예제 #1
def progressbar(total, pos, msg=""):
    Given a total and a progress position, output a progress bar
    to stderr. It is important to not output anything else while
    using this, as it relies soley on the behavior of carriage
    return (\\r).

    Can also take an optioal message to add after the
    progressbar. It must not contain newlines.

    The progress bar will look something like this:

    [099/500][=========...............................] ETA: 13:36:59

    Of course, the ETA part should be supplied be the calling
    width = get_terminal_size()[0] - 40
    rel_pos = int(float(pos) / total * width)
    bar = "".join(["=" * rel_pos, "." * (width - rel_pos)])

    # Determine how many digits in total (base 10)
    digits_total = len(str(total))
    fmt_width = "%0" + str(digits_total) + "d"
    fmt = "\r[" + fmt_width + "/" + fmt_width + "][%s] %s"

    progress_stream.write(fmt % (pos, total, bar, msg))
예제 #2
def progressbar(total, pos, msg=""):
    Given a total and a progress position, output a progress bar
    to stderr. It is important to not output anything else while
    using this, as it relies soley on the behavior of carriage
    return (\\r).

    Can also take an optioal message to add after the
    progressbar. It must not contain newlines.

    The progress bar will look something like this:

    [099/500][=========...............................] ETA: 13:36:59

    Of course, the ETA part should be supplied be the calling
    width = get_terminal_size()[0] - 40
    rel_pos = int(float(pos)/total*width)
    bar = ''.join(["=" * rel_pos, "." * (width - rel_pos)])

    # Determine how many digits in total (base 10)
    digits_total = len(str(total))
    fmt_width = "%0" + str(digits_total) + "d"
    fmt = "\r[" + fmt_width + "/" + fmt_width + "][%s] %s"

    progress_stream.write(fmt % (pos, total, bar, msg))