def neighbours_to_svg(Prg, NeighBours, Spirals, Fname="svg_neighbours.html"): SvgObj = svg.obj_new() for CoordSpiralCenter, CoordsConnected in NeighBours.items(): for CoordConnected in CoordsConnected: # print(Fname, "Debug:", CoordSpiralCenter, CoordConnected) SpiralLen = len(Spirals[CoordSpiralCenter]) # Dash = str(SpiralLen) + "," + str(SpiralLen) svg.line(SvgObj, CoordSpiralCenter, CoordConnected, StrokeWidth=SpiralLen, HalfLine=True) # the dot has to cover the lines for CoordSpiralCenter, CoordsConnected in NeighBours.items():, CoordSpiralCenter, R=len(Spirals[CoordSpiralCenter])) svg.text(SvgObj, CoordSpiralCenter, str(CoordSpiralCenter), Color="green", ShiftXAbs=-20) SvgSrc = svg.pack(SvgObj) # print(SvgSrc) util.file_write(Prg, Fname=Fname, Content=SvgSrc)
def visualize(doc_id, segmentations, compare=[], tick_masses=None, highlight_masses=None): "Given segmentations, return an SVG visualization" [coders, mass_lists] = zip(*sorted(segmentations.items())) index_lists, m = masses_to_indexes(mass_lists) if tick_masses: tick_indexes, tick_m = masses_to_indexes(tick_masses) assert tick_m == m ticks = [ svg.tick(i) for i in tick_indexes[0] ] else: ticks = [] if highlight_masses: highlight_indexes, highlight_m = masses_to_indexes(highlight_masses) assert highlight_m == m offset = (0 if sum(highlight_masses[0][0::2]) > sum(highlight_masses[0][1::2]) else 1) highlights = [ svg.highlight(y,l) for y,l in zip([0] + highlight_indexes[0], highlight_masses[0])[offset::2] ] else: highlights = [] [lines,labels] = zip(*[ (svg.line(coder_index, coder, index, dashed=True), svg.label(coder_index, index, index)) for coder_index, coder in enumerate(coders) for index in index_lists[coder_index] ]) comparisons = list(chain(*[ comparison_lines(c, len(segmentations), m) for c in compare ])) return (svg.header(len(segmentations), m+1) + ''.join(highlights) + ''.join(ticks) + ''.join(lines) + ''.join(comparisons) + ''.join(labels) + svg.foot)
def comparison_lines(compare, length, right_m): segmentations, color = compare assert len(segmentations) == 1 [key] = segmentations.keys() masses = segmentations[key] [indexes], m = masses_to_indexes([masses]) assert m == right_m return [ svg.line(0, key, index, length=length, color=color, opacity='0.75') for index in indexes ]
def path_in_char_to_svg(Prg, Paths, Spirals, Fname="svg_paths_in_char.html"): SvgObj = svg.obj_new() # the dot has to cover the lines print("") print("Paths:", Paths) for Path in Paths: SpiralPrev = None for Spiral in Path: if SpiralPrev: svg.line(SvgObj, Spiral, SpiralPrev, StrokeWidth=5) print("path in char, svg, Spiral: ", Spiral), Spiral, R=len(Spirals[Spiral])) svg.text(SvgObj, Spiral, str(Spiral), Color="green", ShiftXAbs=-20) SpiralPrev = Spiral SvgSrc = svg.pack(SvgObj) # print(SvgSrc) util.file_write(Prg, Fname=Fname, Content=SvgSrc)
def write_slices(data, num_slices, output_path): """Découpe le modèle 3D en tranches et écrit le résultat dans des fichiers SVG. """ height = abs(data['zmax'] - data['zmin']) slices = [ data['zmin'] + i * height / (num_slices + 1) for i in range(1, num_slices + 1) ] for i, height in enumerate(slices): print('Création de la tranche numéro', i) path = os.path.join(output_path, 'slice_{}.svg'.format(i)) file_ = open(path, 'w') svg_width = int(abs(data['xmax'] - data['xmin'])) + 10 svg_height = int(abs(data['ymax'] - data['ymin'])) + 10 file_.write(header(svg_width, svg_height)) for triangle in data['triangles']: segment = [] for side in itertools.combinations(triangle.vertices, 2): if intersect(height, side): xa, ya, za = side[0].position xb, yb, zb = side[1].position if zb - za != 0: c = (height - za) / (zb - za) vertex = Vertex( (xa + c * (xb - xa), ya + c * (yb - ya), height)) segment.append(vertex) else: print('divide by 0') if len(segment) > 0: file_.write( line(segment[0].x - data['xmin'], segment[0].y - data['ymin'], segment[1].x - data['xmin'], segment[1].y - data['ymin'])) file_.write(footer()) file_.close()
def plotXYSVG(drawSpace, dataX, dataY, rank=0, dataLabel=[], plotColor = "black", axesColor="black", labelColor="black", symbolColor="red", XLabel=None, YLabel=None, title=None, fitcurve=None, connectdot=1, displayR=None, loadingPlot = 0, offset= (80, 20, 40, 60), zoom = 1, specialCases=[], showLabel = 1): 'displayR : correlation scatter plot, loadings : loading plot' dataXRanked, dataYRanked = webqtlUtil.calRank(dataX, dataY, len(dataX)) # Switching Ranked and Unranked X and Y values if a Spearman Rank Correlation if rank == 0: dataXPrimary = dataX dataYPrimary = dataY dataXAlt = dataXRanked dataYAlt = dataYRanked else: dataXPrimary = dataXRanked dataYPrimary = dataYRanked dataXAlt = dataX dataYAlt = dataY xLeftOffset, xRightOffset, yTopOffset, yBottomOffset = offset plotWidth = drawSpace.attributes['width'] - xLeftOffset - xRightOffset plotHeight = drawSpace.attributes['height'] - yTopOffset - yBottomOffset if plotHeight<=0 or plotWidth<=0: return if len(dataXPrimary) < 1 or len(dataXPrimary) != len(dataYPrimary) or (dataLabel and len(dataXPrimary) != len(dataLabel)): return max_X=max(dataXPrimary) min_X=min(dataXPrimary) max_Y=max(dataYPrimary) min_Y=min(dataYPrimary) #for some reason I forgot why I need to do this if loadingPlot: min_X = min(-0.1,min_X) max_X = max(0.1,max_X) min_Y = min(-0.1,min_Y) max_Y = max(0.1,max_Y) xLow, xTop, stepX=detScale(min_X,max_X) yLow, yTop, stepY=detScale(min_Y,max_Y) xScale = plotWidth/(xTop-xLow) yScale = plotHeight/(yTop-yLow) #draw drawing region r = svg.rect(xLeftOffset, yTopOffset, plotWidth, plotHeight, 'none', axesColor, 1) drawSpace.addElement(r) #calculate data points data = map(lambda X, Y: (X, Y), dataXPrimary, dataYPrimary) xCoord = map(lambda X, Y: ((X-xLow)*xScale + xLeftOffset, yTopOffset+plotHeight-(Y-yLow)*yScale), dataXPrimary, dataYPrimary) labelFontF = "verdana" labelFontS = 11 if loadingPlot: xZero = -xLow*xScale+xLeftOffset yZero = yTopOffset+plotHeight+yLow*yScale for point in xCoord: drawSpace.addElement(svg.line(xZero,yZero,point[0],point[1], "red", 1)) else: if connectdot: pass #drawSpace.drawPolygon(xCoord,edgeColor=plotColor,closed=0) else: pass for i, item in enumerate(xCoord): if dataLabel and dataLabel[i] in specialCases: drawSpace.addElement(svg.rect(item[0]-3, item[1]-3, 6, 6, "none", "green", 0.5)) #drawSpace.drawCross(item[0],item[1],,size=5) else: drawSpace.addElement(svg.line(item[0],item[1]+5,item[0],item[1]-5,symbolColor,1)) drawSpace.addElement(svg.line(item[0]+5,item[1],item[0]-5,item[1],symbolColor,1)) if showLabel and dataLabel: pass drawSpace.addElement(svg.text(item[0], item[1]+14, dataLabel[i], labelFontS, labelFontF, text_anchor="middle", style="stroke:blue;stroke-width:0.5;")) #canvas.drawString(, item[0]- canvas.stringWidth(dataLabel[i], # font=labelFont)/2, item[1]+14, font=labelFont, #draw scale #scaleFont=pid.Font(ttf="cour",size=14,bold=1) x=xLow for i in range(stepX+1): xc=xLeftOffset+(x-xLow)*xScale drawSpace.addElement(svg.line(xc,yTopOffset+plotHeight,xc,yTopOffset+plotHeight+5, axesColor, 1)) strX = cformat(d=x, rank=rank) drawSpace.addElement(svg.text(xc,yTopOffset+plotHeight+20,strX,13, "courier", text_anchor="middle")) x+= (xTop - xLow)/stepX y=yLow for i in range(stepY+1): yc=yTopOffset+plotHeight-(y-yLow)*yScale drawSpace.addElement(svg.line(xLeftOffset,yc,xLeftOffset-5,yc, axesColor, 1)) strY = cformat(d=y, rank=rank) drawSpace.addElement(svg.text(xLeftOffset-10,yc+5,strY,13, "courier", text_anchor="end")) y+= (yTop - yLow)/stepY #draw label labelFontF = "verdana" labelFontS = 17 if XLabel: drawSpace.addElement(svg.text(xLeftOffset+plotWidth/2.0, yTopOffset+plotHeight+yBottomOffset-10,XLabel, labelFontS, labelFontF, text_anchor="middle")) if YLabel: drawSpace.addElement(svg.text(xLeftOffset-50, yTopOffset+plotHeight/2,YLabel, labelFontS, labelFontF, text_anchor="middle", style="writing-mode:tb-rl", transform="rotate(270 %d %d)" % (xLeftOffset-50, yTopOffset+plotHeight/2))) #drawSpace.drawString(YLabel, xLeftOffset-50, yTopOffset+plotHeight- (plotHeight-drawSpace.stringWidth(YLabel,font=labelFont))/2.0, # font=labelFont,color=labelColor,angle=90) if fitcurve: sys.argv = [ "mod_python" ] #from numarray import linear_algebra as la #from numarray import ones, array, dot, swapaxes fitYY = array(dataYPrimary) fitXX = array([ones(len(dataXPrimary)),dataXPrimary]) AA = dot(fitXX,swapaxes(fitXX,0,1)) BB = dot(fitXX,fitYY) bb = la.linear_least_squares(AA,BB)[0] xc1 = xLeftOffset yc1 = yTopOffset+plotHeight-(bb[0]+bb[1]*xLow-yLow)*yScale if yc1 > yTopOffset+plotHeight: yc1 = yTopOffset+plotHeight xc1 = (yLow-bb[0])/bb[1] xc1=(xc1-xLow)*xScale+xLeftOffset elif yc1 < yTopOffset: yc1 = yTopOffset xc1 = (yTop-bb[0])/bb[1] xc1=(xc1-xLow)*xScale+xLeftOffset else: pass xc2 = xLeftOffset + plotWidth yc2 = yTopOffset+plotHeight-(bb[0]+bb[1]*xTop-yLow)*yScale if yc2 > yTopOffset+plotHeight: yc2 = yTopOffset+plotHeight xc2 = (yLow-bb[0])/bb[1] xc2=(xc2-xLow)*xScale+xLeftOffset elif yc2 < yTopOffset: yc2 = yTopOffset xc2 = (yTop-bb[0])/bb[1] xc2=(xc2-xLow)*xScale+xLeftOffset else: pass drawSpace.addElement(svg.line(xc1,yc1,xc2,yc2,"green", 1)) if displayR: labelFontF = "trebuc" labelFontS = 14 NNN = len(dataX) corr = webqtlUtil.calCorrelation(dataXPrimary,dataYPrimary,NNN)[0] if NNN < 3: corrPValue = 1.0 else: if abs(corr) >= 1.0: corrPValue = 0.0 else: ZValue = 0.5*log((1.0+corr)/(1.0-corr)) ZValue = ZValue*sqrt(NNN-3) corrPValue = 2.0*(1.0 - reaper.normp(abs(ZValue))) NStr = "N of Cases=%d" % NNN if rank == 1: corrStr = "Spearman's r=%1.3f P=%3.2E" % (corr, corrPValue) else: corrStr = "Pearson's r=%1.3f P=%3.2E" % (corr, corrPValue) drawSpace.addElement(svg.text(xLeftOffset,yTopOffset-10,NStr, labelFontS, labelFontF, text_anchor="start")) drawSpace.addElement(svg.text(xLeftOffset+plotWidth,yTopOffset-25,corrStr, labelFontS, labelFontF, text_anchor="end")) """ """ return
def makebarsvert(magnitudebenefit,saliencebenefit,magnitudecost,saliencecost): if c.swapsaliencemagnitude: tm = saliencebenefit[:] saliencebenefit = magnitudebenefit[:] magnitudebenefit = tm tm = saliencecost[:] saliencecost = magnitudecost[:] magnitudecost = tm #general variables t = 0 if c.centerlabel is not None: t = 50 out = svg.svg(width = 1000, height = 2250+t, viewbox='0 0 1000 2150') barwidth = 2050/(21+c.spacebars*2) chart = svg.g('transform="translate(0 %s)"' % t) out.add(chart) for cb in range(0,2): if c.centerlabel is not None: out.add(svg.text(c.centerlabel[1-cb], 250+(cb)*500, 25, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"')) if(cb==1): colors=c.colorsbenefit magnitude=magnitudebenefit salience=saliencebenefit else: magnitude=magnitudecost salience=saliencecost colors=c.colorscost #draw bars for i in range(0,21): h = barheight(magnitude[i]+c.includezeromagnitude) if(c.saliencebywidth==1): w = barwidth/(3+c.includezerosalience)*(salience[i]+c.includezerosalience) elif(c.saliencebywidth>1): w = barwidth/(c.saliencebywidth**3)*(c.saliencebywidth**salience[i]) else: w = barwidth if(c.saliencebycolor): s = ((salience[i]+c.includezerosalience)**c.saliencebycolor)/((3.0+c.includezerosalience)**c.saliencebycolor) else: s = 1 red,green,blue = colors[i//7] if(salience[i]>0 or c.includezerosalience): barlinecolor=(int(red*c.barlineshade),int(green*c.barlineshade),int(blue*c.barlineshade)) chart.add(svg.rect(500+(cb-1)*h,(i+(i//7)*c.spacebars)*barwidth+(barwidth-w)/2,h,w, fill='rgb(%s,%s,%s)' % (red,green,blue), stroke='rgb(%s,%s,%s)' % (barlinecolor[0],barlinecolor[1],barlinecolor[2]), strokewidth=c.barline, p='fill-opacity="%s"' % s)) #invisible link and tooltip box newrect = svg.rect(500+(cb-1)*c.textradius,(i+(i//7)*c.spacebars)*barwidth,c.textradius,barwidth, fill='white', p='fill-opacity="0.0"') newrect.add(svg.title(' %s: %s\n Magnitude %s\tSalience %s' % (c.indicatornames[i], c.indicatorfullnames[i], magnitude[i], salience[i]))) chart.add(newrect) #draw ygrid for i in range(0,c.maxvalue+c.includezeromagnitude+1): if(i==c.includezeromagnitude): w=5 else: w=1 if (c.ygrid or i==0): x2 = 0 else: x2 = 2050-c.ticksize chart.add(svg.line(500+barheight(i)*(cb-.5)*2,2050+c.ticksize,500+barheight(i)*(cb-.5)*2,x2,'black',w)) #draw xgrid dividers chart.add(svg.line(500-c.edgeradius,2050,500+c.edgeradius,2050,'black',5)) for i in range(0,21+c.spacebars*2): if (c.xgrid or (c.saliencebywidth and c.drawsaliencedividers)): chart.add(svg.line(500-c.edgeradius,barwidth*i,500+c.edgeradius,barwidth*i, 'black', 1)) elif(ticksize): chart.add(svg.line(500-c.ticksize,barwidth*i,500+c.ticksize,barwidth*i, 'black', 1)) #draw salience dividers and column headings for i in range(0,21): if(c.saliencebywidth and c.drawsaliencedividers): for j in range(1-c.includezerosalience,3): if(c.saliencebywidth>1): w = barwidth/2/(c.saliencebywidth**3)*(c.saliencebywidth**j) else: w = barwidth/2/(3+c.includezerosalience)*(j+c.includezerosalience) for k in [1,-1]: chart.add(svg.line(500-c.edgeradius,barwidth*(i+(i//7)+.5)+k*w,500+c.edgeradius,barwidth*(i+(i//7)+.5)+k*w, 'black', .5)) x = (500 - c.textradius) y = ((i+(i//7)*c.spacebars+.5)*barwidth) chart.add(svg.text(c.indicatornames[i], x, y, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"')) #draw magnitude legend if c.magnitudelegend: if c.swapsaliencemagnitude: te = 'Salience' else: te = 'Magnitude' mag=svg.g(p='transform="translate(0 2050)"') mag.add(svg.text(te, 500, 100, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"')) lastnumber=1 for i in range(0,c.maxvalue+c.includezeromagnitude+1): if (i-c.includezeromagnitude==0): mag.add(svg.text(i-c.includezeromagnitude,502-barheight(i),40, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"')) if (barheight(i)*2>c.font): mag.add(svg.text(i-c.includezeromagnitude,502+barheight(i), 40, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"')) elif (i-c.includezeromagnitude>0): # alternate top and bottom if axis lables too close mag.add(svg.text(i-c.includezeromagnitude, 502+barheight(i)*lastnumber,40, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"')) if (barheight(i)-barheight(i-1)>c.font): mag.add(svg.text(i-c.includezeromagnitude, 502-barheight(i)*lastnumber,40, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"')) else: lastnumber = lastnumber * -1 chart.add(mag) return out
def makemagnitudelegend(): angles = [-math.pi/2,math.pi/2] wedgeangle = math.pi*2/21 out = svg.svg(width=250, height=1000, viewbox='0 0 250 1000') x = (500 + math.cos(angles[0])*c.textradius) y = (500 + math.sin(angles[0])*c.textradius) if c.swapsaliencemagnitude: te = 'Salience:' else: te = 'Magnitude:' out.add(svg.text(te, 125, 25, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"')) for angle in angles: x1 = (125 + math.cos(angle+wedgeangle/2)*c.centerradius) y1 = (500 + math.sin(angle+wedgeangle/2)*c.centerradius) x2 = (125 + math.cos(angle+wedgeangle/2)*c.textradius) y2 = (500 + math.sin(angle+wedgeangle/2)*c.textradius) x3 = (125 + math.cos(angle-wedgeangle/2)*c.textradius) y3 = (500 + math.sin(angle-wedgeangle/2)*c.textradius) x4 = (125 + math.cos(angle-wedgeangle/2)*c.centerradius) y4 = (500 + math.sin(angle-wedgeangle/2)*c.centerradius) out.add(svg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'black', 2)) out.add(svg.line(x3, y3, x4, y4, 'black', 2)) if(c.drawsaliencedividers): x1 = (125 + math.cos(angle)*c.centerradius) y1 = (500 + math.sin(angle)*c.centerradius) x2 = (125 + math.cos(angle)*c.edgeradius) y2 = (500 + math.sin(angle)*c.edgeradius) out.add(svg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'black', .5)) for j in range(1-c.includezerosalience,3): if(c.saliencebywidth>1): wedgewidth = wedgeangle/2/(c.saliencebywidth**3)*(c.saliencebywidth**j) else: wedgewidth = wedgeangle/2/(3+c.includezerosalience)*(j+c.includezerosalience) x1 = (125 + math.cos(angle-wedgewidth)*c.centerradius) y1 = (500 + math.sin(angle-wedgewidth)*c.centerradius) x2 = (125 + math.cos(angle-wedgewidth)*c.edgeradius) y2 = (500 + math.sin(angle-wedgewidth)*c.edgeradius) out.add(svg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'black', .5)) x1 = (125 + math.cos(angle+wedgewidth)*c.centerradius) y1 = (500 + math.sin(angle+wedgewidth)*c.centerradius) x2 = (125 + math.cos(angle+wedgewidth)*c.edgeradius) y2 = (500 + math.sin(angle+wedgewidth)*c.edgeradius) out.add(svg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'black', .5)) for i in range(0,c.maxvalue+c.includezeromagnitude+1): if(i==c.includezeromagnitude): w=5 else: w=1 r=ringradii(i) x1 = (125 + math.cos(angle+wedgeangle/1.5)*r) y1 = (500 + math.sin(angle+wedgeangle/1.5)*r) x2 = (125 + math.cos(angle-wedgeangle/1.5)*r) y2 = (500 + math.sin(angle-wedgeangle/1.5)*r) d = 'M %s,%s A %s,%s 0 0,0 %s,%s' % (x1,y1,r,r,x2,y2) out.add(svg.path(d, stroke='black', strokewidth=w)) y = y1 if(i%2==0): x = x2 + 10*angle else: x = x1 - 10*angle if(i-c.includezeromagnitude>=0): out.add(svg.text(i-c.includezeromagnitude, x, y, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"')) return out
def makecircle(magnitude, salience, benefit=1): if c.swapsaliencemagnitude: tm = salience[:] salience = magnitude[:] magnitude = tm #general variables indicatorseparatorangles = [-math.pi*2/21*i + math.pi/21 for i in range(0,22)] indicatorcenterangles = [-math.pi*2/21*i for i in range(0,21)] wedgeangle = math.pi*2/21 out = svg.svg(width=1000, height=1000+100*c.saliencelegend, viewbox='0 0 1000 1%d00' % (1*c.saliencelegend==True)) if(benefit): colors=c.colorsbenefit else: colors=c.colorscost if c.centerlabel is not None: out.add(svg.text(c.centerlabel[1-benefit], 500, 500, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"')) #draw wedges for i in range(0,21): r = ringradii(magnitude[i]+c.includezeromagnitude) if(c.saliencebywidth==1): wedgewidth = wedgeangle/2/(3+c.includezerosalience)*(salience[i]+c.includezerosalience) elif(c.saliencebywidth>1): wedgewidth = wedgeangle/2/(saliencebywidth**3)*(c.saliencebywidth**salience[i]) else: wedgewidth = wedgeangle/2 x1 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i]+wedgewidth)*c.centerradius) y1 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i]+wedgewidth)*c.centerradius) x2 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i]+wedgewidth)*r) y2 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i]+wedgewidth)*r) x3 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i]-wedgewidth)*r) y3 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i]-wedgewidth)*r) x4 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i]-wedgewidth)*c.centerradius) y4 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i]-wedgewidth)*c.centerradius) if(c.saliencebycolor): s = ((salience[i]+c.includezerosalience)**c.saliencebycolor)/((3.0+c.includezerosalience)**c.saliencebycolor) else: s = 1 red,green,blue = colors[i//7] d = 'M %s,%s L %s,%s A %s,%s 0 0,0 %s,%s L %s,%s A %s,%s 0 0,1 %s,%s' % (x1,y1,x2,y2,r,r,x3,y3,x4,y4,c.centerradius,c.centerradius,x1,y1) if(salience[i]>0 or c.includezerosalience): out.add(svg.path(d, fill='rgb(%s,%s,%s)' % (red,green,blue), p='fill-opacity="%s"' % s)) #draw dividers and text for i in range(0,21): if(c.saliencebywidth and c.drawsaliencedividers): x1 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i])*c.centerradius) y1 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i])*c.centerradius) x2 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i])*c.edgeradius) y2 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i])*c.edgeradius) out.add(svg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'black', .5)) for j in range(1-c.includezerosalience,3): if(c.saliencebywidth>1): wedgewidth = wedgeangle/2/(c.saliencebywidth**3)*(c.saliencebywidth**j) else: wedgewidth = wedgeangle/2/(3+c.includezerosalience)*(j+c.includezerosalience) for k in [1,-1]: x1 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i]+wedgewidth*k)*c.centerradius) y1 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i]+wedgewidth*k)*c.centerradius) x2 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i]+wedgewidth*k)*c.edgeradius) y2 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i]+wedgewidth*k)*c.edgeradius) out.add(svg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'black', .5)) #invisible link and tooltip box x1 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i]+wedgeangle/2)*c.centerradius) y1 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i]+wedgeangle/2)*c.centerradius) x2 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i]+wedgeangle/2)*c.textradius+25) y2 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i]+wedgeangle/2)*c.textradius+25) x3 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i]-wedgeangle/2)*c.textradius+25) y3 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i]-wedgeangle/2)*c.textradius+25) x4 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i]-wedgeangle/2)*c.centerradius) y4 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i]-wedgeangle/2)*c.centerradius) d = 'M %s,%s L %s,%s L %s,%s L %s,%s z' % (x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4) newpath = svg.path(d, fill='white', p='fill-opacity="0.0"') newpath.add(svg.title(' %s: %s\n Magnitude %s\tSalience %s' % (c.indicatornames[i], c.indicatorfullnames[i], magnitude[i], salience[i]))) out.add(newpath) x = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i])*c.textradius) y = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i])*c.textradius) out.add(svg.text(c.indicatornames[i], x, y, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"')) # draw dividers x1 = 500 + math.cos(indicatorseparatorangles[i])*c.centerradius y1 = 500 + math.sin(indicatorseparatorangles[i])*c.centerradius if(i % 7 == 0): x2 = 500 + math.cos(indicatorseparatorangles[i])*(c.textradius+25) y2 = 500 + math.sin(indicatorseparatorangles[i])*(c.textradius+25) out.add(svg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'black', 10)) elif (c.xgrid or (c.saliencebywidth and c.drawsaliencedividers)): x2 = 500 + math.cos(indicatorseparatorangles[i])*(c.textradius) y2 = 500 + math.sin(indicatorseparatorangles[i])*(c.textradius) out.add(svg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'black', 2)) #draw rings for i in range(0,c.maxvalue+c.includezeromagnitude+1): if(i==c.includezeromagnitude): w=5 out.add('500','500',ringradii(i),'black',w,'none')) elif (c.ygrid or i==0): w=1 out.add('500','500',ringradii(i),'black',w,'none')) return out
def makebarsvert(magnitudebenefit, saliencebenefit, magnitudecost, saliencecost): if c.swapsaliencemagnitude: tm = saliencebenefit[:] saliencebenefit = magnitudebenefit[:] magnitudebenefit = tm tm = saliencecost[:] saliencecost = magnitudecost[:] magnitudecost = tm #general variables t = 0 if c.centerlabel is not None: t = 50 out = svg.svg(width=1000, height=2250 + t, viewbox='0 0 1000 2150') barwidth = 2050 / (21 + c.spacebars * 2) chart = svg.g('transform="translate(0 %s)"' % t) out.add(chart) for cb in range(0, 2): if c.centerlabel is not None: out.add( svg.text( c.centerlabel[1 - cb], 250 + (cb) * 500, 25, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"') ) if (cb == 1): colors = c.colorsbenefit magnitude = magnitudebenefit salience = saliencebenefit else: magnitude = magnitudecost salience = saliencecost colors = c.colorscost #draw bars for i in range(0, 21): h = barheight(magnitude[i] + c.includezeromagnitude) if (c.saliencebywidth == 1): w = barwidth / (3 + c.includezerosalience) * ( salience[i] + c.includezerosalience) elif (c.saliencebywidth > 1): w = barwidth / (c.saliencebywidth**3) * (c.saliencebywidth** salience[i]) else: w = barwidth if (c.saliencebycolor): s = ((salience[i] + c.includezerosalience)** c.saliencebycolor) / ( (3.0 + c.includezerosalience)**c.saliencebycolor) else: s = 1 red, green, blue = colors[i // 7] if (salience[i] > 0 or c.includezerosalience): barlinecolor = (int(red * c.barlineshade), int(green * c.barlineshade), int(blue * c.barlineshade)) chart.add( svg.rect( 500 + (cb - 1) * h, (i + (i // 7) * c.spacebars) * barwidth + (barwidth - w) / 2, h, w, fill='rgb(%s,%s,%s)' % (red, green, blue), stroke='rgb(%s,%s,%s)' % (barlinecolor[0], barlinecolor[1], barlinecolor[2]), strokewidth=c.barline, p='fill-opacity="%s"' % s)) #invisible link and tooltip box newrect = svg.rect(500 + (cb - 1) * c.textradius, (i + (i // 7) * c.spacebars) * barwidth, c.textradius, barwidth, fill='white', p='fill-opacity="0.0"') newrect.add( svg.title(' %s: %s\n Magnitude %s\tSalience %s' % (c.indicatornames[i], c.indicatorfullnames[i], magnitude[i], salience[i]))) chart.add(newrect) #draw ygrid for i in range(0, c.maxvalue + c.includezeromagnitude + 1): if (i == c.includezeromagnitude): w = 5 else: w = 1 if (c.ygrid or i == 0): x2 = 0 else: x2 = 2050 - c.ticksize chart.add( svg.line(500 + barheight(i) * (cb - .5) * 2, 2050 + c.ticksize, 500 + barheight(i) * (cb - .5) * 2, x2, 'black', w)) #draw xgrid dividers chart.add( svg.line(500 - c.edgeradius, 2050, 500 + c.edgeradius, 2050, 'black', 5)) for i in range(0, 21 + c.spacebars * 2): if (c.xgrid or (c.saliencebywidth and c.drawsaliencedividers)): chart.add( svg.line(500 - c.edgeradius, barwidth * i, 500 + c.edgeradius, barwidth * i, 'black', 1)) elif (ticksize): chart.add( svg.line(500 - c.ticksize, barwidth * i, 500 + c.ticksize, barwidth * i, 'black', 1)) #draw salience dividers and column headings for i in range(0, 21): if (c.saliencebywidth and c.drawsaliencedividers): for j in range(1 - c.includezerosalience, 3): if (c.saliencebywidth > 1): w = barwidth / 2 / (c.saliencebywidth** 3) * (c.saliencebywidth**j) else: w = barwidth / 2 / (3 + c.includezerosalience) * ( j + c.includezerosalience) for k in [1, -1]: chart.add( svg.line(500 - c.edgeradius, barwidth * (i + (i // 7) + .5) + k * w, 500 + c.edgeradius, barwidth * (i + (i // 7) + .5) + k * w, 'black', .5)) x = (500 - c.textradius) y = ((i + (i // 7) * c.spacebars + .5) * barwidth) chart.add( svg.text( c.indicatornames[i], x, y, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"')) #draw magnitude legend if c.magnitudelegend: if c.swapsaliencemagnitude: te = 'Salience' else: te = 'Magnitude' mag = svg.g(p='transform="translate(0 2050)"') mag.add( svg.text( te, 500, 100, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"')) lastnumber = 1 for i in range(0, c.maxvalue + c.includezeromagnitude + 1): if (i - c.includezeromagnitude == 0): mag.add( svg.text( i - c.includezeromagnitude, 502 - barheight(i), 40, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"' )) if (barheight(i) * 2 > c.font): mag.add( svg.text( i - c.includezeromagnitude, 502 + barheight(i), 40, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"' )) elif (i - c.includezeromagnitude > 0): # alternate top and bottom if axis lables too close mag.add( svg.text( i - c.includezeromagnitude, 502 + barheight(i) * lastnumber, 40, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"' )) if (barheight(i) - barheight(i - 1) > c.font): mag.add( svg.text( i - c.includezeromagnitude, 502 - barheight(i) * lastnumber, 40, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"' )) else: lastnumber = lastnumber * -1 chart.add(mag) return out
def makemagnitudelegend(): angles = [-math.pi / 2, math.pi / 2] wedgeangle = math.pi * 2 / 21 out = svg.svg(width=250, height=1000, viewbox='0 0 250 1000') x = (500 + math.cos(angles[0]) * c.textradius) y = (500 + math.sin(angles[0]) * c.textradius) if c.swapsaliencemagnitude: te = 'Salience:' else: te = 'Magnitude:' out.add( svg.text(te, 125, 25, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"')) for angle in angles: x1 = (125 + math.cos(angle + wedgeangle / 2) * c.centerradius) y1 = (500 + math.sin(angle + wedgeangle / 2) * c.centerradius) x2 = (125 + math.cos(angle + wedgeangle / 2) * c.textradius) y2 = (500 + math.sin(angle + wedgeangle / 2) * c.textradius) x3 = (125 + math.cos(angle - wedgeangle / 2) * c.textradius) y3 = (500 + math.sin(angle - wedgeangle / 2) * c.textradius) x4 = (125 + math.cos(angle - wedgeangle / 2) * c.centerradius) y4 = (500 + math.sin(angle - wedgeangle / 2) * c.centerradius) out.add(svg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'black', 2)) out.add(svg.line(x3, y3, x4, y4, 'black', 2)) if (c.drawsaliencedividers): x1 = (125 + math.cos(angle) * c.centerradius) y1 = (500 + math.sin(angle) * c.centerradius) x2 = (125 + math.cos(angle) * c.edgeradius) y2 = (500 + math.sin(angle) * c.edgeradius) out.add(svg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'black', .5)) for j in range(1 - c.includezerosalience, 3): if (c.saliencebywidth > 1): wedgewidth = wedgeangle / 2 / (c.saliencebywidth** 3) * (c.saliencebywidth**j) else: wedgewidth = wedgeangle / 2 / ( 3 + c.includezerosalience) * (j + c.includezerosalience) x1 = (125 + math.cos(angle - wedgewidth) * c.centerradius) y1 = (500 + math.sin(angle - wedgewidth) * c.centerradius) x2 = (125 + math.cos(angle - wedgewidth) * c.edgeradius) y2 = (500 + math.sin(angle - wedgewidth) * c.edgeradius) out.add(svg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'black', .5)) x1 = (125 + math.cos(angle + wedgewidth) * c.centerradius) y1 = (500 + math.sin(angle + wedgewidth) * c.centerradius) x2 = (125 + math.cos(angle + wedgewidth) * c.edgeradius) y2 = (500 + math.sin(angle + wedgewidth) * c.edgeradius) out.add(svg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'black', .5)) for i in range(0, c.maxvalue + c.includezeromagnitude + 1): if (i == c.includezeromagnitude): w = 5 else: w = 1 r = ringradii(i) x1 = (125 + math.cos(angle + wedgeangle / 1.5) * r) y1 = (500 + math.sin(angle + wedgeangle / 1.5) * r) x2 = (125 + math.cos(angle - wedgeangle / 1.5) * r) y2 = (500 + math.sin(angle - wedgeangle / 1.5) * r) d = 'M %s,%s A %s,%s 0 0,0 %s,%s' % (x1, y1, r, r, x2, y2) out.add(svg.path(d, stroke='black', strokewidth=w)) y = y1 if (i % 2 == 0): x = x2 + 10 * angle else: x = x1 - 10 * angle if (i - c.includezeromagnitude >= 0): out.add( svg.text( i - c.includezeromagnitude, x, y, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"' )) return out
def makecircle(magnitude, salience, benefit=1): if c.swapsaliencemagnitude: tm = salience[:] salience = magnitude[:] magnitude = tm #general variables indicatorseparatorangles = [ -math.pi * 2 / 21 * i + math.pi / 21 for i in range(0, 22) ] indicatorcenterangles = [-math.pi * 2 / 21 * i for i in range(0, 21)] wedgeangle = math.pi * 2 / 21 out = svg.svg(width=1000, height=1000 + 100 * c.saliencelegend, viewbox='0 0 1000 1%d00' % (1 * c.saliencelegend == True)) if (benefit): colors = c.colorsbenefit else: colors = c.colorscost if c.centerlabel is not None: out.add( svg.text( c.centerlabel[1 - benefit], 500, 500, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"')) #draw wedges for i in range(0, 21): r = ringradii(magnitude[i] + c.includezeromagnitude) if (c.saliencebywidth == 1): wedgewidth = wedgeangle / 2 / (3 + c.includezerosalience) * ( salience[i] + c.includezerosalience) elif (c.saliencebywidth > 1): wedgewidth = wedgeangle / 2 / (saliencebywidth**3) * ( c.saliencebywidth**salience[i]) else: wedgewidth = wedgeangle / 2 x1 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i] + wedgewidth) * c.centerradius) y1 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i] + wedgewidth) * c.centerradius) x2 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i] + wedgewidth) * r) y2 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i] + wedgewidth) * r) x3 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i] - wedgewidth) * r) y3 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i] - wedgewidth) * r) x4 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i] - wedgewidth) * c.centerradius) y4 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i] - wedgewidth) * c.centerradius) if (c.saliencebycolor): s = ((salience[i] + c.includezerosalience)**c.saliencebycolor) / ( (3.0 + c.includezerosalience)**c.saliencebycolor) else: s = 1 red, green, blue = colors[i // 7] d = 'M %s,%s L %s,%s A %s,%s 0 0,0 %s,%s L %s,%s A %s,%s 0 0,1 %s,%s' % ( x1, y1, x2, y2, r, r, x3, y3, x4, y4, c.centerradius, c.centerradius, x1, y1) if (salience[i] > 0 or c.includezerosalience): out.add( svg.path(d, fill='rgb(%s,%s,%s)' % (red, green, blue), p='fill-opacity="%s"' % s)) #draw dividers and text for i in range(0, 21): if (c.saliencebywidth and c.drawsaliencedividers): x1 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i]) * c.centerradius) y1 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i]) * c.centerradius) x2 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i]) * c.edgeradius) y2 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i]) * c.edgeradius) out.add(svg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'black', .5)) for j in range(1 - c.includezerosalience, 3): if (c.saliencebywidth > 1): wedgewidth = wedgeangle / 2 / (c.saliencebywidth** 3) * (c.saliencebywidth**j) else: wedgewidth = wedgeangle / 2 / ( 3 + c.includezerosalience) * (j + c.includezerosalience) for k in [1, -1]: x1 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i] + wedgewidth * k) * c.centerradius) y1 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i] + wedgewidth * k) * c.centerradius) x2 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i] + wedgewidth * k) * c.edgeradius) y2 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i] + wedgewidth * k) * c.edgeradius) out.add(svg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'black', .5)) #invisible link and tooltip box x1 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i] + wedgeangle / 2) * c.centerradius) y1 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i] + wedgeangle / 2) * c.centerradius) x2 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i] + wedgeangle / 2) * c.textradius + 25) y2 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i] + wedgeangle / 2) * c.textradius + 25) x3 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i] - wedgeangle / 2) * c.textradius + 25) y3 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i] - wedgeangle / 2) * c.textradius + 25) x4 = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i] - wedgeangle / 2) * c.centerradius) y4 = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i] - wedgeangle / 2) * c.centerradius) d = 'M %s,%s L %s,%s L %s,%s L %s,%s z' % (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) newpath = svg.path(d, fill='white', p='fill-opacity="0.0"') newpath.add( svg.title(' %s: %s\n Magnitude %s\tSalience %s' % (c.indicatornames[i], c.indicatorfullnames[i], magnitude[i], salience[i]))) out.add(newpath) x = (500 + math.cos(indicatorcenterangles[i]) * c.textradius) y = (500 + math.sin(indicatorcenterangles[i]) * c.textradius) out.add( svg.text( c.indicatornames[i], x, y, fontsize=c.font, p='style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle"')) # draw dividers x1 = 500 + math.cos(indicatorseparatorangles[i]) * c.centerradius y1 = 500 + math.sin(indicatorseparatorangles[i]) * c.centerradius if (i % 7 == 0): x2 = 500 + math.cos( indicatorseparatorangles[i]) * (c.textradius + 25) y2 = 500 + math.sin( indicatorseparatorangles[i]) * (c.textradius + 25) out.add(svg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'black', 10)) elif (c.xgrid or (c.saliencebywidth and c.drawsaliencedividers)): x2 = 500 + math.cos(indicatorseparatorangles[i]) * (c.textradius) y2 = 500 + math.sin(indicatorseparatorangles[i]) * (c.textradius) out.add(svg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'black', 2)) #draw rings for i in range(0, c.maxvalue + c.includezeromagnitude + 1): if (i == c.includezeromagnitude): w = 5 out.add('500', '500', ringradii(i), 'black', w, 'none')) elif (c.ygrid or i == 0): w = 1 out.add('500', '500', ringradii(i), 'black', w, 'none')) return out