def test_progress_png(self, client, capsys): """ Tests if progress bars are disabled when running `download_png()`. """ msg = "\rFiles Downloaded:" client = HelioviewerClient() client.download_png('2012/07/16 10:08:00', 2.4, "[SDO,AIA,AIA,171,1,100]", x0=0, y0=0, width=1024, height=1024, progress=False) _, err = capsys.readouterr() assert msg not in err client.download_png('2012/07/16 10:08:00', 2.4, "[SDO,AIA,AIA,171,1,100]", x0=0, y0=0, width=1024, height=1024) _, err = capsys.readouterr() assert msg in err
year, month, day = get_date() timelist = build_timelist(year, month, day) hv = HelioviewerClient() #file = hv.download_png('2015/01/01', 6, "[SDO,AIA,AIA,304,1,100],[SDO,AIA,AIA,193,1,50],[SOHO,LASCO,C2,white-light,1,100],[SOHO,LASCO,C3,white-light,1,100]", x0=0, y0=0, width=900, height=900) minutes = [] for minute in xrange(0, 60, 12): minutes.append(minute) for time in timelist: filenum = timelist.index(time) + 1 total = len(timelist) print("DOWNLOADING: " + str(time) + " --- " + str(filenum) + "/" + str(total)) file = hv.download_png(time, 6, "[SDO,AIA,AIA,193,1,100],"\ "[SOHO,LASCO,C2,white-light,1,100]", directory="./downloaded", x0=0, y0=0, width=2000, height=2000, watermark=False ) i = 0 for f in sorted(glob.glob("downloaded/*.png")): os.rename(f, "downloaded/" + str(i) + ".png") i = i + 1 outname = "LASCO_" + str(year) + str(month) + str(day) + ".mp4"'ffmpeg -r 24 -i downloaded/%01d.png -vcodec libx264 -filter "minterpolate=mi_mode=blend" -b:v 4M -pix_fmt yuv420p -y ' + outname, shell = True) backup = "archived/" + str(year) + str(month) + str(day)"mkdir -p " + backup + " && mv downloaded/*.png " + backup, shell = True)
from import HelioviewerClient from matplotlib.image import imread import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import patches hv = HelioviewerClient() DAT = input('Date yyyy/m/d: ') #IMRES = input('Image Resolution in arcseconds/pixel: ') SRCID = input('Data Source ID: ') #VIS = input('Visibility: ') #OP = input('Opacity: ') XFOC = input('Specify x-coord: ') YFOC = input('Specify y-coord: ') ##include image size in a function, make dict for source ids, make optional args for composite images IN = [SRCID, XFOC, YFOC] FLIN = list(map(float, IN)) imgfile = hv.download_png(DAT, 6.0, [FLIN[0], 1.0, 100.0], x0=FLIN[1], y0=FLIN[2], width=512, height=512) im = imread(imgfile) plt.imshow(im)
'stereocor1', 'sdoaia304', 'sdoaia193', 'sdoaia211', 'sdoaia4500', 'trace1550', 'trace195', 'stereohi1', 'yohkohsxtwh', 'irissji2796', 'sdoaia1600', 'sohoeit195' ] print('List of available color maps: ') pprint.pprint(cmap_list) color = None while color not in cmap_list: color = input('Select a color map to display: ') cmap = plt.get_cmap(color) imgfile = hv.download_png(date, 6.0, [SRCID, 5.0, 100.0], x0=0, y0=0, width=512, height=512) ##Section 3 -- PNG image downloaded from Helioviewer is processed using Pillow. The image is first converted to a JPG file, then split into RGB components. From these component files, a FITS image is compiled that sunpy.maps can readily use for plotting. im = imRGB = im.convert('RGB')'im.jpg') image ='im.jpg') xsize, ysize = image.size r, g, b = image.split() r_data = np.array(r.getdata()) g_data = np.array(g.getdata()) b_data = np.array(b.getdata())
from import HelioviewerClient hv = HelioviewerClient() hv.download_png("2099/01/01", 6, "[SDO,AIA,AIA,304,1,100],[SDO,AIA,AIA,193,1,50],"+ "[SOHO,LASCO,C2,white-light,1,100]", x0=0, y0=0, width=768, height=768)
def download_images(c1, c2, craft, c1_hvr, c2_hvr, cme_root): """Download the COR1 and COR2 fits files for the frame nearest tm, to get coords and do distance calc. Download several pngs around the event. """ # Open up a VSO client and a Helioviewer Client vsoclient = vso.VSOClient() hv = HelioviewerClient() # Loop over the events, make event directory, download closest fits file # and several pngs. for i in range(len(c1)): print 'length of c1' print len(c1) print i cme_dir = cme_root + r'\cme_' + '{0:02d}'.format(i + 1) if not os.path.exists(cme_dir): os.makedirs(cme_dir) ####################################################################### # Search for COR1 data in +/- 30min window around event tm1 dt = pd.Timedelta(30, 'm') tl = [(c1['tm'][i] - dt).isoformat(), (c1['tm'][i] + dt).isoformat()] # Query VSO to find what files available qr = vsoclient.query(vso.attrs.Time(tl[0], tl[1]), vso.attrs.Instrument('cor1'), vso.attrs.Source(craft)) # Take out values that are not 0deg polarised q = 0 while q <= len(qr) - 1: tpe = qr[q]['info'].split(';')[3].strip() if tpe == '0deg.': q = q + 1 else: qr.pop(q) # Find closest mathced in time # Get datetimes of the query resutls times = np.array([pd.to_datetime(x['time']['start']) for x in qr]) # Remove querys before the closest match q = 0 while q < np.argmin(np.abs(times - c1['tm'][i])): qr.pop(0) q = q + 1 # Remove querys after the closest match while len(qr) > 1: qr.pop(1) # Download best matched file vsoclient.get(qr, path=cme_dir + r"\{file}").wait() for t in times: hv.download_png(t.isoformat(), 7.5, c1_hvr, x0=0, y0=0, width=1024, height=1024, directory=cme_dir, watermark=True) ################################################################### # Search for COR2 data around tm2 dt = pd.Timedelta(90, 'm') tl = [(c2['tm'][i] - dt).isoformat(), (c2['tm'][i] + dt).isoformat()] qr = vsoclient.query(vso.attrs.Time(tl[0], tl[1]), vso.attrs.Instrument('cor2'), vso.attrs.Source(craft)) # Take out values not 2048x2048 double exposures q = 0 while q <= len(qr) - 1: tpe = qr[q]['info'].split(';')[2].strip() sze = qr[q]['info'].split(';')[-1].strip() if tpe == 'DOUBLE' and sze == '2048x2048': q = q + 1 else: qr.pop(q) # Find closest mathced in time # Get datetimes of the query resutls times = np.array([pd.to_datetime(x['time']['start']) for x in qr]) # Remove querys before the closest match q = 0 while q < np.argmin(np.abs(times - c2['tm'][i])): qr.pop(0) q = q + 1 # Remove querys after the closest match while len(qr) > 1: qr.pop(1) # Download best matched file vsoclient.get(qr, path=cme_dir + r"\{file}").wait() # Use the query times to download helioviewer PNGS for t in times: hv.download_png(t.isoformat(), 14.7, c2_hvr, x0=0, y0=0, width=2048, height=2048, directory=cme_dir, watermark=True) ################################################################### # Now use the fits files to work out the mid point distance and # update the arrays c1_file = glob.glob(cme_dir + r'\*c1*.fts') rb, rm = calc_radial_distance(c1_file, cme_root) c1['rb'][i] = rb c1['rm'][i] = rm # Repeat for COR2 c2_file = glob.glob(cme_dir + r'\*c2*.fts') rb, rm = calc_radial_distance(c2_file, cme_root) c2['rb'][i] = rb c2['rm'][i] = rm return c1, c2
from import HelioviewerClient hv = HelioviewerClient() hv.download_png("2099/01/01", 6, "[SDO,AIA,AIA,304,1,100],[SDO,AIA,AIA,193,1,50]," + "[SOHO,LASCO,C2,white-light,1,100]", x0=0, y0=0, width=768, height=768)