def build_avatar_component(path, icon_size=None, avatar_size=None): icon_size = icon_size or (215, 215) avatar_component_size = avatar_size or (899.2, 1415.7) scale_factor = icon_size[1] / avatar_component_size[1] x_to_center = (icon_size[0] / 2) - ((avatar_component_size[0] * scale_factor) / 2) svg = SVG(f'{COMPONENT_BASE}{path}') if path.startswith('Wallpaper'): src = transform.fromfile(f'{COMPONENT_BASE}{path}') # TODO: Consider width aswell... # if src.width != None: # src_width = float(re.sub('[^0-9]','', src.width)) # else: # src_width = 900 if src.height is not None: src_height = float(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', src.height)) else: src_height = 1415 scale_factor = icon_size[1] / src_height svg = svg.scale(scale_factor) if not path.startswith('Wallpaper'): svg = svg.scale(scale_factor) svg = svg.move(x_to_center, 0) return svg
def string_to_compose(string): """Convert an SVG string to a ``svgutils.compose.SVG``.""" from svgutils.compose import SVG from svgutils.transform import fromstring svg_figure = fromstring(string) element = SVG() element.root = svg_figure.getroot().root return element, list(map(float, svg_figure.get_size()))
def build_avatar_component(path, icon_size=None, avatar_size=None): icon_size = icon_size or (215, 215) avatar_component_size = avatar_size or (899.2, 1415.7) scale_factor = icon_size[1] / avatar_component_size[1] x_to_center = (icon_size[0] / 2) - ((avatar_component_size[0] * scale_factor) / 2) svg = SVG(f'{COMPONENT_BASE}{path}').scale(scale_factor).move(x_to_center, 0) return svg
def build_temporary_avatar_component( icon_size=None, avatar_size=None, primary_color='#18C708', secondary_color='#FFF', component_type='cardigan', component_category='clothing' ): from .models import BaseAvatar icon_size = icon_size or BaseAvatar.ICON_SIZE avatar_component_size = avatar_size or (899.2, 1415.7) scale_factor = icon_size[1] / avatar_component_size[1] x_to_center = (icon_size[0] / 2) - ((avatar_component_size[0] * scale_factor) / 2) payload = { 'category': component_category, 'item': component_type, 'primary_color': primary_color, 'secondary_color': secondary_color } with NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+') as tmp: svg_data = get_svg_template(**payload) tmp.write(str(svg_data)) svg = SVG(, 0) return svg
def __init__(self, width_or_filename, height=None, *svgelements): if height is None: # some pretty hacky code to autodetect height assert len(svgelements) == 0 svgfigure = svgutils.transform.fromfile(width_or_filename) svg = SVG(width_or_filename).scale(1) # scale of 1 converts to an Element super(Element, self).__init__(self._parse_string_dimension(svgfigure.width), self._parse_string_dimension(svgfigure.height), svg) else: super(Element, self).__init__(width_or_filename, height, *svgelements)
def build_avatar_component(path, icon_size=None, avatar_size=None): from .models import BaseAvatar icon_size = icon_size or BaseAvatar.ICON_SIZE avatar_component_size = avatar_size or (899.2, 1415.7) scale_factor = icon_size[1] / avatar_component_size[1] x_to_center = (icon_size[0] / 2) - ( (avatar_component_size[0] * scale_factor) / 2) svg = SVG(f'{COMPONENT_BASE}{path}') if path.startswith('Wallpaper') or path.startswith('Makeup'): src = transform.fromfile(f'{COMPONENT_BASE}{path}') if src.width is not None: src_width = float(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', src.width)) else: src_width = 900 if src.height is not None: src_height = float(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', src.height)) else: src_height = 1415 scale_factor = icon_size[1] / src_height if path.startswith('Makeup'): scale_factor = scale_factor / 2 svg = svg.scale(scale_factor) if path.startswith('Makeup'): x_to_center = (icon_size[0] / 2) - ((src_width * scale_factor) / 2) svg = svg.move(x_to_center, src_height * scale_factor / 2) if not path.startswith('Wallpaper') and not path.startswith('Makeup'): svg = svg.scale(scale_factor) svg = svg.move(x_to_center, 0) return svg
def plot_locus(grange, groupby, cellannot, files, size_factor='rdepth', tag='RG', mapq=10, frames_before=None, frames_after=None, normalize=True,, add_total=True, style='fill', binsize=50, binarize=False, frame_width=40, add_labels=True, width_overlap=18., extend_window=0, save=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(grange, dict): names = [k for k in grange] ranges = [grange[k] for k in grange] elif not isinstance(grange, list): ranges = [grange] names = [''] elif isinstance(grange, list): names = [''] * len(grange) ranges = granges if frames_before is None: frames_before = Frame() if extend_window > 0: ranges = [_extend(gr, extend_window) for gr in ranges] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: for i, (name, gr) in enumerate(zip(names, ranges)): sct = SingleCellTracks(cellannot, files, size_factor=size_factor, tag=tag, mapq=mapq) frame = copy.deepcopy(frames_before)['title'] = name fig = sct.plot(gr, groupby, frames_before=frame, frames_after=frames_after, normalize=normalize, palettes=palettes, add_total=add_total, style=style, binsize=binsize, add_labels=add_labels if i == (len(names) - 1) else False, binarize=binarize, **kwargs) fig.savefig(os.path.join(tmpdir, f'{name}_{gr}.svg')) panel = SVG(os.path.join(tmpdir, f'{name}_{gr}.svg')) width, height = panel.width, panel.height composite_figure = Figure( f"{(width-width_overlap)*len(names)+width_overlap}pt", f"{height}pt", *[ SVG(os.path.join(tmpdir, f'{name}_{gr}.svg')).move( (width - width_overlap) * i, 0) for i, (name, gr) in enumerate(zip(names, ranges)) ]) if save is not None: os.makedirs(save.split('.')[0], exist_ok=True) for name, gr in zip(names, ranges): shutil.copy(os.path.join(tmpdir, f'{name}_{gr}.svg'), save.split('.')[0]) return composite_figure
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8 from sys import argv from svgutils.compose import Figure, SVG Figure( 20, 20, SVG(argv[1]), SVG(argv[2]), ).save(argv[3])
def pyx_script_pmsm(ad, best_chromosome, best_idx, Q, p, proj_name): if proj_name is None: name = 'Q%dp%didx%d' % (Q, p, best_idx) else: name = 'Q%dp%didx%d%s' % (Q, p, best_idx, proj_name) # output location 1 filename_cross_sectional_view = "../_pemd2020/%s.svg" % ( "Figure_selected_optimal_design_%s" % (name)) # output location 2 filename_cross_sectional_view = ad.solver.output_dir + "%s.svg" % ( "Figure_selected_optimal_design_%s" % (name)) # output location 3 filename_cross_sectional_view = '../release/' + "%s.svg" % ( "Figure_selected_optimal_design_%s" % (name)) # Plot cross section view import bearingless_spmsm_design spmsm_best = bearingless_spmsm_design.bearingless_spmsm_design( spmsm_template=ad.spec.acm_template, x_denorm=best_chromosome[:-3], counter=999, counter_loop=1) spmsm_best.ID = name import VanGogh tool_tikz = VanGogh.VanGogh_TikZPlotter() spmsm_best.draw_spmsm( tool_tikz, bool_pyx=True) # collecting track_path list for tool_tikz # 就算可以直接画出来,也只有最小部分而已,没有做镜像和旋转! # tool_tikz.c.writePDFfile("../test"+proj_name) # tool_tikz.c.writeEPSfile("Figure_selected_optimal_design_%s"%(name)) tool_tikz.c.writePDFfile(filename_cross_sectional_view[:-4]) tool_tikz.c.writeSVGfile("../a") # print('Write to pdf file:', "../test"+proj_name) # raise Exception('DEBUG HERE') tool_tikz.c = pyx.canvas.canvas() # Use tool_tikz.track_path to redraw the model def redraw_cross_section_outline_with_pyx(tool_tikz, no_repeat_stator, no_repeat_rotor, mm_rotor_outer_radius, mm_air_gap_length, mm_rotor_outer_steel_radius, mm_rotor_inner_radius): # PyX tool_tikz.c = pyx.canvas.canvas( ) # clear the canvas because we want to redraw 90 deg with the data tool_tikz.track_path print('Index | Path data') p_stator = None #pyx.path.path() p_rotor = None #pyx.path.path() for index, path in enumerate( tool_tikz.track_path ): # track_path is passed by reference and is changed by mirror # Failed to fill the closed path, because there is no arc-like path available. # p = pyx.path.line(4, 0, 5, 0) << pyx.path.line(5, 0, 5, 1) << pyx.path.line(5, 1, 4, 1) # p.append(path.closepath()) # tool_tikz.c.stroke(p) # tool_tikz.c.stroke(path.rect(0, 0, 1, 1), [, #, # pyx.deco.filled([])]) path_mirror = deepcopy(path) # for mirror copy (along x-axis) path_mirror[1] = path[1] * -1 path_mirror[3] = path[3] * -1 # for mirror copy (along y-axis) # path_mirror[0] = path[0]*-1 # path_mirror[2] = path[2]*-1 bool_exclude_path = False # rotate path and plot if is_at_stator(path, mm_rotor_outer_radius, mm_air_gap_length): Q = no_repeat_stator else: Q = no_repeat_rotor * 2 EPS = 1e-6 if is_at_stator(path, mm_rotor_outer_radius, mm_air_gap_length): # 按照Eric的要求,把不必要的线给删了。 if abs(path[1] + path[3]) < EPS: # 镜像对称线 bool_exclude_path = True if abs(path[0] - path[2]) + np.cos( 2 * np.pi / Q / 2) < EPS: # 旋转对称线(特别情况,tan(90°) = ∞ bool_exclude_path = True else: if abs( abs((path[1] - path[3]) / (path[0] - path[2])) - abs(np.tan(2 * np.pi / Q / 2))) < EPS: # 旋转对称线 bool_exclude_path = True if not is_at_stator(path, mm_rotor_outer_radius, mm_air_gap_length): # 按照Eric的要求,把不必要的线给删了。 if (abs(np.sqrt(path[0]**2+path[1]**2) - mm_rotor_inner_radius)<EPS or abs(np.sqrt(path[2]**2+path[3]**2) - mm_rotor_inner_radius)<EPS) \ and (len(path)==4): # 转子铁芯内径到外径的直线(len(path)==4) bool_exclude_path = True # # 特别的是,画永磁体的时候,边界要闭合哦。 # if abs(np.sqrt(path[0]**2+path[1]**2) - mm_rotor_outer_steel_radius) < EPS or abs(np.sqrt(path[2]**2+path[3]**2) - mm_rotor_outer_steel_radius) < EPS: # bool_exclude_path = False # A trick that makes sure models with different outer diameters have the same scale. # tool_tikz.draw_arc([125,0], [-125,0], relangle=sign*180, untrack=True) tool_tikz.c.fill(, 0, 125), [pyx.color.transparency(1)] ) # use this if THICK is used. <- Warn: Transparency not available in PostScript, proprietary ghostscript extension code inserted. (save as eps format) # tool_tikz.c.fill(, 0, 125), [pyx.color.rgb.white]) # use this if THICK is used. <- this will over-write everthing... how to change zorder? _ = 2 * np.pi / Q if True: # full model for counter in range(Q): # 转子:旋转复制 if not is_at_stator(path, mm_rotor_outer_radius, mm_air_gap_length): path[0], path[1] = rotate(_, path[0], path[1]) path[2], path[3] = rotate(_, path[2], path[3]) 路径 = tool_tikz.pyx_draw_path( path, sign=1, bool_exclude_path=bool_exclude_path, bool_stroke=True) if 路径 is not None: if p_rotor is None: p_rotor = 路径 else: p_rotor = p_rotor << 路径 # 定子:镜像+旋转复制 if is_at_stator(path, mm_rotor_outer_radius, mm_air_gap_length): path[0], path[1] = rotate(_, path[0], path[1]) path[2], path[3] = rotate(_, path[2], path[3]) 路径 = tool_tikz.pyx_draw_path( path, sign=1, bool_exclude_path=bool_exclude_path, bool_stroke=True) # print(index, '\t|', ',\t'.join(['%g'%(el) for el in path])) if 路径 is not None: if p_stator is None: p_stator = 路径 else: p_stator = p_stator << 路径 path_mirror[0], path_mirror[1] = rotate( _, path_mirror[0], path_mirror[1]) path_mirror[2], path_mirror[3] = rotate( _, path_mirror[2], path_mirror[3]) 路径 = tool_tikz.pyx_draw_path( path_mirror, sign=-1, bool_exclude_path=bool_exclude_path, bool_stroke=True) if 路径 is not None: if p_stator is None: p_stator = 路径 else: p_stator = p_stator << 路径 # break else: # backup # 转子:旋转复制 if not is_at_stator(path, mm_rotor_outer_radius, mm_air_gap_length): path[0], path[1] = rotate(0.5 * np.pi - 0.5 * 0.5 * _, path[0], path[1]) path[2], path[3] = rotate(0.5 * np.pi - 0.5 * 0.5 * _, path[2], path[3]) pyx_draw_path(tool_tikz, path, sign=1, bool_exclude_path=bool_exclude_path) # print(index, '\t|', ',\t'.join(['%g'%(el) for el in path])) # path[0], path[1] = rotate(0.5*np.pi - 0*0.5*_, path[0], path[1]) # path[2], path[3] = rotate(0.5*np.pi - 0*0.5*_, path[2], path[3]) # pyx_draw_path(tool_tikz, path, sign=1, bool_exclude_path=bool_exclude_path) # 定子:镜像+旋转复制 if is_at_stator(path, mm_rotor_outer_radius, mm_air_gap_length): path[0], path[1] = rotate(0.5 * np.pi - 0.5 * _, path[0], path[1]) path[2], path[3] = rotate(0.5 * np.pi - 0.5 * _, path[2], path[3]) pyx_draw_path(tool_tikz, path, sign=1, bool_exclude_path=bool_exclude_path) # print(index, '\t|', ',\t'.join(['%g'%(el) for el in path])) path_mirror[0], path_mirror[1] = rotate( 0.5 * np.pi - 0.5 * _, path_mirror[0], path_mirror[1]) path_mirror[2], path_mirror[3] = rotate( 0.5 * np.pi - 0.5 * _, path_mirror[2], path_mirror[3]) pyx_draw_path(tool_tikz, path_mirror, sign=-1, bool_exclude_path=bool_exclude_path) # 注意,所有 tack_path 中的 path 都已经转动了90度了! # for mirror copy (along y-axis) path[0] *= -1 path[2] *= -1 pyx_draw_path(tool_tikz, path, sign=-1, bool_exclude_path=bool_exclude_path) path_mirror[0] *= -1 path_mirror[2] *= -1 pyx_draw_path(tool_tikz, path_mirror, sign=1, bool_exclude_path=bool_exclude_path) # You can have a cool logo if you un-comment this... # tool_tikz.c.fill(p_stator, [pyx.color.gray(0.8)]) # tool_tikz.c.fill(p_rotor, [pyx.color.gray(0.4)]) # tool_tikz.c.stroke(p_stator) # tool_tikz.c.stroke(p_rotor) if True: # Draw the outline? redraw_cross_section_outline_with_pyx( tool_tikz, spmsm_best.Q, spmsm_best.p, spmsm_best.Radius_OuterRotor, spmsm_best.Length_AirGap, spmsm_best.Radius_OuterRotorSteel, spmsm_best.Radius_InnerRotor) # tool_tikz.c.writePDFfile("../Test_Fill_Plot" + proj_name) tool_tikz.c.writeSVGfile("../b") tool_tikz.c.writePDFfile(filename_cross_sectional_view[:-4] + 'outline') print('Final cross sectional outline files are printed to', filename_cross_sectional_view[:-4] + 'outline') # tool_tikz.c.writePDFfile("Figure_selected_optimal_design_%s"%(name)) # tool_tikz.c.writeEPSfile("Figure_selected_optimal_design_%s"%(name)) # tool_tikz.c.writeSVGfile("Figure_selected_optimal_design_%s"%(name)) # print('Write to pdf file: Figure_selected_optimal_design_%s.pdf.'%(name)) # os.system('start %s'%("selected_optimal_design%s.pdf"%( # quit() # Option 1 if True: from svgutils.compose import Figure, SVG # Figure( "5cm", "5cm", SVG("../a.svg"), SVG("../b.svg"), # the order of a and b matters. ).save(filename_cross_sectional_view) os.system( 'inkscape --file=%s --export-area-drawing --without-gui --export-pdf=%s.pdf' % (filename_cross_sectional_view, filename_cross_sectional_view[:-4])) else: # Option 2 import svgutils.transform as sg #create new SVG figure fig = sg.SVGFigure("16cm", "6.5cm") # load matpotlib-generated figures fig1 = sg.fromfile('../a.svg') fig2 = sg.fromfile('../b.svg') # get the plot objects plot1 = fig1.getroot() plot2 = fig2.getroot() # plot2.moveto(280, 0, scale=0.5) # append plots and labels to figure fig.append([plot1, plot2])"../d.svg")