예제 #1
파일: miranda.py 프로젝트: shanginn/loggrab
def getEvent(_logFile,_offset):
    _esignature = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')     #0x45DECADE
    _ofsPrev = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')        #оффсет до предыдущего и следующего сообщения в
                                                        #цепочке. Цепочка отсортированная хронологически
    _ofsNext = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')
    _ofsModuleName = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')  #оффсет до структуры DBModuleName имени владельца события
    _timestamp = UnixTimeToDataTime(data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl'))      #секунд с 00:00:00 01/01/1970
    _flags = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')
    _flag = [0,0,0,0,0]                                  #Флаги
    for f in bin(_flags).split('b')[1][::-1]:            #1: первое сообщение в цепочке;
        _flag[_i]=int(f)                                  #   только для внутреннего использования: *do not* use this flag
        _i-=1                                            #2: событие отправленно пользователем
                                                        #   если не установлен - событие получено пользователем
                                                        #4: событие прочитано пользователем. It does not need
                                                        #   to be processed any more except for history.
                                                        #8: событие содержит текст, написанный справа налево
                                                        #16:событие содержит текст в utf-8
    _eventType = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'Wordl')       #module-defined event type
    _direction = 'out' if _flag[3] else 'in'
    _cbBlob = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl') if _flag[0] else data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')/3  #number of bytes in the blob
    _text = ''
    for b in range(_cbBlob):
        _text += chr(data_read(_logFile,_offset,'Byte')[0])#the blob. module-defined formatting
    #print 'event: ', hex(esignature),hex(ofsPrev),hex(ofsNext),hex(ofsModuleName),timestamp,flag,hex(eventType),cbBlob,text,
    return _esignature,_ofsPrev,_ofsNext,_ofsModuleName,_timestamp,_flag,_eventType,_direction,_text
예제 #2
파일: mra.py 프로젝트: shanginn/loggrab
def parseMraHistory(mra_file,messages):
        with open(mra_file,"rb") as logFile:
            offset_to_OT = data_read(logFile,0x10,'DWORDl') # OT - offset table
            end_id_mail = data_read(logFile,0x2C+data_read(logFile,offset_to_OT+4,'DWORDl'),'DWORDl') # Номер последнего емэйла в таблице оффсетов
            count_emails = data_read(logFile,0x20+data_read(logFile,offset_to_OT+4,'DWORDl'),'DWORDl') #Количество переписок
            db_type = '' 
            for i in range(count_emails):
                offset_end_mail = data_read(logFile,offset_to_OT+end_id_mail*4,'DWORDl') # оффсет до последнего мыла
                mail_data_id1,mail_data_id2 = data_read(logFile,offset_end_mail+4,'DWORDl'),data_read(logFile,offset_end_mail+8,'DWORDl')
                if find_mra_sign(logFile,offset_end_mail+0x1C0) and db_type == '':#если нашлась сигнатура mrahistory_
                    db_type = 'icq'
                elif find_mra_sign(logFile,offset_end_mail+0x194) and db_type == '':
                    db_type = 'mra'
                if find_mra_sign(logFile,offset_end_mail+set_offset(db_type)):
                    id1,id2 = data_read(logFile,offset_end_mail+4+0x24,'DWORDl'),data_read(logFile,offset_end_mail+8+0x24,'DWORDl')
                    logFile.seek(offset_end_mail+4+set_offset(db_type)+12) #Оффсет до ников(емэйлов)
                    splitUinLine = logFile.readline()[::2].split("\x00")[0].split("_") #Получаем UIN'ы
                    myUin,hisUin = splitUinLine[0],splitUinLine[1] 
                    id_message = id1
                    while id_message:
                        offset = data_read(logFile,offset_to_OT+4*id_message,'DWORDl')                   
                        prev_id,next_id,date,time,direction,text,nick = getMessage(logFile,offset,db_type)
                end_id_mail = mail_data_id2
        return messages
            print 'File open fail'
예제 #3
파일: miranda.py 프로젝트: shanginn/loggrab
def getHeader(_logFile):
    _signature = ''
        for i in range(16):
            _signature += chr(data_read(_logFile,_offset,'Byte')[0])     # 'Miranda ICQ DB',0,26
        print 'Signature check fail'
        return 0
    if _signature == 'Miranda ICQ DB'+chr(0)+chr(26):
        _version = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')        #as 4 bytes, ie
        _ofsFileEnd = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')     #оффсет до конца файла
        _slackSpace = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')    #a counter of the number of bytes that have been
                                                            #wasted so far due to deleting structures and/or
                                                            #re-making them at the end. We should compact when
                                                            #this gets above a threshold
        _contactCount = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')  #количество контактов в цепочке, исключая пользрвателя
        _ofsFirstContact = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')#оффсет до первой структуры DBContact в цепочке
        _ofsUser = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')       #оффсет до структуры DBContact представляющей пользователя
        _ofsFirstModuleName = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')#оффсет до первой структуры DBModuleName в цепочке
        #print 'header:', _signature,hex(_version),hex(_ofsFileEnd),_slackSpace,_contactCount,hex(_ofsFirstContact),hex(_ofsUser),hex(_ofsFirstModuleName)
        return _signature,_version,_ofsFileEnd,_slackSpace,_contactCount,_ofsFirstContact,_ofsUser,_ofsFirstModuleName
        print 'Signature check fail'
        return 0
예제 #4
파일: qip.py 프로젝트: shanginn/loggrab
def parseQipHistory(file_name, messages):
    myUin = file_name.split(sep)[-3]
        with open(file_name, 'rb') as qhf_file:
            signature = data_read(qhf_file, 0x00, 'Char', 3)
            if not signature == 'QHF':
                print 'File type error'
                return messages
            version = data_read(qhf_file, 0x03, 'Byte')[0]
            if version not in [1, 2, 3]:
                print 'History version error'
                return messages
            _messages_count = data_read(qhf_file, 0x22, 'DWORD')
            _messages_count_check = data_read(qhf_file, 0x26, 'DWORD')
            if _messages_count == _messages_count_check:
                messages_count = _messages_count
                print 'History read error'
                return messages
            uin_len = data_read(qhf_file, 0x2c, 'Word')
            hisUin = data_read(qhf_file, 0x2e, 'Char', uin_len)
            nickname_len = data_read(qhf_file, 0x2e + uin_len, 'Word')
            nickname = data_read(qhf_file, 0x2e + uin_len + 2, 'Char',
            header_size = 0x2e + uin_len + 2 + nickname_len
            return get_messages(qhf_file, header_size, messages_count, version,
                                myUin, hisUin, messages)
        print 'File open fail'
        return messages
예제 #5
파일: qip.py 프로젝트: shanginn/loggrab
def parseQipHistory(file_name,messages):
    myUin = file_name.split(sep)[-3]
        with open(file_name, 'rb') as qhf_file:
            signature = data_read(qhf_file, 0x00, 'Char', 3)
            if not signature == 'QHF':
                print 'File type error'
                return messages
            version = data_read(qhf_file, 0x03, 'Byte')[0]
            if version not in [1, 2, 3]:
                print 'History version error'
                return messages
            _messages_count = data_read(qhf_file, 0x22, 'DWORD')
            _messages_count_check = data_read(qhf_file, 0x26, 'DWORD')
            if _messages_count == _messages_count_check:
                messages_count = _messages_count
                print 'History read error'
                return messages
            uin_len = data_read(qhf_file, 0x2c, 'Word')
            hisUin = data_read(qhf_file, 0x2e, 'Char', uin_len)
            nickname_len = data_read(qhf_file, 0x2e+uin_len, 'Word')
            nickname = data_read(qhf_file, 0x2e+uin_len+2, 'Char', nickname_len)
            header_size = 0x2e+uin_len+2+nickname_len
            return get_messages(qhf_file,header_size,messages_count,version,myUin,hisUin,messages)
            print 'File open fail'
            return messages
예제 #6
파일: miranda.py 프로젝트: shanginn/loggrab
def getContact(_logFile,_offset):
    _csignature = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')         #0x43DECADE
    _ofsNextContact = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')     #оффсет до следующего пользователя в цепочке, 0 если
                                                            #это контакт пользователя или последний котакт в цепочке
    _ofsFirstSettings = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')   #оффсет до первой DBContactSettings в
                                                            #цепочке для этого контакта
    _eventCount = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')         #количество событий для этого контакта
    _ofsFirstEvent = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')      #оффсет до первого и последнего DBEvent в
                                                            #цеопчке для этого контакта
    _ofsLastEvent = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')
    _ofsFirstUnreadEvent = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')#оффсет до первого(хронологически) непрочитоннаго 
                                                            #события в цепи, 0 если все прочитаны
    _timestampFirstUnread = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')#timestamp of the event at ofsFirstUnreadEvent
    #print 'contact: ', hex(csignature),hex(ofsNextContact),hex(ofsFirstSettings),eventCount,hex(ofsFirstEvent),hex(ofsLastEvent),hex(ofsFirstUnreadEvent),timestampFirstUnread
    return _csignature,_ofsNextContact,_ofsFirstSettings,_eventCount,_ofsFirstEvent,_ofsLastEvent,_ofsFirstUnreadEvent,_timestampFirstUnread
예제 #7
파일: qip.py 프로젝트: shanginn/loggrab
def get_messages(_qhf_file,_offset,_messages_count,_version,_myUin,_hisUin,messages):
    for i in range(_messages_count):
        dt = UnixTimeToDataTime(data_read(_qhf_file, _offset+0x12, 'DWORD'))
        data_read(_qhf_file, _offset+0x1a, 'Byte')[0]
        direction = 'out' if data_read(_qhf_file, _offset+0x1a, 'Byte')[0]!=0 else 'in'
        if _version == 3:
            message_size_type = 'DWORD'
            message_text_offset = 0x23
            message_size_type = 'Word'
            message_text_offset = 0x21
        message_size = data_read(_qhf_file, _offset+0x1f, message_size_type)
        crypt_message_text = data_read(_qhf_file, _offset+message_text_offset, 'Byte', message_size)
        text = msg_decrypt(crypt_message_text)   
        message = Message(_myUin,_hisUin,direction,text,dt[0],dt[1])
        _offset = _offset+0x23+message_size
    return messages
예제 #8
파일: qip.py 프로젝트: shanginn/loggrab
def get_messages(_qhf_file, _offset, _messages_count, _version, _myUin,
                 _hisUin, messages):
    for i in range(_messages_count):
        dt = UnixTimeToDataTime(data_read(_qhf_file, _offset + 0x12, 'DWORD'))
        data_read(_qhf_file, _offset + 0x1a, 'Byte')[0]
        direction = 'out' if data_read(_qhf_file, _offset +
                                       0x1a, 'Byte')[0] != 0 else 'in'
        if _version == 3:
            message_size_type = 'DWORD'
            message_text_offset = 0x23
            message_size_type = 'Word'
            message_text_offset = 0x21
        message_size = data_read(_qhf_file, _offset + 0x1f, message_size_type)
        crypt_message_text = data_read(_qhf_file,
                                       _offset + message_text_offset, 'Byte',
        text = msg_decrypt(crypt_message_text)
        message = Message(_myUin, _hisUin, direction, text, dt[0], dt[1])
        _offset = _offset + 0x23 + message_size
    return messages
예제 #9
파일: miranda.py 프로젝트: shanginn/loggrab
def getUinFromSettings(_logFile,_offset):
    while True:
        #В этих структурах ищем UIN контакта
        _ssignature = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')
        _ofsNextSettings = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')
        _ofsModuleName = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')
        _cbBlob = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')
        _blob = ''
        for b in range(_cbBlob):
        if _blob.find('UIN') != -1:
            _offset = _offset-_cbBlob+_blob.find('UIN')+4
            _uin = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')
        if not _ofsNextSettings:
        _offset = _ofsNextSettings
    return _uin#_ssignature,_ofsNextSettings,_ofsModuleName,_cbBlob,_blob,_uin
예제 #10
파일: mra.py 프로젝트: shanginn/loggrab
def getMessage(_logFile,_offset,_db_type):
    # Заполняем структуру _message
    _size = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')         #unsigned int size;
    _prev_id = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')     #unsigned int prev_id;
    _next_id = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')     #unsigned int next_id;
    _xz1 = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')         #unsigned int xz1;
    _file_time = []                                     #FILETIME time;
    _file_time.append(data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl'))#DWORD dwLowDateTime;
    _file_time.append(data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl'))#DWORD dwHighDateTime;
    _type_message = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')#unsigned int type_message;
    _direction = 'out' if data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl') == 1 else 'in'#char flag_incoming;
    _count_nick = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')  #unsigned int count_nick;
    _magic_num = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')   #unsigned int magic_num; // 0x38
    _count_message = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')#unsigned int count_message; // именно количество, не размер в байтах
    _xz2 = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')         #unsigned int xz2; //
    _size_lps_rtf = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')#unsigned int size_lps_rtf; // байт
    _xz3 = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')         #unsigned int xz3; //
    if _db_type == 'icq':
        _xz4 = data_read(_logFile,_offset,'DWORDl')
    _date_time = str(FiletimeToDateTime(_file_time[0],_file_time[1])).split(' ')
    _date,_time = _date_time[0].replace('-','.'),_date_time[1].split('.')[0]
    _nick = u''
    for c in range(_count_nick-1): # Читаем ник
        _nick +=unichr(data_read(_logFile,_offset,'Wordl'))
        _offset += 2
    # Указатель теперь указывает на сообщение в unicode
    if data_read(_logFile,_offset,'Wordl') == 0 and _type_message == 0x11:
        _count_message = data_read(_logFile,_offset+1,'DWORDl')/2+1
        _offset += 3
    _text = u''
    for c in range(_count_message):
        _text += unichr(data_read(_logFile,_offset,'Wordl'))
    return _prev_id,_next_id,_date,_time,_direction,_text,_nick