예제 #1
    def get_ports(self, controller_id):
        Extract information for the ports.
        NOTE: A drive must be inserted for the port to be detected. As far as
        I'm aware the perc800 controller has no way to get the ports status
        when empty. So in this case it would be more appropriate to say that
        we're returning the list of pdisks.

        :param controller_id: The controller to inspect.
        :returns: A dictionary with the information about the ports. Format:
                  {port_id: (status, drive_serial)}
        cmd = '%s storage pdisk controller=%s' % (self.binaries['omreport'],
        result = execute(cmd)
        filtered_result = [a for a in result if a.startswith('ID')
                           or a.startswith('State')
                           or a.startswith('Serial No.')]
        ports = {}
        for n in range(0, len(filtered_result), 3):
            port_id = ':'.join(filtered_result[n].split(':')[1:]).strip()
            port_status = filtered_result[n + 1].split(':')[1].strip()
            # Use a consistent status by translating what the controller returns
            if port_status == 'Online':
                port_status = 'active'
            elif port_status in ['Failed', 'Foreign']:
                port_status = port_status.lower()
                port_status = 'unknown'
            port_serial = filtered_result[n + 2].split(':')[1].strip()
            ports[port_id] = (port_status, port_serial)
        return ports
예제 #2
    def switch_led(self, action, controller_id, pdisk_id):
        Switch on or off the indicator led for a specific pdisk.

        :param action: The action to take. Could be blink|unblink, on|off or 0|1.
        :param controller_id: The controller id.
        :param pdisk_id: The pdisk id (also known as port). Example: 1:0:18
        :returns: A boolean value that reflects the result of the operation.
        if action in ['on', 'blink', 1]:
            action = 'blink'
        elif action in ['off', 'unblink', 0]:
            action = 'unblink'
            raise Exception('Operation not recognised')

        indicator_cmd = '%s storage pdisk action=%s controller=%s pdisk=%s' \
            % (self.binaries['omconfig'], action, controller_id, pdisk_id)
        indicator_result = execute(indicator_cmd)
        if not 'Command successful!' in indicator_result[0]:
            msg = ("Error: Failed to turn the indicator light off "
                   "for pdisk %s on controller %s.\n"
                   "Error: %s ") % (pdisk_id, controller_id,
            raise Exception(msg)
예제 #3
파일: disk.py 프로젝트: btorch/swift-drive
def format_device(device_name, size, label=None):
    Partition and format a drive in order to add it back to the syste.
    We assume that the partition label is identical to the device name and
    every drive even from different controllers share the same partition
    options. Maybe in the future this will become configurable.

    :param device_path: The path for the device to format (it's usually
                        something beginning with /dev).
    :param size: The size for the partition in mkfs format (eg. 600G, 3T).
    :returns: A boolean value that reflects the result of the operation.
    device_path = '/dev/' + device_name
    if label is None:
        label = device_name
    # Check if the device exists before proceeding
    if os.path.exists(device_path):
        parted_label = '/sbin/parted -s ' + device_path + ' mklabel gpt'
        parted_result = execute(parted_label)
        if parted_result[0].startswith('Error:'):
            msg = ("Error: Unable to create GPT partition label for device %s"
                   "Parted error: %s ") % (device_path, parted_result[0])

        parted_partition = '/sbin/parted -s %s mkpart primary xfs 0 %s' % \
                           (device_path, size)
        parted_result = execute(parted_partition)
        if parted_result[0].startswith('Error:'):
            msg = ("Error: Unable to create partition table.\n"
                   "Parted error: %s") % (device_path, parted_result[0])
            raise Exception(msg)
        msg = ("Error: Device %s does not seem to exist when attempting to "
               "Format the drive. Please check") % device_path
        raise Exception(msg)

    # Now create filesystem on new partition
    partition_path = device_path + '1'
    mkfs_cmd = '/sbin/mkfs.xfs -i size=1024 -d su=64k,sw=1 -f -L %s %s' % \
        (label, partition_path)
    mkfs_result = execute(mkfs_cmd)
    if mkfs_result[0].startswith('Cannot'):
        msg = ("Cannot create a filesystem on device %s"
               "Mkfs error: %s") % (device_path, mkfs_result[0])
예제 #4
    def get_controllers(self):
        Extract information for the controllers.

        :returns: A dictionary with the id and PCI slot.
        cmd = '%s storage controller' % self.binaries['omreport']
        result = execute(cmd)
        filtered_result = [a for a in result
                           if a.startswith('ID') or a.startswith('Slot ID')]
        controllers = {}
        for n in range(0, len(filtered_result), 2):
            controller_id = filtered_result[n].split(':')[1].strip()
            slot_id = filtered_result[n + 1].split(':')[1].strip()
            controllers[controller_id] = slot_id
        return controllers
예제 #5
    def remove_device(self, controller_id, vdisk_id):
        # TODO: Check on device xfs errors and bad mount. mtab
        Remove a device from the controller given a specific port. Turns the
        indicator light on for the port and, if everything goes well, it will go
        ahead and attempt to have the device removed.

        :param controller_id: The controller id.
        :param vdisk_id: The id of the vdisk to remove.
        :returns: A boolean value that reflects the result of the operation.
        controller_id = str(controller_id)
        vdisk_id = str(vdisk_id)
        device_id = 'c%su%s' % (controller_id, vdisk_id)
        drive_info = self.get_drive_from_controller(controller_id, vdisk_id)
        pdisk_id = drive_info['port']
        # First try to turn the indicator light on for the device port
            self.switch_led('blink', controller_id, pdisk_id)
            # We'll just pass for now. In the future it'd be cool to get
            # notified when this happens. TODO

        # Then check if the device is not mounted
        if disk.is_mounted(device_id):

        # If all goes well then proceed with removing the device unit
        removal_cmd = ('%s storage vdisk action=deletevdisk controller=%s '
                       'vdisk=%s' % (self.binaries['omconfig'],
                       controller_id, vdisk_id))
        removal_result = execute(removal_cmd)
        if not 'Command successful!' in removal_result[0]:
            raise Exception("Error: Failed to remove vdisk %s from "
                            "controller %s for pdisk %s\n"
                            "Omconfig error: %s ") % \
                           (vdisk_id, controller_id, pdisk_id, removal_result[0])
예제 #6
    def get_all_drives(self, controller_id):
        Extract information all the drives for a given controller. This is
        used when initialising the backend. It usually takes a while to run.
        NOTE: Any missing vdisks will be skipped.

        :param controller_id: The controller to inspect.
        :returns: A dictionary with the information about the drives.
        # First fetch the list of the vdisks
        cmd = '%s storage vdisk controller=%s' % (self.binaries['omreport'],
        vdisks = [a.split(':')[1].strip() for a in execute(cmd)
                  if a.startswith('ID')]
        # Now let's use the list to extract information for each drive
        all_drives = {}
        for vdisk_id in vdisks:
            device_id = 'c%su%s' % (controller_id, vdisk_id)
                all_drives[device_id] = self.get_drive_from_controller(
                                            controller_id, vdisk_id)
                print device_id + ' had problems'
        return all_drives
예제 #7
    def get_drive_from_controller(self, controller_id, vdisk_id):
        Collects information about a drive using controller coordinates.

        :param controller_id: The controller index.
        :param vdisk_id: The id of the vdisk to get the information for.
        :returns: A dictionary that contains two dictionaries with the collected
                  relevant information about the device.
        controller_id = str(controller_id)
        vdisk_id = str(vdisk_id)
        results = {}
        pdisk = {}
        vdisk = {}
        for name in 'pdisk', 'vdisk':
            d = eval(name)
            cmd = '%s storage %s controller=%s vdisk=%s' % \
                  (self.binaries['omreport'], name, controller_id, vdisk_id)
            res = execute(cmd)
            # Exit if we catch an error message
            if re.match(r'^Error:*', res[0]):
                raise Exception("Error: Unable to get drive info for vdisk %s\n"
                                "Omreport error: %s") % (vdisk_id, res[0])
                # The embedded controller doesn't have a slot
                if controller_id == '0':
                    d['slot'] = 'embedded'
                    # The perc controller is attached to a slot and we need to know
                    # its id otherwise is pointless to go any further
                        d['slot'] = re.findall(r'Slot \d', res[1])[0][-1]
                        msg = ("Error: can't fetch the slot number.\n"
                               "Probably the drive has been removed already.\n"
                               "Controller: %s, vdisk: %s") % \
                              (controller_id, vdisk_id)
                        raise Exception(msg)

                # We can split everything after the second element by ':'
                # so we will have a very nice dictionary (with 0 effort)
                for element in res[2:]:
                    key, value = element.split(':', 1)
                    d[key.lower().strip()] = value.lower().strip()
            name = d

        results['port'] = pdisk['id']
        results['serial'] = pdisk['serial no.'].upper()
        results['model'] = pdisk['product id'].upper()
        results['firmware'] = pdisk['revision'].upper()
        results['controller_slot'] = pdisk['slot']
        capacity = pdisk['capacity'].split()[0].split('.')[0]
        results['capacity'] = capacity.replace(',', '.')[:4] + ' TB'
        # Use a consistent status by translating what the controller returns
        if pdisk['state'] == 'online':
            results['status'] = 'active'
        elif pdisk['state'] == 'critical':
            results['status'] = 'failed'
            results['status'] = 'unknown'
        return results
예제 #8
    def add_device(self, controller_id, vdisk_id, pdisk_id, format=True):
        Add a device back into the system.

        :param controller_id: The controller id.
        :param vdisk_id: The id of the vdisk that should be created.
        :param pdisk_id: The id of the pdisk to add.
        :param format: Specifies wheter or not the drive should be formatted.
        :returns: A boolean value that reflects the result of the operation.
        controller_id = str(controller_id)
        pdisk_id = str(pdisk_id)
        device_id = 'c%su%s' % (controller_id, vdisk_id)
        device_name = device_id + 'p'
        # drive_info = get_drive_info(controller_id, vdisk_id)

        # Check if there is a replace operation in progress. INPROGRESS
        # Backend still needs to be develped.
        # Should also allow --force to override. TODO
        # backend_info = backend.get_drive(vdisk_id, in_inprogress=True)
        # pdisk_id = backend_info['pdisk']
        # if backend_info['inprogress'] == True:
        #     pass
        # else:
        #     pass
        # pdisk_id = drive_info['port']
        # remove_device(controller_id, vdisk_id)
        # Sometimes after a drive has been swapped the vdisk is recreated right
        # away. We need to check this and clean up if necessary.
        # if drive_info['vdisk_status']:  # TOCHECK
        #     remove_device(controller_id, vdisk_id)

        # Now that we cleaned up the vdisk we can move on and create the new one
        add_cmd = '%s storage controller action=createvdisk controller=%s ' \
                  'pdisk=%s raid=r0 size=max stripesize=64kb ' \
                  'diskcachepolicy=disabled readpolicy=ara writepolicy=wb' % \
                  (self.binaries['omconfig'], controller_id, pdisk_id)
        add_result = execute(add_cmd)
        if not 'Command successful!' in add_result[0]:
            raise Exception("Cannot create vdisk on port %s for controller %s.\n"
                            "Error: %s ") % \
                           (pdisk_id, controller_id, str(add_result))

        Device added, so partition and format it
        if format:
            disk.format_device(device_name, '3T', device_id)
        Now let's mount the device back into the system
        Let's go ahead and turn the indicator light off
            self.switch_led('unblink', controller_id, pdisk_id)
            # We'll just pass for now. In the future it'd be cool to get
            # notified when this happens. TODO