예제 #1
class Task(base.ResourceBase):

    identity = base.Field('Id', required=True)
    """The Task identity"""

    name = base.Field('Name', required=True)
    """The Task name"""

    description = base.Field('Description')
    """The Task description"""

    task_monitor = base.Field('TaskMonitor')
    """An opaque URL that the client can use to monitor an asynchronous

    start_time = base.Field('StartTime')
    """Start time of the Task"""

    end_time = base.Field('EndTime')
    """End time of the Task"""

    percent_complete = base.Field('PercentComplete', adapter=utils.int_or_none)
    """Percentage complete of the Task"""

    task_state = base.MappedField('TaskState', task_maps.TASK_STATE_VALUE_MAP)
    """The Task state"""

    task_status = base.MappedField('TaskStatus', res_maps.HEALTH_VALUE_MAP)
    """The Task status"""

    messages = base.MessageListField("Messages")
    """List of :class:`.MessageListField` with messages from the Task"""

    def __init__(self, connector, identity, redfish_version=None,
                 registries=None, json_doc=None):
        """A class representing a Task

        :param connector: A Connector instance
        :param identity: The identity of the task
        :param redfish_version: The version of RedFish. Used to construct
            the object according to schema of the given version.
        :param registries: Dict of Redfish Message Registry objects to be
            used in any resource that needs registries to parse messages
        :param field_data: the data to use populating the fields
        super(Task, self).__init__(
            connector, identity, redfish_version, registries,

    def is_processing(self):
        """Indicates if the Task is processing"""
        return self.status_code == http_client.ACCEPTED

    def parse_messages(self):
        """Parses the messages"""
        for m in self.messages:
            message_registry.parse_message(self._registries, m)
예제 #2
    def test_parse_message_bad_registry(self):
        conn = mock.Mock()
        with open('sushy/tests/unit/json_samples/message_registry.json') as f:
            conn.get.return_value.json.return_value = json.load(f)
        registry = message_registry.MessageRegistry(
            conn, '/redfish/v1/Registries/Test', redfish_version='1.0.2')
        registries = {'Test.1.0.0': registry}
        message_field = sushy_base.MessageListField('Foo')
        message_field.message_id = 'BadRegistry.TooBig'

        parsed_msg = message_registry.parse_message(registries, message_field)

        self.assertEqual(message_field, parsed_msg)
예제 #3
    def test_parse_message_fallback_to_basemessages(self):
        conn = mock.Mock()
        with open('sushy/tests/unit/json_samples/message_registry.json') as f:
            conn.get.return_value.json.return_value = json.load(f)
        registry = message_registry.MessageRegistry(
            conn, '/redfish/v1/Registries/Test', redfish_version='1.0.2')
        registries = {'BaseMessages': registry}
        message_field = sushy_base.MessageListField('Foo')
        message_field.message_id = 'Success'
        message_field.severity = res_cons.SEVERITY_OK
        message_field.resolution = 'Do nothing'

        parsed_msg = message_registry.parse_message(registries, message_field)

        self.assertEqual('Do nothing', parsed_msg.resolution)
        self.assertEqual(res_cons.SEVERITY_OK, parsed_msg.severity)
        self.assertEqual('Everything done successfully.', parsed_msg.message)
예제 #4
    def test_parse_message(self):
        conn = mock.Mock()
        with open('sushy/tests/unit/json_samples/message_registry.json') as f:
            conn.get.return_value.json.return_value = json.load(f)
        registry = message_registry.MessageRegistry(
            conn, '/redfish/v1/Registries/Test', redfish_version='1.0.2')
        registries = {'Test.1.0.0': registry}
        message_field = sushy_base.MessageListField('Foo')
        message_field.message_id = 'Test.1.0.0.TooBig'
        message_field.message_args = ['arg1', 10]
        message_field.severity = None
        message_field.resolution = None

        parsed_msg = message_registry.parse_message(registries, message_field)

        self.assertEqual('Try again', parsed_msg.resolution)
        self.assertEqual(res_cons.SEVERITY_WARNING, parsed_msg.severity)
        self.assertEqual('Property\'s arg1 value cannot be greater than 10.',
예제 #5
class SettingsField(base.CompositeField):
    """The settings of a resource

    Represents the future state and configuration of the resource. The
    field is added to resources that support future state and

    This field includes several properties to help clients monitor when
    the resource is consumed by the service and determine the results of
    applying the values, which may or may not have been successful.
    def __init__(self):
        super(SettingsField, self).__init__(path="@Redfish.Settings")

    time = base.Field('Time')
    """Indicates the time the settings were applied to the server"""

    _etag = base.Field('ETag')
    """The ETag of the resource to which the settings were applied,
    after the application

    _settings_object_idref = common.IdRefField("SettingsObject")
    """Reference to the resource the client may PUT/PATCH in order
    to change this resource

    _supported_apply_times = base.MappedListField(
        'SupportedApplyTimes', res_maps.APPLY_TIME_VALUE_MAP)
    """List of supported apply times"""

    def maintenance_window(self):
        """MaintenanceWindow field

        Indicates if a given resource has a maintenance window assignment
        for applying settings or operations
        LOG.warning('The @Redfish.MaintenanceWindow annotation does not '
                    'appear within @Redfish.Settings. Instead use the '
                    'maintenance_window property in the target resource '
                    '(e.g. System resource)')
        return None

    messages = base.MessageListField("Messages")
    """Represents the results of the last time the values of the Settings
    resource were applied to the server"""

    def operation_apply_time_support(self):
        """OperationApplyTimeSupport field

        Indicates if a client is allowed to request for a specific apply
        time of a create, delete, or action operation of a given resource
        LOG.warning('Redfish ApplyTime annotations do not appear within '
                    '@Redfish.Settings. Instead use the apply_time_settings '
                    'property in the target resource (e.g. Bios resource)')
        return None

    def commit(self, connector, value):
        """Commits new settings values

        The new values will be applied when the system or a service

        :param connector: A Connector instance
        :param value: Value representing JSON whose structure is specific
            to each resource and the caller must format it correctly

        connector.patch(self.resource_uri, data=value)

    def resource_uri(self):
        return self._settings_object_idref.resource_uri

    def get_status(self, registries):
        """Determines the status of last update based

        Uses message id-s and severity to determine the status.

        :param registries: registries to use to parse message
        :returns: :class:`.SettingsUpdate` object containing status
            and any messages

        if not self.time:
            return SettingsUpdate(NO_UPDATES, None)

        parsed_msgs = []
        for m in self.messages:
            parsed_msgs.append(message_registry.parse_message(registries, m))
        any_errors = any(m for m in parsed_msgs
                         if not m.severity == res_cons.SEVERITY_OK)

        if any_errors:
            status = UPDATE_FAILURE
            status = UPDATE_SUCCESS
        return SettingsUpdate(status, parsed_msgs)