예제 #1
    def _read_file(self, fname, **kwargs):
        """ Read in a file name and return the list of (data, meta) pairs in
            that file. """

        # File gets read here.  This needs to be generic enough to seamlessly
        #call a fits file or a jpeg2k file, etc
        pairs = read_file(fname, **kwargs)

        new_pairs = []
        for pair in pairs:
            filedata, filemeta = pair
            assert isinstance(filemeta, FileHeader)
            #This tests that the data is more than 1D
            if len(np.shape(filedata)) > 1:
                data = filedata
                meta = MapMeta(filemeta)
                new_pairs.append((data, meta))
        return new_pairs
예제 #2
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Method for running the factory. Takes arbitrary arguments and
        keyword arguments and passes them to a sequence of pre-registered types
        to determine which is the correct Map-type to build.

        Arguments args and kwargs are passed through to the validation
        function and to the constructor for the final type.  For Map types,
        validation function must take a data-header pair as an argument.


        composite : boolean, optional
            Indicates if collection of maps should be returned as a CompositeMap

        cube : boolean, optional
            Indicates if collection of maps should be returned as a MapCube

        silence_errors : boolean, optional
            If set, ignore data-header pairs which cause an exception.


        # Hack to get around Python 2.x not backporting PEP 3102.
        composite = kwargs.pop('composite', False)
        cube = kwargs.pop('cube', False)
        silence_errors = kwargs.pop('silence_errors', False)

        data_header_pairs, already_maps = self._parse_args(*args, **kwargs)

        new_maps = list()

        # Loop over each registered type and check to see if WidgetType
        # matches the arguments.  If it does, use that type.
        for pair in data_header_pairs:
            data, header = pair
            meta = MapMeta(header)

                new_map = self._check_registered_widgets(data, meta, **kwargs)
            except (NoMatchError, MultipleMatchError, ValidationFunctionError):
                if not silence_errors:


        new_maps += already_maps

        # If the list is meant to be a cube, instantiate a map cube
        if cube:
            return MapCube(new_maps, **kwargs)

        # If the list is meant to be a composite mape, instantiate one
        if composite:
            return CompositeMap(new_maps, **kwargs)

        if len(new_maps) == 1:
            return new_maps[0]

        return new_maps