                pstat["first_yes_time"] = submission.contest_time
                pstat["first_yes_by"] = submission.author_id
        if (submission.author_id in pstat["user_tot"] and pstat["user_tot"][submission.author_id] < submission.status_percent) or \
                submission.author_id not in pstat["user_tot"]:
            pstat["user_tot"][submission.author_id] = submission.status_percent
        pstat["tot"] += 1

    for p in problems:
        pstat = ans[p.problem_id]
        p.ac_user_count = len(pstat["user_ac"])
        p.total_user_count = len(pstat["user_tot"])
        p.ac_count = pstat["ac"]
        p.total_count = pstat["tot"]
        p.first_yes_time = pstat["first_yes_time"]
        p.first_yes_by = pstat["first_yes_by"]
        p.max_score = max(pstat["user_tot"].values()) if p.total_user_count > 0 else 0.0
        p.avg_score = sum(pstat["user_tot"].values()) / p.total_user_count if p.total_user_count > 0 else 0.0

    return ans
예제 #3
파일: views.py 프로젝트: liangtianqi/eoj3
 def get(self, request, pk, sid):
   submission = get_object_or_404(Submission, problem_id=pk, author=self.request.user, pk=sid)
   if submission.is_judged:
     if is_case_download_available(self.request.user, pk):
       submission.allow_case_download = True
     if SubmissionStatus.is_accepted(submission.status):
         user_status = UserStatus.objects.get(user_id=submission.author_id, contest_id=0)
         for problem_id in filter(lambda x: x, map(int, user_status.predict_list.split(","))):
           problem = Problem.objects.get(id=problem_id)
           if problem.visible:
             submission.next_problem = problem
   return HttpResponse(render_submission(submission,
                                         permission=get_permission_for_submission(request.user, submission),
예제 #4
파일: submission.py 프로젝트: zerolfx/eoj3
 def get(self, request, cid, sid):
     if not request.user.is_authenticated:
         raise PermissionDenied
     submission = get_contest_submission(sid,
     if self.contest.case_public and submission.is_judged and \
         is_case_download_available(self.request.user, submission.problem_id, submission.contest_id):
         submission.allow_case_download = True
     if SubmissionStatus.is_accepted(submission.status):
         recommended_problems = self.get_recommended_problem_list()
         if recommended_problems:
             submission.next_problem = recommended_problems[0]
     return HttpResponse(
                               request.user, submission),
예제 #5
def calculate_participants(contest: Contest, participants: list, snapshot: timedelta=None):
    :param contest
    :param participants: list of ContestParticipants
    :param snapshot: submissions in the first `snapshot` seconds will be effective
        <user_id>: {
            penalty: int (seconds),
            score: int,
            is_confirmed: boolean
            detail: {
                <problem_id>: {
                    solved: boolean
                    attempt: int (submission count including the first accepted one),
                    score: int (individual score for each problem),
                    time: int (first accept solution time, in seconds),
                    partial: boolean
                    upsolve: int (positive for accepted, negative for unaccepted, score if partial)

    This will be saved to participants without writing to database (can do that outside)

    Penalty is the same for all rules: Every failed submission till the accepted one
    will add `penalty_counts` (default 1200) to it. And the accepted one will add the time (seconds) to it

    Score methods depend on the contest rule:
    1. ACM rule: individual score is all one, total score is solved problem number.
    2. OI rule: individual score is problem weight times the weight of cases passed (round to integer).
    3. CF rule: individual score is problem weight, but will only be available if the solution is by all means correct.

    How much percent one can get is a bit complicated:
    1) The total percent will decrease from contest beginning to contest end from 100% to 50%.
    2) Every failed submission will induce a 50-point loss to the score
    3) The final score, once accepted will not be lower than 30% of the total score.

    user_ids = list(map(lambda p: p.user_id, participants))
    ans = {author_id: dict(detail=dict(), is_confirmed=False) for author_id in user_ids}
    contest_length = contest.length
    if contest_length is not None:
        contest_length = contest_length.total_seconds()

    for submission in get_submission_filter(contest, snapshot, author_id__in=user_ids):
        status = submission.status
        detail = ans[submission.author_id]['detail']

        author_id = submission.author_id
        ans[author_id]['is_confirmed'] = True

                          {'solved': False, 'attempt': 0, 'score': 0, 'time': 0,
                           'waiting': False, 'pass_time': '', 'partial': False, 'upsolve': 0})
        d = detail[submission.problem_id]
        if not SubmissionStatus.is_judged(submission.status):
            d['waiting'] = True
        if SubmissionStatus.is_scored(submission.status):
            d['partial'] = True

        if not SubmissionStatus.is_penalty(status):
            continue  # This is probably CE or SE ...
        contest_problem = contest.get_contest_problem(submission.problem_id)
        if not contest_problem:  # This problem has been probably deleted

        pass_time = str(submission.create_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
        time = int(submission.contest_time.total_seconds()) if submission.contest_time is not None else 0
        score = 0
        EPS = 1E-2
        if contest.scoring_method == 'oi' or contest.scoring_method == "subtask":
            submission.contest_problem = contest_problem
            score = submission.status_score
        elif contest.scoring_method == 'acm' and SubmissionStatus.is_accepted(status):
            score = 1
        elif contest.scoring_method == 'cf' and SubmissionStatus.is_accepted(status):
            score = int(max(contest_problem.weight * 0.3,
                            contest_problem.weight * (1 - 0.5 * time / contest_length) - d['attempt'] * 50) + EPS)
        elif contest.scoring_method == 'tcmtime' and SubmissionStatus.is_accepted(status):
            score = contest_problem.weight

        # upsolve submission
        if d['partial']:
            d['upsolve'] = max(d['upsolve'], score)
        elif d['upsolve'] <= 0:
            d['upsolve'] -= 1
            if SubmissionStatus.is_accepted(status):
                d['upsolve'] = abs(d['upsolve'])

        if contest.contest_type == 0 and submission.contest_time is None:
            d['upsolve_enable'] = True

        if contest.last_counts or not \
                (d['solved'] or (contest.scoring_method != 'oi' and d['score'] > 0 and d['score'] >= score)):
            # every submission has to be calculated in OI
            # We have to tell whether this is the best

            if not contest.last_counts:
                d['score'] = max(d['score'], score)
                d['score'] = score
            d['attempt'] += 1
            d.update(solved=SubmissionStatus.is_accepted(status), time=time, pass_time=pass_time)

    for v in ans.values():
        for p in v['detail']:
            d = v['detail'][p]
            if 'upsolve_enable' not in d:
                d['upsolve'] = 0
                d.pop('upsolve_enable', None)
        if contest.start_time is None:
            penalty = 0
        elif contest.scoring_method == 'oi':
            penalty = sum(map(lambda x: max(x['attempt'], 0) * contest.penalty_counts + x['time'],
            penalty = sum(map(lambda x: max(x['attempt'] - 1, 0) * contest.penalty_counts + x['time'],
                              filter(lambda x: x['solved'], v['detail'].values())))
        v.update(penalty=penalty, score=sum(map(lambda x: x['score'], v['detail'].values())))

    for p in participants:
        p.detail = ans[p.user_id]["detail"]
        p.score = ans[p.user_id]["score"]
        p.penalty = ans[p.user_id]["penalty"]
        p.is_confirmed = ans[p.user_id]["is_confirmed"]
    return ans