예제 #1
def edges_matrix_normal(vertices, edges, faces, orientation):
    '''Matrix aligned with edge and edge normal (needs faces)'''
    origin, track = orientation
    direction = edges_direction(vertices, edges, out_numpy=False)
    center = edge_vertex(vertices, edges, origin)
    bm = bmesh_from_pydata(vertices, edges, faces, normal_update=True)
    normals = [tuple(face.normal) for face in bm.faces]
    ed_normals = edges_normal(vertices, normals, edges, faces)
    if track == 'Z':
        vals = vectors_center_axis_to_matrix(center, direction, ed_normals)
    if track == 'X':
        vals = vectors_center_axis_to_matrix(center, ed_normals, direction)
    return vals
예제 #2
def pols_matrix(vertices, edges, faces, orientation):
    origin, direc = orientation
    bm = bmesh_from_pydata(vertices, edges, faces, normal_update=True)
    normals = [Vector(face.normal) for face in bm.faces]
    centers = pols_origin_modes_dict[origin][1](bm.faces)
    tangents = tangent_modes_dict[direc][1](bm.faces)
    vals = vectors_center_axis_to_matrix(centers, normals, tangents)
    return vals
예제 #3
def edges_matrix_normal(vertices, edges, faces, orientation):
    Matrix aligned with edge and edge normal (needs faces)
    vertices: list as [vertex, vertex, ...], being each vertex [float, float, float].
    edges: list with edges [[int, int], [int,int]...]
    faces: list as [polygon, polygon,..], being each polygon [int, int, ...].
    orientation: contains origin track and up
    origin: String  that can be First, Center, Last
    track: String  that can be X, Y, Z, -X, -Y or -Z
    up: String  that can be X, Y, Z, -X, -Y or -Z
    outputs each edge matrix [matrix, matrix, matrix]
    origin, track = orientation
    direction = edges_direction(vertices, edges, out_numpy=False)
    center = edge_vertex(vertices, edges, origin)
    ed_normals = edges_normal(vertices, edges, faces)

    if track == 'Z':
        vals = vectors_center_axis_to_matrix(center, direction, ed_normals)
    if track == 'X':
        vals = vectors_center_axis_to_matrix(center, ed_normals, direction)
    return vals
예제 #4
def pols_matrix(vertices, faces, origin, direc):
    Matrix aligned with faces
    vertices: list as [vertex, vertex, ...], being each vertex [float, float, float].
    faces: list as [polygon, polygon,..], being each polygon [int, int, ...].
    orientation: contains origin and direction
    origin: String  that can be any key of pols_origin_modes_dict
    direction: String  that can be  any key of tangent_modes_dict
    outputs each polygon matrix [matrix, matrix, matrix]

    bm = bmesh_from_pydata(vertices, [], faces, normal_update=True)
    normals = [Vector(face.normal) for face in bm.faces]
    centers = pols_origin_modes_dict[origin][1](bm.faces)
    tangents = tangent_modes_dict[direc][1](bm.faces)
    vals = vectors_center_axis_to_matrix(centers, normals, tangents)
    return vals