class Sync: def __init__(self): self.commons = Commons() self.main_ini_file = INIFile(self.commons['ini_file']) self.plugin = Pluginator().get_plugin('repo', self.main_ini_file['plugin']['plugin_name'][0]) self.local_folder = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), '.sushi-huh') self.local_main_ini_file = INIFile(os.path.join(self.local_folder, 'src', 'settings', 'sushi-huh.ini')) self.send_files_to_pc() self.get_provides() if list(self.local_main_ini_file.keys()) == []: self.set_packmanager() """ send_files_to_pc() -> None Send the files in your flash drive to your PC. """ def send_files_to_pc(self): self.commons.copy_move(self.commons['settings_path'], os.path.join(self.local_folder, 'src', 'settings'), False) self.commons.copy_move(self.commons['download_path'], os.path.join(self.local_folder, 'src', 'downloads'), True) """ get_provides() -> None Read all provides in your system. """ def get_provides(self): packages = [] provides = {} if self.main_ini_file['plugin']['repository_type'][0].lower() == 'rpm': rpmp = RPMProvides() packages = rpmp.packages provides = rpmp.provides else: avst = AvailableStatus('/var/lib/dpkg/available') packages = avst.packages provides = avst.provides pickle.dump((packages, provides), open(os.path.join(self.commons['settings_path'], 'provides.db'), 'wb')) """ set_packmanager() -> None Configure automatically your package manager. """ def set_packmanager(self): self.plugin.set_packmanager()
class Downloader(): """ __init__(cbk_download_info_func=None, cbk_download_end_func=None) cbk_download_info_func = None cbk_download_end_func = None """ def __init__(self, cbk_download_info_func=None, cbk_download_end_func=None): self.commons = Commons() # Download information. self.download_info = { 'total_download_files': 0, 'downloaded_files': 0, 'total_download_bytes': 0, 'downloaded_bytes': 0, 'current_file_url': '', 'current_file_path': '', 'current_tmp_file': '' } # Get sussesfull downloads. self.downloaded = INIFile( os.path.join(self.commons['settings_path'], 'downloads.ini')) # Get failed downloads. self.failed = INIFile( os.path.join(self.commons['settings_path'], 'failed.ini')) self.exit = False self.clean_downloads = True self.downloads = {} self.no_delete = set() self.cbk_download_info_func = cbk_download_info_func self.cbk_download_end_func = cbk_download_end_func self.dwn_thr = threading.Thread(target=self.download_thread) self.dwn_thr.start() """ download_thread() -> None Create a thread to download the packages. """ def download_thread(self): while not self.exit: # If no more download in the download list, clear download info. if self.downloads == {} and self.clean_downloads: self.download_info = { 'total_download_files': 0, 'downloaded_files': 0, 'total_download_bytes': 0, 'downloaded_bytes': 0, 'current_file_url': '', 'current_file_path': '', 'current_tmp_file': '' } if self.cbk_download_info_func != None: self.cbk_download_info_func(self.download_info) downloads_copy = self.downloads.copy() for filename in downloads_copy: if self.downloads[filename] == None: # If the file is allready downloaded, remove it from download list. if not filename in self.no_delete: del self.downloads[filename] else: url = self.downloads[filename] path = self.commons.rel2abs(filename) tmp = self.commons.get_temp(path) self.download_info['current_file_url'] = url self.download_info['current_file_path'] = path self.download_info['current_tmp_file'] = tmp try: self.retrieve(url, tmp) self.commons.copy_move(tmp, path, True) self.downloaded.set_pair('files', filename, [self.downloads[filename]]) except: self.failed.set_pair('files', filename, [self.downloads[filename]]) self.downloads[filename] = None self.download_info['downloaded_files'] += 1 if downloads_copy != self.downloads and self.cbk_download_end_func != None: self.cbk_download_end_func() """ retrieve(url, path) -> None Download a file from url to path. url = Source URL. path = Dest path. """ def retrieve(self, url='', path=''): # Number of bytes to read each time. buff_size = 1024 # Open the Source file. in_stream = urllib_23.urlopen(url) # Open the Dest file. out_stream = open(path, 'wb') # Read with a buffer size of buff_size. data = while (data != b'') and (not self.exit): out_stream.write(data) self.download_info['downloaded_bytes'] += len(data) data = if self.cbk_download_info_func != None: self.cbk_download_info_func(self.download_info) out_stream.close() in_stream.close() if self.exit: os.remove(path) """ get_files(files={}, wait=False, openfiles=False, cache=False, filemode='rb') -> {filename: fileptr} files = Files to retrieve {filename: url}. wait = Wait until all downloads are finished. openfiles = Open files after download. cache = In cache mode the files are downloaded only once. filemode = File open mode, if openfiles=True. """ def get_files(self, files={}, wait=False, openfiles=False, cache=False, filemode='rb'): # Unneeded # -> Backport _fs = {} for filename in files: if type(files[filename]) == type([]): _fs[str(filename)] = [ str(files[filename][0]), files[filename][1] ] else: _fs[str(filename)] = str(files[filename]) files = _fs # <- # Dont clean the download list until the new files was added. self.clean_downloads = False # First check if the URLs exist. ping_urls = [] for filename in files: if type(files[filename]) == type(''): ping_urls += [files[filename]] pinger = Ping(ping_urls) total_download_files = 0 total_download_bytes = 0 download_files = {} for filename in files: if type(files[filename]) == type(''): url = files[filename] filesize = pinger.ping_results[url][0] else: url = files[filename][0] filesize = files[filename][1] if filesize != None and (not cache or (cache and not os.path.exists( self.commons.rel2abs(filename)))): download_files[filename] = url total_download_files += 1 total_download_bytes += filesize else: download_files[filename] = None self.failed.set_pair('files', filename, [url]) if wait: self.no_delete.add(filename) self.download_info['total_download_files'] += total_download_files self.download_info['total_download_bytes'] += total_download_bytes self.downloads.update(download_files) if wait: w = True while w: ready = True for filename in files: if self.downloads[filename] != None: ready &= False if ready: w = False for filename in files: self.no_delete.discard(filename) fp_list = {} if openfiles: for filename in files: full_path = self.commons.rel2abs(filename) try: fp_list[filename] = open(full_path, filemode) except: fp_list[filename] = None # All files was added, now the download list can be cleaned. self.clean_downloads = True return fp_list