def decode(): _test_ready() try: _argv.pop(0) target = _argv.pop(0) if len(_argv) > 0: raise IndexError() except IndexError: print('"unembedmath <filename>" requires exactly one filename.', file=_stderr) exit(1) target = _path.join(_path.curdir, target) if not _path.exists(target): print('{} file not found'.format(repr(target)), file=_stderr) exit(1) with _TD() as cd: dest = _path.join(cd, '') _run([ 'pandoc', target, '-f', 'markdown', '-t', 'markdown', '-s', '-o', dest, '--filter', '_embedmath_decoding_filter' ], timeout=30, text=True) with open(dest, 'rt') as fp: print( exit(0)
def install_packages(packages_dir, quiet=False): """ Install packages. Args: packages_dir (str): Directory containing packages. quiet (bool): Hide packages manager output. """ # Get packages packages_dir = _realpath(packages_dir) packages = [ _join(packages_dir, package_file) for package_file in _listdir(packages_dir) if (_splitext(package_file)[-1].lower() in (".deb", ".rpm") and # Skip "-dev"/"-devel" packages "-dev" not in package_file) ] # Run command if quiet: run_kwargs = dict(stdout=_PIPE, stderr=_PIPE, universal_newlines=True) else: run_kwargs = dict() _run(detect_package_manager() + " ".join(packages), shell=True, **run_kwargs).check_returncode()
def _toggle_on(slave: str, master: str) -> None: # run `xinput` to reattach the slave and master keyboard ids # send notification, including on image _run(["xinput", "reattach", slave, master], check=True) _run( ["notify-send", "-i", _ON, "Enabling Keyboard...", "Connected"], check=True, )
def _toggle_off(slave: str) -> None: # run `xinput` to detach the slave device # send notification, including off image _run(["xinput", "float", slave], check=True) _run( ["notify-send", "-i", _OFF, "Disabling Keyboard...", "Disconnected"], check=True, )
def call(command, check=True, pipe_stdout=False, **run_kwargs): """ Call command in subprocess. Args: command (iterable of str): Command run_kwargs: keyword arguments. check (bool): If True, Check return code for error. pipe_stdout (bool): If True, redirect stdout into a pipe, this allow to hide outputs from sys.stdout and permit to retrieve stdout as "result.stdout". Returns: subprocess.CompletedProcess: Utility call result. """ if pipe_stdout: run_kwargs.setdefault('stdout', _PIPE) result = _run(command, universal_newlines=True, stderr=_PIPE, **run_kwargs) if check and result.returncode: raise _RuntimeException( (result.stderr or result.stdout or 'See stdout for more information.').strip()) return result
def _tput(command: list[str]) -> None: """Shorthand for tput calls""" waited_commands = [ "clear", "smcup", "cup", ] command.insert(0, "tput") str_command = [str(c) for c in command] if command[1] in waited_commands: _run(str_command, check=True) return _Popen(str_command)
def _xinput_list() -> str: # return the output of `xinput list` # if `FileNotFoundError` is raised, catch it and return a more # user-friendly `CommandNotFoundError` try: proc = _run(["xinput", "list"], capture_output=True, check=True) return proc.stdout.decode() except FileNotFoundError as err: raise CommandNotFoundError("xinput: command not found...") from err
def _has_dvisvgm(): try: out = _run(['dvisvgm', '--version'], timeout=1, capture_output=True, text=True) return out.stdout.split('\n')[0] except FileNotFoundError: return False
def view(self, latex='lualatex'): with open(self._wdirname / 'Figure_{}.tikz'.format(self.index), 'w') as f: self.write(f) verbosity = '-silent' rv = _run(['latexmk', "-{}".format(latex), "-pv", verbosity, "-jobname=Figure_{}".format(self.index), self.viewdir / 'viewtemplate.tex'], if rv.returncode != 0: with open(self._wdirname / 'Figure_{}.log'.format(self.index)) as f: print(
def run(self, clt, show=True, output_dir="."): if show: oneline = self._join_args(clt) #if self.test: # oneline = oneline CP = _run(oneline.split()) if self.test: return CP
def save(self, filename, latex='lualatex'): with open(self._wdirname / 'Figure_{}.tikz'.format(self.index), 'w') as f: self.write(f) rv = _run(['latexmk', "-{}".format(latex), "-silent", "-jobname=Figure_{}".format(self.index), self.viewdir / 'viewtemplate.tex'], if rv.returncode != 0: with open(self._wdirname / 'Figure_{}.log'.format(self.index)) as f: print( else: _copyfile(self._wdirname / 'Figure_{}.pdf'.format(self.index), filename)
def run(cmd, cwd=".") -> str: p = _run(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, encoding="utf8", cwd=cwd) if p.returncode != 0: print(p.stdout) print(p.stderr) raise Exception return p.stdout
def run(cmd, **kwargs): """ Compatibility function to support python 3.4 """ try: from subprocess import run as _run return _run(cmd, **kwargs) except ImportError: if 'check' in kwargs: del kwargs['check'] return check_call(cmd, **kwargs) else: return check_output(cmd, **kwargs)
def _clear_fpga(self): """ Clear FPGA """ clear_fpga = _run([self._xmutil, 'unloadapp'], stderr=_STDOUT, stdout=_PIPE, universal_newlines=True, check=False) if clear_fpga.returncode: raise RuntimeError(clear_fpga.stdout) print('FPGA cleared')
def start_redis_and_connect(redis): from subprocess import check_call as _run, CalledProcessError from time import time import redis as _redis try: _run(['redis-server', '--daemonize', 'yes']) except CalledProcessError: raise RuntimeError( 'Redis is not installed. Please install and Redis and make it ' 'runable from the redis-server command or initialize the redis ' 'server before starting codeschool.') # We have 1s to connect to redis server _tf = time() + 1.0 while time() < _tf: try: redis.connect() except _redis.ConnectionError: pass else: redis.connect()
def _clear_fpga(self): """ Clear FPGA """ clear_fpga = _run( [self._xbutil, 'validate', '-d', 'all', '-r', 'quick'], stderr=_STDOUT, stdout=_PIPE, universal_newlines=True, check=False) if clear_fpga.returncode: raise RuntimeError(clear_fpga.stdout) print('FPGA cleared')
def _reset_fpga(self): """ Reset FPGA including FPGA image. """ reset_image = _run( ['fpga-clear-local-image', '-S', str(self._fpga_slot_id), '-H'], stderr=_STDOUT, stdout=_PIPE, universal_newlines=True, check=False) if reset_image.returncode: raise RuntimeError(reset_image.stdout)
def _clear_fpga(self): """ Clear FPGA """ clear_fpga = _run( ['fpga-clear-local-image', '-S', str(self._fpga_slot_id)], stderr=_STDOUT, stdout=_PIPE, universal_newlines=True, check=False) if clear_fpga.returncode: raise RuntimeError(clear_fpga.stdout)
def _reset_fpga(self): """ Reset FPGA including FPGA image. """ reset_image = _run( [self._xbutil, 'reset', '-d', str(self._fpga_slot_id)], stderr=_STDOUT, stdout=_PIPE, universal_newlines=True, check=False) if reset_image.returncode: raise RuntimeError(reset_image.stdout)
def mock_run(*_, **kwargs): """ Create a mock external process result for testing. """ _run((executable, "--version"), **kwargs) # validate kwargs try: data = kwargs.get("input").decode() except AttributeError: data = None content = dumps({ "data": data, "query": kwargs["env"].get("QUERY_STRING"), }).encode() headers = b"".join(( b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n", b"Content-Type: application/json\n", b"Last-Modified: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT\n", f"Content-Length: {len(content):d}\n".encode(), b"Set-Cookie: name=cookie1\n", b"Set-Cookie: name=cookie2\n", b"\n", )) response = headers + content return _MockCompletedProcess(response)
def install_accelize_drm_library(packages_dir, quiet=False): """ Install Accelize DRM library packages. Args: packages_dir (str): Directory containing packages. quiet (bool): Hide packages manager output. """ # Get packages packages_dir = _realpath(packages_dir) packages = [ _join(packages_dir, package_file) for package_file in _listdir(packages_dir) if (_splitext(package_file)[-1].lower() in ('.deb', '.rpm') and '-dev' not in package_file)] # Run command if quiet: run_kwargs = dict(stdout=_PIPE, stderr=_PIPE, universal_newlines=True) else: run_kwargs = dict() _run(detect_package_manager() + ' '.join(packages), shell=True, **run_kwargs).check_returncode()
def _program_fpga(self, fpga_image): """ Program the FPGA with the specified image. Args: fpga_image (str): FPGA image. """ # Vitis does not reprogram a FPGA that has already the bitstream. # So to force it we write another bitstream first. clear_image = _join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'clear.awsxclbin') load_image = _run([ self._xbutil, 'program', '-d', str(self._fpga_slot_id), '-p', clear_image ], stderr=_STDOUT, stdout=_PIPE, universal_newlines=True, check=False) if load_image.returncode: raise RuntimeError(load_image.stdout) print('Cleared AWS XRT slot #%d' % self._fpga_slot_id) # Now load the real image fpga_image = _realpath(_fsdecode(fpga_image)) load_image = _run([ self._xbutil, 'program', '-d', str(self._fpga_slot_id), '-p', fpga_image ], stderr=_STDOUT, stdout=_PIPE, universal_newlines=True, check=False) if load_image.returncode: raise RuntimeError(load_image.stdout) print('Programmed AWS XRT slot #%d with FPGA image %s' % (self._fpga_slot_id, fpga_image))
def _program_fpga(self, fpga_image): """ Program the FPGA with the specified image. Args: fpga_image (str): FPGA image. """ load_image = _run([ 'fpga-load-local-image', '-S', str(self._fpga_slot_id), '-I', fpga_image ], stderr=_STDOUT, stdout=_PIPE, universal_newlines=True) if load_image.returncode: raise RuntimeError(load_image.stdout)
def _program_fpga(self, fpga_image): """ Program the FPGA with the specified image. Args: fpga_image (str): FPGA image. """ load_image = _run( [self._xbutil, 'program', '-d', 'all', '-u', fpga_image], stderr=_STDOUT, stdout=_PIPE, universal_newlines=True, check=False) if load_image.returncode or not search(r'program succeeded', load_image.stdout): raise RuntimeError(load_image.stdout) print('Programmed Xilinx XRT with FPGA image %s' % fpga_image)
def detect_package_manager(): """ Detect current OS package manager. Returns: str: Install command. """ for utility, command in ( ('apt-get', 'apt-get -qq update && ' 'apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends '), ('dnf', 'dnf install -y '), ('yum', 'yum install -y ')): try: if not _run([utility, '--help'], stdout=_DEVNULL, stderr=_DEVNULL).returncode: return command except FileNotFoundError: continue
def _program_fpga(self, fpga_image): """ Program the FPGA with the specified image. Args: fpga_image (str): FPGA image. """ # Must clear the FPGA first #self._clear_fpga() # Now load the bitstream image_name = splitext(fpga_image)[0] load_image = _run([self._xmutil, 'loadapp', image_name], stderr=_STDOUT, stdout=_PIPE, universal_newlines=True, check=False) if load_image.returncode or search(r'error', load_image.stdout): raise RuntimeError(load_image.stdout) print('Programmed SoM XRT with FPGA image %s' % fpga_image)
def _reset_fpga(self): """ Reset FPGA including FPGA image. """ list_apps = _run([self._xmutil, 'listapps'], stderr=_STDOUT, stdout=_PIPE, universal_newlines=True, check=False) if list_apps.returncode or search(r'error', list_apps.stdout): raise RuntimeError(list_apps.stdout) image_name = '' for line in list_apps.stdout.splitlines(): m = _match(r'\s*(.+?)\s+', line) if m: image_name = if not image_name: print('No loaded bitstream to reset') return self._program_fpga(image_name + ".som")
def call(command, check=True, pipe_stdout=False, retries=0, **run_kwargs): """ Call command in subprocess. Args: command (iterable of str): Command run_kwargs: keyword arguments. check (bool): If True, Check return code for error. pipe_stdout (bool): If True, redirect stdout into a pipe, this allow to hide outputs from sys.stdout and permit to retrieve stdout as "result.stdout". retries (int): If True, retry this number of time on error. Returns: subprocess.CompletedProcess: Utility call result. """ kwargs = dict(universal_newlines=True, stderr=_PIPE) kwargs.update(run_kwargs) if pipe_stdout: kwargs.setdefault('stdout', _PIPE) retried = 0 while True: result = _run(command, **kwargs) if result.returncode and retried < retries: retried += 1 continue break if check and result.returncode: raise _RuntimeException('\n'.join(( 'Error while running:', ' '.join(command), '', (result.stderr or result.stdout or warn('See stdout for more information.')).strip()))) return result
def detect_package_manager(): """ Detect current OS package manager. Returns: str: Install command. """ for utility, command in ( ( "apt-get", "apt-get -qq update && " "apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends ", ), ("dnf", "dnf install -y "), ("yum", "yum install -y "), ("rpm", "rpm -i "), ): try: if not _run([utility, "--help"], stdout=_DEVNULL, stderr=_DEVNULL).returncode: return command except FileNotFoundError: continue
def _program_fpga(self, fpga_image): """ Program the FPGA with the specified image. Args: fpga_image (str): FPGA image. """ retries = 3 while True: load_image = _run([ 'fpga-load-local-image', '-S', str(self._fpga_slot_id), '-I', fpga_image ], stderr=_STDOUT, stdout=_PIPE, universal_newlines=True, check=False) if load_image.returncode == 0: break elif ("-110" in load_image.stdout) and (retries != 0): retries -= 1 print('Retry programming') else: raise RuntimeError(load_image.stdout)
def run(args): cp = _run(args, shell=True, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) if cp.returncode: print(cp.stdout) raise RuntimeError(cp.stderr)
def run(*args, **kwargs): print(args) _run(*args, **kwargs)