def monitor_subprocess(queue): global monitor_worker monitor_worker.feed_queue(queue) # Setting daemon to True will let the main thread exit even though the workers are blocking monitor_worker.daemon = True monitor_worker.start() if config.verbosity > 0: print_flush("[] SubprocessMonitor started")
def get_bag_file_name(round, run): dir = result_subfolder file_name = 'pomdp_search_log-' + \ str(round) + '_' + str(run) + '_pid-' + str(os.getpid()) + '_r-' + str(config.random_seed) existing_bags = glob.glob(dir + "*.bag") # remove existing bags for the same run for bag_name in existing_bags: if file_name in bag_name: print_flush("[] removing {}".format(bag_name)) os.remove(bag_name) existing_active_bags = glob.glob(dir + "*") # remove existing bags for the same run for active_bag_name in existing_active_bags: if file_name in active_bag_name: print_flush("[] removing {}".format(active_bag_name)) os.remove(active_bag_name) return os.path.join(dir, file_name)
def launch_summit_simulator(round, run, cmd_args): if config.launch_summit: shell_cmd = './ -opengl -carla-rpc-port={} -carla-streaming-port={}'.format(config.port, config.port+1) if config.verbosity > 0: print_flush('') print_flush('[] ' + shell_cmd) summit_proc = subprocess.Popen(shell_cmd, cwd=os.path.join(home, "summit"), env=dict(config.ros_env, DISPLAY=''), shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) wait_for(config.max_launch_wait, summit_proc, 'summit') global_proc_queue.append((summit_proc, "summit", None)) time.sleep(4) sim_accesories = SimulatorAccessories(cmd_args, config) sim_accesories.start() # ros connector for summit shell_cmd = 'roslaunch summit_connector connector.launch port:=' + \ str(config.port) + ' pyro_port:=' + str(config.pyro_port) + \ ' map_location:=' + str(config.summit_maploc) + \ ' random_seed:=' + str(config.random_seed) + \ ' num_car:=' + str(cmd_args.num_car) + \ ' num_bike:=' + str(cmd_args.num_bike) + \ ' num_ped:=' + str(cmd_args.num_pedestrian) if "gamma" in cmd_args.drive_mode: print_flush("launching connector with GAMMA controller...") shell_cmd = shell_cmd + ' ego_control_mode:=gamma ego_speed_mode:=vel' else: shell_cmd = shell_cmd + ' ego_control_mode:=other ego_speed_mode:=vel' if config.verbosity > 0: print_flush('[] ' + shell_cmd) summit_connector_proc = subprocess.Popen(shell_cmd.split(), env=config.ros_env, cwd=os.path.join(ws_root, "src/summit_connector/launch")) wait_for(config.max_launch_wait, summit_connector_proc, '[launch] summit_connector') global_proc_queue.append((summit_connector_proc, "summit_connector_proc", None)) return sim_accesories
def launch_ros(): print_flush("[] Launching ros") sys.stdout.flush() cmd_args = "roscore -p {}".format(config.ros_port) if config.verbosity > 0: print_flush(cmd_args) ros_proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd_args.split(), env=config.ros_env) while check_ros(config.ros_master_url, config.verbosity) is False: time.sleep(1) if config.verbosity > 0: print_flush("[] roscore started") return ros_proc
def launch_record_bag(round, run): if config.record_bag: shell_cmd = 'rosbag record /il_data ' \ + '/local_obstacles /local_lanes -o ' \ + get_bag_file_name(round, run) + \ ' __name:=bag_record' if config.verbosity > 0: print_flush('') print_flush('[] ' + shell_cmd) record_proc = subprocess.Popen(shell_cmd.split(), env=config.ros_env) print_flush("[] Record setup") wait_for(config.max_launch_wait, record_proc, '[launch] record') # if config.record_bag: # global_proc_queue.append((record_proc, "record_proc", None)) return record_proc else: return None
def exit_handler(): print_flush('[] is ending! Clearing ros nodes...') kill_ros_nodes(config.ros_pref) print_flush('[] is ending! Clearing Processes...') try: monitor_worker.terminate() except Exception as e: print_flush(e) try: sim_accesories.terminate() except Exception as e: print_flush(e) print_flush('[] is ending! Clearing timer...') try: outter_timer.terminate() except Exception as e: print_flush(e) print_flush('[] is ending! Clearing subprocesses...') clear_queue(global_proc_queue) print_flush('exit []')
def launch_pomdp_planner(round, run): pomdp_proc, rviz_out = None, None launch_file = 'planner.launch' if config.debug: launch_file = 'planner_debug.launch' shell_cmd = 'roslaunch --wait crowd_pomdp_planner ' + \ launch_file + \ ' gpu_id:=' + str(config.gpu_id) + \ ' mode:=' + str(config.drive_mode) + \ ' summit_port:=' + str(config.port) + \ ' time_scale:=' + str.format("%.2f" % config.time_scale) + \ ' map_location:=' + config.summit_maploc pomdp_out = open(get_txt_file_name(round, run), 'w') print_flush("=> Search log {}".format( if config.verbosity > 0: print_flush('[] ' + shell_cmd) start_t = time.time() try: pomdp_proc = subprocess.Popen(shell_cmd.split(), env=config.ros_env, stdout=pomdp_out, stderr=pomdp_out) print_flush('[] POMDP planning...') # global_proc_queue.append((pomdp_proc, "main_proc", pomdp_out)) monitor_subprocess(global_proc_queue) pomdp_proc.wait(timeout=int(config.eps_length / config.time_scale)) print_flush("[] episode successfully ended") except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: print_flush("[] episode reaches full length {} s".format(config.eps_length / config.time_scale)) finally: elapsed_time = time.time() - start_t print_flush('[] POMDP planner exited in {} s'.format(elapsed_time)) return pomdp_proc, pomdp_out
def update_global_config(cmd_args): # Update the global configurations according to command line print_flush("Parsing config") config.start_round = cmd_args.sround config.end_round = cmd_args.eround config.timeout = cmd_args.timeout config.verbosity = cmd_args.verb config.show_window = bool(cmd_args.window) config.record_bag = bool(cmd_args.record) config.gpu_id = int(cmd_args.gpu_id) config.port = int(cmd_args.port) config.ros_port = config.port + 111 config.pyro_port = config.port + 6100 config.ros_master_url = "http://localhost:{}".format(config.ros_port) config.ros_pref = "ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:{} ".format(config.ros_port) config.ros_env = os.environ.copy() config.ros_env['ROS_MASTER_URI'] = 'http://localhost:{}'.format(config.ros_port) if 'random' in cmd_args.maploc: # config.summit_maploc = random.choice(['meskel_square', 'magic', 'highway', 'chandni_chowk', 'shi_men_er_lu']) config.summit_maploc = random.choice(['meskel_square', 'magic', 'highway']) else: config.summit_maploc = cmd_args.maploc config.random_seed = cmd_args.rands if cmd_args.rands == -1: config.random_seed = random.randint(0, 10000000) config.launch_summit = bool(cmd_args.launch_sim) config.eps_length = cmd_args.eps_len config.monitor = cmd_args.monitor config.time_scale = float(cmd_args.t_scale) if config.timeout == 1000000: config.timeout = 11 * 120 * 4 config.max_launch_wait = 10 config.make = bool(cmd_args.make) config.debug = bool(cmd_args.debug) compile_mode = 'Release' if config.debug: compile_mode = 'Debug' if config.make: try: shell_cmds = ["catkin config --merge-devel", "catkin build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" + compile_mode] for shell_cmd in shell_cmds: print_flush('[] ' + shell_cmd) make_proc =, cwd=ws_root, shell=True) except Exception as e: print_flush(e) exit(12) print_flush("[] make done") if "joint_pomdp" in cmd_args.drive_mode: config.drive_mode = JOINT_POMDP elif "gamma" in cmd_args.drive_mode: config.drive_mode = ROLL_OUT elif "rollout" in cmd_args.drive_mode: config.drive_mode = ROLL_OUT if cmd_args.drive_mode is "": # not drive_mode config.drive_mode = JOINT_POMDP config.record_bag = 1 if cmd_args.drive_mode is not "": print_flush("=> Running {} drive_mode".format(cmd_args.drive_mode)) cmd_args.record = config.record_bag print_flush('============== [] cmd_args ==============') print_flush("port={}".format(config.port)) print_flush("ros_port={}".format(config.ros_port)) print_flush("ros command prefix: {}".format(config.ros_pref)) print_flush("summit map location: {}".format(config.summit_maploc)) print_flush("summit random seed: {}".format(config.random_seed)) print_flush("launch summit: {}".format(config.launch_summit)) print_flush("start_round: " + str(cmd_args.sround)) print_flush("end_round: " + str(cmd_args.eround)) print_flush("timeout: " + str(config.timeout)) print_flush("verbosity: " + str(cmd_args.verb)) print_flush("window: " + str(cmd_args.window)) print_flush("record: " + str(cmd_args.record)) print_flush("gpu id: " + str(cmd_args.gpu_id)) print_flush("time scale: " + str(cmd_args.t_scale)) print_flush('============== [] cmd_args ==============')
import glob from clear_process import * from timeout import TimeoutMonitor from summit_simulator import print_flush, SimulatorAccessories home = expanduser("~") root_path = os.path.join(home, 'driving_data') if not os.path.isdir(root_path): os.makedirs(root_path) ws_root = os.getcwd() ws_root = os.path.dirname(ws_root) ws_root = os.path.dirname(ws_root) print_flush("workspace root: {}".format(ws_root)) config = Namespace() subfolder = '' result_subfolder = "" global_proc_queue = [] pomdp_proc = None NO_POMDP = 0 JOINT_POMDP = 1 ROLL_OUT = 2 def parse_cmd_args():