class SimModel(Model): """A environemnt to model swarms.""" def __init__( self, N, width, height, grid=10, iter=100000, xmlstrings=None, seed=None, viewer=False, pname=None, expname='MSFSimulation', agent='SimAgent'): """Initialize the attributes.""" if seed is None: super(SimModel, self).__init__(seed=None) else: super(SimModel, self).__init__(seed) self.runid = "%s") + str(self.random.randint(1, 1000, 1)[0]) if pname is None: self.pname = os.getcwd() + '/' + self.runid + expname else: self.pname = pname + '/' + self.runid + expname self.width = width self.height = height self.stepcnt = 1 self.iter = iter self.xmlstrings = xmlstrings self.viewer = viewer # Create db connection connect = Connect('swarm', 'swarm', 'swarm', 'localhost') self.connect = connect.tns_connect() # Fill out the experiment table self.experiment = Experiment( self.connect, self.runid, N, seed, expname, iter, width, height, grid, phenotype=xmlstrings[0]) self.experiment.insert_experiment_simulation() = # Create a folder to store results os.mkdir(self.pname) self.num_agents = N self.grid = Grid(width, height, grid) self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self) self.agents = [] bound = np.ceil((self.num_agents * 1.0) / len(self.xmlstrings)) j = 0 # Create agents for i in range(self.num_agents): # print (i, j, self.xmlstrings[j]) a = eval(agent)(i, self, xmlstring=self.xmlstrings[j]) self.schedule.add(a) # Add the agent to a random grid cell # x = self.random.randint( # -self.grid.width / 2, self.grid.width / 2) x = 0 # y = self.random.randint( # -self.grid.height / 2, self.grid.height / 2) y = 0 a.location = (x, y) self.grid.add_object_to_grid((x, y), a) a.operation_threshold = 2 # self.num_agents // 10 self.agents.append(a) if (i + 1) % bound == 0: j += 1 def create_environment_object(self, jsondata, obj): """Create env from jsondata.""" name = obj.__name__.lower() temp_list = [] i = 0 for json_object in jsondata[name]: location = (json_object["x"], json_object["y"]) if "q_value" in json_object: temp_obj = obj( i, location, json_object["radius"], q_value=json_object[ "q_value"]) else: temp_obj = obj(i, location, json_object["radius"]) self.grid.add_object_to_grid(location, temp_obj) temp_list.append(temp_obj) i += 1 return temp_list def build_environment_from_json(self): """Build env from jsondata.""" jsondata = JsonData.load_json_file(filename) # Create a instance of JsonData to store object that # needs to be sent to UI self.render = JsonData() self.render.objects = {} for name in jsondata.keys(): obj = eval(name.capitalize()) self.render.objects[name] = self.create_environment_object( jsondata, obj) self.hub = self.render.objects['hub'][0] try: self.foods = [] for site in self.render.objects['sites']: = site # self.render.objects['sites'][0] for i in range(self.num_agents): f = Food( i,, f.agent_name = None self.grid.add_object_to_grid(f.location, f) self.foods.append(f) except KeyError: pass if self.viewer: self.ui = UI( (self.width, self.height), [self.hub], self.agents, [], food=self.foods) def step(self): """Step through the environment.""" # Gather info from all the agents # self.gather_info() # Next step self.schedule.step() # Increment the step count self.stepcnt += 1 if self.viewer: self.ui.step() def find_higest_performer(self): """Find the best agent.""" fitness = self.agents[0].individual[0].fitness fittest = self.agents[0] for agent in self.agents: if agent.individual[0].fitness > fitness: fittest = agent return fittest def find_higest_food_collector(self): """Find the best agent to collect food.""" fitness = self.agents[0].food_collected fittest = self.agents[0] for agent in self.agents: if agent.food_collected > fitness: fittest = agent return fittest def detect_food_moved(self): """Detect food moved.""" grid = self.grid food_loc = neighbours = grid.get_neighborhood(food_loc, 10) food_objects = grid.get_objects_from_list_of_grid('Food', neighbours) # print (food_objects) return food_objects def food_in_hub(self): """Find amount of food in hub.""" grid = self.grid food_loc = self.hub.location neighbours = grid.get_neighborhood(food_loc, 10) food_objects = grid.get_objects_from_list_of_grid('Food', neighbours) return len(food_objects) def food_in_loc(self, loc): """Find amount of food in hub.""" grid = self.grid neighbours = grid.get_neighborhood(loc, 10) food_objects = grid.get_objects_from_list_of_grid('Food', neighbours) return food_objects
class RunEnvironmentModel(Model): """A environemnt to model swarms.""" def __init__(self, N, width, height, grid=10, iter=100000, xmlstring=None, seed=None): """Initialize the attributes.""" if seed is None: super(RunEnvironmentModel, self).__init__(seed=None) else: super(RunEnvironmentModel, self).__init__(seed) self.runid ="%s") + str( self.random.randint(1, 1000, 1)[0]) self.pname = os.getcwd() + '/' + self.runid + "SFCommSimulation" self.stepcnt = 1 self.iter = iter self.xmlstring = xmlstring # Create db connection connect = Connect('swarm', 'swarm', 'swarm', 'localhost') self.connect = connect.tns_connect() # Fill out the experiment table self.experiment = Experiment(self.connect, self.runid, N, seed, 'Simuation SFComm', iter, width, height, grid, phenotype=xmlstring) self.experiment.insert_experiment_simulation() = # Create a folder to store results os.mkdir(self.pname) self.num_agents = N self.grid = Grid(width, height, grid) self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self) # = Sites(id=1, location=(5, 5), radius=11, q_value=0.5) # self.grid.add_object_to_grid(, # self.hub = Hub(id=1, location=(0, 0), radius=11) # self.grid.add_object_to_grid(self.hub.location, self.hub) self.agents = [] # Create agents for i in range(self.num_agents): a = RunSwarmAgent(i, self) self.schedule.add(a) # Add the agent to a random grid cell x = self.random.randint(-self.grid.width / 2, self.grid.width / 2) # x = 0 y = self.random.randint(-self.grid.height / 2, self.grid.height / 2) # y = 0 a.location = (x, y) self.grid.add_object_to_grid((x, y), a) a.operation_threshold = 2 # self.num_agents // 10 self.agents.append(a) # Add equal number of food source # for i in range(20): # f = Food(i, location=(-29, -29), radius=5) # self.grid.add_object_to_grid(f.location, f) # print (i,x,y) def create_environment_object(self, jsondata, obj): """Create env from jsondata.""" name = obj.__name__.lower() temp_list = [] i = 0 for json_object in jsondata[name]: location = (json_object["x"], json_object["y"]) if "q_value" in json_object: temp_obj = obj(i, location, json_object["radius"], q_value=json_object["q_value"]) else: temp_obj = obj(i, location, json_object["radius"]) self.grid.add_object_to_grid(location, temp_obj) temp_list.append(temp_obj) i += 1 return temp_list def build_environment_from_json(self): """Build env from jsondata.""" jsondata = JsonData.load_json_file(filename) # Create a instance of JsonData to store object that # needs to be sent to UI self.render = JsonData() self.render.objects = {} for name in jsondata.keys(): obj = eval(name.capitalize()) self.render.objects[name] = self.create_environment_object( jsondata, obj) self.hub = self.render.objects['hub'][0] try: = self.render.objects['sites'][0] for i in range(self.num_agents * 2): f = Food(i,, f.agent_name = None self.grid.add_object_to_grid(f.location, f) except KeyError: pass def step(self): """Step through the environment.""" # Gather info from all the agents # self.gather_info() # Next step self.schedule.step() # Increment the step count self.stepcnt += 1 def find_higest_performer(self): """Find the best agent.""" fitness = self.agents[0].individual[0].fitness fittest = self.agents[0] for agent in self.agents: if agent.individual[0].fitness > fitness: fittest = agent return fittest def find_higest_food_collector(self): """Find the best agent to collect food.""" fitness = self.agents[0].food_collected fittest = self.agents[0] for agent in self.agents: if agent.food_collected > fitness: fittest = agent return fittest def detect_food_moved(self): """Detect food moved.""" grid = self.grid food_loc = neighbours = grid.get_neighborhood(food_loc, 10) food_objects = grid.get_objects_from_list_of_grid('Food', neighbours) # print (food_objects) return food_objects def food_in_hub(self): """Find amount of food in hub.""" grid = self.grid food_loc = self.hub.location neighbours = grid.get_neighborhood(food_loc, 10) food_objects = grid.get_objects_from_list_of_grid('Food', neighbours) return len(food_objects)