예제 #1
def merge_fails_if_subtree_is_deleted_on_src(sbox):
  "merge fails if subtree is deleted on src"

  ## See http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=2876. ##

  # Create a WC
  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  if is_ra_type_svn() or is_ra_type_dav():
    write_authz_file(sbox, {"/" : "* = rw",
                            "/unrelated" : ("* =\n" +
                             svntest.main.wc_author2 + " = rw")})

  # Some paths we'll care about
  Acopy_path = sbox.ospath('A_copy')
  gamma_path = sbox.ospath('A/D/gamma')
  Acopy_gamma_path = sbox.ospath('A_copy/D/gamma')
  Acopy_D_path = sbox.ospath('A_copy/D')
  A_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A'
  Acopy_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A_copy'

  # Contents to be added to 'gamma'
  new_content = "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\n"

  svntest.main.file_write(gamma_path, new_content)

  # Create expected output tree for commit
  expected_output = wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'A/D/gamma' : Item(verb='Sending'),

  # Create expected status tree for commit
  expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 1)
  expected_status.tweak('A/D/gamma', wc_rev=2)

  # Commit the new content
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_status, None, wc_dir)

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [], 'cp', A_url, Acopy_url,
                                     '-m', 'create a new copy of A')

  # Update working copy
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [], 'up', wc_dir)

  svntest.main.file_substitute(gamma_path, "line1", "this is line1")
  # Create expected output tree for commit
  expected_output = wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'A/D/gamma' : Item(verb='Sending'),

  # Create expected status tree for commit
  expected_status.tweak('A/D/gamma', wc_rev=4)
    'A_copy'          : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/B'        : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/B/lambda' : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/B/E'      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/B/E/alpha': Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/B/E/beta' : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/B/F'      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/mu'       : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/C'        : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D'        : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/gamma'  : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/G'      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/G/pi'   : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/G/rho'  : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/G/tau'  : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/H'      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/H/chi'  : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/H/omega': Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/H/psi'  : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_status, None, wc_dir)

  # Delete A/D/gamma from working copy
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [], 'delete', gamma_path)
  # Create expected output tree for commit
  expected_output = wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'A/D/gamma' : Item(verb='Deleting'),


                                        wc_dir, wc_dir)
                          ['U    ' + Acopy_gamma_path + '\n',
                           ' U   ' + Acopy_gamma_path + '\n']),
    [], 'merge', '-r1:4',
    A_url + '/D/gamma' + '@4',

  # r6: create an empty (unreadable) commit.
  # Empty or unreadable revisions used to crash a svn 1.6+ client when
  # used with a 1.5 server:
  # http://svn.haxx.se/dev/archive-2009-04/0476.shtml
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'mkdir', sbox.repo_url + '/unrelated',
                       '--username', svntest.main.wc_author2,
                       '-m', 'creating a rev with no paths.')

  # A delete merged ontop of a modified file is normally a tree conflict,
  # see notes/tree-conflicts/detection.txt, but --force currently avoids
  # this.
                          ['D    ' + Acopy_gamma_path + '\n',
                           ' U   ' + Acopy_path + '\n']),
    [], 'merge', '-r1:6', '--force',
    A_url, Acopy_path)
예제 #2
def reintegrate_fails_if_no_root_access(sbox):
  "reintegrate fails if no root access"

  # If a user is authorized to a reintegrate source and target, they
  # should be able to reintegrate, regardless of what authorization
  # they have to parents of the source and target.
  # See http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3242#desc78

  # Some paths we'll care about
  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
  A_path          = sbox.ospath('A')
  A_COPY_path     = sbox.ospath('A_COPY')
  beta_COPY_path  = sbox.ospath('A_COPY/B/E/beta')
  rho_COPY_path   = sbox.ospath('A_COPY/D/G/rho')
  omega_COPY_path = sbox.ospath('A_COPY/D/H/omega')
  psi_COPY_path   = sbox.ospath('A_COPY/D/H/psi')

  # Copy A@1 to A_COPY in r2, and then make some changes to A in r3-6.
  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
  expected_disk, expected_status = set_up_branch(sbox)

  # Make a change on the branch, to A_COPY/mu, commit in r7.
                          "Changed on the branch.")
  expected_output = wc.State(wc_dir, {'A_COPY/mu' : Item(verb='Sending')})
  expected_status.tweak('A_COPY/mu', wc_rev=7)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_status, None, wc_dir)
  expected_disk.tweak('A_COPY/mu', contents='Changed on the branch.')

  # Update the WC.
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'up', wc_dir)

  # Sync A_COPY with A.
  expected_output = expected_merge_output([[2,7]],
                                          ['U    ' + beta_COPY_path  + '\n',
                                           'U    ' + rho_COPY_path   + '\n',
                                           'U    ' + omega_COPY_path + '\n',
                                           'U    ' + psi_COPY_path   + '\n',
                                           # Mergeinfo notification
                                           ' U   ' + A_COPY_path     + '\n'])
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output, [], 'merge',
                                     sbox.repo_url + '/A', A_COPY_path)
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'ci', '-m', 'synch A_COPY with A', wc_dir)

  # Update so we are ready for reintegrate.
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'up', wc_dir)

  # Change authz file so everybody has access to everything but the root.
  if is_ra_type_svn() or is_ra_type_dav():
    write_authz_file(sbox, {"/"       : "* =",
                            "/A"      : "* = rw",
                            "/A_COPY" : "* = rw",
                            "/iota"   : "* = rw"})

  # Now reintegrate A_COPY back to A.  The lack of access to the root of the
  # repository shouldn't be a problem.
  expected_output = wc.State(A_path, {
    'mu'           : Item(status='U '),
  expected_mergeinfo_output = wc.State(A_path, {
    '' : Item(status=' U'),
  expected_elision_output = wc.State(A_path, {
  expected_disk = wc.State('', {
    ''          : Item(props={SVN_PROP_MERGEINFO : '/A_COPY:2-8'}),
    'B'         : Item(),
    'B/lambda'  : Item("This is the file 'lambda'.\n"),
    'B/E'       : Item(),
    'B/E/alpha' : Item("This is the file 'alpha'.\n"),
    'B/E/beta'  : Item("New content"),
    'B/F'       : Item(),
    'mu'        : Item("Changed on the branch."),
    'C'         : Item(),
    'D'         : Item(),
    'D/gamma'   : Item("This is the file 'gamma'.\n"),
    'D/G'       : Item(),
    'D/G/pi'    : Item("This is the file 'pi'.\n"),
    'D/G/rho'   : Item("New content"),
    'D/G/tau'   : Item("This is the file 'tau'.\n"),
    'D/H'       : Item(),
    'D/H/chi'   : Item("This is the file 'chi'.\n"),
    'D/H/omega' : Item("New content"),
    'D/H/psi'   : Item("New content"),
  expected_status = wc.State(A_path, {
    "B"            : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "B/lambda"     : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "B/E"          : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "B/E/alpha"    : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "B/E/beta"     : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "B/F"          : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "mu"           : Item(status='M ', wc_rev=8),
    "C"            : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D"            : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D/gamma"      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D/G"          : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D/G/pi"       : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D/G/rho"      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D/G/tau"      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D/H"          : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D/H/chi"      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D/H/omega"    : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D/H/psi"      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    ""             : Item(status=' M', wc_rev=8),
  expected_skip = wc.State(A_path, {})
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_merge(A_path, None, None,
                                       sbox.repo_url + '/A_COPY', None,
                                       None, None, None, None,
                                       None, True, True,
                                       '--reintegrate', A_path)
예제 #3
def merge_fails_if_subtree_is_deleted_on_src(sbox):
  "merge fails if subtree is deleted on src"

  ## See http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=2876. ##

  # Create a WC
  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  if is_ra_type_svn() or is_ra_type_dav():
    write_authz_file(sbox, {"/" : "* = rw",
                            "/unrelated" : ("* =\n" +
                             svntest.main.wc_author2 + " = rw")})

  # Some paths we'll care about
  Acopy_path = os.path.join(wc_dir, 'A_copy')
  gamma_path = os.path.join(wc_dir, 'A', 'D', 'gamma')
  Acopy_gamma_path = os.path.join(wc_dir, 'A_copy', 'D', 'gamma')
  Acopy_D_path = os.path.join(wc_dir, 'A_copy', 'D')
  A_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A'
  Acopy_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A_copy'

  # Contents to be added to 'gamma'
  new_content = "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\n"

  svntest.main.file_write(gamma_path, new_content)

  # Create expected output tree for commit
  expected_output = wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'A/D/gamma' : Item(verb='Sending'),

  # Create expected status tree for commit
  expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 1)
  expected_status.tweak('A/D/gamma', wc_rev=2)

  # Commit the new content
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_status, None, wc_dir)

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [], 'cp', A_url, Acopy_url,
                                     '-m', 'create a new copy of A')

  # Update working copy
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [], 'up', wc_dir)

  svntest.main.file_substitute(gamma_path, "line1", "this is line1")
  # Create expected output tree for commit
  expected_output = wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'A/D/gamma' : Item(verb='Sending'),

  # Create expected status tree for commit
  expected_status.tweak('A/D/gamma', wc_rev=4)
    'A_copy'          : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/B'        : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/B/lambda' : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/B/E'      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/B/E/alpha': Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/B/E/beta' : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/B/F'      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/mu'       : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/C'        : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D'        : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/gamma'  : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/G'      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/G/pi'   : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/G/rho'  : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/G/tau'  : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/H'      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/H/chi'  : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/H/omega': Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/H/psi'  : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_status, None, wc_dir)

  # Delete A/D/gamma from working copy
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, None, [], 'delete', gamma_path)
  # Create expected output tree for commit
  expected_output = wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'A/D/gamma' : Item(verb='Deleting'),


                                        wc_dir, wc_dir)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_merge_output([[3,4]],
                                     'U    ' + Acopy_gamma_path + '\n'),
                                     [], 'merge', '-r1:4',
                                     A_url + '/D/gamma' + '@4',

  # r6: create an empty (unreadable) commit.
  # Empty or unreadable revisions used to crash a svn 1.6+ client when
  # used with a 1.5 server:
  # http://svn.haxx.se/dev/archive-2009-04/0476.shtml
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'mkdir', sbox.repo_url + '/unrelated',
                       '--username', svntest.main.wc_author2,
                       '-m', 'creating a rev with no paths.')

  # This merge causes a tree conflict. Since the result of the previous
  # merge of A/D/gamma into A_copy/D has not yet been committed, it is
  # considered a local modification of A_Copy/D/gamma by the following
  # merge. A delete merged ontop of a modified file is a tree conflict.
  # See notes/tree-conflicts/detection.txt
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_merge_output([[6], [3,6]],
                                     ['D    ' + Acopy_gamma_path + '\n',
                                     'C    ' + Acopy_D_path + '\n']),
                                     [], 'merge', '-r1:6', '--force',
                                     A_url, Acopy_path)
예제 #4
def reintegrate_fails_if_no_root_access(sbox):
  "reintegrate fails if no root access"

  # If a user is authorized to a reintegrate source and target, they
  # should be able to reintegrate, regardless of what authorization
  # they have to parents of the source and target.
  # See http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3242#desc78

  # Some paths we'll care about
  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
  A_path          = os.path.join(wc_dir, 'A')
  A_COPY_path     = os.path.join(wc_dir, 'A_COPY')
  beta_COPY_path  = os.path.join(wc_dir, 'A_COPY', 'B', 'E', 'beta')
  rho_COPY_path   = os.path.join(wc_dir, 'A_COPY', 'D', 'G', 'rho')
  omega_COPY_path = os.path.join(wc_dir, 'A_COPY', 'D', 'H', 'omega')
  psi_COPY_path   = os.path.join(wc_dir, 'A_COPY', 'D', 'H', 'psi')
  # Copy A@1 to A_COPY in r2, and then make some changes to A in r3-6.
  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
  expected_disk, expected_status = set_up_branch(sbox)

  # Make a change on the branch, to A_COPY/mu, commit in r7.
  svntest.main.file_write(os.path.join(wc_dir, "A_COPY", "mu"),
                          "Changed on the branch.")
  expected_output = wc.State(wc_dir, {'A_COPY/mu' : Item(verb='Sending')})
  expected_status.tweak('A_COPY/mu', wc_rev=7)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,
                                        expected_status, None, wc_dir)
  expected_disk.tweak('A_COPY/mu', contents='Changed on the branch.')

  # Update the WC.
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'up', wc_dir)

  # Sync A_COPY with A.
  expected_output = expected_merge_output([[2,7]],
                                          ['U    ' + beta_COPY_path  + '\n',
                                           'U    ' + rho_COPY_path   + '\n',
                                           'U    ' + omega_COPY_path + '\n',
                                           'U    ' + psi_COPY_path   + '\n',
                                           # Mergeinfo notification
                                           ' U   ' + A_COPY_path     + '\n'])
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_output, [], 'merge',
                                     sbox.repo_url + '/A', A_COPY_path)
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'ci', '-m', 'synch A_COPY with A', wc_dir)

  # Update so we are ready for reintegrate.
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'up', wc_dir)

  # Change authz file so everybody has access to everything but the root.  
  if is_ra_type_svn() or is_ra_type_dav():
    write_authz_file(sbox, {"/"       : "* =",
                            "/A"      : "* = rw",
                            "/A_COPY" : "* = rw",
                            "/iota"   : "* = rw"})

  # Now reintegrate A_COPY back to A.  The lack of access to the root of the
  # repository shouldn't be a problem.
  expected_output = wc.State(A_path, {
    'mu'           : Item(status='U '),
  expected_disk = wc.State('', {
    ''          : Item(props={SVN_PROP_MERGEINFO : '/A_COPY:2-8'}),
    'B'         : Item(),
    'B/lambda'  : Item("This is the file 'lambda'.\n"),
    'B/E'       : Item(),
    'B/E/alpha' : Item("This is the file 'alpha'.\n"),
    'B/E/beta'  : Item("New content"),
    'B/F'       : Item(),
    'mu'        : Item("Changed on the branch."),
    'C'         : Item(),
    'D'         : Item(),
    'D/gamma'   : Item("This is the file 'gamma'.\n"),
    'D/G'       : Item(),
    'D/G/pi'    : Item("This is the file 'pi'.\n"),
    'D/G/rho'   : Item("New content"),
    'D/G/tau'   : Item("This is the file 'tau'.\n"),
    'D/H'       : Item(),
    'D/H/chi'   : Item("This is the file 'chi'.\n"),
    'D/H/omega' : Item("New content"),
    'D/H/psi'   : Item("New content"),
  expected_status = wc.State(A_path, {
    "B"            : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "B/lambda"     : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "B/E"          : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "B/E/alpha"    : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "B/E/beta"     : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "B/F"          : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "mu"           : Item(status='M ', wc_rev=8),
    "C"            : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D"            : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D/gamma"      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D/G"          : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D/G/pi"       : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D/G/rho"      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D/G/tau"      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D/H"          : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D/H/chi"      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D/H/omega"    : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    "D/H/psi"      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=8),
    ""             : Item(status=' M', wc_rev=8),
  expected_skip = wc.State(A_path, {})
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_merge(A_path, None, None,
                                       sbox.repo_url + '/A_COPY',
                                       None, None, None, None,
                                       None, True, True,
예제 #5
def diff_unauth_parent(sbox):
  "diff directory without reading parent"


  # Create r2: Change A a bit
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svnmucc(None, [],
                                         'propset', 'k', 'v',
                                         sbox.repo_url + '/A',
                                         '-m', 'set prop')

  # Create r3 Mark E and G
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svnmucc(None, [],
                                         'propset', 'this-is', 'E',
                                         sbox.repo_url + '/A/B/E',
                                         'propset', 'this-is', 'G',
                                         sbox.repo_url + '/A/D/G',
                                         '-m', 'set prop')

  # Create r4: Replace A/B/E with A/D/G
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svnmucc(None, [],
                                         'rm', sbox.repo_url + '/A/B/E',
                                         'cp', '3', sbox.repo_url + '/A/D/G',
                                         sbox.repo_url + '/A/B/E',
                                         '-m', 'replace A/B/E')

  if is_ra_type_svn() or is_ra_type_dav():
    write_authz_file(sbox, {"/"       : "* =",
                            "/A"    : "* = rw"})

  # Diff the property change
  expected_output = [
    'Index: .\n',
    '--- .\t(revision 1)\n',
    '+++ .\t(revision 2)\n',
    'Property changes on: .\n',
    'Added: k\n',
    '## -0,0 +1 ##\n',
    '\ No newline at end of property\n'
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(expected_output, [],
                                     'diff', sbox.repo_url + '/A', '-c', '2')

  if is_ra_type_svn() or is_ra_type_dav():
    write_authz_file(sbox, {"/"       : "* =",
                            "/A/B/E"    : "* = rw"})

  # Diff the replacement
  expected_output = [
    'Index: alpha\n',
    '--- alpha\t(revision 3)\n',
    '+++ alpha\t(nonexistent)\n',
    '@@ -1 +0,0 @@\n',
    '-This is the file \'alpha\'.\n',
    'Index: beta\n',
    '--- beta\t(revision 3)\n',
    '+++ beta\t(nonexistent)\n',
    '@@ -1 +0,0 @@\n',
    '-This is the file \'beta\'.\n',
    'Index: tau\n',
    '--- tau\t(nonexistent)\n',
    '+++ tau\t(revision 4)\n',
    '@@ -0,0 +1 @@\n',
    '+This is the file \'tau\'.\n',
    'Index: rho\n',
    '--- rho\t(nonexistent)\n',
    '+++ rho\t(revision 4)\n',
    '@@ -0,0 +1 @@\n',
    '+This is the file \'rho\'.\n',
    'Index: pi\n',
    '--- pi\t(nonexistent)\n',
    '+++ pi\t(revision 4)\n',
    '@@ -0,0 +1 @@\n',
    '+This is the file \'pi\'.\n',

  if is_ra_type_svn() or is_ra_type_dav():
    # Because we can't anchor above C we see just a changed C, not a
    # replacement
    expected_output += [
    'Index: .\n',
    '--- .\t(revision 3)\n',
    '+++ .\t(revision 4)\n',
    'Property changes on: .\n',
      'Modified: this-is\n',
      '## -1 +1 ##\n',
      '\ No newline at end of property\n',
      '\ No newline at end of property\n',
    # ### We should also see a property deletion here!
    expected_output += [
    'Index: .\n',
    '--- .\t(revision 3)\n',
    '+++ .\t(nonexistent)\n',
    'Property changes on: .\n',
    'Deleted: this-is\n',
    '## -1 +0,0 ##\n',
    '\ No newline at end of property\n',
    'Index: .\n',
    '--- .\t(nonexistent)\n',
    '+++ .\t(revision 4)\n',
    'Property changes on: .\n',
      'Added: this-is\n',
      '## -0,0 +1 ##\n',
      '\ No newline at end of property\n',

  # Use two url diff, because 'svn diff url -c' uses copyfrom to diff against
  expected_output = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(expected_output)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(expected_output, [],
                                     'diff', sbox.repo_url + '/A/B/E@3',
                                      sbox.repo_url + '/A/B/E@4',

  # Do the same thing with summarize to really see directory deletes and adds
  if is_ra_type_svn() or is_ra_type_dav():
    # With no rights on the parent directory we just see a property change on E
    expected_output = [
      'D       %s/A/B/E/alpha\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'D       %s/A/B/E/beta\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'A       %s/A/B/E/tau\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'A       %s/A/B/E/rho\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'A       %s/A/B/E/pi\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      ' M      %s/A/B/E\n' % sbox.repo_url,
    # But with rights on the parent we see a replacement of E
    expected_output = [
      'D       %s/A/B/E/alpha\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'D       %s/A/B/E/beta\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'D       %s/A/B/E\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'A       %s/A/B/E/tau\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'A       %s/A/B/E/rho\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'A       %s/A/B/E/pi\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'A       %s/A/B/E\n' % sbox.repo_url,

  expected_output = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(expected_output)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(expected_output, [],
                                     'diff', sbox.repo_url + '/A/B/E@3',
                                      sbox.repo_url + '/A/B/E@4',
                                      '--notice-ancestry', '--summarize')
예제 #6
def merge_fails_if_subtree_is_deleted_on_src(sbox):
  "merge fails if subtree is deleted on src"

  ## See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SVN-2876. ##

  # Create a WC
  wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

  if is_ra_type_svn() or is_ra_type_dav():
    write_authz_file(sbox, {"/" : "* = rw",
                            "/unrelated" : ("* =\n" +
                             svntest.main.wc_author2 + " = rw")})

  # Some paths we'll care about
  Acopy_path = sbox.ospath('A_copy')
  gamma_path = sbox.ospath('A/D/gamma')
  Acopy_gamma_path = sbox.ospath('A_copy/D/gamma')
  Acopy_D_path = sbox.ospath('A_copy/D')
  A_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A'
  Acopy_url = sbox.repo_url + '/A_copy'

  # Contents to be added to 'gamma'
  new_content = "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\nline5\n"

  svntest.main.file_write(gamma_path, new_content)

  # Create expected output tree for commit
  expected_output = wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'A/D/gamma' : Item(verb='Sending'),

  # Create expected status tree for commit
  expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 1)
  expected_status.tweak('A/D/gamma', wc_rev=2)

  # Commit the new content
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [], 'cp', A_url, Acopy_url,
                                     '-m', 'create a new copy of A')

  # Update working copy
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [], 'up', wc_dir)

  svntest.main.file_substitute(gamma_path, "line1", "this is line1")
  # Create expected output tree for commit
  expected_output = wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'A/D/gamma' : Item(verb='Sending'),

  # Create expected status tree for commit
  expected_status.tweak('A/D/gamma', wc_rev=4)
    'A_copy'          : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/B'        : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/B/lambda' : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/B/E'      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/B/E/alpha': Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/B/E/beta' : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/B/F'      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/mu'       : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/C'        : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D'        : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/gamma'  : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/G'      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/G/pi'   : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/G/rho'  : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/G/tau'  : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/H'      : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/H/chi'  : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/H/omega': Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),
    'A_copy/D/H/psi'  : Item(status='  ', wc_rev=3),

  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_commit(wc_dir, expected_output,

  # Delete A/D/gamma from working copy
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [], 'delete', gamma_path)
  # Create expected output tree for commit
  expected_output = wc.State(wc_dir, {
    'A/D/gamma' : Item(verb='Deleting'),


                                        wc_dir, wc_dir)
                          ['U    ' + Acopy_gamma_path + '\n',
                           ' U   ' + Acopy_gamma_path + '\n']),
    [], 'merge', '-r1:4',
    A_url + '/D/gamma' + '@4',

  # r6: create an empty (unreadable) commit.
  # Empty or unreadable revisions used to crash a svn 1.6+ client when
  # used with a 1.5 server:
  # http://svn.haxx.se/dev/archive-2009-04/0476.shtml
  svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'mkdir', sbox.repo_url + '/unrelated',
                       '--username', svntest.main.wc_author2,
                       '-m', 'creating a rev with no paths.')

  # A delete merged ontop of a modified file is normally a tree conflict,
  # see notes/tree-conflicts/detection.txt, but --force currently avoids
  # this.
                          ['D    ' + Acopy_gamma_path + '\n',
                           ' U   ' + Acopy_path + '\n']),
    [], 'merge', '-r1:6', '--force',
    A_url, Acopy_path)
예제 #7
def diff_unauth_parent(sbox):
  "diff directory without reading parent"


  # Create r2: Change A a bit
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svnmucc(None, [],
                                         'propset', 'k', 'v',
                                         sbox.repo_url + '/A',
                                         '-m', 'set prop')

  # Create r3 Mark E and G
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svnmucc(None, [],
                                         'propset', 'this-is', 'E',
                                         sbox.repo_url + '/A/B/E',
                                         'propset', 'this-is', 'G',
                                         sbox.repo_url + '/A/D/G',
                                         '-m', 'set prop')

  # Create r4: Replace A/B/E with A/D/G
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svnmucc(None, [],
                                         'rm', sbox.repo_url + '/A/B/E',
                                         'cp', '3', sbox.repo_url + '/A/D/G',
                                         sbox.repo_url + '/A/B/E',
                                         '-m', 'replace A/B/E')

  if is_ra_type_svn() or is_ra_type_dav():
    write_authz_file(sbox, {"/"       : "* =",
                            "/A"    : "* = rw"})

  # Diff the property change
  expected_output = [
    'Index: .\n',
    '--- .\t(revision 1)\n',
    '+++ .\t(revision 2)\n',
    'Property changes on: .\n',
    'Added: k\n',
    '## -0,0 +1 ##\n',
    '\ No newline at end of property\n'
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(expected_output, [],
                                     'diff', sbox.repo_url + '/A', '-c', '2')

  if is_ra_type_svn() or is_ra_type_dav():
    write_authz_file(sbox, {"/"       : "* =",
                            "/A/B/E"    : "* = rw"})

  # Diff the replacement
  expected_output = [
    'Index: alpha\n',
    '--- alpha\t(revision 3)\n',
    '+++ alpha\t(nonexistent)\n',
    '@@ -1 +0,0 @@\n',
    '-This is the file \'alpha\'.\n',
    'Index: beta\n',
    '--- beta\t(revision 3)\n',
    '+++ beta\t(nonexistent)\n',
    '@@ -1 +0,0 @@\n',
    '-This is the file \'beta\'.\n',
    'Index: tau\n',
    '--- tau\t(nonexistent)\n',
    '+++ tau\t(revision 4)\n',
    '@@ -0,0 +1 @@\n',
    '+This is the file \'tau\'.\n',
    'Index: rho\n',
    '--- rho\t(nonexistent)\n',
    '+++ rho\t(revision 4)\n',
    '@@ -0,0 +1 @@\n',
    '+This is the file \'rho\'.\n',
    'Index: pi\n',
    '--- pi\t(nonexistent)\n',
    '+++ pi\t(revision 4)\n',
    '@@ -0,0 +1 @@\n',
    '+This is the file \'pi\'.\n',

  if is_ra_type_svn() or is_ra_type_dav():
    # Because we can't anchor above C we see just a changed C, not a
    # replacement
    expected_output += [
    'Index: .\n',
    '--- .\t(revision 3)\n',
    '+++ .\t(revision 4)\n',
    'Property changes on: .\n',
      'Modified: this-is\n',
      '## -1 +1 ##\n',
      '\ No newline at end of property\n',
      '\ No newline at end of property\n',
    # ### We should also see a property deletion here!
    expected_output += [
    'Index: .\n',
    '--- .\t(revision 3)\n',
    '+++ .\t(nonexistent)\n',
    'Property changes on: .\n',
    'Deleted: this-is\n',
    '## -1 +0,0 ##\n',
    '\ No newline at end of property\n',
    'Index: .\n',
    '--- .\t(nonexistent)\n',
    '+++ .\t(revision 4)\n',
    'Property changes on: .\n',
      'Added: this-is\n',
      '## -0,0 +1 ##\n',
      '\ No newline at end of property\n',

  # Use two url diff, because 'svn diff url -c' uses copyfrom to diff against
  expected_output = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(expected_output)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(expected_output, [],
                                     'diff', sbox.repo_url + '/A/B/E@3',
                                      sbox.repo_url + '/A/B/E@4',

  # Do the same thing with summarize to really see directory deletes and adds
  if is_ra_type_svn() or is_ra_type_dav():
    # With no rights on the parent directory we just see a property change on E
    expected_output = [
      'D       %s/A/B/E/alpha\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'D       %s/A/B/E/beta\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'A       %s/A/B/E/tau\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'A       %s/A/B/E/rho\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'A       %s/A/B/E/pi\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      ' M      %s/A/B/E\n' % sbox.repo_url,
    # But with rights on the parent we see a replacement of E
    expected_output = [
      'D       %s/A/B/E/alpha\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'D       %s/A/B/E/beta\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'D       %s/A/B/E\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'A       %s/A/B/E/tau\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'A       %s/A/B/E/rho\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'A       %s/A/B/E/pi\n' % sbox.repo_url,
      'A       %s/A/B/E\n' % sbox.repo_url,

  expected_output = svntest.verify.UnorderedOutput(expected_output)
  svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(expected_output, [],
                                     'diff', sbox.repo_url + '/A/B/E@3',
                                      sbox.repo_url + '/A/B/E@4',
                                      '--notice-ancestry', '--summarize')