def takeoff_cmd(self, target):
     rospy.loginfo("Sending takeoff")
     cmd = drone_onboard_command()
     cmd.command_type = drone_onboard_command.CTRL_TAKEOF_COMMAND
     cmd.param1 = 10000
     msg = self.drone_onboard_cmd_tomav(target, cmd)
 def landing_cmd(self, target, att_landing=True):
     rospy.loginfo("Sending landing")
     cmd = drone_onboard_command()
     cmd.command_type = drone_onboard_command.CTRL_LANDING_COMMAND
     if att_landing:
         cmd.param1 = 1
         cmd.param1 = 0
     msg = self.drone_onboard_cmd_tomav(target, cmd)
    def toggle_arm_disarm(self, target, arm=True):
        # msg = self.mav.command_long_encode(target, 0, pymavlink.MAV_CMD_DO_SET_MODE, 0, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        cmd = drone_onboard_command()
        cmd.command_type = drone_onboard_command.CTRL_ARM_COMMAND
        if arm:
            cmd.param1 = 1
            rospy.loginfo("Sending ARM")
            cmd.param1 = 0
            rospy.loginfo("Sending DISARM")

        msg = self.drone_onboard_cmd_tomav(target, cmd)
예제 #4
    rospy.init_node('cmded', anonymous=True)

    print("Sending to onboard")
    pub = rospy.Publisher("/drone_commander/onboard_command",

    rate = rospy.Rate(50)  # 20hz

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        connections = pub.get_num_connections()
        print("Wait for pub")
        if connections > 0:
    cmd = drone_onboard_command()

    if args.command_type == "takeoff":
        if len(args.params) < 1:
            rospy.logwarn("No height specs, will fly to default 1.0m")
            height = 1.0
            height = args.params[0]
        cmd.command_type = drone_onboard_command.CTRL_TAKEOF_COMMAND
        cmd.param1 = int(height * 10000)
        send(cmd, args, pub)

    elif args.command_type == "landing":
        cmd.command_type = drone_onboard_command.CTRL_LANDING_COMMAND
        cmd.param1 = 0
        cmd.param2 = 3000
    def simple_mission_callbck(self, e):
        if self.in_mission is None:
        dt = 0
        if e.last_real is not None:
            dt = (e.current_real - e.last_real).to_sec()

        t = (e.current_real - self.start_misssion_time).to_sec()
        rospy.loginfo_throttle(1.0, "Act mission {} with {:5.3f}s".format(self.in_mission, t))

        def mission_A(t):
            ox = 0
            oy = 0
            r = 0.5
            T = 15

            x = ox + math.sin(t*math.pi*2/T)*r
            y = oy + math.cos(t*math.pi*2/T)*r
            vx = math.cos(t*math.pi*2/T) * r * math.pi*2/T
            vy = -math.sin(t*math.pi*2/T) * r * math.pi*2/T

            return x, y, 1, vx, vy, 0

        def mission_B(t):
            ox = 0
            oy = 0
            r = 0.5
            T = 15

            x = ox + math.sin(t*math.pi*2/T)*r
            y = oy + math.sin(2*t*math.pi*2/T)*r
            vx = math.cos(t*math.pi*2/T) * r * math.pi*2/T
            vy = 2*math.cos(2*t*math.pi*2/T) * r * math.pi*2/T
            return x, y, 1, vx, vy, 0

        def mission_Y(t):
            ox = 0
            oy = 0
            oz = 1
            r = 0.5
            T = 15

            x = ox + math.sin(t*math.pi*2/T)*r
            y = oy + math.sin(2*t*math.pi*2/T)*r
            z = oz  + math.sin(2*t*math.pi*2/T+math.pi)*0.3
            vx = math.cos(t*math.pi*2/T) * r * math.pi*2/T
            vy = 2*math.cos(2*t*math.pi*2/T) * r * math.pi*2/T
            vz = 2*math.cos(2*t*math.pi*2/T + math.pi) * 0.3 * math.pi*2/T
            return x, y, z, vx, vy, vz

        x, y, z, vx, vy, vz = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

        if self.in_mission == "A":
            x, y, z, vx, vy, vz = mission_A(t)

        if self.in_mission == "B":
            x, y, z, vx, vy, vz = mission_B(t)

        if self.in_mission == "Y":
            x, y, z, vx, vy, vz = mission_Y(t)

        cmd = drone_onboard_command()
        cmd.command_type = drone_onboard_command.CTRL_POS_COMMAND

        cmd.param1 = int(x*10000)
        cmd.param2 = int(y*10000)
        cmd.param3 = int(z*10000)
        cmd.param4 = 666666
        cmd.param5 = int(vx*10000)
        cmd.param6 = int(vy*10000)
        cmd.param7 = int(vz*10000)
        cmd.param8 = 0
        cmd.param9 = 0
        cmd.param10 = 0

        msg = self.drone_onboard_cmd_tomav(self.target_id, cmd)
