예제 #1
class LogcatColor(object):
    def __init__(self, args=None):
        self.width = self.get_term_width()
        self.config = LogcatColorConfig(self.options)

        self.profile = None
        if len(self.args) >= 1:
            self.profile = Profile.get_profile(self.args[0])
            if self.profile:
                self.args = self.args[1:]

        if not self.profile:

        self.format = None
        if self.options.format:
            self.format = self.options.format
        elif self.profile and self.profile.format:
            self.format = self.profile.format

        self.layout = self.format
        if self.options.plain:
            self.layout = "raw"

    def get_term_width(self):
        out_fd = self.output.fileno()
        if os.isatty(out_fd):
            # unpack the current terminal width / height
            data = fcntl.ioctl(out_fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '1234')
            height, width = struct.unpack('hh', data)
           # store a large width when the output of this script is being piped
           width = 2000

        return width

    def parse_args(self, args=None):
        parser = optparse.OptionParser()

        # logcat-color options
        parser.add_option("--config", dest="config", default=None,
            help="path to logcat-color config file (default: ~/.logcat-config)")
        parser.add_option("--plain", action="store_true",
            dest="plain", default=False,
            help="apply profiles and filters, but don't colorize / format" +
                 " output (useful for logging to a file)")
        parser.add_option("--no-wrap", action="store_false", dest="wrap",
            default=None, help="don't wrap console text into a column " +
                               "(makes for better copy/paste)")
        parser.add_option("--stay-connected", action="store_true", default=None,
            dest="stay_connected", help="keep logcat-color running when the "
                                        "device disconnects, and automatically "
                                        "wait for the device to reconnect")
        parser.add_option("-i", "--input", metavar="FILE", dest="input",
            help="read input from FILE, instead of starting adb. this is " +
                 "equivalent to piping FILE to logcat-color. (default: start " +
                 "adb, and read from it's stdout)")
        parser.add_option("-o", "--output", metavar="FILE", dest="output",
            default=None, help="write output to FILE (default: stdout)")

        # ADB options
        parser.add_option("-d", "--device", action="store_const",
            dest="adb_device", const="device",
            help="connect to the only plugged-in device")
        parser.add_option("-e", "--emulator", action="store_const",
            dest="adb_device", const="emulator",
            help="connect to the only running emulator")
        parser.add_option("-s", "--serial-number", dest="adb_device",
            help="connect to a specific device by it's serial number")

        # Logcat options
        # See http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/logcat.html
        # We can't support -d / -s since we use them for ADB above, but we
        # provide long-form options in case they are needed
        parser.add_option("-b", "--buffer", action="append", dest="buffers",
            help="loads an alternate log buffer for viewing, such as event or" +
                 " radio")
        parser.add_option("-c", "--clear", action="append_const",
            dest="logcat_args", const="-c",
            help="clears (flushes) the entire log and exits")
        parser.add_option("--dump", action="append_const",
            dest="logcat_args", const="-d",
            help="dumps the log to the screen and exits")
        parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="file", default=None,
            help="writes log message output to <file>. the default is stdout")
        parser.add_option("-g", "--print-size", action="append_const",
            dest="logcat_args", const="-g",
            help="prints the size of the specified log buffer and exits")
        parser.add_option("-n", "--max-rotated-logs",
            dest="max_rotated_logs", type="int",
            help="sets the maximum number of rotated logs. requires the -r" +
                 " option (default: 4)")
        parser.add_option("-r", "--rotate", dest="rotate_kbytes", type="int",
            help="rotates the log file every <rotate_kbytes> of output." +
                 " requires the -f option (default: 16)")
        parser.add_option("--silent", action="append_const", dest="logcat_args",
            const="-s", help="sets the default filter spec to silent")
        parser.add_option("-v", "--format", dest="format", default=None,
            help="sets the output format for log messages. possible formats:" +
                 " brief, process, tag, raw, time, threadtime, long" +
                 " (default: brief)")

        (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
        self.options = options
        self.args = args

        if options.config and not os.path.isfile(options.config):
            parser.error("Config file does not exist: %s" % options.config)

            self.input = sys.stdin.buffer
        except AttributeError:
            self.input = sys.stdin
        if options.input:
            self.input = open(options.input, "rb")

            self.output = sys.stdout.buffer
        except AttributeError:
            self.output = sys.stdout
        if options.output:
            self.output = open(options.output, "wb")

        self.adb_device = options.adb_device
        self.logcat_args = options.logcat_args or []

        if options.buffers:
            for buf in options.buffers:
                self.logcat_args.extend(["-b", buf])

        if options.file:
            self.logcat_args.extend(["-f", options.file])

        if options.max_rotated_logs:
            self.logcat_args.extend(["-n", options.max_rotated_logs])

        if options.rotate_kbytes:
            self.logcat_args.extend(["-r", options.rotate_kbytes])

    def get_adb_args(self):
        adb = "adb" # Let the system find adb on the PATH
        if "ADB" in os.environ:
            adb = os.environ["ADB"]

        config_adb = self.config.get_adb()
        if config_adb:
            adb = config_adb

        adb_args = [adb]
        if not self.adb_device and self.profile:
            emulator = self.profile.emulator
            if emulator:
                self.adb_device = \
                    emulator if type(emulator) is str else "emulator"

            device = self.profile.device
            if device:
                self.adb_device = device if type(device) is str else "device"

        if self.adb_device == "emulator":
        elif self.adb_device == "device":
        elif self.adb_device:
            adb_args.extend(["-s", self.adb_device])

        return adb_args

    def get_logcat_args(self):
        logcat_args = self.logcat_args[:]
        if self.format:
            # put format in front in case custom filters are used
            logcat_args[0:0] = ["-v", self.format]

        if self.profile:
            buffers = self.profile.buffers
            if buffers:
                for b in buffers: logcat_args.extend(["-b", b])

        return logcat_args

    def start_logcat(self):
        adb_command = self.get_adb_args()
            self.input = Popen(adb_command, stdout=PIPE).stdout
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                    'Error, adb could not be found using: "%s"\n' \
                    'To fix this: \n' \
                    '  1) Add the directory containing adb to your PATH\n' \
                    '  2) Set the ADB environment variable\n' \
                    '  3) Set "adb" in ~/.logcat-color' % adb_command[0],
                print('Could not run ADB: %s' % str(e), file=sys.stderr)

    def init_reader(self):
        LogcatReader(self.input, self.config, profile=self.profile,
            format=self.format, layout=self.layout, writer=self.output,

    def start(self):
        # if someone is piping, use stdin as input. if not, invoke adb logcat
        if self.input.isatty():


    def loop(self):
            while True:
                if not self.config.get_stay_connected():
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

    WAIT_FOR_DEVICE = Fore.WHITE + Back.BLACK + Style.DIM + \
                      "--- Waiting for device" + Style.RESET_ALL + \
                      Fore.BLUE + Back.BLACK + Style.DIM + " %s" +  Style.RESET_ALL + \
                      Fore.WHITE + Back.BLACK + Style.DIM + "---" + Style.RESET_ALL

    def wait_for_device(self):
        command = self.get_adb_args()

        device_str = ""
        if self.adb_device:
            device_str = "\"%s\" " % self.adb_device

        print(self.WAIT_FOR_DEVICE % device_str)