예제 #1
 def process_property(self, prop, context):
     if "-" in prop.name:
         raise SwaggerError("Property names cannot have dashes", context)
     if prop.name != prop.name.lower():
         raise SwaggerError("Property name should be all lowercase",
     prop.wiki_description = wikify(prop.description)
예제 #2
    def process_resource_api(self, resource_api, context):
        resource_api.wiki_prefix = self.wiki_prefix
        # Derive a resource name from the API declaration's filename
        resource_api.name = re.sub('\..*', '',
        # Now in all caps, for include guard
        resource_api.name_caps = resource_api.name.upper()
        resource_api.name_title = resource_api.name.capitalize()
        resource_api.c_name = snakify(resource_api.name)
        # Construct the PathSegement tree for the API.
        if resource_api.api_declaration:
            resource_api.root_path = PathSegment('', None)
            for api in resource_api.api_declaration.apis:
                segment = resource_api.root_path.get_child(api.path.split('/'))
                for operation in api.operations:
                api.full_name = segment.full_name

            # Since every API path should start with /[resource], root should
            # have exactly one child.
            if resource_api.root_path.num_children() != 1:
                raise SwaggerError(
                    "Should not mix resources in one API declaration", context)
            # root_path isn't needed any more
            resource_api.root_path = list(resource_api.root_path.children())[0]
            if resource_api.name != resource_api.root_path.name:
                raise SwaggerError("API declaration name should match",
            resource_api.root_full_name = resource_api.root_path.full_name
예제 #3
    def process_parameter(self, parameter, context):
        if parameter.param_type == 'body':
            parameter.is_body_parameter = True
            parameter.c_data_type = 'struct ast_json *'
            parameter.is_body_parameter = False
            if not parameter.data_type in self.type_mapping:
                raise SwaggerError(
                    "Invalid parameter type %s" % parameter.data_type, context)
            # Type conversions
            parameter.c_data_type = self.type_mapping[parameter.data_type]
            parameter.c_convert = self.convert_mapping[parameter.data_type]
            parameter.json_convert = self.json_convert_mapping[

        # Parameter names are camelcase, Asterisk convention is snake case
        parameter.c_name = snakify(parameter.name)
        # You shouldn't put a space between 'char *' and the variable
        if parameter.c_data_type.endswith('*'):
            parameter.c_space = ''
            parameter.c_space = ' '
        parameter.wiki_description = wikify(parameter.description)
        if parameter.allowable_values:
            parameter.wiki_allowable_values = parameter.allowable_values.to_wiki(
            parameter.wiki_allowable_values = None
예제 #4
 def process_operation(self, operation, context):
     # Nicknames are camelCase, Asterisk coding is snake case
     operation.c_nickname = snakify(operation.nickname)
     operation.c_http_method = 'AST_HTTP_' + operation.http_method
     if not operation.summary.endswith("."):
         raise SwaggerError("Summary should end with .", context)
     operation.wiki_summary = wikify(operation.summary or "")
     operation.wiki_notes = wikify(operation.notes or "")
     for error_response in operation.error_responses:
         error_response.wiki_reason = wikify(error_response.reason or "")
     operation.parse_body = (operation.body_parameter or operation.has_query_parameters) and True