예제 #1
def generatePoints(image):
    if (pointsGen == 'halftone'):
        depth = int(math.log(N,2))
        dot_matrix = halftone.halftone(support.loadImageRGB(image), depth, halftone.renderDots)
        rows,cols = support.getSize(dot_matrix)
        dot_matrix = dot_matrix[1:rows-1,1:cols-1]
        rows,cols = support.getSize(dot_matrix)

        # Find points
        pointsList = []
        for r in range(0,rows,1):
            for c in range(0,cols,1):
                if dot_matrix[r,c] == 0:

        # Find minimum distance for each point
        # Ceate new points list with minimum distance
        return generatePointTuples(pointsList, pointsList, rows, cols)
    elif (pointsGen == 'grid'):
        rows, cols = support.getSize(support.loadImageRGB(image))
        size = math.sqrt(N)
        r_step = int(rows/size)
        r_init = r_step/2
        c_step = int(cols/size)
        c_init = c_step/2

        # Find points
        pointsList = []
        for r in range (r_init, rows-1, r_step):
            for c in range(c_init, cols-1, c_step):

        # Find minimum distance for each point
        # Ceate new points list with minimum distance
        return generatePointTuples(pointsList, pointsList, rows, cols)

    elif (pointsGen == 'file'):
        f = file("points.txt", "w")
        line = f.readline().strip()

        pointsList = []
        while line != "":
            values = line.split(" ")
            pointsList.append([int(values[0]), int(values[1])])

        # Find minimum distance for each point
        # Ceate new points list with minimum distance
        return generatePointTuples(pointsList, pointsList, rows, cols)
        raise ValueError('Make sure pointsGen has a valid name')
def refineSuperPixels(imageLAB, superpixels):
  rowsIn, colsIn = support.getSize(imageLAB)
  N = len(superpixels)
  M = rowsIn * colsIn

  # Create dictionary of pixels where value is tuple of superpixel associated with
  # and difference to that superpixel
  pixels = {}

  # Figure out what pixels are associated with what superpixels
  border = int(2 * math.sqrt(float(M)/N))
  for spName, sp in superpixels.iteritems():
    out_r, out_c = sp.outPos
    in_r, in_c = sp.inPos
    # For every pixel in border
    for r in range(int(in_r-border),int(in_r+border+1),1):
      for c in range(int(in_c-border),int(in_c+border+1), 1):
        pixName = (r, c)
        # Boundary check
        if not utils.isOutOfBounds(rowsIn, colsIn, pixName):
          diff = sp.calcDiff(pixName, imageLAB, N, M)
          #Check if pixel is already in the dictionary
          if pixName in pixels:
            curDiff = pixels[pixName][1]
            if diff < curDiff:
              pixels[pixName] = (sp, diff)

            pixels[pixName] = (sp, diff)
  # Calculate superpixel averages
  for pos ,value in pixels.iteritems():
    sp, diff = value
    sp.addPixel(imageLAB, pos)
예제 #3
def generatePoints(image):
    rows, cols = support.getSize(image)

    col_img = np.copy(image)
    image = support.rgb2gray(image * 255)

    # 1. Smooth the image with a Gaussian filter
    gauss = utils.makeKernel('gauss', gaus_r, gaus_sig)
    image = utils.smoothImage(image, gauss)

    # 2. Compute gradients using Sobel filter
    Kx, Ky = utils.makeKernel('sobel')
    Gx, Gy, G, D = utils.getEdges(image, Kx, Ky)
    Tr, Tc = updateGradients(Gx, Gy, G)

    step = r_strokew[0]
    init = step / 2

    # Find points
    pointsList = []
    r = init
    while r < rows - 1:
        c = init
        while c < cols - 1:
            pointsList.append([r, c])
            c = c + step
        r = r + step


    return pointsList
예제 #4
def lineDrawing(image):
    # load image and create slightly smaller image due to gradients being smaller
    image_mat = support.loadImage(image)
    r, c = support.getSize(image_mat)
    image_mat = image_mat[1:r - 1, 1:c - 1]
    #image_mat = image_mat / 255

    Kx, Ky = utils.makeKernel('sobel')
    Kx, Ky = normalizeMatrix(Kx), normalizeMatrix(Ky)
    Gx, Gy, G, D = utils.getEdges(image, Kx, Ky)

    Tx, Ty = gradientTangents(Gx, Gy)
    print(Tx[0:10, 0:10])
    print(Ty[0:10, 0:10])
    Tx_p, Ty_p = computeETF(Tx, Ty, G)
    print(Tx_p[0:10, 0:10])
    print(Ty_p[0:10, 0:10])
    support.saveImage(Tx, "Tx_p_test")
    support.saveImage(Ty, "Ty__p_test")

    return computeFDoG(image_mat, Tx_p, Tx_p)
def updateGradients(Gr, Gc, G):

    if useFile:
        Tr = support.loadMatrix(Tr_file)
        Tc = support.loadMatrix(Tc_file)


        rows, cols = support.getSize(G)

        # 1. Compute the median of G and the max of G
        medVal_G = np.median(G)
        max_G = np.max(G)

        # 2. For each G[r,c] below a threshold*max
        for r in range(0, rows, 1):
            for c in range(0, cols, 1):
                val = G[r, c]
                if val < threshold * max_G:
                    #compute unit vector from center to r,c
                    v = normalizeVector(
                        support.makeVector(r, c) -
                        support.makeVector(int(rows / 2), int(cols / 2)))
                    # scale vector by the median
                    v = v * medVal_G
                    # set Gr, Gc, G at (r,c to the components and magnitude of the vector)
                    Gr[r, c] = v[0]
                    Gc[r, c] = v[1]
                    G[r, c] = math.sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1])

        Tr, Tc = linedrawing.gradientTangents(Gr, Gc)
        if useEtf:
            Tr, Tc = linedrawing.computeETF(Tr, Tc, G)

    return Tr, Tc
def stipple(image):
    rows, cols = support.getSize(image)
    image = (image * -1) + 255
    image = image / 255

    avg_dist = 100  # large value to start
    points = generatePoints(image)
    P = computeP(image)
    Q = computeQ(P)
    while avg_dist > thresh:

        # create points.txt
        writePoints(points, rows, cols)

        edges = getVoroniEdges()
        lakes = generateLakes(points)

        avg_dist = computeCentroids(lakes, edges, P, Q, rows, cols)
        print "Average Distance", avg_dist

        points = []
        for lake in lakes:

        edgeList = []
        for edge in edges:

        resultCells = drawVoronoiCells(rows, cols, edgeList)

    return points, resultCells
def initSuperPixels(imageLAB, rowsOut, colsOut):
  rowsIn, colsIn = support.getSize(imageLAB)
  N = rowsOut * colsOut
  superpixels = {}

  r_step = rowsIn/rowsOut
  r_init = r_step/2
  c_step = colsIn/colsOut
  c_init = c_step/2

  cur_r = r_init
  cur_c = c_init

  # For each superpixel
  # Initialize outPos and inPos
  for out_r in range(0, rowsOut, 1):
    for out_c in range(0, colsOut, 1):
      name = "%d,%d" % (out_r, out_c) # ex. 4,3 for row 4 col 3

      sp = SuperPixel(support.makeVector(out_r,out_c),\
                      support.makeVector(cur_r,cur_c), N)
      superpixels[name] = sp
      cur_c += c_step
    cur_r += r_step
    cur_c = c_init

  # Run SLIC
  refineSuperPixels(imageLAB, superpixels)
  return superpixels
예제 #8
    def calcEndpoints(self):
        rows, cols = support.getSize(Tr)
        p = np.around(self.p)

        # Go forward
        x = p
        i = -1
        cur_len = 0
        while not isOutOfBounds(rows, cols, x) and i < self.length / 2:
            self.end1 = x
            x = x + self.getNewDir(x, self.thetap)
            i = i + 1
            cur_len = cur_len + 1

        # Go backwards
        x = p
        while not isOutOfBounds(rows, cols, x) and cur_len < self.length:
            self.end2 = x
            x = x - self.getNewDir(x, self.thetap)
            cur_len = cur_len + 1

        # If we haven't reached stroke length yet continue in forward direction
        if cur_len != self.length:
            x = self.end1
            while not isOutOfBounds(rows, cols, x) and cur_len < self.length:
                self.end1 = x
                x = x + self.getNewDir(x, self.thetap)
                cur_len = cur_len + 1

        if cur_len != self.length:
            self.length = cur_len
def computeP(I):
    rows, cols = support.getSize(I)
    P = support.makeMatrix(rows, cols)
    P[0:rows, 0] = I[0:rows, 0]
    for r in range(0, rows, 1):
        for c in range(1, cols, 1):
            P[r, c] = I[r, c] + P[r, c - 1]
    return P
def pixelart(imageRGB, rowsOut, colsOut, K):
    rowsIn, colsIn = support.getSize(imageRGB)
    N = rowsOut * colsOut  # Number of superpixels
    M = rowsIn * colsIn  # Number of input pixels

    # Convert the input image to lab space
    imageLAB = support.rgb2lab(imageRGB)

    # Initialize superpixels, palette, and temperature
    superpixels = initSuperPixels(imageLAB, rowsOut, colsOut)
    palette = initPalette(imageLAB)
    T = initT(imageLAB)

    # While (T > Tf)
    i = 0
    while T > Tf:
        if printProgress:
            print "Iteration: %d T: %d" % (i, T)

    #   REFINE superpixels with 1 step of modified SLIC
        refineSuperPixels(imageLAB, superpixels)

        #   ASSOCIATE superpixels to colors in the palette
        for cluster in palette:
            cluster.sub1.associate(superpixels, T, palette)
            cluster.sub2.associate(superpixels, T, palette)

    #   REFINE colors in the palette
        totalChange = refinePalette(superpixels, palette)
        if printProgress:
            print "totalChange", totalChange

    #   If (palette converged)
        print "Palette size: %d" % len(palette)
        if totalChange < ep_palette:

            #     REDUCE temperature T = aT
            T = alpha * T

            #     EXPAND palette
            expandPalette(palette, K)

        i += 1

    # convert SuperPixels to matrix image
    result = support.makeVecMatrix(rowsOut * scale, colsOut * scale, 3)
    for sp in superpixels:
        r, c = int(sp.outPos[0]), int(sp.outPos[1])
        result[r * scale:(r + 1) * scale, c * scale:(c + 1) * scale] = sp.ms

    # Post-process
    result[:, :, 1] = result[:, :, 1] * beta
    result[:, :, 2] = result[:, :, 2] * beta

    # Convert LAB image to RGB
    result = support.lab2rgb(result)

    return result
def generatePoints(image):
    rows, cols = support.getSize(image)

    if pointsGen == 'grid':
        size = math.sqrt(N)
        r_step = int(rows / size)
        r_init = r_step / 2
        c_step = int(cols / size)
        c_init = c_step / 2

        # Find points
        pointsList = []
        for r in range(r_init, rows - 1, r_step):
            for c in range(c_init, cols - 1, c_step):
                pointsList.append([r, c])

        return pointsList

    elif pointsGen == 'random':
        chosenPoints = {}
        while len(chosenPoints) < N:
            r = random.randint(10, rows - 10)
            c = random.randint(10, cols - 10)
            # if r,c is not already a chosen point
            value = (r, c)
            if value not in chosenPoints:
                chosenPoints[r, c] = support.makeVector(r, c)

        pointsList = []
        for key, value in chosenPoints.iteritems():


        return pointsList

    elif pointsGen == 'file':
        matrix = support.loadMatrix(npy_file)
        rows, cols = support.getSize(matrix)
        pointsList = []
        for r in range(0, rows, 1):
            value = matrix[r, 0]

        return pointsList
예제 #12
    def getTangentVector(Tx, Ty, z):
        rows, cols = support.getSize(Tx)
        T = support.makeVector(Tx[z[0], z[1]], Ty[z[0], z[1]])
        T_tan = rotateCW(T)
        # round answers to integers
        Tx_tan = int(T_tan[0])
        Ty_tan = int(T_tan[1])

        return support.makeVector(Tx_tan, Ty_tan)
def computeQ(P):
    rows, cols = support.getSize(P)
    Q = support.makeMatrix(rows, cols)
    Q[0:rows, 1] = P[0:rows, 0]
    for r in range(0, rows, 1):
        for c in range(2, cols, 1):
            Q[r, c] = P[r, c - 1] + Q[r, c - 1]

    return Q
def convolve(image, kernel):
    image_matrix = support.loadImage(image)
    image_rows, image_cols = support.getSize(image_matrix)
    kernel_rows, kernel_cols = support.getSize(kernel)
    kernel_rows, kernel_cols = kernel_rows / 2, kernel_cols / 2

    # A new matrix of zeros of final size of new image
    new_image = support.makeMatrix(image_rows, image_cols)
    # for each row in new image
    for r in range(kernel_rows, image_rows - kernel_rows, 1):
        # for each col in new image
        for c in range(kernel_cols, image_cols - kernel_cols, 1):
            # current matrix of image values
            conveq_matrix = image_matrix[r - kernel_rows:r + kernel_rows + 1,
                                         c - kernel_cols:c + kernel_cols +
                                         1]  # convolve image values and kernel
            new_image[r, c] = conveq(conveq_matrix, kernel)
    return new_image[kernel_rows:image_rows - kernel_rows,
                     kernel_cols:image_cols - kernel_cols]
def computeField(strokesList, rows, cols):
    heightMap = support.loadImage(heightMap_f) / 255.0
    opacityMap = support.loadImage(opacityMap_f) / 255.0
    mapRows, mapCols = support.getSize(heightMap)

    heightField = support.makeMatrix(rows, cols, 0)
    colorField = support.makeVecMatrix(rows, cols, 3)

    # for each stroke
    print "Total = %d" % len(strokesList)
    for index, stroke in enumerate(strokesList):
        ##    if index%20 == 0:
        ##      os.system("pkill -f display")
        ##      support.showImage( heightField )
        if index % 100 == 0:
            print index
        samples = stroke.length

        # compute corner point r and coordinate system
        dirL = stroke.end2 - stroke.end1
        dirW = rotateCW(dirL)
        dirL = impress.normalizeVector(dirL)
        dirW = impress.normalizeVector(dirW)
        r = stroke.end1 - dirW * (stroke.width / 2)

        # step sizes
        stepL = float(stroke.length) / samples
        stepW = float(stroke.width) / samples

        mapStepL = float(mapCols) / samples
        mapStepW = float(mapRows) / samples

        i = 0
        while i < samples:
            j = 0
            while j < samples:
                x = r + dirL * i * stepL + dirW * j * stepW
                if not impress.isOutOfBounds(rows, cols, x):
                    f = impress.interpolate(x[0], x[1], heightField)
                    map_c = i * mapStepL
                    map_r = j * mapStepW
                    h = impress.interpolate(map_r, map_c, heightMap)
                    t = impress.interpolate(map_r, map_c, opacityMap)
                    x = x.astype(int)
                    heightField[x[0], x[1]] = f * (1 - t) + h * t
                    heightField[x[0], x[1]] += fixedHeight
                    colorField[x[0], x[1]] = colorField[x[0], x[1]] * (
                        1 - t) + stroke.color * t
                j = j + 1
            i = i + 1

    heightField = normalizeMatrix(heightField)

    return heightField, colorField
예제 #16
def gradientTangents(Gx, Gy):
    rows, cols = support.getSize(Gx)
    zero_matrix = support.makeMatrix(rows, cols)
    Tx, Ty = zero_matrix, zero_matrix
    for r in range(0, rows, 1):
        for c in range(0, cols, 1):
            vec = support.makeVector(Gx[r, c], Gy[r, c])
            tangent = rotateCCW(vec)
            Tx[r, c], Ty[r, c] = tangent[0], tangent[1]

    return Tx, Ty
예제 #17
def tessellate(image, pointsList, ETFr, ETFc):
    rows,cols = support.getSize(image)
    print("SIZE: %d x %d" % (rows,cols))
    drawing = support.makeMatrix(rows,cols,-1)
    if curveType == 'ETF':
        growCurveETF(pointsList, drawing, ETFr, ETFc)
        print("Curve grown!")
    elif curveType == 'Lorentz':

    return assignColors(image,drawing)
예제 #18
def gradientTangents(Gx, Gy):
    rows, cols = support.getSize(Gx)
    Tx = support.makeMatrix(rows, cols)
    Ty = support.makeMatrix(rows, cols)
    for r in range(0, rows, 1):
        for c in range(0, cols, 1):
            vec = support.makeVector(Gx[r, c], Gy[r, c])
            tangent = rotateCCW(vec)
            normaltangent = normalizeVector(tangent)
            Tx[r, c], Ty[r, c] = normaltangent[0], normaltangent[1]

    return Tx, Ty
def assignColors(image, drawing):
    #print "assign"
    rows, cols = support.getSize(drawing)
    rgbImage = support.makeVecMatrix(rows, cols, 3)
    for r in range(0, rows, 1):
        for c in range(0, cols, 1):
            if drawing[r, c] == -1:
                total, numPixels = computeColor(r, c, image, drawing)
                rgbColor = total / numPixels
                #print(rgbColor * 255)
                floodRegion(r, c, rgbColor, drawing, rgbImage)
    return rgbImage * 255
def generateStrokes(image):

    rows, cols = support.getSize(image)
    points = impress.generatePoints(image)

    strokes = []
    for p in points:
        s = impress.stroke(p, image)

    return strokes
    def draw(self, drawing, G, Tr, Tc):
        pix_map = drawing.load()
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(drawing)
        rows, cols = support.getSize(G)
        p = np.around(self.p)

        # Go forward
        x = p
        x_prev = x
        i = -1
        lastSample = 1000
        while not isOutOfBounds(rows, cols, x) and i < self.length / 2:
            drawStroke(draw, x_prev * antialiased_sf, x * antialiased_sf,
                       self.width, self.color)

            newSample = interpolate(x[0], x[1], G)
            if (clipping and newSample > lastSample):
                #print "clip"

            x_prev = x
            if fixedOrientation:
                x = x + support.makeVector(-1, 1)  #45 degrees
                x = x + getNewDir(Tr[x[0], x[1]], Tc[x[0], x[1]], self.thetap)
            lastSample = newSample

            i = i + 1

        # Go backwards
        points = []
        x = p
        x_prev = x
        i = 0
        lastSample = 1000
        while not isOutOfBounds(rows, cols, x) and i < self.length / 2:
            if not i == 0:
                drawStroke(draw, x_prev * antialiased_sf, x * antialiased_sf,
                           self.width, self.color)
            newSample = interpolate(x[0], x[1], G)
            if (clipping and newSample > lastSample):
                #print "clip"

            x_prev = x
            if fixedOrientation:
                x = x + support.makeVector(1, -1)  #45 degrees
                x = x - getNewDir(Tr[x[0], x[1]], Tc[x[0], x[1]], self.thetap)
            lastSample = newSample

            i = i + 1
예제 #22
def sphereToRgb(r_mat, t_mat, p_mat):
    rows, cols = support.getSize(r_mat)
    x = r_mat * np.sin(t_mat) * np.cos(p_mat)
    y = r_mat * np.sin(t_mat) * np.sin(p_mat)
    z = r_mat * np.cos(t_mat)

    # load x, y, z into new matrix
    rgb_image = support.makeVecMatrix(rows, cols, 3)
    rgb_image[:, :, 0] = x
    rgb_image[:, :, 1] = y
    rgb_image[:, :, 2] = z

    return rgb_image
예제 #23
 def __init__(self, r, c, ETFr, ETFc, direction):
     self.ETFr = ETFr
     self.ETFc = ETFc
     self.rows, self.cols = support.getSize(ETFr)
     self.F = support.makeVector(ETFr[r,c], ETFc[r,c])
     if self.F[0] == 0 and self.F[1] == 0:
         self.F = getVectorCP(self.rows,self.cols,r,c)
     if direction == 'neg':
         self.F = -self.F
     self.v = support.makeVector(0,0)
     self.x = support.makeVector(r,c)
     self.prev_x = self.x
     self.a = self.F / m
예제 #24
def floodRegion(r, c, rgbColor, drawing, rgbImage):
    rows,cols = support.getSize(drawing)

    #base case
    # if draw_value != -2
    # do nothing
    if not isOutOfBounds(rows,cols,r,c) and drawing[r,c] == -2:
        drawing[r,c] = -3
        rgbImage[r,c] = rgbColor
        floodRegion(r-1,c,rgbColor,drawing,rgbImage) #north
        floodRegion(r+1,c,rgbColor,drawing,rgbImage) #south
        floodRegion(r,c-1,rgbColor,drawing,rgbImage) #east
        floodRegion(r,c+1,rgbColor,drawing,rgbImage) #west
def computeColor(r, c, image, drawing):
    #print"compute color"
    rows, cols = support.getSize(drawing)

    # base case:
    if isOutOfBounds(rows, cols, r, c) or drawing[r, c] != -1:
        return 0, 0

    # otherwise
    drawing[r, c] = -2
    n_tot, n_pix = computeColor(r - 1, c, image, drawing)
    s_tot, s_pix = computeColor(r + 1, c, image, drawing)
    e_tot, e_pix = computeColor(r, c - 1, image, drawing)
    w_tot, w_pix = computeColor(r, c + 1, image, drawing)
    total = image[r, c] + n_tot + s_tot + e_tot + w_tot
    numPixels = 1 + n_pix + s_pix + e_pix + w_pix
    return total, numPixels
def impress(image):

    color_img = np.copy(image) / 255

    # Intesity image derived
    image = support.rgb2gray(image)
    ##  rows, cols = support.getSize(image)
    ##  for r in range(0, rows, 1):
    ##    for c in range(0, cols, 1):
    ##      image[r,c] = clamp(image[r,c] * random.uniform(r_sf[0],r_sf[1]))

    # 1. Smooth the image with a Gaussian filter
    gauss = utils.makeKernel('gauss', gaus_r, gaus_sig)
    image = utils.smoothImage(image, gauss)

    # 2. Compute gradients using Sobel filter
    Kx, Ky = utils.makeKernel('sobel')
    Gx, Gy, G, D = utils.getEdges(image, Kx, Ky)
    Tr, Tc = updateGradients(Gx, Gy, G)

    # Shrink image so that it matches convolution results
    r, c = support.getSize(image)
    image = image[1:r - 1, 1:c - 1]

    # 3. Generate a set of points on a grid to serve as the origins of the strokes
    points = generatePoints(r, c)

    # Create blank PIL image
    im = Image.new('RGB', (c * antialiased_sf, r * antialiased_sf))

    # 4. For each origin, draw a stroke:
    i = 0
    print len(points)
    for p in points:
        s = stroke(p, color_img)
        if i % 1000 == 0:
        i = i + 1
        s.draw(im, G, Tr, Tc)

    im.thumbnail((c, r), Image.BICUBIC)

    return im
def convolve(image, kernel):
    image_matrix = support.loadImage(image)
    image_rows, image_cols = support.getSize(image_matrix)
    kernel_rows = support.getRows(kernel)
    new_image_rows = image_rows - kernel_rows
    new_image_cols = image_cols - kernel_rows
    # A new matrix of zeros of final size of new image
    new_image = support.makeMatrix(new_image_rows, new_image_cols)
    # for each row in new image
    for r in range(0, new_image_rows, 1):
        end_row = r + kernel_rows
        # for each col in new image
        for c in range(0, new_image_cols, 1):
            # current matrix of image values
            end_col = c + kernel_rows
            conveq_matrix = image_matrix[r:end_row, c:end_col]
            # convolve image values and kernel
            new_image[r, c] = conveq(conveq_matrix, kernel)
    return new_image
예제 #28
def inpaint(curImage, newImage, mask):
    rows, cols = support.getSize(mask)
    # For every vertex
    for i in range(0, rows, 1):
        mask_entry = mask[i, 0]
        r = int(mask_entry[0])
        c = int(mask_entry[1])
        t = mask_entry[2]

        O = curImage[r, c]

        E = curImage[r, c + 1]
        SE = curImage[r + 1, c + 1]
        S = curImage[r + 1, c]
        SW = curImage[r + 1, c - 1]
        W = curImage[r, c - 1]
        NW = curImage[r - 1, c - 1]
        N = curImage[r - 1, c]
        NE = curImage[r - 1, c + 1]

        # Get magnitudes of midpoints [Eq 6.15]
        mag_e = getMagnitude(O, E, NE, N, S, SE)
        mag_s = getMagnitude(O, S, SE, E, W, SW)
        mag_w = getMagnitude(O, W, SW, S, N, NW)
        mag_n = getMagnitude(O, N, NW, W, E, NE)

        neighbors = [E, S, W, N]
        weights = [wp(mag_e), wp(mag_s), wp(mag_w), wp(mag_n)]  #[Eq 6.17/6.22]
        weightsum = sum(weights)
        lagr = lamb * (1 - t)

        hoo = lagr / (weightsum + lagr)  #[Eq 6.19]

        # Calculate the hop sum [6.18]
        hop = [weight / (weightsum + lagr) for weight in weights]

        # Sum of hop times each vertex [Eq 6.20]
        hopup = 0
        for h, v in zip(hop, neighbors):
            hopup += h * v

        newImage[r, c] = hopup + hoo * curImage[r, c]  #[Eq 6.21]
def initSuperPixels(imageLAB, rowsOut, colsOut):
    rowsIn, colsIn = support.getSize(imageLAB)
    N = rowsOut * colsOut
    superpixels = []

    r_step = rowsIn / rowsOut
    r_init = r_step / 2
    c_step = colsIn / colsOut
    c_init = c_step / 2

    cur_r = r_init
    cur_c = c_init

    # For each superpixel
    # Initialize outPos and inPos
    for out_r in range(0, rowsOut, 1):
        for out_c in range(0, colsOut, 1):
            sp = SuperPixel(support.makeVector(out_r,out_c),\
                            support.makeVector(cur_r,cur_c), N)

            cur_c += c_step
        cur_r += r_step
        cur_c = c_init

    # For each input pixel
    # Inialize what pixels are associated with what superpixels
    # Input pixels are assigned to the nearest superpixel in (x,y) space

    for r in range(0, rowsIn, 1):
        for c in range(0, colsIn, 1):
            pixPos = support.makeVector(r, c)
            minDist = 1000  #Initially a large number
            cur_sp = None
            for sp in superpixels:
                dist = utils.getVectorLength(pixPos - sp.inPos)
                if dist < minDist:
                    minDist = dist
                    cur_sp = sp
            cur_sp.addPixel(imageLAB, pixPos)

    return superpixels
예제 #30
def growCurveETF(pointsList, drawing, ETFr, ETFc):
    rows,cols = support.getSize(drawing)
    print rows, cols

    i = 1
    allPoints = pointsList
    while len(pointsList) > 0:
        print("curve: %d"% i)
        i = i+1
        point = findMaxDistPt(pointsList)

        # update minDist for points
        pointsList = generatePointTuples(pointsList, allPoints, rows, cols)

        r_init = point[0]
        c_init = point[1]
        curvePoints = []

        # Draw Curve Positive
        curve = CurveETF(r_init,c_init, ETFr, ETFc, "pos")
        # while still drawing a curve
        isCurveDone = curve.drawCurveETF(curvePoints, drawing)
        while not isCurveDone:
            isCurveDone = curve.drawCurveETF(curvePoints, drawing)

        # Draw Curve Negative
        curve = CurveETF(r_init,c_init, ETFr, ETFc, "neg")
        # while still drawing a curve
        isCurveDone = curve.drawCurveETF(curvePoints, drawing)
        while not isCurveDone:
            isCurveDone = curve.drawCurveETF(curvePoints, drawing)

        if (len(curvePoints) < minLen):
            print "curve too small"
            # redraw points white
            for point in curvePoints:
                drawing[point[0], point[1]] = -1