def _setup_buffer(self): """To set sane options for the search results buffer.""" last_search = "" if v.eval("@/"): last_search = v.eval("@/").decode(v.encoding()).replace(u'"', u'\\"') self.exit_cmds.extend([ u"let @/=\"{}\"".format(last_search), u"set laststatus={}".format(v.opt("ls")), u"set guicursor={}".format(v.opt("gcr")), ]) commands = [ "let @/ = ''", "call clearmatches()" ] options = [ "buftype=nofile", "bufhidden=wipe", "nobuflisted", "noundofile", "nobackup", "noswapfile", "nowrap", "nonumber", "nolist", "textwidth=0", "colorcolumn=0", "laststatus=0", "norelativenumber", "nocursorcolumn", "nospell", "foldcolumn=0", "foldcolumn=0", "guicursor=a:hor5-Cursor-blinkwait100", ] if settings.get("cursorline", bool): options.append("cursorline") else: options.append("nocursorline") for opt in options: v.exe("try|setl {}|catch|endtry".format(opt)) for cmd in commands: v.exe(cmd)
def _jump_to(self, tag, mode=""): """To jump to the tag on the current line.""" hidden = v.opt("hidden") autowriteall = v.opt("autowriteall") modified ="getbufvar({},'&mod')".format( bufname = self._close() count, tagfile = self._tag_count(tag) if (not hidden and not autowriteall) and modified and tagfile != bufname: v.echohl(u"write the buffer first. (:h hidden)", "WarningMsg") else: v.exe(u"sil! {}{}tag {}".format(count, mode, tag["name"])) v.exe("normal! zvzzg^")
def _open_window(self): """To open the Surfer window if not already visible.""" if not self.winnr: self.exit_cmds.append(u"set ei={}".format(v.opt("ei"))) v.exe(u"set eventignore=all") v.exe(u'sil! keepa botright 1new {}'.format( self._setup_buffer() self.winnr = v.bufwinnr(
def setup_colors(self): """To setup Surfer highlight groups.""" postfix = "" if v.opt("bg") == "light" else "_darkbg" colors = { "SurferShade": settings.get("shade_color{}".format(postfix)), "SurferMatches": settings.get("matches_color{}".format(postfix)), "SurferPrompt": settings.get("prompt_color{}".format(postfix)), "SurferError": "WarningMsg" } for group, color in colors.items(): if color: link = "" if "=" in color else "link" v.exe(u"hi {} {} {}".format(link, group, color)) colors = settings.get("visual_kinds_colors{}".format(postfix)) for kind, color in colors.items(): if color: link = "" if "=" in color else "link" v.exe(u"hi {} SurferVisualKind_{} {}".format(link, kind, color))