예제 #1
 def setUp(self):
     """Create a simple test project"""
     self.elements = ProjectObjectDict.example(
     )  # note: project_type = mesh
     # Note: We have to create a unique project pathname to pass stress testing
     # which runs jobs in parallel.
     self.temp_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
예제 #2
    def run(self, project, target_type):
        Convert an in-memory project to the target type

        project (ProjectScene) - input project
        target_type (string) - voxels or bounding_box

        new_project (ProjectScene) - a project with the target project type

        ValueError - if target_type is not allowed for the given input project.

        See above for allowed conversions.

        if (project.project_type, target_type) not in self.allowed_conversions:
            raise ValueError("Invalid target_type ({}) for \
                project with type {}".format(target_type,

        new_settings = deepcopy(project.settings)
        new_elements = ProjectObjectDict()
        for element in project.elements.values():
            new_element = self.convert_element(element, target_type)
            new_elements[new_element.id] = new_element
        new_project = ProjectScene(project_type=target_type,

        return new_project
예제 #3
    def test_object_io(self):
        """Write to files and then read back in."""

        # check that writing meshes creates the directory and stores a glb file there
        orig_pod = ProjectObjectDict.example()
        path = self.temp_directory
        xml = orig_pod.save(path)
        # FIXME: Disabled check.  Only works in Python 3.
        # ET interface must be different.
        #        self.assertIsInstance(xml, ET.Element)
            os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.temp_directory, "1.glb")))

        # check that reading meshes gives the same as what we started with
        new_pod = ProjectObjectDict.load("meshes", xml, path)

        for obj in orig_pod.values():
예제 #4
    def test_insertions(self):
        """Insert some ProjectObjects into a ProjectObjectDict."""
        pod = ProjectObjectDict()

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(pod, ProjectObjectDict))

        pod["a"] = self.pod["1"]
        pod["b"] = self.pod["2"]
        pod["c"] = self.pod["3"]

        self.assertEqual(len(pod), 3)
    def load(cls, path, project_name):
        Read project from disk location <path>/<project_name>

        Newly created ProjectScene instance.

        IOError - if project cannot be read
        ValueError - if xml cannot be parsed
        settings = {}
        project_type = None

        project_dir = os.path.join(path, project_name)

        # Read xml from file
        xml_tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(project_dir, project_name + ".xml"))

        # parse xml tree
        root = xml_tree.getroot()
        if root.tag != "scene":
            raise ValueError('Expected root tag to be "scene"')

        # extract header info
        for element in root:
            if element.tag == "categories":
                for child_element in element:
                    if child_element.tag == "id":
                        settings["categories_id"] = child_element.text
                    elif child_element.tag == "url":
                        settings["categories_url"] = child_element.text
            elif element.tag == "project_type":
                project_type = element.text
            elif element.tag == "version":
                settings["version"] = element.text

            # Skip elements tag for now.
            # Any other tags are silently ignored

        if project_type is None:
            raise ValueError("xml is missing project_type tag")

        # extract elements
        for element in root:
            if element.tag == "elements":
                elements = ProjectObjectDict.load(project_type=project_type,
            # header and any other tags are silently ignored

        return cls(project_type, elements, settings)
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, project_type, elements=None, settings=None):

        project_type (string) - Specifies the project type to construct (valid
           values are "bounding_box", "voxels", or "meshes")
        settings (dict) - stores version, categories, etc.
        elements (ProjectObjectDict)

        IOError - if scene cannot be read
        ValueError - if xml cannot be parsed
        ValueError - if project_type is not one of the allowed options
        if project_type not in ["bounding_box", "voxels", "meshes"]:
            raise ValueError("Project type ({}) must be one of 'bounding_box', \
'voxels', or 'mesh'".format(project_type))
        self.project_type = project_type
        self.settings = settings if settings is not None else DEFAULT_SETTINGS
        self.elements = elements if elements is not None else ProjectObjectDict()
예제 #7
 def setUp(self):
     """Create a few ProjectObjects for use in the ProjectObjectDict."""
     self.pod = ProjectObjectDict.example()
     self.temp_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
예제 #8
    def _compute_category_data_assoc(self, det_elements, gt_elements,
                                  thresholds, categories, sim_cache):
        Computes category-specific data association
        between the elements in <submission> and <ground_truth> for
        each similarity threshold in <thresholds>.

        det_elements (ProjectObjectDict) - submitted/detected scene elements
        gt_elements (ProjectObjectDict) - corresponding ground truth
          scene elements
        thresholds (numpy vector of float) - Similarity thresholds to be used.
        sim_cache (dict of dict of Corrs) - similarity cache -
          sim_cache[det_id][gt_id] is similarity between det_id and gt_id.

        data_assoc (dict of dicts of dicts of Corr) -
        data_assoc[category][thresh][det_id], where thresh is taken from
        <thresholds> and det_id is a detection ID.  If a det_id is not
        in the dict, it means that no correspondance was found.

        For each category C in category list (from settings):
        1. Get a list of elements in submission and GT belonging to
        that category;  If both lists are empty, we skip the category.
        2. Construct submission and ground truth ProjectScenes using
        only elements with category C.
        3. Compute category-agnostic data association using these subsets.


        # Split detections and gt elements by category and store in
        # dict of ProjectObjectDicts.
        dets_by_cat = {}
        gts_by_cat = {}
        for cat in categories:
            dets_by_cat[cat] = ProjectObjectDict()
            gts_by_cat[cat] = ProjectObjectDict()

        for (id, element) in det_elements.items():
            if element.category in categories:
                dets_by_cat[element.category][id] = element

        for (id, element) in gt_elements.items():
            if element.category in categories:
                gts_by_cat[element.category][id] = element

        data_assoc = {}  # for storing results (key is category)

        for cat in categories:
            dets = dets_by_cat[cat]
            gts = gts_by_cat[cat]
            if (len(dets) + len(gts)) == 0:

            # build mini sim_cache just for this category
            sim_cache_cat = {}
            for det_id in dets.keys():
                sim_cache_cat[det_id] = {}
                for gt_id in gts.keys():
                    if gt_id in sim_cache[det_id]:
                        sim_cache_cat[det_id][gt_id] = sim_cache[det_id][gt_id]

            # do data association
            data_assoc[cat] = self._compute_agnostic_data_assoc(dets, gts, thresholds, sim_cache_cat)

        return data_assoc