예제 #1
def solve_xor_rec():

    in_keys = [-1,-2]
    out_keys = [0]
    hidden_keys = [1]

    nodes = []
    nodes.append(Neuron(1, {
        'activation_function': heaviside,
        'integration_function': sum,
        'bias' : -1.5,
        'activity': 0,
        'output': 0,
        'weights': [(-1, 1),(-2,1)]

    nodes.append(Neuron(0, {
        'activation_function': heaviside,
        'integration_function': sum,
        'bias': -0.5,
        'activity': 0,
        'output': 0,
        'weights': [(-1,1),(-2,1),(1,-10)]

    net = SwitchNeuronNetwork(in_keys,out_keys,nodes)
    return net
예제 #2
def solve_one_to_many():

    input_keys = [-1, -2, -3, -4]
    output_keys = [0,1]
    node_keys = [3,4,5]
    switch_keys = [7,8,9,10,11,12]

    nodes = []

    node_weights = {3: [(-1, 1), (-4, 1)], 4: [(-2, 1), (-4, 1)], 5: [(-3, 1), (-4, 1)]}
    modulating_nodes_dict = {
        'activation_function': lambda x: clamp(x,-1,1),
        'integration_function': mult,
        'activity': 0,
        'output': 0,
        'bias' : 1
    for i in node_keys:
        node_dict = copy.deepcopy(modulating_nodes_dict)
        node_dict['weights'] = node_weights[i]
        nodes.append(Neuron(i, node_dict))

    slow, fast = 0,0
    switch_std_w = {}
    while fast < len(switch_keys):
        switch_std_w[switch_keys[fast]] = [(input_keys[slow], 1), (input_keys[slow], -1)]
        fast += 1
        switch_std_w[switch_keys[fast]] = [(input_keys[slow], 1), (input_keys[slow], -1)]

    w1, w2 = 0.5, 1
    switch_mod_w = {7: [(3,w2)], 8: [(7,w1)], 9: [(4,w2)], 10:[(9,w1)], 11: [(5,w2)], 12: [(11,w1)]}

    for key in switch_keys:

    out_w = {0 : [(8,1), (10,1), (12,1)], 1: [(7,1), (9,1), (11,1)]}
    out_dict = {
        'activation_function': heaviside,
        'integration_function': sum,
        'activity': 0,
        'output': 0,
        'bias' : 0
    for key in output_keys:
        params = copy.deepcopy(out_dict)
        params['weights'] = out_w[key]

    net = SwitchNeuronNetwork(input_keys,output_keys,nodes)
    return net
예제 #3
def solve_one_to_one_3x3():
    input_keys = [-1, -2, -3, -4]
    output_keys = [0]
    switch_keys = [1, 2, 3]
    node_keys = [4, 5, 6]

    nodes = []

    modulating_nodes_dict = {
        'activation_function': lambda x: clamp(x,-10,10),
        'integration_function': mult,
        'activity': 0,
        'output': 0,

    node_weights = {4: [(-1, 1), (-4, 1)], 5: [(-2, 1), (-4, 1)], 6: [(-3, 1), (-4, 1)]}
    for i in node_keys:
        node_dict = copy.deepcopy(modulating_nodes_dict)
        node_dict['weights'] = node_weights[i]
        nodes.append(Neuron(i, node_dict))

    switch_std_weights = {
        1: [(-1, 10), (-1, 0), (-1, -10)],
        2: [(-2, 10), (-2, 0), (-2, -10)],
        3: [(-3, 10), (-3, 0), (-3, -10)]
    switch_mod_weights = {
        1: [(4, 1 / 3)],
        2: [(5, 1 / 3)],
        3: [(6, 1 / 3)]
    for key in switch_keys:
        nodes.append(SwitchNeuron(key, switch_std_weights[key], switch_mod_weights[key]))

    node_0_std = {
        'activation_function': lambda x: clamp(x,-10,10),
        'integration_function': sum,
        'activity': 0,
        'output': 0,
        'weights': [(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)],
        'bias' : 0
    nodes.append(Neuron(0, node_0_std))

    net = SwitchNeuronNetwork(input_keys, output_keys, nodes)
    agent = Agent(net,lambda x: x,lambda x: convert_to_action(x))
    return agent
예제 #4
def solve_tmaze():

    input_keys = [-1,-2,-3,-4,-5]
    output_keys = [0]
    node_keys = [1,2,3]

    nodes = []

    #Aggregating neuron
    params = {
        'activation_function' : lambda x : x,
        'integration_function' : sum,
        'activity': 0,
        'output' : 0,
        'weights' : [(-1,-1), (-5,1)],

    m_params = {
        'activation_function': lambda x: clamp(x, -0.8,0),
        'integration_function': mult,
        'activity': 0,
        'output': 0,
        'weights': [(1, 1), (-4, 1)],
        'bias' : 1

    std_weights = [(-3,5), (-3,-5)]
    mod_weights = [(2,-1.25*0.5)]

    o_params = {
        'activation_function': tanh,
        'integration_function': sum,
        'activity': 0,
        'output': 0,
        'weights': [(3,1)],
        'bias' : 0

    net = SwitchNeuronNetwork(input_keys,output_keys,nodes)
    #For input, append the bias to -1 input
    agent = Agent(net, append_bias, convert_to_direction)
    return agent
def create(genome, config, map_size):
    """ Receives a genome and returns its phenotype (a SwitchNeuronNetwork). """
    genome_config = config.genome_config
    #required = required_for_output(genome_config.input_keys, genome_config.output_keys, genome.connections)

    input_keys = copy.deepcopy(genome_config.input_keys)
    output_keys = copy.deepcopy(genome_config.output_keys)
    # Gather inputs and expressed connections.
    std_inputs = {}
    mod_inputs = {}
    children = {}
    node_keys = set(genome.nodes.keys())  # + list(genome_config.input_keys[:])
    aux_keys = set()

    # Here we populate the children dictionary for each unique not isolated node.
    for n in genome.nodes.keys():

        children[n] = []
        if n in output_keys:
        #For this implementation everything besides the reward and the output is a map
        #if not genome.nodes[n].is_isolated:
        for _ in range(1, map_size):
            new_idx = max(node_keys) + 1

    #assume 2 input nodes: the first one will be scaled to a map and the second one will represent the reward
    n = input_keys[0]
    children[n] = []
    for _ in range(1, map_size):
        new_idx = min(input_keys) - 1
    n = input_keys[1]
    children[n] = []

    # We don't scale the output with the map size to keep passing the parameters of the network easy.
    # This part can be revised in the future
    for n in output_keys:
        children[n] = []
    #Iterate over every connection
    for cg in itervalues(genome.connections):
        #If it's not enabled don't include it
        # if not cg.enabled:
        #     continue

        i, o = cg.key
        #If neither node is required for output then skip the connection
        # if o not in required and i not in required:
        #     continue

        #Find the map corresponding to each node of the connection
        in_map = [i] + children[i]
        out_map = [o] + children[o]
        #If the connection is modulatory and the output neuron a switch neuron then the new weights are stored
        #in the mod dictionary. We assume that only switch neurons have a modulatory part.
        if cg.is_mod and genome.nodes[o].is_switch:
            node_inputs = mod_inputs
            node_inputs = std_inputs
        for n in out_map:
            if n not in node_inputs.keys():
                node_inputs[n] = []

        if len(in_map) == map_size and len(out_map) == map_size:
            # Map to map connectivity
            if cg.one2one:
                if cg.extended:
                    #extended one-to-
                    #create a new intermediatery map
                    for j in range(0, map_size):
                        idx = max(node_keys.union(aux_keys)) + 1
                        children[idx] = []
                        for _ in range(1, map_size):
                            new_idx = max(node_keys.union(aux_keys)) + 1
                        aux_map = [idx] + children[idx]
                        for node in aux_map:
                            node_inputs[node] = []
                        #add one to one connections between in_map and aux map with weight 1
                        for i in range(map_size):
                            node_inputs[aux_map[i]].append((in_map[j], 1))

                        #add one to one connections between aux map and out map with stepped weights
                        weights = calculate_weights(False, cg.weight, map_size)
                        for i in range(map_size):
                                (aux_map[i], weights[i]))
                    weight = cg.weight
                    for i in range(map_size):
                        node_inputs[out_map[i]].append((in_map[i], weight))

                # 1-to-all
                if not cg.uniform:
                    # Step
                    start = -cg.weight
                    end = cg.weight
                    step = (end - start) / (map_size - 1)
                    for o_n in out_map:
                        s = start
                        for i_n in in_map:
                            node_inputs[o_n].append((i_n, s))
                            s += step
                    # Uniform
                    for o_n in out_map:
                        for i_n in in_map:
                            node_inputs[o_n].append((i_n, cg.weight))

            # Map-to-isolated or isolated-to-isolated
            if not cg.uniform:
                # Step
                start = -cg.weight
                end = cg.weight
                step = (end - start) / (map_size - 1)
                for o_n in out_map:
                    s = start
                    for i_n in in_map:
                        node_inputs[o_n].append((i_n, s))
                        s += step
                # Uniform
                for o_n in out_map:
                    for i_n in in_map:
                        node_inputs[o_n].append((i_n, cg.weight))

    nodes = []

    #Sometimes the output neurons end up not having any connections during the evolutionary process. While we do not
    #desire such networks, we should still allow them to make predictions to avoid fatal errors.
    for okey in output_keys:
        if okey not in node_keys:
            std_inputs[okey] = []

    # While we cannot deduce the order of activations of the neurons due to the fact that we allow for arbitrary connection
    # schemes, we certainly want the output neurons to activate last.
    conns = {}
    for k in node_keys.union(aux_keys):
        conns[k] = []
    parents = children.keys()
    for k in conns.keys():
        if k in input_keys:
        if k not in conns.keys():
            conns[k] = []
        if k in std_inputs.keys():
            conns[k].extend([i for i, _ in std_inputs[k]])
        if k in mod_inputs.keys():
            conns[k].extend([i for i, _ in mod_inputs[k]])
    sorted_keys = order_of_activation(conns, input_keys, output_keys)

    #Edge case: when a genome has no connections, sorted keys ends up empty and crashes the program
    #If this happens, just activate the output nodes with the default activation: 0
    if not sorted_keys:
        sorted_keys = output_keys

    for node_key in sorted_keys:
        #all the children are handled with the parent
        if node_key not in parents:
        #if the node we are examining is not in our keys set then skip it. It means that it is not required for output.
        # if node_key not in node_keys:
        #     continue

        #if the node one of the originals present in the genotype, i.e. it's not one of the nodes we added for the
        #extended one to one scheme
        if node_key in genome.nodes:
            node = genome.nodes[node_key]
            node_map = [node_key] + children[node_key]
            if node.is_switch:
                # If the switch neuron does not have any incoming cnnections
                if node_key not in std_inputs.keys(
                ) and node_key not in mod_inputs.keys():
                    for n in node_map:
                        std_inputs[n] = []
                        mod_inputs[n] = []
                # if the switch neuron only has modulatory weights then we copy those weights for the standard part as well.
                # this is not the desired behaviour but it is done to avoid errors during forward pass.
                if node_key not in std_inputs.keys(
                ) and node_key in mod_inputs.keys():
                    for n in node_map:
                        std_inputs[n] = mod_inputs[n]
                if node_key not in mod_inputs.keys():
                    for n in node_map:
                        mod_inputs[n] = []
                #For the guided maps, all modulatory weights to switch neurons now weight 1/m
                if mod_inputs[node_key]:
                    for n in node_map:
                        new_w = 1 / len(std_inputs[n])
                        new_mod_w = [(inp, new_w) for inp, w in mod_inputs[n]]
                        mod_inputs[n] = new_mod_w
                for n in node_map:
                    nodes.append(SwitchNeuron(n, std_inputs[n], mod_inputs[n]))
            ###################### Switch neuron part ends here
            for n in node_map:
                if n not in std_inputs:
                    std_inputs[n] = []
                #For these guided maps, every hidden neuron that is not a switch neuron is a gating neuron
                if node_key in output_keys:
                    # Create the standard part dictionary for the neuron
                    #We also pre-determine the output neuron to help NEAT even more
                    params = {
                        'activation_function': identity,
                        'integration_function': sum,
                        'bias': node.bias,
                        'activity': 0,
                        'output': 0,
                        'weights': std_inputs[n]
                #Everything else is a gating neuron
                    params = {
                        'activation_function': identity,
                        'integration_function': prod,
                        'bias': node.bias,
                        'activity': 0,
                        'output': 0,
                        'weights': std_inputs[n]
                nodes.append(Neuron(n, params))

        #if the node is one of those we added with the extended one to one scheme
            node_map = [node_key] + children[node_key]
            for n in node_map:
                if n not in std_inputs:
                    std_inputs[n] = []

            # Create the standard part dictionary for the neuron
            for n in node_map:
                params = {
                    'activation_function': identity,
                    'integration_function': sum,
                    'bias': 0,
                    'activity': 0,
                    'output': 0,
                    'weights': std_inputs[n]
                nodes.append(Neuron(n, params))

    return SwitchNeuronNetwork(input_keys, output_keys, nodes)
def create(genome, config, map_size):
    """ Receives a genome and returns its phenotype (a SwitchNeuronNetwork). """
    genome_config = config.genome_config
    required = required_for_output(genome_config.input_keys,

    input_keys = genome_config.input_keys
    output_keys = genome_config.output_keys
    # Gather inputs and expressed connections.
    std_inputs = {}
    mod_inputs = {}
    children = {}
    node_keys = set(genome.nodes.keys())  # + list(genome_config.input_keys[:])

    # Here we populate the children dictionay for each unique not isolated node.
    for n in genome.nodes.keys():
        children[n] = []
        if not genome.nodes[n].is_isolated:
            for _ in range(1, map_size):
                new_idx = max(node_keys) + 1
    # We don't scale the output with the map size to keep passing the parameters of the network easy.
    # This part can be revised in the future
    for n in chain(input_keys, output_keys):
        children[n] = []
    #Iterate over every connection
    for cg in itervalues(genome.connections):
        #If it's not enabled don't include it
        if not cg.enabled:

        i, o = cg.key
        #If neither node is required for output then skip the connection
        if o not in required and i not in required:

        #Find the map corresponding to each node of the connection
        in_map = [i] + children[i]
        out_map = [o] + children[o]
        #If the connection is modulatory and the output neuron a switch neuron then the new weights are stored
        #in the mod dictionary. We assume that only switch neurons have a modulatory part.
        if cg.is_mod and genome.nodes[o].is_switch:
            node_inputs = mod_inputs
            node_inputs = std_inputs
        for n in out_map:
            if n not in node_inputs.keys():
                node_inputs[n] = []

        if len(in_map) == map_size and len(out_map) == map_size:
            # Map to map connectivity
            if cg.one2one:
                # 1-to-1 mapping
                weight = cg.weight
                for i in range(map_size):
                    node_inputs[out_map[i]].append((in_map[i], weight))

                # 1-to-all
                if not cg.uniform:
                    # Step
                    start = -cg.weight
                    end = cg.weight
                    step = (end - start) / (map_size - 1)
                    for o_n in out_map:
                        s = start
                        for i_n in in_map:
                            node_inputs[o_n].append((i_n, s))
                            s += step
                    # Uniform
                    for o_n in out_map:
                        for i_n in in_map:
                            node_inputs[o_n].append((i_n, cg.weight))

            # Map-to-isolated or isolated-to-isolated
            if not cg.uniform:
                # Step
                start = -cg.weight
                end = cg.weight
                step = (end - start) / (map_size - 1)
                for o_n in out_map:
                    s = start
                    for i_n in in_map:
                        node_inputs[o_n].append((i_n, s))
                        s += step
                # Uniform
                for o_n in out_map:
                    for i_n in in_map:
                        node_inputs[o_n].append((i_n, cg.weight))

    nodes = []

    #Sometimes the output neurons end up not having any connections during the evolutionary process. While we do not
    #desire such networks, we should still allow them to make predictions to avoid fatal errors.
    for okey in output_keys:
        if okey not in node_keys:
            std_inputs[okey] = []

    # While we cannot deduce the order of activations of the neurons due to the fact that we allow for arbitrary connection
    # schemes, we certainly want the output neurons to activate last.
    input_keys = genome_config.input_keys
    output_keys = genome_config.output_keys
    conns = {}
    for k in genome.nodes.keys():
        if k not in std_inputs:
            std_inputs[k] = []
            if k in children:
                for c in children[k]:
                    std_inputs[c] = []
        conns[k] = [i for i, _ in std_inputs[k]]
    sorted_keys = order_of_activation(conns, input_keys, output_keys)

    for node_key in sorted_keys:
        #if the node we are examining is not in our keys set then skip it. It means that it is not required for output.
        if node_key not in node_keys:

        node = genome.nodes[node_key]
        node_map = [node_key] + children[node_key]
        if node.is_switch:

            #If the node doesn't have any inputs then it is not needed
            if node_key not in std_inputs.keys(
            ) and node_key not in mod_inputs.keys():
            # if the switch neuron only has modulatory weights then we copy those weights for the standard part as well.
            # this is not the desired behaviour but it is done to avoid errors during forward pass.
            if node_key not in std_inputs.keys(
            ) and node_key in mod_inputs.keys():
                for n in node_map:
                    std_inputs[n] = mod_inputs[n]
            if node_key not in mod_inputs:
                for n in node_map:
                    mod_inputs[n] = []
            for n in node_map:
                nodes.append(SwitchNeuron(n, std_inputs[n], mod_inputs[n]))
        for n in node_map:
            if n not in std_inputs:
                std_inputs[n] = []

        # Create the standard part dictionary for the neuron
        for n in node_map:
            params = {
            nodes.append(Neuron(n, params))

    return SwitchNeuronNetwork(input_keys, output_keys, nodes)
def create(genome, config):
    genome_config = config.genome_config
    required = required_for_output(genome_config.input_keys,
    input_keys = genome_config.input_keys
    output_keys = genome_config.output_keys

    #A dictionary where we keep the modulatory weights for every node
    mod_weights = {}
    #A dictionary where we keep the standard weights for every node
    std_weights = {}
    #Create a set with the keys of the nodes in the network
    keys = set()
    #Iterate over the connections
    for cg in itervalues(genome.connections):
        #if not cg.enabled:
        #    continue

        i, o = cg.key
        #If neither of the nodes in the connection are required for output then skip this connection
        if o not in required and i not in required:

        if i not in input_keys:
        #In this implementation, only switch neurons have a modulatory part
        if genome.nodes[o].is_switch:
            #Add the weight to the modulatory part of the o node and continue with the next connection
            if cg.is_mod:
                if o not in mod_weights.keys():
                    mod_weights[o] = [(i, cg.weight)]
                    mod_weights[o].append((i, cg.weight))
        #If the connection is not modulatory
        #Add the weight to the standard weight of the o node.
        if o not in std_weights.keys():
            std_weights[o] = [(i, cg.weight)]
            std_weights[o].append((i, cg.weight))
    #Create the array with the network's nodes
    nodes = []

    #Sometimes the output neurons end up not having any connections during the evolutionary process. While we do not
    #desire such networks, we should still allow them to make predictions to avoid fatal errors.
    for okey in output_keys:

    for k in keys:
        if k not in std_weights:
            std_weights[k] = []

    #While we cannot deduce the order of activations of the neurons due to the fact that we allow for arbitrary connection
    #schemes, we certainly want the output neurons to activate last.
    conns = {}
    for k in keys:
        conns[k] = [i for i, w in std_weights[k]]
    sorted_keys = order_of_activation(conns, input_keys, output_keys)

    #Create the nodes of the network based on the weights dictionaries created above and the genome.
    for node_key in sorted_keys:
        if node_key not in keys:
        node = genome.nodes[node_key]
        if node.is_switch:
            #If the node doesn't have any connections then it is not needed
            if node_key not in std_weights.keys(
            ) and node_key not in mod_weights.keys():
            #if the switch neuron only has modulatory weights then we copy those weights for the standard part as well.
            #this is not the desired behaviour but it is done to avoid errors during forward pass.
            if node_key not in std_weights.keys() and node_key in mod_weights:
                std_weights[node_key] = mod_weights[node_key]
            if node_key not in mod_weights.keys():
                mod_weights[node_key] = []
                SwitchNeuron(node_key, std_weights[node_key],

        if node_key not in std_weights:
            std_weights[node_key] = []

        #Create the standard part dictionary for the neuron
        params = {
        nodes.append(Neuron(node_key, params))

    return SwitchNeuronNetwork(input_keys, output_keys, nodes)
    def create(genome, config):
        genome_config = config.genome_config
        required = required_for_output(genome_config.input_keys, genome_config.output_keys, genome.connections)
        input_keys = genome_config.input_keys
        output_keys = genome_config.output_keys

        #A dictionary where we keep the standard weights for every node
        std_weights = {}
        #Create a set with the keys of the nodes in the network
        keys = set()
        #Iterate over the connections
        for cg in itervalues(genome.connections):
            #if not cg.enabled:
            #    continue

            i, o = cg.key
            #If neither of the nodes in the connection are required for output then skip this connection
            if o not in required and i not in required:

            if i not in input_keys:

            #Add the weight to the standard weight of the o node.
            if o not in std_weights.keys():
                std_weights[o] = [(i,cg.weight)]
        #Create the array with the network's nodes
        nodes = []
        #Sometimes the output neurons end up not having any connections during the evolutionary process. While we do not
        #desire such networks, we should still allow them to make predictions to avoid fatal errors.
        for okey in output_keys:
            if okey not in keys:
                std_weights[okey] = []

        #Sometimes a neuron emerges which is only connected to the output neurons with an outgoing connection
        for k in keys:
            if k not in std_weights.keys():
                std_weights[k] = []
        #Deduce the order of activation of the neurons
        conns = {}
        for node in std_weights.keys():
            conns[node] = [inp for inp, weight in std_weights[node]]
        sorted_keys = order_of_activation(conns, input_keys, output_keys)

        #Create the nodes of the network based on the weights dictionaries created above and the genome.
        for node_key in sorted_keys:
            if node_key not in keys:
            node = genome.nodes[node_key]

            #Create the standard part dictionary for the neuron
            params = {
                'activation_function' : genome_config.activation_defs.get(node.activation),
                'integration_function' : genome_config.aggregation_function_defs.get(node.aggregation),
                'bias' : node.bias,
                'activity' : 0,
                'output' : 0,
                'weights' : std_weights[node_key]

        return RecurrentNetwork(input_keys,output_keys,nodes)
예제 #9
    def create(genome, config, map_size):
        """ Receives a genome and returns its phenotype (a MapNetwork). """
        genome_config = config.genome_config
        required = required_for_output(genome_config.input_keys,

        # Gather inputs and expressed connections.
        node_inputs = {}
        children = {}
        node_keys = list(
            genome.nodes.keys())[:]  #+ list(genome_config.input_keys[:])
        # for key in genome_config.input_keys + genome_config.output_keys:
        #     children[key] = []
        #     for i in range(1,map_size):
        #         if key < 0:
        #             new_idx = min(node_keys) - 1
        #         else:
        #             new_idx = max(node_keys) + 1
        #         children[key].append(new_idx)
        #         node_keys.append(new_idx)

        for cg in itervalues(genome.connections):
            if not cg.enabled:

            i, o = cg.key
            if o not in required and i not in required:

            for n in [i, o]:
                if n in children.keys():
                children[n] = []
                if n in genome_config.input_keys or n in genome_config.output_keys:
                if not genome.nodes[n].is_isolated:
                    for _ in range(1, map_size):
                        new_idx = max(node_keys) + 1

            in_map = [i] + children[i]
            out_map = [o] + children[o]
            for n in out_map:
                if n not in node_inputs.keys():
                    node_inputs[n] = []

            if len(in_map) == map_size and len(out_map) == map_size:
                #Map to map connectivity
                if cg.one_to_one:
                    #1-to-1 mapping
                    weight = 5 * cg.weight
                    for i_n in range(map_size):
                        node_inputs[out_map[i_n]].append((in_map[i_n], weight))

                    if cg.is_gaussian:
                        for o_n in out_map:
                            for i_n in in_map:
                                     np.random.normal(cg.weight, cg.sigma)))
                        for o_n in out_map:
                            for i_n in in_map:
                                node_inputs[o_n].append((i_n, 5 * cg.weight))

                #Map-to-isolated or isolated-to-isolated
                if cg.is_gaussian:
                    # Gaussian
                    for o_n in out_map:
                        for i_n in in_map:
                                (i_n, np.random.normal(cg.weight, cg.sigma)))
                    # Uniform
                    for o_n in out_map:
                        for i_n in in_map:                            \
                                                        node_inputs[o_n].append((i_n, 5 * cg.weight))

        input_keys = genome_config.input_keys
        output_keys = genome_config.output_keys
        conns = {}
        for k in genome.nodes.keys():
            if k not in node_inputs:
                node_inputs[k] = []
                if k in children:
                    for c in children[k]:
                        node_inputs[c] = []
            conns[k] = [i for i, _ in node_inputs[k]]
        sorted_keys = order_of_activation(conns, input_keys, output_keys)
        nodes = []
        for node_key in sorted_keys:
            if node_key not in genome.nodes.keys():
            node = genome.nodes[node_key]

            activation_function = genome_config.activation_defs.get(
            aggregation_function = genome_config.aggregation_function_defs.get(
                    node_key, {
                        'activation_function': activation_function,
                        'integration_function': aggregation_function,
                        'bias': node.bias,
                        'activity': 0,
                        'output': 0,
                        'weights': node_inputs[node_key]

            if node_key not in children:

            for n in children[node_key]:
                        n, {
                            'activation_function': activation_function,
                            'integration_function': aggregation_function,
                            'bias': node.bias,
                            'activity': 0,
                            'output': 0,
                            'weights': node_inputs[n]

        # for key in genome_config.input_keys:
        #     input_keys.append(key)
        #     if key in children.keys():
        #         for child in children[key]:
        #             input_keys.append(child)
        # for key in genome_config.output_keys:
        #     output_keys.append(key)
        #     if key in children.keys():
        #         for child in children[key]:
        #             output_keys.append(child)

        return MapNetwork(input_keys, output_keys, nodes)